Monday, January 13, 2025

Where to send your testimony or complaint in the Gregorian Bivolaru case - Paris

In a comment on 12.01.2025 an anonymous female reader of the blog wrote:

But where can we send letters about being abused? They say only 6 women testified against them. There'd actually be a lot more of us if they didn't "have something" on us. Many of us had no choice but to forgive, forget and move on."

Similar questions have been asked several times here on the blog since the guru Gregorian Bivolaru was arrested.  

Victims can send their testimonies or complaints to the following e-mail address.

They can address them directly to prosecutor Laure Beccuau (Procureur de la Republique).

They can also be sent to the email address of Mr. Rudolphe Bosselut, the lawyer of the victims who have already filed complaints against the guru Gregorian Bivolaru.

Please forward this information to MISA victims that you know.

DNPJ is La Direction Nationale de la Police Judiciaire - The National Directorate of the Judicial Police in France.
OCRVP is the Office Central pour la Répression des Violences aux Personnes - Central Office for the Repression of Violence against Persons of the DNPJ.
Caimades is the Assistance and Intervention Unit of the OCRVP in matters of confessional derivation, specialized in the psychological control of victims.


  1. Am scris, am primit raspuns. Am vrut, dar nu pot sa ajut cu nimic. Imi pare rau!
    Afectiunea mea merge catre victime. Dumnezeu sa le ajute in demersul lor!


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