Tuesday, September 20, 2022


A significant part of the MISA ideology is based on the Apocalypse.
It is a scheme of psychological manipulation, found in many contemporary sects:

- first, the end of the current world is announced, which will be marked by terrible events, from natural cataclysms
to the establishment of a satanic world dictatorship.
This apocalyptic message is meant to capture the attention of as many followers as possible.
- then, salvation is promised, but only for those who will join the sect and remain steadfastly under its wings until the end of events.

However, in order to distinguish itself from the crowd of apocalyptic sects, MISA modified the message in a special way,
assigning itself a central place in the events and, thereby, a messianic character.

The biblical apocalypse announces the total end of this world as we know it, followed by the establishment - after the Judgment Day - of a new Earth:

Revelation 21.1:
”And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and the sea was no more.”

Unlike the Bible, de MISA preaches the coming of Paradise on the current Earth, beautified an ”retouched” to a certain extent.

Furthermore, MISA has ascribed its central role in this Salvation of mankind, both by exposing and collapsing the global satanic conspiracy
of the Antichrist (which MISA identifies with Freemasonry and the Illuminati) and by attracting divine Grace,
which will save the planet and the mankind, by canceling natural cataclysms (earthquakes, asteroid collisions, solar explosions),
but also the wars that are about to come.

In this sense, alleged references to MISA and its leader were identified in the "Bible Code".
MISA claims that apocalyptic events can be avoided, but only by implementing specific methods "revealed" by its Guide ("NO, Apocalypse" program).

The Apocalypse presents as inevitable the terrible events of the establishment of the reign of the Antichrist
and then the cataclysms of the Judgment Day:
22.6 And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants
the things which must shortly be done.
22.7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

MISA instead claims that the same Apocalypse contains in its hidden code the announcement of a change in the fate of humanity,
in the sense of the cancellation of terrible events and an easy transition to a new Age of Good (Satya Yuga).

At MISA®, the Apocalypse is coming all the time, because predicted catastrophic events don't happen and others are always needed
to keep followers connected to the tension of the present.


It began in the very year of its founding when, after a strong earthquake and an unusually strong aftershock (May 30-31, 1990) (link),
throughout 1990 and into the following year, imminent catastrophic earthquakes were predicted and their stopping or fractionation was intended.

Other catastrophic earthquake prophecies followed over the years.
It was the earthquake predicted for the year 2000 (January 15), by Vergil Hîncu, an alleged expert who anticipates earthquakes,
on which occasion Bivolaru issued a warning message and a call to collective prayer, contained in brochures
printed and distributed by followers through the subway in Bucharest (link and archive)

According to the research of Phd. Vergil Hîncu, in the coming months, ROMANIA WILL BE SHAKED BY AN EARTHQUAKE
By participating day by day in this collective prayer, you have the blessing of not losing your life, your home and your loved ones.

Because each of us wants God to protect us from all the wrath, suffering and trouble of seismic outbreaks
and because it has already been prophesied a devastating earthquake in Romania, which is to occur soon,
we urge you to resort to Prayer daily, which will be performed in unison between 21:00 - 21:45.
Sitting on a chair or kneeling, we will first make the sign of the Holy Cross and after that we will say a short prayer to God the Father
saying with great faith in God the following:

"Lord God, Heavenly Father, I humbly beg you, remove from us, the Romanians, this glass of suffering.
Your Will be done, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

This short prayer will be said continuously, for the entire duration of the 45 minutes, keeping the eyes closed for a better internalization.
This action was inspired by the Angels of God, those who only want the good of all people.
The collective prayer will be performed by all of us, daily, until February 15, 2000."

In the year 1999, in the ”Magazine of Mysteries” - a publication of MISA - another great "prophet", Ion Istrate, predicted a great earthquake for 2001,
which would take place after the 250th day of the following year (half of September 2001), with many human victims and great material destruction.
No earthquake occurred during the specified period or after that.

In 2010, another catastrophic message, on which occasion Bivolaru "revealed an annihilation technique” (archive):

Urgent message of special importance from Grieg
Call to all conscious and responsible people in this country to act from now on day by day in unison in a certain effective way,
to stop or to fraction with a certain divine energy that comes to us from God, a devastating earthquake (over 7 degrees on the Richter scale)
about which there are some extremely credible predictions that it will occur on Romania's territory.
Please, precisely for this reason, remember that, in our view, it is about an extremely probable cataclysmic event
and not just a trivial assumption.
This indescribable outpouring of divine grace that you will feel more and more deeply in your being will be an outpouring of sublime,
profoundly beneficial energy that will be attracted from God the Father from somewhere outside of you and will circulate through your body,
being previously captured through the left hand.
This outpouring of divine energy will flood our entire trunk area and then pour forth in an uninterrupted flow through the right palm,
being directed by means of a clear, strong and firm intention to generate with God's help the effect we anticipate:

Immediately, ”scientific confirmations" of the effects of the annihilation technique also appeared (link):

Proof that the simple and effective earthquake fractionation method works
”Researching the website of the Romanian National Institute of Physics of the Earth, it can be seen that indeed in the last few days,
a relatively intense seismic activity was recorded in the area of the Balkan Peninsula and the Black Sea.
This intense seismic activity in the area of our country confirms the fears of seismologists and, at the same time,
it can be proof that the simple and effective earthquake fractionation method works.
It is obvious to anyone that a series of several small earthquakes can gradually de-stress geological layers,
thus avoiding an earthquake of great proportions.”

