Tuesday, October 25, 2022


If a swindler deceives a fool, then most of the blame lies with the swindler, who turns out to be an unscrupulous scoundrel.
But if a swindler deceives a man gifted with intelligence, then much of the fault lies with the deceived, because he does not use his intelligence.

"Conspiracy theory" is an unverified hypothesis advanced by an individual or a group of individuals, with the aim of explaining events
whose causality and evolution are not ordinarily visible.
It expresses the belief that certain events or situations are being secretly manipulated by occult forces.
The fact that, in such a theory, the occult forces involved are most often dubious or even evil, shows that the theory
is not created for the purpose of explaining or understanding what the truth is, but to arouse interest and to had a psychological impact,
which shows a manipulative character from the start.
Few people are really interested in the unseen action of some divine forces, which is actually the object of religion,
a manifestation that has become purely formal.

The name ”theory” shows that it is an assumption or hypothesis that is not supported by solid evidence, beyond doubt.
It's basically a rumor, often unfounded.
When there are unknown areas in the course of events, there is a tendency to advance hypotheses to fill these gaps,
and these hypotheses, in their turn, are not supported by evidence.

Some conspiracy theories arise from the simple need to provide explanations for hidden events, while others are created and spread
by interest groups with the aim of manipulating the situation in their favor.
Those who launch them look for beneficiaries of the event or situation, thus identifying the conspirators.
They then identifies events that they models to fit the theory, presenting them as evidence.
Because they concern alleged hidden facts, conspiracy theories are difficult to combat; moreover, any person who attempts to do so
is immediately considered to be involved in the conspiracy.

By creating the appearance of logical explanations for events or situations that are difficult to understand,
conspiracy theories give the false impression of clarifying and controlling the situation.
People subscribe to conspiracy theories out of a desire to appear wise and feel powerful because they understand the situation.
Conspiracy theories have expanded a lot lately, taking advantage of social networks that spread them with great speed.
Being a very effective manipulative force, conspiracy theories underlie the creation and leadership of action-oriented groups
such as cults and "revolutionary" or anarchist social movements.

At MISA®, conspiracy theories were present almost from the beginning of the movement's activity and had specific roles.
It is natural that this happens, because MISA® has set out to offer a philosophy that explains in its own way all aspects of existence
("integral esoteric school"), which implies the idea that nothing is accidental and that there are no coincidences, everything has an artificial cause
and everything is connected but, at the same time, nothing is what we think it is because, if it were so, then we wouldn't need
the spiritual teachings of the group anymore.

When it is aimed at attracting and impelling followers in the sense of the ideas promoted by the organization,
conspiracy theories involving the "light forces" are used:
Shambala that supports the spiritual mission of MISA® and the Romanian people, beneficial ETs that are ready to liberate humanity
and offer solutions to all problems, visionaries like Tesla or Keshe, but also revolutionaries or "providential" political leaders
like Trump or Putin, etc.

When it comes to mobilizing and uniting followers in the direction of certain actions, then it comes to the involvement of the "class enemy",
i.e. the "forces of darkness" aka the Occult: Cabal, Freemasonry, evil ETs and reptilians, the Illuminati, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers,
Soros, Bill Gates - all of these fighting, of course, to destroy the "MISA® school" and its Guide.

If one can understand the recourse to the intervention of shadow forces in the case of wars or socio-economic crises, on the other hand,
at MISA® there are no longer natural phenomena: all events of a greater magnitude are caused by the interventions of the Occult.
No more natural droughts, hurricanes or earthquakes; all are caused by HAARP installations or Black Projects.

There are no more natural diseases or epidemics, only those artificially produced by evil forces.
Only small-scale phenomena still have natural causes (what interest would the Occult have in producing very small earthquakes or local storms?);
instead, everything that has an impact on a larger scale necessarily has an artificial cause (even in the case of solar explosions,
huge extraterrestrial ships are sometimes "seen" near the Sun or even disguised as comets like ISON).

The conspiracy theories circulated at MISA® are generally taken from other authors by copy-paste, but always with ”necessary additions" method,
modified in the desired direction.
At MISA® there is no verification of what is stated.
They, who loudly claim that yoga is primarily about verification through direct practical experience, take over convenient rumors
without the slightest verification - not even on the basis of common sense - and then modify them for their own benefit.

Warned that there are a lot of conflicting articles on the MISA®'s website, its Administrator responded:
"The YogaEsoteric portal has many editors, plus dozens of other contributors.
We at the editorial office cannot verify the sources nor all the articles posted by the editors."
The principle of Truth, SATYA? Who cares?

