Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Old obsessions in new forms: NUDE YOGA at MISA

On the occasion of the International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2023, the Incomparable Master of MISA made another "revelation":
"Nude yoga or, in other words, yoga practiced while naked."
Actually, this is an older project of him started about three years ago (see here).

From the very beginning of the exposition, he warns that "due to the tendentious, miserable interpretations it can unleash
in perverse, malevolent, ignorant, or stupid human beings, what we now present to you for the first time does not in the least address to pudibond,
bigoted human beings or who already exhibit an obvious, strange phobia of nudity of any kind.
Such human beings who belong to these categories are strictly forbidden to listen to this conference.”

This advice does not concern many of the authors or readers of this blog who, being former students of MISA - some since the opening of the courses -
they practiced nude yoga since August 1990 on the Black Sea beach, and some even a few days before meeting the Great Leader in person,
at the "nudists' beach".

I quote from Course no. 2 of Year 1:
"Exposing the body completely naked to the air gives the skin an opportunity to ventilate, because when it is covered with thick clothes,
it cannot breathe enough."

In the early years of MISA's existence, nude yoga was practiced in summer camps, as evidenced by the numerous photos of naked yogis,
secretly taken by journalists (photo 1photo 2photo 3). In this video about MISA from the 90s (link), many such nude photos appear.

Furthermore, all manifestations of MISA (courses, brochures, magazines, books, films viewed or of own production, conferences,
shows, contests) abound in nudity – often excessive and inappropriate.
Therefore, many of the people on this blog are neither pudibonds, nor bigots, nor have a phobia of nudity, but rather have a phobia
of excess, malice, pretense, lying, manipulation, bigotry, egotism and narcissism.

The leader of MISA advises the pudibons to give up listening to his conference because in this way, "such human beings will avoid
the emergence of bizarre reactions without foundation because when they were born, they came out of their mother's vagina being naked."

Unlike the rest of us mere mortals who do not have the ability to remember the moment of our birth, it is clear that an accomplished
like MISA's spiritual leader remembers in great detail the place where he came out, hence probably also his immense desire
- manifested in relation to many of his female students - to re-enter the place in question (which we wish him).

Next, the Vagina Worshiper reminds us of the Garden of Eden, the costume of Adam and Eve, the yogis who have been practicing naked
for thousands of years Nagna Yoga or Vivastra Yoga (they even appear in this way at the Kumbha Mela celebration), then asks rhetorically :

"But what makes them to do yoga being nude? Doesn't this hide an unconfessed inclination towards exhibitionism, towards extravagance?"
For possible thoughts of this kind, we will reveal to you in the following certain esoteric aspects that are known only by advanced yogis,
being kept secret from other people.
The initiates have known for thousands of years that the body of each human being functions as a sui generis set of antennas
at the level of the body, at the level of the skin and, when the body of the human being is completely naked, the filters that exist implicitly
disappear and persist when the body of the respective human being is covered – even briefly – with whatever clothes.”

Ooh, here are things that no one would have thought of... Where else does he find them?
No one ever felt the sensations given by the naked body, except the initiates... Of course, in passing, the question arises:
If initiates have known the secrets of occult resonance for thousands of years, why did the great MISA school trademark them (link)?
They probably act like advanced yogis, to keep them secret from other people.
"Only we know, only we realize, you suckers don't feel anything, you have no idea why you go to the beach scantily clad,
why do you do nudism or why do you let young children play naked!”

PhD Bivolaru highlights that the human being who practices Hatha Yoga being nude poses in this way in a perfectly natural state
and ”we know that animals, birds, insects, butterflies – are analogically speaking, without any exception – naked.
We would laugh out loud if we saw a bear in a overcoat or a cat in a t-shirt and a bikini, or a shepherd dog in a blouse.”