Obviously, none of these earthquakes occurred on these dates, not even a small one.
Actually, after May 31, 1990, no big earthquake occurred in Romania (only one reached 5.8 on the Richter scale, being barely felt).
Of course, MISA® followers claim that this is due to their action, but if it was as they say, there should have been a number of small (fractionated) earthquakes
around the predicted dates.
In reality, in Romania, the frequency of large earthquakes is about 3 per century, about once every 35 years
(for example, in the last century there were in 1940, in 1977 and in 1990 – two, as one large earthquake).
The next one would be in the period 2025-2030.

Instead, cataclysms occurred that none of the MISA prophets foresaw, such as the magnitude 9 earthquake in the Pacific (December 26, 2004)
followed by a tsunami that killed 250,000 people, or the earthquake of over 9 degrees off the coast of Japan (March 11, 2011),
which also produced a tsunami with many victims, but which also generated the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.
At MISA®, meditations were made only after this catastrophe occurred (collective prayer for the japanese people) (link).


The Planetary Program of Urgent Action "NO Apocalypse” (link)

"Since 1993, this spiritual school of yoga (MISA®) launched a planetary program of action... which was, as is known, crowned with success.
In the planetary emergency action program that we carried out at that time, we announced that:
"We have become aware that the planet Earth, together with all humanity on this globe, will certainly be in a great apocalyptic danger
in the near futureif will not act in a firm and systematic way, in unison, in the only effective way that is currently possible
to avoid collision with an asteroid that is heading every moment at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second towards planet Earth.

In the call that was broadcast at the time, it was said:
"We will briefly explain what is known about this stone of the Apocalypse which, if it will collide with the planet Earth,
according to some calculations of some scientists, then all of us will die in a terrible cataclysm that will also mean an apocalyptic End of the World
spoken of in some prophetic texts.
In the year 2000, in September or maybe even earlier, this asteroid will intersect the trajectory of the Earth and
(if it is not deflected long before by the only effective method that is exposed within this Planetary Program, being described below)
will hit inevitably our planet.

However, the tradition of millennial wisdom YOGA knows a simple and effective method that allows human beings to capture,
with the help that comes to them from GOD, a certain mysterious energy that is then directed in order to deflect this asteroid,
by means of an omnipotent energy of a subtle nature which is accumulated through a synchronized planetary action.

Many students of this school acted day by day, full of dedication and perseverance, being animated by the hope that this method
will bear fruit and allow avoiding a planetary catastrophe.

Even if the skeptics and the obtuse considered this to be a coincidence, we are inclined to believe 99% that a catastrophic cosmic collision
with that asteroid of which we spoke was avoided due to prior realization, in unison, of this unique method and efficient.”

It was about the asteroid 4179 Toutatis (see here)
which passed in 1992 at a distance equal to 9 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon (on which occasion it came to the attention of researchers)
and in 1996 it passed at "only" 14 lunar distances from the Earth (a distance slightly greater than the lunar distance in MISA®'s opinion).
Ironically, in 2004, this asteroid passed at 4 lunar distances from us, but nothing was heard from MISA®, the subject being already consumed!

The danger is not the "intersection of the Earth's orbit" - which is however enormous, having a diameter of 300 million km -
but the approach to the Earth, which was not less than 4 lunar distances.

"These aspects that I have presented here could be easily verified by anyone, but as always, the skeptics and the bad mouths were quick to say
that all this was just a coincidence.
It is worth asking, however, what would have happened if we had all stayed with our hands in our chests,
waiting for the impact of that asteroid to occur.
We believe in a proportion of 99% that the action that was realized in unison undoubtedly paid off and that is precisely why
the trajectory of that asteroid that was going to impact the Earth was, however, deviated, and in this way it could be avoided
a terrible planetary catastrophe whose consequences would have affected us all.
It was also significant to everyone that, although there were estimates that that asteroid would come close to Earth in the year 2000 in September,
it actually appeared and passed very close to Earth in 1996 in the month May.

It goes without saying that, when such events being foretold, if we are content to do nothing, then all that is foretold will actually come to pass,
and if a large enough group of human beings mobilizes and acts in unison, succeeding through the help that comes to him from GOD THE FATHER
to finally make it possible to avoid such a catastrophe, there will be many bad mouths and many stubborn skeptics who will be quick to say that:
"Everything was nothing but a trick, because in the end what was foretold did not happen".
Things also happened in the same way in the case of avoiding the impact with the said asteroid and that is why no one took into account our efforts,
which were crowned with success thanks to the help that GOD the FATHER offered us."

The the villainous psychological tactic used by Bivolaru in this case is exposed:

- First, a possible catastrophic event is announced (which is unlikely to occur, because if it were something frequent,
it would no longer be catastrophic, but ordinary).
The warning is not launched by Bivolaru, but is taken from someone else.
That way, if nothing happens, the blame can be thrown on ”the false prophet”.