Some of the conspiracy theories promoted at MISA® were created by others who had never even heard of MISA® in their lives,
but ended up having MISA® at their core! How did this ”miracle” happen?
It is the result of the manipulation of these theories in the desired sense by Bivolaru and those in the leadership of the movement,
in order to achieve their goals.
This maneuver of Bivolaru and of the MISA® leaders to modify the theories they invoke presents an aspect of contradiction in itself:
although they refers to the respective theories as if they were the ultimate undeniable truth, their addition and modification shows
that, at the same time, the manipulators consider them to be incomplete and imperfect. So their own sources are imperfect.


After the "honeymoon" in which everything was a divine plan supported by Shambala, by 1992-1993 they began to spread within MISA® courses
the first "serious revelations" about the "planetary satanic conspiracy of Freemasonry", the secret society created to build the "New World Order".
About Freemasonry, Bivolaru said it's the only organization that, in order to achieve its goals, uses the manipulation of subtle energies.
This is done through rituals of invoking satanic evil entities and occult spheres of force (see article Freemasonry and satanic rituals - link).


Bivolaru always presented himself as an expert in Freemasonry and wrote brochures about its actions:
SHAKTI Publishing House 1996 (link scan or editable text)

According to him, the evidence of the existence of Freemasonry is found in the "Protocols of the Freemason Masters",
concluded by the different sections of the Great Masonic Congress, which was held in Switzerland, in Basel in 1897
and forms the program Masonic for world conquest.
But these "Protocols” were published for the first time in Russia at the beginning of the last century, are called the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
and are considered by some researchers to be "a forgery (plagiarism) after a previously published political satire text" (see here).

Bivolaru repeatedly claimed that the proof of the authenticity of the Protocols would be found in the very fact that they are fulfilling before our eyes,
but this is not a proof, but simply the text can be "inspired" directly from the reality of human society, and a hint of this would be
the clear impression this texts leaves that they are written in a very ostentatious way, as if in order to resemble a description
of the state of society of those times, quite similar to that of our days.

In fact, the Great All-Knower of the Universe Bivolaru has made blunders before in spreading falsehoods about Freemasonry.
In the conference on "The Vaccine Pandemic - part 2", Bivolaru spoke about an alleged 1992 statement attributed to John D. Rockefeller.
But in the Rockefeller family, there were only two people with this name:
John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (July 8, 1839 – May 23, 1937+) and John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (January 29, 1874 – May 11, 1960+),
so neither was alive in 1992.
Also, the alleged statement talks about video games and AIDS, which could not have been known to either of the two John D. Rockefellers,
as well as terms that were not known or used in 1992: "nanoparticles, nanotechnology, HAARP technology , chemtrails”.

Bivolaru has also written books and articles on how to recognize the messages, orders and actions of Freemasonry:
All the documents can be found here.


The revealed purpose of Freemasonry is the destruction of the sovereignty of nations and the installation of the dictatorship
of a world government (link).
article: MASONRY and the WORLD WE LIVE in  (link)


Bivolaru states that Freemasonry is a satanic sect:
- article: Freemasonry and satanic rituals” (link)
- articles: ”The Freemasons' shocking prayer to Satan. The Great Architect of the Universe = Lucifer” (part 1 part 2 and part 3)
- article: Three undeniable proofs that freemasonry is a satanic sect” (link)

On the MISA®'s website, a series of articles has been posted about the case of Diana Vaughan, former "High Priestess" of Lucifer:
”The case of Diana Vaughan, former «Great Priestess» of Lucifer” (part 1part 2)

But this case was proven to be false, a fact acknowledged and publicly confessed by its author, the French journalist and writer
Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès, under the pseudonym Léo Taxil.
Together with his friend Charles Hacks (reunited under the pseudonym Dr. Bataille), Taxil publishes the magazine ”Le diable au XIXe siècle”
(”The devil in the XIX century” - link), in which Diane Vaughan, the daughter of a Paladist Freemason,
it is said to have been initiated as a young woman into Luciferian rituals by her father.

Then, in "Revue Mensuelle" her confessions appear, under the title "Mémoires d'une ex-palladiste parfaite, initiée, indépendante"
("Memoirs of a perfect, initiated, independent ex-palladist" - read here) and then gathered in a book with Léo Taxil as the author (link).
Diane Vaughan tells of his Luciferic initiation and then his conversion to faith in God.

These confessions are a huge public success and are believed as authentic (including the nun Thérèse de Lisieux - known for her states of religious ecstasy
and later canonized - sent her a letter of support and a photo of herself, dressed in armor like Joan of Arc).
Despite the fact that the public was convinced these confessions were real, despite the confirmation about real existence of Diana Vaughan
from the residents of her city (Charleston, Kentucky), despite the support from the clergy of the Catholic Church,
some of its members doubted the authenticity of these accounts, though were a great victory of the Church against satanic forces.

