Wednesday, August 23, 2023


”These words came to the ears of the Pharisees who were with him and they said to him, Are we, then, blind?
Jesus said to them: If you were blind you would have no sin: but now that you say, We see; your sin is there still.” (John 9:40,41)

MISA is built on two main pillars:

- The first is the idea that its leader is spiritually perfect, that is, omniscient and infallible (cannot make mistakes).
Therefore, the followers will believe - without thinking, without even seeking to verify - everything the Guide states.

- The second is the fear of "demonic doubts" and the definitive loss of the chance of spiritual liberation if one leaves the "spiritual path"
represented by MISA and her spiritual mentor. Therefore, the followers will reject any seed of doubt in their mind or heart, without questioning.

While fear is meant to keep followers regimented within the ranks of the sect, belief in the infallibility of the Spirit Guide
is meant to be its engine.

First of all, the pompous name "the Movement for Spiritual Integration into Absolute" suggests the claim of possession
of the Supreme Truth and hence the claim of infallibility.
The "Great Pope" from MISA did not directly claim that he was infallible.

To the question - which every spiritual seeker has in his mind and soul - "if his spiritual master is spiritually accomplished", Bivolaru answered with a story (video):

"At a conference, a wise man was speaking about a certain topic. At a certain moment, someone in the room stands up and asks him:
"Sir, all is well, but I want you to tell me precisely: have you reached the state of Supreme Ecstasy or not? But tell me clearly and precisely!"
To which the wise man said:
If I would say that "Yes, I reached it!", half the people in the room would get up disgusted and leave, saying:
"How boastful!"
If I would say "I didn't reach it!", the other half would get up and walk away saying:
"Then why does he still come to give us lessons?!"

This is not the answer of a wise man, but of a clever trickster, who actually bypassed the answer, so that no one in the audience leaves the room
and everyone to stay in a state of passive waiting, just right for trying to gradually manipulate them.

A true wise man would have answered directly and honestly:
"Of course, otherwise I would have been a charlatan, if I had given you lessons from the position of spiritual blindness".
Or: "I have received the following mission from God and I have been endowed with the power to carry it out, as will be seen in the near future."
Then he would add honestly:
"To those who believe what I have just told you, I draw your attention to the fact that a blind faith has not transformed anyone,
and to those who refuse to believe, I say to you that hasty judgment has never led to the truth.
I advise you to be patient, look carefully and then judge wisely based on the facts, for the man is known by his facts,
just as the tree is known by its fruits."

So Bivolaru, like the swindler supposedly wise in the anecdote, never answered this question, but first suggested and induced belief
in his perfection to some students or instructors close to him who, in turn, induced it in other students, among whom it then amplified
to macrocosmic proportions, from one to another. This is how we got to hallucinatory statements from followers.

For example, during a 24-hour Prayer, God would have given a student the following MESSAGE, read on the occasion of Bivolaru's birthday
on 12.03.2001 (archive):

"I want as many people as possible to hear these things so that the world can really understand the truth about Grieg.
I want to tell you things that he would never have told you or let be understood.
Grieg is one of the greatest masters of this planet, of this universe and of others.
He is the greatest spiritual Master who has appeared on this planet since Jesus until now.
He lets Me manifest Myself fully through his being, because he is always merged with Me.
Through all his physical manifestation, My Word became flesh and could reach you.
He is the spiritual Model, the Example to which each of you must relate and identify with.

If Grieg is a perfect manifestation of the spirit of Tantra and controls all aspects of the manifestation, not many can be like him,
for you know that Tantra is walking on the edge of a knife.
If he had been wrong until now, be sure that the laws of the universe are implacable and he would not have escaped their action either.

Returning - the fact that he has manifested himself perfectly so far and that absolutely everything he does has My divine integration,
you can see from all his activity so far. Grieg The Spiritual Master does nothing but My will.
And those who have doubted until now, would do well not to. Be aware that you have before you a Model of divine Perfection.
When you bring him insults and unjust accusations, then you do not love Me."