We laugh out loud even without seeing such a thing.
The bear's fur is a coat in itself, being used as such, there are even dogs with robes (photo) or jackets (photo) like that of Bivolaru (photo),
as well as cats with t-shirts (photo), but they don't dress of their own will, but because that's what their masters wanted.
In fact, fur is clothing in itself, proof that people take animal fur because they need it for clothing.
If the Guru is such a big fan of nudity, why doesn't he appear naked in public in order to defeat prejudice?

"You can also choose to do Hatha Yoga in a group that decides to practice Hatha Yoga somewhere in nature, in the clearing of a forest,
in an area protected from prying eyes or at the sea, in an area where nudism is free and legally accepted."

Seriously? It seems that the Guru - who perfectly remembers how he came out of his mother's vagina - forgot the prohibition that he himself
placed in the brochures of the holiday camps:

"It is strictly forbidden to photograph and/or film the events of this YOGA Symposium without the approval of the Organizers.
Also, this year (2005) the participants of this Yoga Symposium have the right to practice nudism in specially arranged areas
and intended for this purpose, if they wish.
This decision was made to allow them to systematically practice HELIOTHERAPY, to those who wish to achieve this.
But, those who want to practice yoga postures on the beach, must necessarily be dressed at least in a bathing suit."

That is, has he given permission to nude postures?
What if the demonic journalists come again and take nude photos?

Bivolaru the Initiate:
"Of course these aspects - which I mentioned for the first time here - are esoteric.
Only advanced yogis and great initiates know these secrets in depth.
Discreet groups can even be created, approaching - at first experimentally, for only two or three months - Nagna Yoga or nude yoga.
But don't get us wrong that we suggest that when you come to attend the lessons that take place in the hall, you decide somehow
to practice nude yoga in an eccentric manner."

So practicing nude yoga at the gym is an "eccentric" manifestation, but those who don't practice nude yoga are arrogant and bigots!
Maybe Mr. Disinhibited can finally understand that wearing clothes - both in public and during yoga practice - is not necessarily
the result of pudibondery or bigotry!

However, the following question arises and persists:
If the practice of nude yoga is millennial (having not one, but two names in Sanskrit!) and if nudity is a basic manifestation within MISA,
then why does the Master appear three decades after with the same reheated soup, claiming that he makes revelations in an absolute premiere?

The mystery is finally solved:
"When nude yoga in the group is approached from an eminently spiritual perspective, occult resonance processes are triggered
with the subtle sublime energy of some Godly Attributes.
Remember that these secrets are being revealed to you for the first time.
You should realize that for the first time in the world in almost 2000 years, these ancient mysteries are made available to you.

Until now, such sporadic attempts that have appeared on this planet can be considered - analogically speaking - kindergarten, in which
the very fundamental esoteric milestones are missing, the unison integration of the sublime subtle energies of the various Godly Attributes."

This was! He does what he does and it all ends up in Attributes!
All the conferences and planetary premiere revelations made lately - new inventions or old reheated soup -
are not about new ways of spiritual evolution, they are about the Master boasting and begging for praise!
In fact, the Most Humble One makes no less than 12 references to "esoteric revelations that I revealed in the first part of this conference"
and 9 references to "revelations exposed for the first time" or "in the premiere"!

It should also be noted the logical contradiction between the expressions "these secrets are revealed to you for the first time"
and "for the first time in the world after nearly 2000 years, these ancient arcane aspects are made available to you.”

Yogis have been practicing nudity for thousands of years, people have been practicing nudism since then and until now,
they all felt something special, but it doesn't matter, because they didn't know about Attributes!
If you feel something real but don't mention the Attributes, it has no value; if you don't feel anything but you mention the Attributes,
you are a great initiate and, on top of that, you're also the first on the planet!

Bivolaru reveals that there are other rapidly transformative esoteric applications, but we will talk about all these at the right time, later,
as soon as enthusiastic, mixed active groups are structured.