On September 26, 1896, the International Anti-Masonic Congress was held in Trento, under the patronage of Pope Léon XIII,
known for the Encyclical Letter "Humanum Genus" of April 20, 1884 - one of the most virulent indictments against Freemasonry.
During the Congress, several participants from Germany expressed doubts about the veracity of Diana Vaughan's statements.
Under public pressure, Léo Taxil announces that Diana Vaughan will make a public appearance on April 19, 1897,
at the Hall of the Geographical Society in Paris.
But at that conference, only Léo Taxil appears, who admits that it's all a hoax he set up to make fun of the Catholic clergy
and that Diana Vaughan is his typist who wrote what he dictated.
In fact, Léo Taxil also had other writings mocking Catholicism, such as "The Funny Bible" (La Bible amusante) and "The Life of Jesus" (La Vie de Jesus),
in which he satirized what he considered errors and false beliefs in these religious works.

His speech, which caused a huge scandal that required the intervention of the Police, can be read in full in French and in English:
”Léo Taxil avoue sa supercherie” - ”Leo Taxil confesses his deception” (see in French or in English)

”In the course of time, I happened to secure two collaborators, not more than two: one was a fellow I knew since childhood,
whom I took at first for a ride and to whom I ascribed the pseudonym of Dr. Bataille; the other was Miss Diana Vaughan, a French Protestant,
rather on the free-thinking side, a professional typist and the representative of one of the typewriter manufacturers in the United States.
I needed both to achieve the success of the last episode of this joyful prank, which American newspapers call "the biggest hoax of modern times”.
Of course, this last episode had to end in April, the month of pranks - and let us not forget that the hoax also started in April, on April 23, 1885...

I could not ask her point-blank. I studied her first. Little by little, I interested her in devilry, which greatly amused her.
She is, as I said, rather a free-thinker than a Protestant. Consequently, she was amazed to find out that in this century of progress,
there are still people who believe seriously in all the nonsense of the Middle Ages.
Finally, I convinced Miss Vaughan to become my accomplice for the final success of my hoax.
I drew a fixed agreement with her: 150 francs per month for typing manuscripts as well as for letters which should be copied by hand.
It goes without saying that should trips be necessary, all her expenses would be defrayed; but she never accepted any money as a gift.
In fact, she enjoyed the prank quite a lot and took a liking to it.
Corresponding with Bishops, Cardinals, receiving letters from the private secretary of the Sovereign Pontiff, telling them fairy tales,
informing the Vatican about the dark plots of luciferians, all this set her in an inexpressible gaiety, she thanked me
for associating her with this huge prank.
Had she possessed the great wealth we attributed to her to make her prestige greater, she would have never accepted the price agreed for her collaboration,
and further she would have paid for all the costs wholeheartedly.

Before ending, I must pay my respects to an unknown hoaxster, a shrewd American colleague.
Among hoaxsters, one understands each other from one end of the world to the other without needing to exchange letters, without even having to drop a call.
Respects therefore to the dear citizen of Kentucky who had the friendly thought of helping us without any prior agreement,
who confirmed the revelations of Miss Diana Vaughan to the Louisville Courier-Journal, who certified to whoever wanted to hear
that he had known Miss Diana Vaughan intimately for seven or eight years and that he often met her in the various secret societies
of Europe and America... where she never set foot.”

Taxil presented letters of support received by Diana Vaughan from the deputy of Pope Leo XIII - Cardinal Parocchi,
the personal secretary of the Pope - Vincenzo Sardi, the most important Catholic newspaper - Civiltà Cattolica, etc.
All details of the "Taxil business" can be found here.

Let's be clear: Masonic lodges exist in reality, they are displayed publicly without a curtain and, despite the Masons' claims
that they are eminently "workers of light", the fact that in all countries, those with decision-making positions in politics, banking,
army and secret services , economy, education, health, media are almost all members in freemasonry, it is not a white ball for them,
because it means that freemasonry is also involved in the villainy of the human society of the last centuries.
But blaming Freemasonry with stories and conspiracy theories that turn out to be hoaxes - as Bivolaru and MISA® do -
does nothing but serve this society.


articles: ”The shocking testimonies of some former Freemasons” (link)
The testimonies of former MISA® students aren't relaxing either...


During a conference in the "Morals and bad habits" series, Bivolaru stated that Freemasonry tried to kill him and always persecuted him:
"The Masons threatened us with death, and we even had a devastating explosion at our home.
There were attempts to buy us and thus silence us.
We were first offered the sum of 6 million 660 euros to abolish the yoga school, that we would be left in peace and we won't end up in jail.
We did not give in to these blackmails, nor will we ever give in...
If we don't do what is required of us..., we will have a new criminal record and we will end up behind bars again."

When he uses the first person plural (like Gollum), Bivolaru refers to himself, not to a group. He also says:
"After I was released from prison in Romania, an arrest warrant was again issued for us in Finland", which is only valid for him and not for another!