- Then, when the improbable event does not occur (as is natural), Bivolaru and followers say that it is due to divine intervention mediated by them.
This means, however, that they considered from the start that the announced event was sure to happen, which is a contradiction
with the catastrophic character, i.e. rare.

Another story was "the protection of the planet Jupiter and the entire Solar System by annihilating the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9",
through an "urgent action program" carried out within MISA® during 1993-1994.
Collective mentalizations were carried out, accumulating the energy of the subtle white-shining current,
which was then sent through the raised right palm to the planet Jupiter, which was thus to be "protected".
It was then said at MISA® that that comet was in danger of destroying or seriously affecting the planet Jupiter, which is an stupidity
considering that Jupiter is not only colossal (weighing 2.5 times more than all the other planets in the Solar System or as many as 318 planets like the Earth
or, in other words, includes 1320 planets like ours) but, on top of that, it is also a gaseous planet with a liquid core (see here).

The impact of the comet was like that of a snowball with the water of a lake covered by a very thick fog.
In fact, it was the global media interest that triggered the hysteria at MISA®: the Galilei probe was on its way to Jupiter
and the event could be seen and filmed up close, in high resolution, a first for astronomy (see here).

For this reason, everyone was watching the event and Bivolaru took advantage of the situation to crown himself
with the imminent salvation of the Solar System...
In fact, the calculations showed that that comet had already exceeded the approach limit (Roche limit) since July 1992
and that it was probably already cracked since then, which became spectacularly obvious in July 1994, with the fragment impact
occurring between 16 and 22 July 1994.

The gravitational breaking of the comet into 22 fragments was interpreted as a "celestial grace determined by the program of action" from MISA®
(Movement of Spiritual Integration into the Absolute - the number 22 is the number of the Absolute, the date was 22.07).

In fact, for several hundred years since telescopes have been around, flashes of light from comet or meteor impacts with Jupiter
(aka the Solar System Vacuum Cleanerhave been observed repeatedly.
After 1994, other impacts were also observed: in 2009, 2 times in 2010, then in 2012, 2016, etc. (see here )
None of these large impacts - observed from Earth even by amateur astronomers - have awakened any echo,
neither in the international media nor, therefore, at MISA®.


With the approach of the year 2012 - the end of the Mayan calendar and the current cycle of mankind - the apocalyptic predictions thrown into the market
have multiplied.
Bivolaru and MISA® could not stay on the outside just now when, under the avalanche of gloomy signs,
there was a large bread to eat for all the apocalyptic sects.
As the world grew weary of impending earthquakes that didn't happen, as well as asteroids that were announced to be coming straight for Earth
but, at the last moment, turned away from us, driven away by MISA® meditations, another scarecrow was needed.
So at the end of 2009, Bivolaru brought back into attention some century-old prophecies - the Fatima Prophecies (link):

"In 1917 in Fatima, in Portugal, the greatest supernatural phenomenon that has occurred in the last hundreds of years on this planet took place.
It has been observed by tens of thousands of people, the testimonies related to it being so numerous and similar that to dispute its production
would be beyond the most basic common sense.
This supernatural phenomenon anticipates a terrible catastrophic event that is very possible to occur on planet Earth,
if human beings will not get out of the state of wickedness, larvarity, perversity and removal from GOD in which they indulge.
The third secret that was revealed by the Virgin Mary at Fatima has a huge importance for humanity and can be considered (rightly)
as one of the most shocking prophecies that allow us to intuit what could happen on this planet, either in the fateful year 2012 or later in the near future.”

On October 13, 1917, after a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary, in Fatima, 70,000 people "had the very vivid impression
that the Sun would break away from the sky and fall on people.
This falling Sun was seen within a radius of 50-60 kilometers around Fatima. The wet clothes of the 70,000 people were dried in a split second!"

Bivolaru interpreted the following excerpt of the Fatima prophecies as a warning of an imminent danger of catastrophic solar explosions:
"When you will see that the night is illuminated by a mysterious and unknown light, know that this is the great sign that GOD gives you".

The very worrying heating of the Sun – yogaesoteric Jan 25, 2010 (link)
"Pollution on Earth is not the only one responsible for global warming, there is another phenomenon, much more serious,
since the entire solar system has warmed up. But the media repeats every day that greenhouse gases are responsible for everything.
But this needs to be checked!
Clearly, another unknown factor is triggering this heat. But the mass media does not talk about this.
For some Russian scientists, this improbable space warming is due to our solar system, which, also speeding through space,
has entered "an interstellar cloud" (but they don't give more details either)."

To prevent this calamity, as well as the avalanche of catastrophes announced by the approach of the "fatal year 2012",
Bivolaru "reveals" in the summer camp 2010 a "Supreme and Effective Method of saving the planet Earth" (described here),
which will become the basis of the "Planetary Emergency Action Program NO APOCALYPSE" (link):

"This planetary program aims to avoid (only through the help that comes to us from GOD) a catastrophe that was foretold
and at the same time presented through a frightening vision in front of over 70 thousand human beings by the Virgin Mary
during the apparitions and of her miraculous manifestations that took place in Fatima in 1917".