”To Mr. Professor, with love" - March 12, 2014 (on Grieg's birthday) (archive):

Let’s look at one such yoga teacher – a remarkable yoga teacher, Gregorian (Grieg) Bivolaru.
Grieg is a man who lives 100% according to the spiritual principles (which he affirms and teaches) and never backs down from them;
he has absolutely never made the slightest compromiseHe has an infallible memory.
The defining element for such a man, who puts all his hopes in God and whose strength comes from faith in God, is the infallible
and complete success in everything he does.”

Well, he doesn't have an infallible memory, because sometimes he forgets what he said before and then says or even does the exact opposite.
And his success is not infallible either, considering how many times he missed, especially in the spiritual development of his disciples,
many of whom have not only forsaken him, but also disown him, although they once glorified him.

The open letter of (the student) M.M. to C.T. (former vice president of MISA) (archive):

How would it be possible for me to believe that I can free myself on this spiritual path, in this school, with Grieg as my teacher,
if He can still make mistakes? What assurance could I have that I will be able to receive from HIM the Grace of Deliverance at some point?
What trust, could I still have in Him as a spiritual being who always guides me, if he still makes mistakes?

I have to tell you that for me the Spiritual Master is God and he can NEVER be wrong!
He, as a DIVINE being, knows what is happening at any place and at any time (because He is omnipresent) and only some
have the feeling that HE does not know.
I believe that HE knows what happened in the past and what will happen in the future, because he is one with God, and God is omniscient."

The second of the Second after Jesus, one of Guru's old disciples, N.C. (the current president of MISA), declaims apotheotically:
The Biblical Code foresees the spiritual actions initiated at the planetary level by MISA: (archive):

"He" here designates an exceptional being - a "sent of God on Earth" - who will carry out, within a large group of human beings
that will be guided by him, the process of creative modification and transformation of the destiny of mankind and of planet Earth."

N.C.'s open letter to yoga students: (archive):

”For a true disciple his Master is without fault, even if in the eyes of others he makes, at least in appearance, certain mistakes.
And a just attitude here also means complete trust, because it is a question here, as we have shown, of our very relationship with the Divine."

Other old disciples wrote in the book THE MASTER-DISCIPLE RELATIONSHIP, page 79 (archive):

The Guru's blessing is received by those who believe in Him.
Faith means the firm belief that what the Master said is real, without looking for logical evidence.
The disciple who trusts the Guru does not argue, does not think, does not analyze, does not question. HE JUST OBEYS, OBEYS, AND OBEYS AGAIN."

”The Sent of God" never moderated such statements of the followers, and even fueled them under the pretext of the master-disciple relationship
as it is presented in the texts of the spiritual tradition. Thus, in a message quoted by an exalted student, Bivolaru says:

If you will look upon your spiritual guide as a DIVINE ACCOMPLISHED being who leads you to GOD and supports you,
you will thus receive the blessing and guidance you deserve to help you discover GOD.
If because of your evil and distorted vision you will look upon your spiritual guide as a being who has defects or vices,
you will not receive any kind of blessing or support and then the evil spirits will awaken in you all the defects and vices
on which you falsely attribute to the spirit guide.”

When some aspirants lose their faith in the spiritual guide, their vision about the spiritual guide darkens, changes, and that's why
they can no longer benefit from the spiritual gifts and support that the spiritual guide constantly offers them.
Never listen to the person who criticizes, gossips or judges your spiritual guide.
The aspirant must never criticize or gossip about his spiritual guide.

The problem with this spiritual "advice" is that it encourages the spiritual aspirant to blindly follow a man who is said or claimed 
o be enlightened, when the aspirant does not even have the ability to know if the one he is following is or not spiritually enlightened.
Thus, in a study taken over by the MISA website without indicating the sources, it is stated (link):

How can a spiritually enlightened being be known - The consensual validation of enlightened human beings
"How can we really know if a human being has really reached the final stage? Absolutely everything actually indicates that
only a fully spiritually enlightened human being can truly recognize whether another human being is fully spiritually enlightened;
hence the existence of uninterrupted lines - or, unfortunately, sometimes interrupted - of Masters who, at a given moment,
recognize their partner, appointing a successor. Such human beings who are already in different stages of the spiritual enlightenment process
can be met at our YOGA courses both in the country and abroad."