Bivolaru accuses freemasonry for the methods of intimidation and pressure on justice regarding him, but what about the menace message
received by one of the judges, on the very last day of the Bivolaru's trial? (see here)
What about the threatening messages from the MISA® leadership to those who divulge the lies and vile actions of the organization?
Bivolaru states that, following a conference on Freemasonry held in Paris in February 2004, the occult organization would have given the order for him
to be eliminated, and this would explain the campaign launched on March 18, 2004 against him and MISA®:
see video: ”Gregorian Bivolaru about Freemasonry and Illuminati” - Paris, february 2004

Then how is it explained that, after receiving political asylum in Sweden in 2005, Bivolaru was in Paris, where he was captured
by the French Police in 2016 and then extradited to Romania?
How is it that all MISA®'s books and posts against Freemasonry can be found on the Internet for years, where can be taken without problems,
as can be seen?
How difficult would it be for the "almighty and omnipresent Occult" to close the sites of MISA®?

Article (here):
In his first interview since his capture, GURU Bivolaru reveals why he is waiting to be killed.
"The judge who reviewed my case was a Mason".

He was not killed in the penitentiary (in fact he declared that he was treated well), although it was the most favorable place
for Freemasonry to liquidate him.
The truth is that Bivolaru need a "dark counterpart", by comparison with which he would appear as "the fighter of light, the great divine hero";
besides, he need to victimize himself and also need an enemy to blame for what it happens to him.
He doesn't make mistakes or negative deeds, the guilt thrown at him are imaginary ...

Bivolaru always claims that he is hunted and threatened by secret societies.
Here are the links to the alleged threatening letters.
It is worth noting the ostentatious style (as if for the retarded) of these so-called letters, as if their authors wanted to highlight
the danger in which Bivolaru is permanently and his heroism:

1) "Incoming letters" from Bucharest, Romania to the home address of Bivolaru in Sweden:
Letter Sweden 1 (link)
We will kill you, Gregorian Bivolaru.
We have prepared an explosion for you that will kill you this time, Gregorian Bivolaru.”

This letter is meant to suggest that the explosion followed by fire that took place in February 1995 at his home (event mentioned above)
would have been set up by the same organization (”the freemasons”) who ”threaten” him in the present letter.

Letter Sweden 2 (link)
Shadow Victory, Fire 666 street , Bucharest, Romania
”Even if you escaped in Malmo, the assassins we paid will kill you, Gregorian Bivolaru.”

Through this letter, it is implied that there was an assassination attempt on Bivolaru while he was detained in Malmo prison,
which would also justify the protective measures taken by the Swedish authorities during the trial of his request for political asylum
at the Court Supreme of Sweden.
It is also suggested that those who threaten him the same ones who set fire to his home in 1995 and that they are part
of a satanic organization (666) from shadow (darkness) so, by contrast, Bivolaru is from the divine side, that of light...

Letter Sweden 3 (link)
We will burn you alive in a fire that we have prepared for you, Gregorian Bivolaru.”

Letter Sweden 4 (link)
"Bivolaru, we will kill you!"
On the stamp representing an appeal to help victims of the 2005 floods, it reads:
"Help your peers to find their country!", which suggests "the order of the secret societies to bring back the refugee Bivolaru to Romania".

Letter Sweden 5 (link)
"You have wronged us too badly! The punishment will be your death, Bivolaru!
From Sc. P DUE SRL, Galati Romania"
The involvement of the Masonic lodge P2 (Propaganda Due) from... Italy is suggested!

Letter Sweden 6 (link)
"Gregorian, you are dead! The brotherhood has cursed you!
As an irony, "The Brotherhood has cursed you!" and "You have wronged us too badly!" sounds more like Bivolaru
was a member of a secret group and broke his oaths to it!

Letter Sweden 7 (link)
"Gregorian Bivolaru, today we will kill you!"
This kind of threat is stupid because if it is not carried out by the announced deadline, it gives the impression of a simple scare
or even a prank!

Letter Sweden 8 (link)
”For mr. Bivolaru. You ignore us, you die!

It's funny how an alleged group of killers addresses the victim with friendly or respectful expressions, like "Gregorian” (only First Name),
"Gregorian Bivolaru” (First Name, Last Name) or "Mr. Bivolaru", instead of the authoritative address "Bivolaru Gregorian” (Last Name, First Name),
which often suggests the quality of defendant or criminal, or simply "Bivolaru", without the wording of respect!

"Incoming letters" from Bucharest, Romania to the NATHA address

NATHA letter 1 (link)
Even if you escaped in Malmo, the assassins we paid will kill you, Gregorian Bivolaru.”

NATHA letter 2 (link)
Shadow Victory, Fire 666 street , Bucharest, Romania
We will burn you alive in a fire that we have prepared for you, Gregorian Bivolaru.”