Also, "inspired" by the revelation of the Virgin Mary of Fatima in October 1917, that "GOD has established in this world a way of salvation
that involves the total and unconditional surrender of people to HIS ABSOLUTE AND IMMACULATE HEART",
as well as by His request for "Russia to be consecrated to the ABSOLUTE AND IMMACULATE HEART OF GOD",
Bivolaru initiated in November 2010 a series of COLLECTIVE PRAYERS - obviously, in a "planetary premiere" -
through which "the entire planet Earth will be consecrated to the ABSOLUTE HEART AND IMMACULATE OF GOD".

Collective prayer message - November 2010
"To the attention of the instructors: Please read the text clearly, with the right intonation and carefully, so that all the students understand
the importance of the message.”

"My dears,
Given the obviously dramatic state in which the planet Earth has currently reached, both due to sins and due to the transgressions
and serious mistakes that have been and are being committed, I was inspired to make a call for all of us, a collective prayer realised three times,
which will be sincere, humble and full of faith in God. This prayer will be made by all of us in unison.
We dare to hope already in advance that God the Father, in his infinite mercy, love and goodness, will listen to this collective prayer
and have the patience to help us from now on, before it is already too late, both for our planet Earth, as well as for all humanity.

We ask, therefore, that you all participate in this collective prayer that will be performed three times, on the occasion of the spirals of induction
of the state of spiritual liberation through divine miracle that we will do on the dates of November 13, November 27 and December 11 2010.
Please keep in mind that in order to increase the chances that this collective prayer will be heard by God the Father,
it is very good that we all fast on the day when we are to formulate the collective prayer.
Therefore, we will eat only after this collective prayer is completed.
On that day, from 6:00 until we say this collective prayer in unison, we will eat nothing and drink only water."
We specify that the full message of our spiritual guide will be heard before each collective prayer.”

MISA claims that these actions were supported by God, being foreseen thousands of years before, even in the Bible:

Astounding Discoveries: Bible Code Predicts Planetary Initiated Spiritual Actions by MISA - Nov 16, 2012 (link)

Some extraordinary and deeply significant aspects regarding the planetary impact and the beneficent divine influence of the collective prayers
that were performed in unison (since 2010) and continue to be performed periodically within the MISA yoga school
”As we will show below, the unison realization of these collective prayers was certainly inspired by the Good God
and is part of a grandiose plan of purification and even transformation of both the destiny of humanity, as a whole,
and the destiny of the planet Earth.

The phrase "changing the future of mankind" (which is codified in the Bible only once) intersects  with "the year 2010",
the year in which, as we all remember, within this school spiritual, a series of collective prayers began in which many of us participated,
and on that occasion, for the first time after a long time on this planet, a new covenant with God the Father was made.

We dare to affirm with full conviction that this passage that was identified through the secret code of the Bible refers to the moment when,
within the MISA yoga school and under the guidance of its spiritual mentor, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, began the collective prayers
that were addressed to God the Father and that were followed of certain extraordinary events (which were even for us astonishing, miraculous)
that had an echo on a planetary scale!
At the present time, thanks to the New Covenant that was realized since 2010 within the MISA yoga school, the "end of days"
will not be, as many expect, the end of life on this planet.

... The Bible actually tells us: "HE WILL CHANGE THE FUTURE (or, in other words, the DESTINY) [OF THIS PLANET]".
"He" here designates an exceptional being - a "sent of God on Earth" - who will effectively carry out the process of creative modification
and transformation of destiny humanity and planet Earth.
Given the correlation - which for us is obvious and indisputable - of the year 2010 as a starting moment of the planetary transformation process,
also taking into account the fact that the collective prayers made within the MISA yoga school began to be made
(at the brilliant and obviously divinely integrated inspiration of the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru) in the year 2010,
for any human being endowed with intelligence, with common sense and with intuition, it is as clear as possible that what was written
over 3000 years ago in the secret code of the Bible is being fulfilled now and here, right before our eyesand a so-called "spearhead” of this process
which was inspired and which is impelled and supported by God is, we now dare to say openly and without false modesty, the MISA yoga school,
under the brilliant guidance of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru."

During this time, the Sun was boiling:
"What if..." - yogaesoteric, October 4, 2010 (link)
”What if a a detached flame from a solar storm hit planet Earth?
Such solar flares are relatively common and even have a certain cyclicity of recrudescence and calm."