"Such beings on the path to enlightenment are at our yoga courses"...
From this point of view, the article seems to have been written by Bivolaru himself, because only he can recognize the stage
on which his followers are, in which case it could be titled "How to recognize that I am enlightened?", by Gregorian Bivolaru Himself.

"Only an enlightened person can recognize another enlightened person", as Bivolaru said few times.
And then, how to ”exactly follow” someone when you don't know - and you have no way of knowing! - if that person is holy or not?
Obviously, blindly!
There should be a way to check a person's level of spiritual attainment based on some criteria.
The article claims to provide these criteria:
"Here are some of our main criteria that were selected mainly from the testimonies of those who practice YOGA"

"Criteria selected based on the testimonies of practitioners", that is, based on what the blind say!
The article tries to emphasize that validation must be consensual.
But the "thousands of testimonies that attest to the indisputable value of our yoga school" are also consensual...
In addition to these "thousands of testimonies about the value of the school", there are thousands of other testimonies of those
who left the great school and who, at first, also had the impression that they had found enlightenment, such as those who wrote 
the book THE MASTER-DISCIPLE RELATIONSHIP, mentioned before (”just obey, obey and obey again”):

Letter to MISA yoga students and Grieg (from some old MISA instructors) (archive):

We made the decision to withdraw from these courses as a last gesture of protest against the situation that has persisted for a long time
within MISA and for which Grieg is responsible.
For now we have come to see how things are "on top", we have been made by Grieg to do strange things or turn a blind eye
to certain aspects, or tacitly tolerate situations created by Grieg that have nothing to do with with the original doctrine of this school.
Grieg knows and counts on the fact that we will not be able to say those things that could harm innocent people whose only mistake was
that they accepted the compromise of swearing not to talk (because Grieg asked them to) and have did things just because Grieg told them to do,
not knowing what they were exposing themselves to.

We all know that there are many accused in criminal cases and they have no other fault than that they did what Grieg told them,
who assured them that it was all spiritual and under his protection.
Other people were prompted to lie to defend him or to justify delicate or embarrassing situations (eg, the Tribute Show for his Birth).
What is most serious and which can no longer be tolerated by a man of common sense and intelligence is that Grieg makes people violate the truth
and makes them partakers of the lie so that further, being accomplices, they support each other.

The fear that Grieg constantly manifests in the last period of time in order not to lose his image of a perfect being who never makes mistakes,
brought him to the position of diverting attention from all those mistakes he made and which were shown through attacks to those who report them.

We also want to apologize to the students for not publicly opposing so far the mistakes that Grieg has repeatedly made
and the carrying out of collateral activities in Romania, Japan and Austria that have nothing in common with yoga.
But we must all realize that the situations MISA is facing are due to his deviation, already obvious to many, from the path of harmony.
We are sorry, but we hope that our withdrawal will be a wake-up call to everyone and that those mistakes will not be perpetuated."

The open letter of C.T. (former vice president of MISA) to yoga students (archive):

"I admit that inside I never started from the premise that a spiritual master cannot make mistakes.
As I understand and feel things, even if a human being has reached the state of ultimate liberation, so a spiritually perfect knowledge, 
he concrete knowledge that allows him to express himself in the physical plane is always perfectible.
In my view, an approach like: "I don't understand now why Grieg did this, but if he said so, it means that it is the best for me",
is devoid of the lively character of this relationship.
We must honestly and wisely admit that more important than adherence to our spiritual school and our master is faith and trust in God."

In the face of such "blasphemy", the heated servants of the Infallible responded in a demented way:

The open letter of (the student) M.M. to C.T. (archive):

Furthemore, it made us seriously think when you said that you "admit that you never started from the premise that a master cannot make mistakes".
At one point you say the following:
"We must honestly and wisely admit that more important than adherence to our spiritual school and our master is faith and trust in God."
I must confess that your whole letter is based on this idea in particular, and it is obvious to all of us that this is where all your confusion comes from.
By this you prove, without realizing it, that in reality you no longer relate to the Master as one with God and you already realize
an obvious separation that shows that SATAN has taken your mind."