A combination of letter 2 and letter 3 "received" at the Swedish home address mentioned above!
It is noted that this letter actually has more logic than the 2nd letter above, which is illogical because it associates a fire
(actually produced at Bivolaru's home in Romania) with an assassination attempt during his detention in Sweden,
but an assassination by fire is highly unlikely in a maximum security prison.
This letter would rather show that those who sent the letters to him messed up the messages, as if they had all the messages prepared from the beginning.
Most likely, the letters were drafted by those in Bivolaru's entourage, but they messed up the letters...

NATHA letter 3 (link)
"No one can guard you, you saw in Malmo that we have reached you.
Now we're taking your life, Gregorian Bivolaru!"

"Now if you don't mind, with your permission, we will take your life, dear master, sir!
We will kill you until you die, we will follow you on Twitter...”

NATHA letter 4 (link)
”For Bivolaru. Do you remember the bomb in your apartment on Turturică Street?
That was just a warning. From now on, you are the target.

It is insinuated that the 1995 explosion and fire in Bivolaru's apartment was set up by those who threaten him.
Note again the stamp that suggests the order for Bivolaru to be brought back to Romania.

It is foolish to send a threatening letter to someone through intermediaries or through the entourage, from where it then becomes public:
the impact is lost, the threat is exposed publicly, the authorities intervene and the threatened person feels more protected and supported.
So the so-called letters sent through those close to him or even through the NATHA branch are a circus to give Bivolaru
the opportunity to victimize himself and to present himself to his followers as a fearless fighter and hero.
The embarrassment of these "letters" only arouses laughter and not a sense of the gravity of the situation.

The most edifying is the ”threatening letter" sent through the lawyers in Paris, which is also translated into French (!),
as if it wanted to show them - as well as the international public - what a Great Hero of Humanity they are dealing with to do
and that they must make exceptional efforts to protect him.

Letter via French lawyers (original and english translation):
"To be sent urgently to Mr. Bivolaru Gregorian, alias Magnus Aurolsson.
Mr. Bivolaru Gregorian, alias Magnus Aurolsson,
The time has come to let you know that because of the actions and orders we have given, you will later (officially) find out 
that your appeal will be rejected according to our firm orders and that you will then be sent , as you deserve, in the prison in Romania
that you are so afraid of.
Know that we are the ones who gave Judge Bartholin the order to make the decision you know, and after that he executed our order.
The appeal will not help you because, as you will officially find out, it will be rejected, even if you had high hopes for it."

This alleged letter was received after the first sentence, the appeal being therefore foreseeable, so it is the same situation
as a circumstantial conspiracy theory, issued AFTER the facts happened and not before.
The question arises why the conspirators, who claim to have control over the first sentence of the judge to whom they had given the order,
did not send the letter before the first sentence, but only after it, as if they were unsure?
They knew what the sentence would be, while Bivolaru and his entourage did not, so one more reason to believe that the "letter"
was written by the latter.
This phrase is intended to justify the failure of the court action as a result of a conspiracy against the correct sentence.

Also, read the following articles :
- ”A personal message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru” (link
- ”The abuses against yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru broke out after only 7 days from his release from prison
and continue yet again” (link)

Later, Bivolaru appealed to the ECHR against France's decision to extradite him to Romania, but lost (see here and here).
The subject was covered on this blog (link).
And Bivolaru&Co can no longer say that the decision from the ECHR is "dictated from the shadow by the masons",
because the MISA® sites are full of articles like
"Gregorian Bivolaru won again at CEDO!!!"
When MISA® wins, ECHR serves the Truth. When the same institution does not give MISA® satisfaction, it is at the service of Freemasonry...

It is very interesting that, from the wording of the ECHR decision, it turned out that Bivolaru had false Bulgarian documents on him:

II. LA REQUÊTE NO 40324/16
2. La procédure en France
22.  Le 26 février 2016, le requérant fut appréhendé à Paris alors qu’il circulait sous une fausse identité, muni de faux papiers bulgares.”,

"On February 26, 2016, the applicant was detained in Paris while traveling under a false identity with false Bulgarian documents."
(Nikolay Petrov, our note)

The fact was recognized by Bivolaru himself:
"3. If the purchase and possession in Sweden of a fake Bulgarian passport and identity card, crimes recognized by Mr. Bivolaru
before the French judicial authorities, are likely to lead to the loss of refugee status and, if so, whether the competent authorities
intend to initiate proceedings in this regard."

It turns out that, although he claimed that the assassins were after him, Bivolaru had procured false documents, with which to haunt Europe!

another quote from "letters":
"You will receive your "prize" that I have prepared for you both for the books and conferences you have launched against us over time,
as well as for your stubbornness in not considering and not doing what we asked of you in those letters which were sent to your address in Sweden."