Although he recognise that solar activity has an 11-year cycle, with maximums and minimums of intensity,
although almost a century had passed since the prophecies of the "Falling Sun", Bivolaru woke up after a hundred years
- like the Sleeping Beauty from the story - that the planet is in danger (he being at that time spiritually realized for 35 years,
therefore having 3 active (solar) cycles, and MISA® had already registered 2 cycles):

quote (link):
"Even if that terrible collective vision occurred a century ago, in 1917, now, in 2010, scientists and some prestigious researchers
are sounding the alarm and warning us that such a phenomenon (such as the one that was presented through a terrible vision
to the multitude of people present at Fatima), can occur at any time in reality, unleashing shortly thereafter a terrible planetary catastrophe,
which could affect tens of millions of people in the near future human beings."

quote (link):
"At the present time, few human beings are willing to believe that in just a few minutes, a catastrophe of great proportions could occur on planet Earth.
However, it is possible to imagine that after the year 2010, at some point, perhaps even at midnight, the sky will be lit up
with a multitude of sparkling, colorful lights.
Those who will observe all this will perhaps think that this manifestation is the aurora borealis, but this phenomenon does not last long.
Only 2-3 minutes after that, all the light bulbs could suddenly start flickering, they would become amazingly bright for a few moments,
after which the entire territory of that country would suddenly be plunged into darkness.
In just 2-3 minutes, even the entire European continent could remain, for a while, without electricity.
But after only 10 months of such a phenomenon, tens of millions of human beings in Europe could die, and the infrastructures of the European continent
could collapse into ruins. Such a catastrophe is always possible at the present time."

Such messages continued in the following years.

Urgent Message from Grieg - (26 februarie 2011 - link:
”Please read carefully, a few times, the article at the end of this message. You can see that at the level of the solar system the events intensify. 
Please take into consideration that the time has come for all those who know about the Planetary Program of Urgent Action “No Apocalypse”,
to act in unison, and to practice the method during the established times.
If you do not do this, we can definitely expect a planetary catastrophe, which as we know, was foreseen and depicted in a terrifying vision seen
by the Virgin Mary in front of 70,000 human beings, during her miraculous appearances and manifestations which took place in Fatima in 1917.”

Important Message Regarding What May Be Happening On Planet Earth In The Coming Months - August 29, 2013 (link)
"Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru sent an important message to the participants of the Spiritual Yoga Holiday Camp - Costinești 2013
regarding certain catastrophic events that may occur in the coming months. Here is the transcript of this message.

My dears,
We feel it is urgent to bring to your attention some recent extremely significant information.
Currently, the Sun is going through a series of major acute changes, which will also be felt on Earth.
A few weeks ago, a solar electromagnetic storm of such proportions roared past our planet, humanity was one step away from a major disaster."

With the passing of the peak moment (2013-2014), the messages became rarer.

”Solar cycle 24 began on 4 January 2008, with minimal activity until early 2010.
The cycle featured a "double-peaked" solar maximum. The first peak reached 99 in 2011 and the second in early 2014 at 101.
Cycle 24 ended in December 2019 after 11.0 years.” 

Now in 2022, one solar cycle (11 years) away from the previous peak of solar activity in 2011,
at MISA nothing is heard about the danger of solar flares.
On the MisaTV channel, the "Supreme and Efficient Method for saving the planet Earth" is performed daily,
but as a formal activity, as a daily routine.
The method is not aimed at preventing solar flares or earthquakes, but is general.

When predicted events did not occur, it was said to be due to MISA's daily schedule.
But nevertheless, here are global events unabated: the pandemic, the drought, the war, the energy and economic crisis.
Of course, these are due to planetary karma. So wht all this salvation program?
It saved us from the disasters "that could have happened"!


In early 2010, another calamity was preparing to emerge from the depths of outer space:

Neb-Heru (Nibiru) – in search of the tenth planet that has already begun to influence planet Earth – January 11, 2010 (link)
"Several thousand years ago, the Sumerians believed that our solar system included twelve plantes,
including the Sun and the Moon.
They claimed that there would be another planet, unknown today...
The legend said that a star surrounded by several satellites had come dangerously close to our solar system.
The Sumerians called this star Marduk or Nibiru (Neb-Heru), the twelfth planet, the planet of the gods.
If the twelfth planet has not reappeared since then, this is explained by the fact that the ellipse described by its trajectory around the Sun
is infinitely larger than that of other planet.

With each return to orbit of "Planet X" and with each crossing of it with the other planets there was a collision of gravitational and magnetic forces
that caused a combination of factors with dramatic effects on Earth.
According to him, we could report on the traces of damage produced by such collisions in the past: earthquakes, seismic waves, volcanic eruptions,
reversal of magnetic poles, land surfaces swallowed by waters, climate changes, the disappearance of certain animal and plant species,
the disappearance of certain communities human…

Now we are at the end of the KALI YUGA, the end of which coincides with the beginning of the 21st century and the return of Nibiru,
which will mark the beginning of a new cycle.

Its approach would also produce a permanent movement of air masses with a speed of over 300 km/h, a magnetic shift of the poles, earthquakes,
simultaneous eruptions of several volcanoes, thus causing an artificial night of at least six months!
The entry of such a body into our space would inevitably produce an electromagnetic disturbance at the level of the ionosphere.
The balance of the poles would be disturbed. An imbalance may occur.
Numerous mediums and specialists have also established the date of the production of this event, namely in... 2012!
Material taken from the booklet The Third Secret of Fatima Revealed." (see here and here)

About Sitchin's book, about Nibiru and its inhabitants (Annunaki), as well as about the reversal of the poles with the overturning of the axis
and the earth's crust in the space of a day, was talked about even during the yoga class.