Then, a few passages later, he says:
"It is necessary to show that we do not in the least intend to open - within this integral esoteric yoga school - official courses
in which to promote nude yoga.
People who will be interested in nude yoga will be able to choose to approach it at home either with their loved one of the opposite sex,
or within a mixed group of yogis who will have the curiosity and courage necessary to approach yoga, or within groups private groups
that will be structured ad hoc and of which women who are interested in nude yoga will be able to be part, or private groups, small mixed groups,
that will be able to approach nude yoga in privacy."

"We do not propose to open official courses" (as they did not propose to open tantra courses either!), "but we suggest that you make enthusiastic, mixed active groups, for only in these groups will other esoteric applications be revealed,
as soon as they are established ad hoc!"

(Oxford Dictionary: ad hoc = in a way that is arranged or happens when necessary and is not planned in advance)

Over all, ”we will talk about all these at the right time, as soon as enthusiastic, mixed active groups are structured ad hoc”,
i.e. "it is necessary to create the groups if you want to receive the revelations", "we do not propose to open them, you will have to create them"

Well, that means organized courses, only unofficially! "Revelation" begins "as soon as" the groups are created.
But - because there is another "but" - not everyone can be part of these groups:

"Obviously, all this will always involve, without any exception, the compliance of certain natural, common sense limits,
so as to never reach deviations of any kind.
The structuring of such mixed groups will involve a rigorous selection of human beings of the opposite sex who will choose to participate,
so as to never get the least bit to anything other than the practice of certain yoga techniques taught within this school
and which will be able to be performed in such intimate groups, being only safe groups."

Therefore, only those "rigorously selected" will be able to receive the "revelations" (who will make the selection,
who will decide the selection criteria?), who will make up "safe groups" - so new ID access cards - but not like that, anyway, chaotically,
but they must have participated in previous exhibitions - so presence on IDs!
Thus an organization is necessary (ad hoc!), so a pretext for new participation fees!

Then, the idea of naked yoga is to be practiced in nature, in the open air, in the shade of trees, on the water's shores, on the beach.
If you practice it in privacy, i.e. in safe, closed rooms, away from prying eyes, practically in the middle of cities, it no longer has the same value
as in nature, it's like wearing a much wider coat but of a very bad quality (concrete and prefabricated walls, layers of polystyrene)!
And why is it still recommended to organize (ad hoc) in such conditions, far from natural ones? Obviously, it's a new manifestation of MISA's sexual obsession, induced by the obsessed Guru.
Plus a new method of keeping in the group, a possible new source of income!

The passage "respecting certain natural, common-sense limits, in order to never reach deviations of any kind" is interesting.
If the practice will not be in nature but in closed rooms, in mixed groups, it will end up that everyone will wink at their neighbors,
tempted by what they see, with the idea of future ephemeral relationships!

"It is strictly forbidden to structure groups in which there will be only naked men.
The reason for such a structuring of a possible group made up only of men that would aim to implement nude yoga is prohibited,
in order not to cause the awakening and eventual dynamization of some tendencies more or less latent, of some homosexual temptations
within this esoteric spiritual school .”

Until now, MISA talked about love in group in which at most one man participates, the idea being the same:
eliminating the awakening of latent male homosexual tendencies.
Here it is now moving to another level, even if it will not lead to sexual acts and mixed orgies.
Since several naked men are present, no one will be able to prevent them from involuntarily glancing at the "neighbor's endowments".
Even if at first it won't be homo tendencies, the gaze will fly out of reflex and curiosity. How can these trends be prevented?

"The fundamental goal of such a fruitful engagement will be and will remain the dynamization and deepening of states of deification
by the abundant accumulation in the inner universe of the mixed participants or only of the female participants of certain sublime
subtle energies of the Godly Attributes that were previously mentioned in the first part of this conference."

"Of course, all this requires common sense, it involves having excellent practical intelligence, it involves being aware of the emergence
of the occult multiplication process that occurs within such a group where nude yoga is implemented."