This paragraph suggests Bivolaru's ”heroic and determined opposition” (to read "stubbornness"), as well as the "heroic struggle”
through disclosures in his books and lectures, actually inspired by earlier statements of others
(eg David Icke who, for much more serious statements, he suffered nothing!)
Also, "authenticity" is given to previous letters, even the illogical letter no. 2 to Sweden.

"You will see for yourself that we will do everything to destroy you, keeping you in prison for many years."

He had to serve only a third of the six years, from which the period of preventive detention in Sweden and France was deducted
(arrested in France on February 26, 2016, brought to Romania on July 22, 2016), then he was released from prison on September 13, 2017
without having suffered anything, just before the activation of the international mandate in Finland! (see here and here).

It is hinted at the alleged assassination attempts in the prison in Malmo, but nothing happened in the small prison in Romania
where Bivolaru was detained, he declaring on his way out that he was well treated! (see video)
Either those who threatened him so many times and did not keep their promises are some clowns, or Bivolaru and his entourage faked those alleged letters!

"You have no chance, you wanted to fight against us, but you are too small to succeed.
Our orders will be executed, and you will thus be convinced that the power at our disposal is total.
I warned you about all this so that you would see the shit you got yourself into by fighting against us and to make it clear to you once again
that he who fights against us is always defeated, like you, and has no chance."

"You don't have a chance, you're too small", but he didn't suffer anything, so he is protected by God!

"This message is addressed to you personally by us, but if you make the mistake of showing it to other people or making it public,
no one will believe that we are the ones who sent it to you, so if you do this, it will not help you at all.
July 7, 2016.
Those who see everything and forgive nothing".

Letters with the same content were also sent to the addresses of the law firms: Dominique Tricaud and Sandrine Dos Santos."

This fragment - absolutely illogical in itself - is the proof of the imbecility of those who directed and acted in this play,
but also of those who did belive such an embarrassing circus.
So these alleged all-seeing, never-forgetting, never-forgiving cold-blooded criminal assassins, instead of sending Bivolaru a private message,
send it through several law offices, warning him not to make it public, although it was inevitable that it would become public in this way!
They predict that if the message is made public by Bivolaru, it will not be believed, which is what happened!
Not even the French Police believed it, let alone the press, as we saw:

"Bizarrely, as you can see, these letters were written and received before the decision was given by the French Court of Cassation,
and yet they clearly stated what would soon be decided in his case.
The French Police have already started an investigation to identify the author of these letters.
Such an approach raises shocking issues for a country whose citizens believe that corruption and shadowy decisions
have been abolished from the judiciary."
During these years, the media as a whole, through an extremely suspicious pact, simply refused to broadcast news about the sentence
that confirms the political nature of the convictions that Gregorian Bivolaru suffered."

Obviously the media, like any sane person, has no way of broadcasting these embarrassing scenarios.
This alleged conspiracy is only in the minds of Bivolaru and his followers, and the clearest proof is the phrase
"no one will believe you that we are the ones who sent it to you".

About these "WE", nothing is clearly said during these alleged messages except that they are "Brotherhood",
but there are a lot of brotherhoods in the world, especially among students in Universities!
Or if it says "P Due", is that really undeniable proof that the "P Due" lodge is behind the threat?
The association WE = Freemasonry is in Bivolaru's mind, normal people in their heads do not start to make speculations and assumptions
and fantasize like this, without concrete evidence.

The comment ends as follows:
"The texts of these letters and the suspicious behind-the-scenes maneuvers that have been and continue to be made in the case of Bivolaru,
will anyone pick them up, or will they all once again join the conspiracy of guilty silence?"

”Anyone who does not blindly believe or fantasize like Bivolaru is part of the conspiracy.”
This is evidence of a paranoid mind.

Although he claims to be a great expert in freemasonry, during the previously mentioned conference from the Morals and bad habits series,
Bivolaru declared that "only men are accepted in freemasonry and in Romania, a woman in freemasonry is impossible."
Then he made one of his famous bets:
"We could bet on honor that it is impossible to prove, no matter how hard he tries, that there is at least one woman in Freemasonry in Romania."
Informed by relatives that there are female Masonic lodges in Romania since 2005, the Grand Expert in Freemasonry of the Universe
canceled the bet (after he lost it!):
"We inform you that it is urgently necessary to do our mea culpa and admit that we did not have access to some recent information (!?),
which shows that a Masonic lodge for women has already been created in Romania.
Taking into account the situation, the bet I proposed in the "Morals and bad habits" section is no longer the least bit valid,
because there is already a Masonic lodge for women in Romania." (there were already three!)

He accuse freemasonry of satanic rituals (presented in the mass media as well), but it seems that even the sexual rituals with urine from MISA®
do not seem to have come from Heaven...