2012. What is the future of humanity? (link)
"Although they did not pass the test of the year 2000, the theories of the end of the world are now experiencing a revival related to the year 2012.
It seems that more and more arguments are converging towards the conclusion that in that year something completely surprising
and unimaginable will happen to our planet and implicitly with us, its inhabitants.

The flow of terrestrial time will accelerate, as we approach the "Zero Point", which corresponds to the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles.
When passing through the Zero Point, which some place at the end of 2012, terrestrial time will no longer exist!
The entire planet and all its inhabitants will pass into another dimension!

The most spectacular change, however, occurs at the level of human DNA, which seems to be reprogrammed by the Cosmic Intelligence.
As a result, intuition develops faster, as well as all the paranormal abilities that derive from it.
The third eye begins to open and even the physical eyes transform to accommodate the Light and its much higher frequencies.

The Mayan calendar predicted the end of the current age in 2012
Gregg Braden scientifically proved the passage through the photon belt and the gradual slowing down of the rotation period of the planet Earth.
Braden believes that, when our planet will no longer rotate, we will be at the "Zero Point" of its magnetic field.
After two or three days of rest, it will start spinning in the opposite direction again, which will cause the Earth's magnetic poles to reverse.

- Time will seem to pass faster and faster as we get closer to the "Zero Point".
Causing the inversion of the magnetic poles, the crossing of the Zero Point will also mean the translation of humanity into a higher dimension,
the fourth, which is in turn a step towards the fifth dimension.
At this level of evolution, our thoughts and desires will manifest instantly (a fact that corresponds to the astral plane).
After the leap into the fourth dimension, predicted to take place before the end of 2012 , in 2013, according to these theories,
we will pass into the fifth dimension.

- It seems that after passing through the Zero Point, the Sun will rise in the West and set in the East.
Several ancient texts describe such radical transformations in mankind's distant past.

- Most of the known technologies will no longer be operational.
The exception is the use of free energy, discovered by Tesla a century agoproposed at various stages to some of our governments
by extraterrestrials, but hidden and forbidden by a world conspiracy.

Before 2012, the evolved souls on our planet will make this leap and thus open the ascension gate for others who will follow them.
Some beings, who have already turned to God with faith and sincerity, will achieve Ascension with their own sublimated physical body,
while others will leave this physical body to find themselves on another plane, with a subtle body, closer to the new vibration frequency.”

So, for 2012, the MISA® courses predicted great transformations on a planetary level, the most terrible of which were the reversal of the poles,
the overturning of the Earth in its orbit, the passage through the Zero Point and the Translation into a higher dimension.

Under the impression of these "revelations", some began to tell fiction stories.
Instructor D.B. – himself a sci-fi author – takes the name of Galactis-Alkesh and begins to preach translation into the higher dimensions,
in a series of 25 articles, which also talks about the Event of December 21, 2012.
Shocked by the fabrications, two students write to Bivolaru, who declares that he does not support what is stated in that series of articles
(see article 1article 2 and article 3).

Following the withdrawal of support for Galactis –Alkesh, his 25 article series has been pulled from yogaesoteric,
but has remained posted on other sites and can be read starting here or archived.

After years in a row in which he set the tone for the most abracadabrant and catastrophic omens, as the date of December 21, 2012 approached
and it was more and more obvious that nothing of the predicted was felt (and there was not enough time left to happen),
Bivolaru sweetened his predictions, as if foreseeing the coming GREAT PLANETARY FIZZLE, and even began to denounce
the apocalyptic prophecies of others:

The so-called prophecies concerning December 21, 2012, circulated recently by the media, have no real basis - November 16, 2012 (link):
The "news of the day" on October 30, which went around the planet and was broadcast by almost every publication and TV station
in almost identical words, referred (you surely remember) to the Tibetan monk who sent a warning message to NASA
with regarding some apocalyptic events that will take place starting from December 21, 2012.
In our opinion, there is no reason to fear and we are sure that on December 21 the events described in the respective articles will not take place.
We remind you of the news - in one of its versions:
A lama monk known as the Oracle of Shambhala sent a statement to NASA saying that on December 21, 2012, the Earth, along with the solar system,
will pass through the so-called "ground zero" of the galaxy.
"This represents a state of space where it goes out and no kind of energy can spread.
The electromagnetic field of all objects disappears. You don't have to worry or be scared''.

2012 – The year of the Apocalypse or of Salvation? (I) – Yogaesoteric, December 14, 2012 (by Gregorian Bivolaru) (link):
”The transformations that have already begun and are going to occur in an accelerated and often surprising manner,
will ineluctably lead to the Great Crossing which will be primed during 2012 and beyond.
These will involve, above all, subtle, sublime, profoundly elevated energetic changes at a rate of about 75%,
and only in a proportion of about 25% will they be clear and manifest in the physical world.
In the physical universe where the Earth exists, a huge amount of energy that has never existed on this planet will appear.
There will also appear conditions to simultaneously access, sometimes without even realizing it, parallel dimensions,
in which the energy of time is accelerated.
This huge influx of photon, neutron and tachyon energy that will soon appear, will greatly contribute to triggering extraordinary transformations
on our planet.”

Friday 21.12.2012: Yang spiral followed by the induction of the state of spiritual liberation through a divine miracle
and collective prayer to God the Father (link):

And... fizzle!