We can be 99% sure that this will be the concern of the participants and not to amplify their sexual turns and seek new relationships...
Their minds will only dwell on Attributes if they haven't until now, when they were alone...

"An important role is also played by the number of human beings who have already decided to integrate either within a group
that is made up only of women, or within a mixed group that is made up of both men and women."

Translated from "Swedish": "The more, the better. We don't propose to do official courses, because there is already one already organized,
so come as many as possible, let it be an unofficial parallel course."

The "innovation" in this case is "yoga within nude group".
One can very well practice naked yoga in privacy, alone or at most in a couple of two (sexual positions on the focal centers - chakras),
but at MISA, small-scale manifestation is no longer enough.
Everything becomes a "group" manifestation, in fact a "herd".
Now, it is desired nude yoga in the widest possible group ("the number also plays an important role"), ”based on the occult multiplication principle"
- it is said.

So far, the MISA leader has recommended group sex, where there is only one man with several women.
Now it has gone to the "next level", nude yoga with more men.
How long until real group orgies?


  1. Part 1.
    I'm going to make my comment here to let the Romanians have the space for themselves.
    There is a post on New Age on Wikipedia. For the most part, it decribes well MISA, but in some parts Bivolaru is not as white as he should be. For example, he wouldn't vote Democrats, or he wouldn't think about sustainability, climate change or other concerns of the New Age exponents derived from the ideas of the Hindu phylosophy, or Balvatsky's movement, etc.
    Bivolaru would not reach to this level of "freedom of expression" because he advances cautiously, in a way similar to India and that's because of his heritage. He is afraid of being mauled for his Romani genes. So these genes express in the fenotype in the choices made such as support offered for the biggest bullibasha because he is pro-family and signals values. As Romani descendant, he cannot underperform. Then with all efforts invested in social, there is the obsessive fear of authorities and their health programs. It is why he is against vaccinations. He is too tired to enjoy being vaccinated, so he doesn't and drowns at the shore.

    So what is it that attracts people of good families, good upbringing to him? If you uncover the layers, it's his lack of Christian faith. It's obvious that faith it's forced on him from the outside. The circumstances are such that he must either conform and he becomes an excessively ardent person placing himself in the role of a persecuted person, or hide his disbelief in mimicking belief, but never taking it seriously. That's what makes an avoidance: you avoid it at all cost. It's like taking a bath. You don't have to now because you're an adult and can choose not taking a bath. To wash off the good flavors? No way! So that's what makes him come up with these choices. In prison you've seen the way they had the shower door above their heads as if saying that God commands them to shower. Otherwise they wouldn't take a shower to take off the "good color and smell".

    Because he says nothing about these and intuitively the disciples read his struggle with the Romanian culture, they are attracted subconsciously to his lack of faith. It's something that they reject when fleeing home. They reject any authority, and especially the authority of the church. They connect at the moment they both reject church and the Christian teachings. It's something unspoken of because they are not aware of it. Both would say they come together for yoga. No, the deeper commonality is the rejection of church. Not being aware of it, they can come up with any excuse and have the freedom to say, "I like the church, or I maybe I don't and I like doing yoga, but it's up for me to decide what I'm gonna do".

  2. Part 2.
    So it's not yoga that they go for at the meetings. Just because we can't see it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
    For a country that struggles to exit communism, it's unappealing to be told of the Christian mores, it's rather repellant.
    So that's why when Bivolaru is surrounded by young people, he is the one to feel happy first, and connected with them.
    That's why it's so difficult for him to let go of them! That's why it's difficult for former sect members to let go of him and the understanding they first had! His colorful persona is unique in an otherwise gray society.
    The more a disciple rationalizes what his/her feelings were for him, the easier it is to let go of him.
    It's not just the persona, but the whole package, the first encounter that it's difficult to let go of. And for what? For an imaginary person depicted on the walls of the church? No way, he is not alive, you'd get the obvious answer and already incorporated in the Teofan Movement. It is a habit by now to reinforce the disbelief. Even if theoretically they know he existed, it's easier to be in a group with others and be taken by karmic winds.