In the same idea of blaming the enemy for his own abject deeds, Bivolaru throws other accusations at Freemasonry:
”The Freemasonic Oath – a terrible oath that those who enter Freemasonry must respect!” (link)

"I swear, in the name of the Supreme Architect of all worlds, never to divulge the secrets, signs, words, teachings or practices of Freemasonry
and to keep eternal silence about them.
I promise and swear never to betray any of these, neither by writing, nor by speech, nor by gestures, nor to cause someone else to write,
lithograph, engrave, print anything, not to divulge in any way what what has been revealed to me up to this moment
or what will be revealed to me in the future.
If I do not keep my word, I oblige myself to submit to the following punishment:
- to burn my lips with a red-hot iron;
- to cut off my hand;
- to have my tongue torn out of my mouth;
- to have my throat cut;
- let my body be hanged in the masonic lodge during the reception of a new brother, and afterwards be burned and the ashes thrown to the wind."

And here, by comparison, is how the oaths to keep the "secret initiations" at MISA® sound:

"I....name and surname.... solemnly swear before the good God on my health and my entire spiritual evolution that I will never divulge
to anyone and in any way, intentionally, the key to decoding the yoga courses I receive now and I solemnly promise
that I will not give any decoded course either in whole or in part to anyone, except my classmates who have also received the code.
If, because of my wickedness and because of the perversity into which I will slip, I will allow myself to be tempted - even once -
by the devilish powers and divulge even one element of the decoding key and give courses decoded in whole or in part,
I admit in advance that I expose myself to great dangers, because GOD the FATHER will reward me as He thinks I deserve,
through immanent justice, for my eventual wickedness that I will thus prove.
If I will ever break this oath, may GOD give me all that I deserve by means of immanent justice, to be thus punished as I deserve
by means of divine immanent justice within an interval of 7 calendar years to come from the day that I will do this wickedness
which I have done on purpose.
I know, and if I do not know now I find out that always, without exception, the ways of GOD THE FATHER are full of mysteries,
and therefore, I am sure that if I will ever break this solemn oath, I will eventually convince myself that divine immanent justice exists
and that it is implacable for all those who break the oath they made before the good GOD.

If I will break this oath, may all the evils I deserve fall upon me one after the other, and may absolutely no one be able to untie me
from the well-deserved consequences of this solemn oath I have done here and now before the good GOD.
So help me from this very moment GOD, according to my heart and my conscience.

It will be said that, unlike the Masonic oath, the MISA® oath is taken right before GOD, who is the One who judges and punishes.
As if GOD were a guard at MISA® and had no other job!
And the oath is in reality towards Bivolaru, because it protects his interests.
How to swear to keep secrecy about courses that are copied from books that are freely available all over the internet?
What does GOD think about the authors of these books?

In the same article, other interesting fragments, that you don't know if it's masonic doctrine or a course at MISA®:
"Jim Shaw states that the symbols are interpreted differently even by Masons, thus there are two meanings of them:
the exoteric one for the lower initiates and the esoteric one for the higher ones.
But there is also a third meaning, the truth, reserved only for the elite of initiates and for those who pass beyond the official levels
of the secret societies - those in the unofficial ranks of the so-called Illuminati.
All these symbols and codes of the secret societies have a certain meaning for the initiates of the lower degrees, another for those of the higher degrees,
and another for those who reach the highest levels of the so-called Illuminati (here the true interpretation is given)."

That's how it is at MISA®: one is the situation presented to the "laymen", (through the media, on MISA® websites or at the opening conferences
of a new yoga course), another is found by the students who only attend the classes in the hall and quite another is for the "initiates"
who enter the "esoteric groups" or the "special initiations". 
But even the latter do not know everything: there are other secrets at an even higher level, as can be seen from the "leaks" to the outside.
Porn movies and videochats, mutual consumption of urine, group amorous relations, "private initiations" given by Bivolaru
were denied for years, but now everything ”escaped”, sometimes even from the Great Architect's conferences at MISA®!
Polyamory it's official and techniques involving mutual consumption of urine have been taught at advanced students.

"Shaw states that Freemasonry worships nature, the Sun and the Moon, through the symbol of the phallus.
He says that the phallus represents the Sun in sexual union with the feminine Earth, to bring forth new life.
The "true" meaning is revealed to them only later, namely that the masculine phallus of the Sun impregnates the feminine Earth,
symbolized as a square."

And these ones with the sexual symbolism, too?

"In this way, compartmentalization is maintained within which the higher levels do not reveal the "secrets" to the lower levels.
In fact, admits Jim Shaw, even at the level of the 33rd degree you don't learn anything of value."

Likewise at MISA®, at year 33 level you don't learn anything valuable!