"The Way of the Wanderers" (archive):

"Human beings who have been on this spiritual path, full of doubts, have moved away from the spiritual Guide and implicitly left
the spiritual path willingly renouncing the divine chance of transformation.
No matter how the doubt manifested itself, it triggered processes of resonance with the terrible world of demons and even with hell.
The demonic doubts they faced at some point proved to be fatal for some of them, causing them to go astray and deviate
from the authentic spiritual path they were on. The wanderer can no longer accept his Spirit Guide as a divine being necessary to transform
his limited egoistic personality in order to set him free."

Since the doubts about some actions of the Master are labeled by him as "demonic", that would mean that the Master implicitly proclaims himself
to be "Divine", because if he were an ordinary man, it would be about ordinary doubts.
In order not to fall prey to "demonic doubts", the simplest attitude is to reject them from the start and then deny them,
what is characteristic of habotnics and fanatics.

The open letter of (student) M.M. to (former MISA vice president) C.T. (archive):

"To overcome these blockages it is good to look carefully at the spiritual guide who is detached and who is beyond any limitations.
How would it be possible for me to believe that I can free myself on this spiritual path, in this school, with Grieg as my teacher,
if He can still be wrong?

To me the Spiritual Master is God and he can NEVER be wrong!
He may appear to be wrong (to SOME !!! disciples including you), but he does nothing that he is not aware of, and even if seems to you
that he is wrong, he actually adopts by divine inspiration a certain attitude to create certain reactions in us."

Even the Master himself advised them in this sense, in the recent conference "The Code of the Bible about MISA":

"Please also, when you find - no matter where - the existence of statements that convey obvious hostility, when you come across
hateful articles or statements full of hatred towards this authentic spiritual school , avoid reading them.”

But in order to counteract those "demonic doubts" that still seem justified, the followers always sought and invented justifications
for the contradictory actions of the Master.
These justifications that followers find for their Guru's bizarre or contradictory statements and actions are perhaps the biggest obstacle
to their awakening and escape from this huge lie that is MISA.

The open letter of (student) M.M. to (former MISA vice president) C.T. (archive):

He, as a DIVINE being, knows what is happening in any place and at any time (because he is omnipresent)
and only some have the feeling that HE does not know.
I am convinced that what Grieg is pursuing through all these public actions has an inestimable purifying and transforming value.
This initiatory path often involves being tried (tested) where God deems us still vulnerable.
Always, without exception, a pure heart will discover the hidden meaning and divine justice that is hidden in apparent "injustices"
which the spiritual Guide does to us.
Therefore, a righteous attitude towards the spiritual Master is essential in order to overcome any spiritual trials
as quickly as possible, triumphantly.”

So this is the justification:
"The Master cannot be wrong, only fools think he is wrong when in fact he is testing them spiritually.
Even when the Master appears to be wrong, in fact he knows very well what he is doing and manifests on purpose apparent wrong actions
just to test the disciple's faith!”

In fact, blind faith is put to the test, as only a blind person believes from the beginning that the Master is infallible.

And the blind can find many justifications for his actions, if he really want to.
For example, when the Master - taking hallucinations from all kinds of "prophets" - foresaw a lot of cataclysms
(earthquakes, wars, asteroids, solar explosions) which, however, did not happen at all, to the followers it seems that all these misfortunes
were stopped because MISA acted preventively, under the guidance of the Master.

But when real catastrophes occurred that have been not all foreseen (the tsunami waves in Indonesia on December 26, 2004,
the Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011 or the Covid pandemic in 2020, etc.), such was the inevitable planetary karma ..
Actually the Guru knew, but he didn't say anything, because God told him not to say, that's how it had to be...