    Nothing is static with MISA, but the disbelief. It is always there as a reminder of communism, of rejection of dictatorship. That's why they congregate - to be obnoxious, to be rebellious, to disobey the rules. That's why they're unaffected by the deaths within. The easy way out is to blame the state or the individual for their death and watch painfully or regretfully how one is extracted out of their rows behind the emotional and physical barricades, the continousouly watched ashrams.
    There are 2 different worlds. The adherents go in or they prepare mentally & physically to go out like they would go out to a war. Even within there are cameras to be controlled, especially to what is perceived as a danger to be stolen.
    That is why the interventions in 2004 were criticized. They were deemed abuses. The question that comes to mind is then how otherwise would you enter an oligarch run place if you were the authorities? It's from the tip of the lips that lawyers excused them for their deceit. Both the accuser and his defenders were betting on their first connection.

    Now why I did not fall for this? It's because I've been taught to be religious and believe less in others. So I rejected everyone because they had nothing to offer me. I did not insist to look for a relation with Bivolaru because I was already in the process of forming trusting relations at home with my neighbors who knew of my condition and not only that, but they kept asking me about my parents, daily even. They were priority, not someone who flew out of the country.
    I was in a way disconnected from the course.

  3. Part 3.
    You just have to sit down, calm down and look at the whole thing unbiassed. Then you can come up with your own intuitions and your own interpretations. It's like a puzzle that you put together. One piece you put down is linked to the next and so on. And you create your own reality. My reality based on my perceptions may be not the same as yours.
    If I did not see that Indians have a lack of kindness in their appearance, the raspy voices that show an almost animalic level of existence, the rough treatment of women, I wouldn't have made these discriminatory observations. Their scriptures, unlike the Christian scriptures, divide them in castes, which is not an elevating concept because it is not making them any richer in knowledge, it leaves them were they are. They are only seen and sorted out. Never shown love, they can't express it themselves. It's just what Bivolaru would say of Jesus: yes, he is a model for us, but "we" don't need to be taking any of that into account.

  4. One poster writes of the "crude reality". It's a very good description.
    It translates to naked reality. To confuse reality with the self and to appear naked to simulate the truth, is maybe one of the gross delusions of Bivolaru. He is not the Self, he has not been the Self because the purpose of spirituality is not finding the Self. He cannot offer himself as the Self because the Self does not exist. It is a concept.
    If you reread the Wikipedia page, the New Age followers have the ideas of being heroes, Godhead figures, and from here easy advance to claiming themselves to be consciousness or the Self.
    These concepts differ by definition.
    The Self is defined as unreachable. By definition, Bivolaru cannot reach the Self. But consciousness is more palpable compared to the Self because it has to do with reasoning, with the 'bodhi' borrowed from the Hindu philosophy.
    It is by way of consciousness concepts that Vajrayana developed in Buddhist countries while unnecessary ideas such as the Self, which mark nothing, are discarded.
    Bivolaru has no capacity to comprehend the differences and as such, he falls back into liking the protective idea of a God. But grasps at the same time at the idea that he is the Self and then that he represents another's reality, that is be his God.
    Being all along wrong, these are delusions. Afraid of losing the efforts put in for keeping the course and the school alive, he insists in the "godly attributes" with renewed efforts which he believes will hide his fears from himself first of being annihilated by death. Death is his greatest fear, the fear of being dead at the end of life because of growing old.
    Bivolaru is party to his own delusions.
    Being naked does not make the naked reality, just as hiding from others does not mean that no one is seeing you.
    What makes the reality reality is the crude reality as the poster said. No way Bivolaru is the reality, the naked one!
    When naked, he is vulnerable, he cannot be the reality.

    Kudos to the person with the good observation! His perception is perfect. And he has the right speech. 🙂


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