"Freemasonry is a pestilential cesspool of deceit and hypocrisy, and the oaths taken to secret societies and initiated "brothers"
far exceed any oath ever taken to the country or the people as a president, prime minister, member of Congress or Parliament, policeman or judge.
The Mason swears to keep the secrets of another Mason to protect him, even if it involves concealing evidence of wrongdoing.
But in the higher ranks there are no exceptions to this promise to conceal the truth. Obligations, if Masonic teachings are to be believed,
may require a Mason to bear false witness, perjury, or (in the case of a judge) give a wrong verdict in order to protect a brother Mason."

It is exactly the same at MISA® where, under the pretext of preserving the "initiative secret", the students are made to swear
to preserve the secrecy of the actions they witness or participate in, even if they may be immoral or even illegal.
Some trainees have given false testimony in court, even against their own evidence.


In Bivolaru's opinion, the most harmful part of Freemasonry is represented by the "satanic clique of the so-called Illuminati",
an order founded in 1776:

- article: ”The ”Illuminati” from Bavaria and their diabolical Testament” (link 1link 2)

article: ”The secret, diabolical plan of the so-called "Illuminati" that was designed for the 21st century” (link)

It must be pointed out that although they claim to be a society of "lights", their symbols are on the one dollar bill:

the pyramid with 13 steps (no. 13 is the number of Judas, the last of the 12 apostles, next to Jesus), on which can be read with Latin numerals
MDCCLXXVI = M + D + C + C + L + X + X + V + I = 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 1776,
the year of the foundation of the "Illuminati from Bavarian" order, by Adam Weisshaupt.

- the  inscription "ANNUIT COEPTIS" means "[He/She] favors (or "has favored")  [our] undertakings"
which, together with the "Eye of Providence" (the All-Seeing Eye of God) means "God/Providence favors our undertakings"
(a dot in the center of a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle is the symbol of the Holy Trinity, a fact also affirmed by Bivolaru).
According to others, it is about the "All-Seeing Eye of Horus" or even the Third Eye.

The phrase is a reference to Virgil's Fourth Eclogue, which contains a passage that reads:
Ultima Cumaei venit iam carminis aetas;
magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo:
iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna;
iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto.

Now is come the final era of the Sibyl's song;
The great order of the ages is born afresh.
now justice returns, honored rules return (or return of Saturn's reign);
now a new lineage is sent down from high heaven.
In Christianity, the term secular refers to priests who are not members of religious life.

The eagle holds in its claws an olive branch with 13 leaves and a sheaf (lat. ”fasces”) of 13 arrows.
It stands above a coat of arms on which there are 13 alternating vertical bands (7 white and 6 of lines), and the lined vertical bands are made up
of 18 lines = 6x3 = 6+6+6.

- the inscription says "E PLURIBUS UNUM", meaning "Out of many, one" also translated as "One out of many” or "One from many",
with the meaning of "All as one", which corresponds to the meaning of the latin term "fasces", symbolizing judicial power.
"Fasces" is a bundle of canes (shoots) cut from their trunks (symbolizing the breaking from their origins) and tied together.

article: The entertainment industry assaults human beings with evil influences through every means at its disposal” (link)

Then how can the influences of the show from March 12-13, 2002 at the Palace Hall (link) or the pornographic films
and video chats at MISA® be characterized?

More recently, the Occult has built secret underground bases to keep up with the latest advances in science and technology (part 1part 2).
They practice ancient rituals through which they seek to connect with deities invoked for thousands of years, but modern technology is still stronger...
This fact shows that conspiracy theories change with the times and are inventions that make use of historical events (conjuncture theories).

For years, Bivolaru has been prophesying the imminent arrest of the Illuminati but the years have passed (article link)...

One fact that needs to be pointed out is that anti-Masonic propaganda has been and is being made within of MISA® courses
where - normally - only yoga classes should be.
Elements from the books of the researcher Juri Lina "Under the sign of the scorpion" and "Architects of deception" were presented.
article: ”Freemasonry using esoteric knowledge for maleficent purposes” – yogaesoteric.net, July 31, 2006 (link)
Elements from David Icke's book "The Biggest Secret" published by Daksha Publishing House from MISA® (see here), were also presented.
In this works, the terrestrial secret societies are intertwined with the so-called reptilians, some of whom are the result
of the intervention of evil extraterrestrial civilizations or are even extraterrestrial beings.
A confusion is sometimes created between reptilians (corporeal beings) and demons (eminently subtle, incorporeal lower entities).

In the conspiracy theory it is said that the members of royal dynasties with important role at the global level,
as well as the members of the families of politicians with decision-making power at the world level are reptilian, that in reality
they have a reptilian physical body, and human appearance is only mentally induced to normal people through hypnosis.
Then how to explain the human appearance of new-born children in "reptilian" families, or the human appearance of adults
in a state of loss of consciousness or even of their skeletons, after death (see for example the normal human appearance of the mummies
of the pharaohs discovered in Egypt?)

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