December 21, 2012 was the most mundane and boring day.
Because everyone had stopped to see what would happen, no one was doing anything, and therefore nothing happened.
In the following days, a lot of posts mocking all these predictions appeared, like:
"It's December 23rd, is anyone else there?"

But at MISA® things could not be left like that.
Could have appeared some ”demonic doubts” creeping into the minds of the followers, generated by the stark contrast
between what had been predicted and what had (not) actually happened.
So it was claimed that the Earth had actually entered the Light Zone (the "photon belt"), and meditations began to be performed
for practitioners to become aware to this energy, but the feeling of disbelief and failure was quite present,
so these meditations were quickly abandoned (only the most flattering claimed to feel something).

Shortly afterwards, Bivolaru imposed in the courses that, during practice, the students should orient themselves facing the geographical South
after 22 years – the number of the Absolute (ridiculous) – in which everyone had been told to orientate themselves facing the geographic North,
where Magnetic North was also said to be.

The justification was embarrassing: the practice must be done with the face oriented towards the Magnetic North Pole,
which is actually found towards the geographical South (real fact!)
It was said that the eternal scapegoat for all the errors in the course - the former MISA president, Claudiu T. - had made a mistake when,
since the first year he had imposed the orientation towards the geographical North.
But then Bivolaru, who had assisted to some courses, why didn't he notice and make the correction himself?

The irony was actually different: by changing the orientation during the practice, the students - most of whom had not understood
that the magnetic poles have opposite positions to the geographical ones - were left with the impression that the magnetic poles were reversed,
i.e. the predictions of the Great Translation of 2012 had indeed come true...

2012 – the year of Apocalypse or Salvation? (II) – Yogaesoteric, December 21, 2012 (by Gregorian Bivolaru) (link)
"Even if these waves of energy will soon flood the atmosphere of the planet Earth, we must take into account that God offers us,
but He does not put it in our bag.
Extraordinary impulses have already begun to appear and will be more and more intense in the near future,
paving the way for entirely new, initiatory planetary conditions to which human beings will open differently.
For many of us with common sense, this should be a reason for collective mobilization without delay, to do what the Divine Source is imploring us
to do before it is too late.
It is necessary to note that this message coincides, to a very large extent, with the prophetic messages that the Virgin Mary offered
on the occasion of her miraculous apparitions both at Fatima and in other places around the globe."

To divert attention from the failure of the prophecy of the Great Translation of 2012 - which had become for all the Great Salvation -
Bivolaru invented a new prophecy:

Another prophetic, alarming, wise message was sent to Planet Earth by certain higher intelligences who call themselves ”the 13 hators"
The wise voices of the 13 hators also come from the astral universe.
They are very well informed about everything that happens on our planet and they know surprisingly well many about our lives
and our earthly existence.
The 13 hators inform us that the times that will soon come for us, and for our blue planet, are very hard.
The essence of their message is that we are heading towards self-destruction at very high speed."

One can notice the contradiction between the so-called prophecies of the Bible Code - the change of humanity's destiny
and its salvation through collective prayers and the New Covenant, initiated by Saint Gregory of MISA® - and these new apocalyptic prophecies.

If MISA had not existed...(link)
Nicu, 43 years old:
"If MISA had not existed, I personally believe that some apocalyptic events would have happened. And not just now.
I remember of the first time I applied the method for deflecting an asteroid, of all the meditations to avoid earthquakes.
All in all, I think December 21, 2012 would have been accompanied by disaster and suffering for the entire planet."

Bivolaru had won once again the game at two ends, but not everyone digested the 2012 moment, which was the wake-up call for some of them.
So, instead of listening to "the hators", some started to listen to the... "haters"!


There is no apocalypse without wars, so wars could not be missing from the MISA apocalyptic landscape.
They continued on the same note: what had been foretold did not happen, instead what had not been foretold happened!

The war in the former Yugoslavia was not anticipated, instead there was great excitement at MISA® with a war predicted
by the "seismologist" Ion Istrati for 2006-2007, started by Russians and Muslims.
”Part of Romania would have been occupied, with many deportations and executions, with armed resistance (partisans).
Even Western countries were to be occupied, Paris encircled, but the Americans intervened, landing on the Atlantic coast,
but also in Constanta (a city in Romania, on the Black Sea shore).
In the end, Moscow was to be under siege.”

In fact, Istrati fabled under the impression of the war in Chechnya in which, after a series of terrorist attacks in Russia in the fall of 1999
- blamed by the Russians on the Chechens - the Red Army invaded Chechnya and captured its capital, Grozny, in the first part of 2000.
This was followed by the hostage-taking in a theater in Moscow (October 2002) and the hostage-taking in Beslan (2004),
both provoked by Chechen commandos and resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths.
But there was no war as predicted by Istrati.

On the other hand, the attacks in New York on 9/11, 2001 and the invasions that followed - that of Afghanistan (October-December 2001)
and that of Iraq (March-May 2003) were not anticipated by the great "prophetologist".

The wars occurred, but exactly the opposite of what Istrati had said (and MISA® believed), as on Radio Yerevan jokes:
it was not the Russians who attacked, but the Americans, and it was not the Muslims who invaded, but were invaded.