Some followers are aware that the "Guide" makes wrong claims, but they found a justification in this case as well
(which mainly the instructors circulate): that the details he presents do not matter (even if they are obviously not right),
but only matter the idea that is conveyed!
For example, it doesn't matter that Bivolaru took over many aberrations about the Pope (some of them have been retracted by himself),
but ”the important thing is that the Pope is indeed an evil oriented character”.
The laziness of this argument is quite obvious: if the Pope has actually taken evil actions, then let those very evil actions be exposed!
What is the point of presenting rumors and fakes, when it would be normal to reveal the real facts?
But the fact that they are not real disclosures but rumors shows either that they are not evidence of bad actions, or that the Pope
is wanted to be portrayed as an evil character anyway.

And yet, there are actions of the MISA leader that cannot be justified even by the most fanatical:
it's about actions or statements that contradict each other or that are contradicted by reality!
A true spiritual master guides his disciples primarily by obvious personal example and advice.
But when these actions or advice contradict each other, they cancel each other out and this fact creates great confusion in the disciple's mind.

The open letter of C.T. (former vice president) to MISA students (archive):

I believe that, in reality, it cannot be creative from a spiritual point of view the way M.S. (NATHA leader) did when he said
with great conviction, during that conference, that he knows of no situation in which Grieg was wrong.
On the other hand, I know that about two months ago he confessed to N.C. (currently MISA president) that he realizes that Grieg
can sometimes make mistakes.
M.S. gave as an example the situation that happened several years ago, when at a conference Grieg introduced the so-called Count Incapucciato
as a representative of Shambhala, only to say a week later that he is a fraud."

Of course, there are shocking manifestations of some masters, but they never contradict what they are saying.
Often cited (even as justification for Bivolaru's strange actions!) is the shocking, seemingly contradictory behavior
of the Tibetan master Drukpa Kunley, who was often seen in the company of prostitutes or performing obscene acts in public.
But in reality Kunley was not contradicting himself in these actions, for he did not pretend to be abstinent, chaste and pudibond,
but only manifested (exemplified) the transcendence of limitations of any kind to face the hypocrites - the self-righteous -
in order to expose their falsity or to make them aware of their falsity.
Kunley didn't claim something and did it backwards - like Bivolaru - but did exactly what he said, when the time and place were right.

When Bivolaru and the instructors preach love with continence in the couple based on total love, then they show themselves
with a lot of girlfriends which they switch like underwear, followers are shocked.
When, in addition, group sex or polyamory with partners of all zodiac signs is promoted, followers are hesitant at first, then imitate these attitudes
thinking they are the right ones, but mechanically, ignoring true love.

When the Master proclaims that sexual continence at MISA is divine, but urges followers to swallow porn movies of the lowest order,
it should not be a surprise that they reject the guru's pornography - even if is free.

When the Master proclaims that sexuality must be transcended but, at the same time, he created a true sexual debauchery at MISA,
it should not be surprising that the followers are oversaturated with sex, being criticized by the "spiritual guide" for being anemic in this sense.

It has become a reflex for followers, when they do not understand the Guide's actions, to reject and then deny their doubts
under the justification that "he knows better!"
This justification may have some validity in matters of a spiritual nature (where the Spirit Guide has more experience),
but only for a limited time, as the disciples will not make spiritual leaps if they always blindly obey and does not take their destiny
into their own hands.

But it got to the point where the followers became totally dependent on the Guide's advice, including in areas where he should leave them
full freedom of choice - such as that of affective relationships.
When followers ask the Guide whether it would be good or not to start a relationship with a certain person, it means that they
either do not feel anything and are not ready for such relationships, or - very seriously - they are ready to obey blindly,
even against the "voice of the heart"!

If followers are ready to act against what they believe, feel or desire - even if they are immature - it means that the harnessing of free will,
which is the foundation of spiritual evolution, is inhibited. The spiritual guide must be and remain a guide and not a tyrant.

In fact, the situation is even worse than that, coming to light in the harshest way in the situations where Bivolaru uses this ascendancy
over the free will of his followers when he pressures some female student to have sexual relations with him under the pretext of
"indispensable tantric initiations for evolution"!

Several former female students reported (video, podcast and press article) that they were invited to Paris to be initiated
into tantric sexuality by Bivolaru.
Some characterized this experience as very unpleasant, others stated that they did not even know what was going to happen,
some even refused the relationship at that point and were told that they had "demonic influences".

But Bivolaru always claimed that "when the disciple is ready, the Master appears" and that the initiations are
"only for those who are ready to receive them".
But in cases like the ones presented, it is clear that those female students "were not prepared" or - worse - they did not want that,
but they had been called without being told what was coming, that is, they had no way of being "prepared" anyway.
Not only were these women not "initiated", but the experience caused them suffering, and the Master should have foreseen
this if he was all-seeing, as he claims.
He should have foreseen that those women "were not ready", so it was not the moment to be called because, in their situation,
the "test" could not be passed.
It is no coincidence that women who have gone through these experiences are today the strongest opponents of MISA and its leader. (video)

In any case, Bivolaru did not foresee the cases in which he would be refused, so he does not "see into the future",
as his flattering servants dogmatically claim:

The open letter of (student) M.M. to (former MISA vice president) C.T. (archive):

"If he knows our future, why wouldn't he also know his future, because it's only his?
I believe that HE knows what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future, because he is one with Godand God is all-knowing."

There is another contradictory aspect in which the Guide shows his real face:
he always let it be understood - by means of the "exemplifications" in which he always made big show - that he is capable of inducing
paranormal experiences to his disciples at a distance, without being present near them.
The official website of MISA stands as proof (archive):

The spiritual guide transfers his own spiritual realization and experience to the aspirants
"This true spiritual performance, of paranormally transferring into the inner universe of the aspirants his own spiritual realization and experience,
is characteristic only of bodhaka spiritual guides.
The fact that the spiritual mentor of our yoga school is a spiritual guide of this category has been confirmed over the years
by the testimonies of thousands of participants in this kind of spiritual examples.
Spiritual masters with this gift are extremely rare these days, and as far as we know MISA is the only yoga school in the world
where this kind of spiritual exemplification is done frequently.

This exceptional spiritual capacity by which bodhaka spiritual guides mediate for sincere and open aspirants direct spiritual knowledge
is called in the Kashmir Shaivism tradition "direct transference of Divine Power" (shaktipata), from the spiritual heart of the spiritual guide,
which is united or , more plastically speaking, "melted" in the Heart of God, to the spiritual heart of the prepared and sincere aspirant."

Well, if Bivolaru is such a great bodhaka and induces states from a distance (initiations into "beneficial romantic trance" and Svara
are "done" from a distance!), why is it still necessary for women - and only for women - to be physically present and, moreover,
to have sexual intercourse? (see this video at 10min:30sec)
How gives Mr. Bodhaka remote initiations to men?
It is obvious that the need for sexual contact in the case of women is only a pretext.

Just kidding, if the remote paranormal initiations take place "from the heart of the Spirit Guide to the heart of the female follower",
it seems that Bivolaru's heart is placed lower than the other people...

Finally, a brief recapitulation of a few moments of "infallibility" - beyond any doubt - that the great Bodhaka showed:

PLACING the SUMMER SOLAR HIATUS on the WRONG DATE (August 23-24, instead of the correct August 27-28.
This error is UNACCEPTABLE for someone who claims to have an advanced spiritual level and pretend to be a spiritual master.
The error proves the incapacity and imposture of the MISA mentor, in two respects:

- theoretically (the actual calculation of the moment), because it shows that the so-called master does not even possess esoteric knowledge
which he always brags about ("the only initiate alive, revelations in a planetary premiere")
- from a practical point of view, because it shows that the alleged advanced spiritual master of MISA DOES NOT PERCEIVE
the subtle energies at the level he claims, also from two points of view:

-  he did not realize that, when doing the subtle communion meditation with the hiatus moment, nothing special was happening
- when the hiatus manifested in reality (4 days after that!), he did not notice this fact, although it is a manifestation of a moment of void,
although Bivolaru claims to be the absolute master of the VOID.
Bivolaru claims to be spiritually realized, that is, according to esoteric knowledge, he is a human being who permanently maintains
his consciousness in the state of Absolute Void that exists between two thoughts, beyond the fluctuations that characterize
the Manifestation (SAMSARA).
Or, for one who claims to be permanently fixed on the consciousness of the Supreme Void, it is unacceptable not to perceive
the rare and special moments of void at the ambient level. It's like not noticing perfectly clear weather in England!