However, something remained: the fear of a Russian invasion.
Bivolaru recommended the students from the East of Romania to get houses in isolated mountain areas, but on the western side (towards Transylvania).
A fraudulent student took advantage of this fact, who collected money for such shelters, after which he took refuge in Absolute Anonymity.

As for the real war started by the Russians and which was to occur in the kind of the ones "predicted" by Istrati - it is about the invasion of Ukraine -
not only it was not predicted or prevented at MISA®, but it is widely approved.
Another prediction: war in Iran (see here)


In this area, Bivolaru did not prophesy, although there is no Apocalypse without pandemics.
Bivolaru insinuates that everything that occurs naturally is from the "God's Will" and can be prophesied,
while everything that happens artificially, by the will of people, cannot be foretold.

All the pandemics broke out unexpectedly, and Bivolaru masked his lack of foresight by declaring each pandemic to be
"artificialcriminalstaged by the satanic sect of the so-called Illuminati to depopulate the planet or to achieve a forced vaccination
which, in turn, will sicken the planet's population to reduce it numerically or be a pretext for a hidden inoculation of identification and tracking chips.”

Bivolaru never made it clear why theIlluminati would pursue a forced vaccination to make people sick when a pandemic is far more effective,
or why the Illuminati want to implant tracking chips into people they want to kill anyway.
But that's the role of the Apocalypse: to frighten and induce fear, for stronger control of the followers' groups.

First, the H5N1 bird flu pandemic broke out (autumn 2005), when Bivolaru indicated as prevention the seeds of an aromatic plant,
recipe which was received after taking an oath and which the trainees could also administer to close relatives,
but without revealing it (although the plant is very well known!).

Just when the planetary program "NO, Apocalypse!" was initiated (May 2009 – August 2010), the swine flu A(H1N1) pandemic broke out.
Ten years later, without warning, came the Covid pandemic of early 2020, which again surprised and confused the great planetary prophet.
After the first reaction was to declare the pandemic as ”fake” ("just a simple flu") as a pretext for forced vaccination,
he saw an opportunity in the thermal scanning operation which, in the absence of specific tests, was widely used.
Bivolaru created a new psychosis at MISA - that of "isotopic marking by laser thermoscanning" - and began the exposure
of a series of conferences, the title of which was itself a conference:
"Essential revelations concerning the true hidden purposes of this artificial-made ”pandemic”, which also aims at a fatal and satanic deception
of all people into accepting a definitive isotopic marking by consenting to the sinister diabolical mark of the Beast about which
there are already clear prophecies in Apocalypse.”

The conferences started like this:
"Given the fact that we are currently living in terrible apocalyptic times, we advise you to make known all the conferences with this theme
to all your friends and acquaintances, because the information we provide you with is fundamental.
We want to make it clear that, in fact, the content of these conferences is not addressed to lethargic, skeptical, obtuse, ignorant,
lacking in spiritual intuition, stupid human beings who, due to the deathly sleep of intelligence in which they are already immersed,
they will be quick to think stupidly and even to maintain with a foolish conviction, which is unshakable, that all this is impossible."

Individuals - whom the media revealed were connected to MISA® - staged a scandal in relation to thermal scanning
at the entrance to a hypermarket (see here and here)

Video: "Thermoscanning in Romania. Abuses and illegalities at a hypermarket in Bucharest."

But after a few weeks, with the appearance of specific tests for Covid, thermal scanning was abandoned everywhere,
and the apocalyptic topic of "isotopic marking" had to be closed by Bivolaru by diverting to other topics.
Then, he changed his version in a convenient sense: he declared that the pandemic actually is real, being staged by evil occult forces
to depopulate the planet, and the only chance of preventing the disease and of definite cure is a "prophylactics remedies scheme” created by himself.

Initially, the depopulation of the planet was the theme that Bivolaru insisted on, he declared that the perspective of the vaccination is distant,
because it takes 5-10 years to create and produce a vaccine.
However, this contradicts the theme of the artificially created pandemic because, if the Illuminati had premeditated the pandemic,
they should have already had the vaccine prepared in advance.

But then vaccines came along that were rapidly designed, made and tested, based on new mRNA technology,
and Bivolaru found a new apocalyptic theme:
mRNA vaccines alter human DNA and cause illness and ultimately death in those vaccinated, with certainty within a period of 4-5 years,
which was later increased to 7 years.

Then, Bivolaru also created prophylactic recipes for protection against vaccinated people, then prohibiting vaccinated students
from touching unvaccinated students or being touched by them.
From time to time, Bivolaru launches conferences - copied and pasted from conspiratorial websites - in which he announces more and more mass deaths.

In conclusion, the apocalyptic messages within MISA® are primarily intended to frighten followers
and cause them to remain like chicks under the wings of their mother.
Contributing to this is the specifics of the apocalypses announced at MISA® which, after being announced in the most terrifying way,
are then followed by the saving solutions which are obviously only possible with the methods of MISA® and only under the wing of MISA®.
One hand caresses and the other holds the cane, just like in representations of (macro)cosmic powers. 

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