But also the erroneous calculation of the moment of the hiatus is edifying for Bivolaru's imposture, from an esoteric point of view.
He applied the formula on MECHANICAL TIME (linear uniform time measured by mechanical or electronic clocks)
and not on TIME as SUBTLE ENERGY.
Subtle time, i.e. the succession of tattvas, depends on the position of the Sun, as shown in SVARA Yoga (another field in which Bivolaru claims
to be an absolute expert).
Because of this, the formula does not apply to time measured in minutes and seconds, but to position measured in degrees, minutes of arc
and seconds of arc, as in astrology....

Obviously, in this case, the justification of "spiritual testing of the disciples" cannot be invoked, because they were exposed
to erroneous information from the very beginning by the Master himself !
In conclusion, both the calculation and the erroneous perception of the special moment of void are blunders that demonstrate
to the highest degree, beyond any doubt, the imposture of the MISA mentor and the "integral MISA esoteric school".

WRONG PLACEMENT of the BRAHMARANDHRA focal point in the crown of the head and not in the Lambda point,
as is correct and as later corrected in the courses (foto).
Bivolaru blamed the former president of MISA, C.T., although the audio-video evidence shows that he, with his own mouth,
made the wrong statement, right at the first spiral of induction! (source video, 8min:04sec)


Prior to 2010, yoga practices were performed at MISA facing the geographical NORTH or the EAST.

Aphorisms about meditation - by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, October 2007 (link)

12. When we do profound yogic meditations, it is very well that our face and body face North or East.
20. We may also do profound yogic meditations while we are sitting on a chair, but, beforehand, we have to orient our body
and face either towards North or towards East (Sunrise).

The first year of yoga, course no. 2
"During the YOGA exercise program, the face should be oriented towards the magnetic north pole or towards the east.
In YOGA postures where we are seated on the ground, the head should be facing north or east."
The first year of yoga, course no. 3
”SHAVASANA (relaxation) is performed lying down with the head facing north or east.”
The first year of yoga, course no. 42
”Method - we will stand or sit, facing north or east.”

Since the NORTH direction is mentioned (without other specifications) in the same sentences as the EST direction that does not relate
to the Magnetic Poles, it follows that it is about the GEOGRAPHIC NORTH direction, as we all understood it in the first year of course.
In fact, even in the techniques carried out under the direction of Bivolaru, the orientation was towards the geographical NORTH!
With the approach of the "Great Translations of 2012" moment, it was specified in the courses that the overturning of the planet in its orbit
and the inversion of the magnetic poles will take place. When it came to flipping the planet's Poles, Bivolaru suddenly had a revelation:

For the ATTENTION of ALL STUDENTS (message January 2010 link and archive):

"Our spiritual guide Grieg gives us the following explanation:
In our Yoga courses, there is a recommendation to perform yoga techniques facing north, i.e. terrestrial magnetic north.
We draw your attention to the fact that the MAGNETIC NORTH POLE is actually the GEOGRAPHIC SOUTH POLE.
Please keep this clarification in mind for your spiritual practice.
We wish you the best of luck!”

"I had classmates who strictly followed everything taught in the course. This means that meditations and postures were done facing north.
When they entered a foreign house, the question would inevitably arise: where is the north?
Besides the mistake whose error appears after so long, what amazes me is that they meditated for 20 years without realizing,
from their own perceptions, that the energies flow in reverse!!!
How would it be for the Muslims to find out that Mecca is in the opposite direction to the one they have been worshiping for so many years?"

So, along with the Poles, the students were also overturned.
Then the year 2012 passed, but the Poles remained in the same place (proof, compasses and migratory birds).
And the Guide remained the same as the Poles, as if nothing had happened, for he never makes mistakes, only the others...

➤ after Bivolaru himself authenticated some followers as "having a high level of consciousness" and placed them in high positions within MISA,
he later declared that they were diverted to the evil zone when they began to contest him.

➤ although some followers reported about all kinds of miraculous prophecies made by Bivolaru which they allegedly witnessed in private,
the ”Guide” has always failed in its publicly manifested predictions (earthquakes, asteroids, comets, wars , epidemics).
Bivolaru suggested - and followers took up and amplified - the idea that the great prophesied cataclysms did not come true because
their production would have been annihilated by the specially created meditations, later included in the "NO Apocalypse" program.
However, during this time other such catastrophic events occurred in reality, which were not at all anticipated by the great Guru.

➤ the statement made at a conference that beneficial aliens saved planet Earth from an asteroid impact by smashing the asteroid
with their own ship, scene that was allegedly captured on video camera.
A thanksgiving meditation was even made for them.
Upon careful analysis of the film, it turns out that it was all just an optical illusion due to the imperfections of the windshield (details here).

➤ a conference pompously titled "An extraordinary discovery, which will rewrite the history of mankind", presented at
the 2017 spring yoga camp, based on Bivolaru's manuscript, in which the discovery of the ultimate proof that extraterrestrials exist
and visit our planet is affirmed.
In reality, everything was a fake (archive) dismantled even by the one who launched the rumor on his YouTube channel (link),
(more details in the last part of this article), and the topic was buried at MISA, disappearing from the archive of the official MisaTV channel.

➤ the apocalyptic warning regarding Isotopic Marking by thermoscanning (part 5), made after a Russian fake, thesis modified by Bivolaru
in part 8 when thermoscanning was abandoned everywhere.
Bivolaru advised followers to check themselves with an ultraviolet lamp to make sure they weren't tagged in the thermal scan (details here).

➤ the announcement (taken after a fake from the internet) that Pope Francis would have participated in a Luciferic ceremony
(in reality the Easter Vigil service carried out until the morning Star rises), rumor launched during the Isotopic Marking conference part 6
and retracted by Bivolaru himself in Part 8 (details here).
The fragment was also removed from the conference series transcript on the YogaEsoteric website.

➤ quoting an article from a publication of hoaxes and pamphlets, during a conference on the Evil Actions of Pope Francis,
statements later retracted even by Bivolaru himself.

➤ quoting a hoax article (link) about gay marriages in the Catholic Church (unretracted article)

➤ the statement that there are no female Masonic lodges in Romania, followed by a bet, both retracted by Bivolaru himself,
with the justification that "he had no recent information" (female masonic lodges being reactivated in Romania since 2000!).

➤ the support given to the international fraudster M. Keshe (video) and the claim that some "brilliant" MISA students have built devices
that produce electricity from nothing (details here).

➤ a conference on "A laboratory report regarding the substances allegedly found in SARS-Cov2 vaccines", copied and pasted by Bivolaru
from a post by a person claiming to be an alien from the Pleiades (link).

➤ an announcement from the "Lightning Conferences" series, in which Bivolaru proclaimed that Donald Trump will remain in the White House
as President of the USA, at the very moment when all televisions were broadcasting the inauguration of the new President Biden.

➤ a conference in which Bivolaru took over the statements of a doctor made in a TV show called Stew Peter's Show,
(which is read as Stupider's show!), in which she states that she saw in vaccines "a synthetic hydra that was alive and conscious ” (details here).

➤ a conference presented on March 11, 2022, in which Bivolaru "prophesied" - obviously, belatedly - the reset of the global monetary system,
whereby all money printed without gold backing would be replaced by its gold equivalent, a rumor that turned out to be false (video).

➤ the "revelation" of an alleged effective group healing method, just a few months after the death of the president of MISA,
which followed a long line of cancer deaths of prominent MISA figures.

➤ also, all the maneuvers that were unmasked in the previous article entitled "THE ABSOLUTE MANIPULATOR" are just as much evidence
of the Master's infallibility.

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