Thursday, November 3, 2022


The subject of ET seems strange for a group that calls itself a "school of integral esoteric yoga, embracing all authentic spiritual traditions
of the world."
Compared to the ET theme which seems more in the realm of science fiction, the theme of the existence of subtle worlds and divinity
seems much more serious.

Spiritual traditions deal with the relationships between humans and entities in the higher subtle planes of Creation.
These entities can be eminent beings of a subtle order - gods, angels, even the Creator Himself - or beings who lived in a human body
and reached a high level of spiritual evolution - "saints".
In general, these entities can manifest without being limited by time and space, can be contacted in any place and at any time,
and their response - when it occurs - is instantaneous and immediate, being most often felt in the inner universe of the human being
calling for divine help. Less often, they materialize instantly in the physical plane, without needing additional means.
Therefore, the subject of the relationship with beings belonging to ET civilizations, which are part of a much lower category
than the subtle entities mentioned above, seems strange.

Unlike angels or saints, ET are much more limited in their spatio-temporal manifestations, needing time to traverse the vast spaces of the Cosmos
and, moreover, needing special vehicles and costumes to move around and survive in outer space.

But since MISA® is more of a bizarre sect than a spiritual school, the topic of ETs is no longer so inappropriate in its case.
On the contrary, contact with ETs is the same as communication with subtle entities: since they are not visible, one can say anything about them.
You don't have to prove anything, you just claim that it exists, and the fact cannot be verified and, above all, contested.

However, given the lower level of evolution attributed to ET civilizations compared to the extremely elevated level of angelic beings or saints,
the question arises: why you would contact ETs, when you can more easily call upon much more evolved entities
with capabilities clearly superior - practically unlimited - and which, moreover, respond directly and instantly?
The answer is: advanced technology!
ETs can provide technology that fulfills the full range of needs of human beings: from sufficient food, raw materials and energy –
all in unlimited and free quantities, to curing disease, regeneration and rejuvenation, solving social problems and protecting
against the dangers of outer space, including that of evil ETs!
Also, having a higher spiritual level than humans - but still much closer than angels and saints - ETs can be a source of accessible wisdom
due to very precise and direct communication when direct contact occurs (3rd degree encounter).
This is exactly why ETs are contacted at MISA®: solving humanity's problems, from the physical to the social.

In reality, the issue of contact with beneficial ET civilizations has a much more subtle role.
It is part of Bivolaru's efforts to provide (illusory) hope to MISA® followers lacking in spiritual attainments.
After three decades of appeals, invocations and prayers which got answers only in the imagination, the promised contact with ET
keeps a little hope alive, and about hope it is said to be dying last.

At MISA®, the ET theme started with the experiments of D.B. aka Indra - Alkesh, who is also a sci-fi author (he says it's not sci-fi).
In 1990, he showed to yoga students a yantra for communion with evolved ETs, which he claimed could lead to remarkable results.
He claimed that, together with other colleagues from the city where he lived, he managed to call these ETs who, in response,
manifested in the city area in a specific way, with lights and flashes in the night sky.
At several meetings with the students, the instructor D.B. broadcast videotapes of the manifestation of the so-called Ashtar Galactic Command,
in which individuals (channelers) claimed to channel messages from the ET entity Ashtar.

Then came the subject of reptilians - evil ETs - who have been present on Earth for thousands of years, seeking to subjugate humanity,
even getting involved in politics.
For this, the reptilians would have created a hybrid race whose members are the very ruling dynasties of mankind,
from the Sumerians and the Egyptian pharaohs, to today's European royal dynasties (the "blue blood" families).
Even some pure reptilians live among us and change their form (”shape shifting”), acquiring human characteristics.

During the yoga class itself, lessons were presented about the Annunaki (the Sumerian epics and Zecharia Sitchin's books),
then about the shape-changing reptilians (David Icke - the book "The Supreme Secret" published by Daksha Publishing House (link),
as well as a video tape entitled "Revelations of the Mother Goddess" (link).

article: ”The beneficial ET beings who assist and protect planet Earth” – august 2008 (link)
"The less known fact, but highlighted especially by certain secret societies and esoteric circles, is that the entire activity
of the various types of ET civilizations that fly over our planet and have interests here (their number is estimated at 12 or 13)
are in turn under the strict supervision of two or three ET civilizations extremely advanced technologically and even spiritually,
they being eminently beneficial for mankind.
The fate of the Earth would have been completely different without this "intergalactic security service", which only allows within certain limits
the interference of advanced civilizations in the life of other less evolved civilizations.
References to beneficial ETs are not many, but it is certain that they have been watching over our planet since the dawn of time,
thus ensuring the perpetuation of the human species and their progress at all levels.”

article: Humanity is on the threshold of major revelations – octombrie 2008 (link)
”On October 14, 2008, 49 days after the Hiatus spiral from Costineşti, the appearance of an ET ship of 3219 kilometers is announced.”

With the approach of 2012 - the year of the Great Translation of the planet Earth in the higher dimensions -
the mentor of MISA® initiated a series of invocations to the Supreme Galactic Council, which - according to the leaders of MISA® -
would have manifested an extraordinary response on this occasion.

”Some completely extraordinary aspects related to the planetary impact and the beneficent divine influence
of the collective prayers that were performed in unison (since 2010) within the MISA yoga school”,
by yoga teacher N.C. (link)

"... we dare to affirm with all belief that this passage that was identified through the secret code of the Bible refers to the moment when,
within the MISA yoga school and under the guidance of its spiritual mentor, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, were started collective prayers
that were addressed to God the Father, which were followed of certain extraordinary events
(which were even for us astonishing, miraculousthat had an echo on a planetary scale!
We refer here primarily to everything that happened on planet Earth following the seventh collective prayer,
when two secret bases of the members of the satanic group of the so-called "Illuminati" were destroyed by a divine miracle,
through underground explosions, and after that the destruction of other underground bases followed.

We now know that some of these astounding events that have occurred on planet Earth since August 2011,
have been accomplished as a result of the help that some beneficial ET civilizations have given us and are giving us.
Since August 2011 there have been several interventions by an ET civilization, which led to the destruction of certain secret underground bases
(including some submarine reptilian bases, which were destroyed one by one, after the collective prayers that were made in unison
within the MISA yoga school).
That's why the actions of that ET civilization that got involved in a constructive way in the process of saving and transforming
(both of the Earth and of all humanity) now appear to us as something natural."

- Bivolaru's audio conference on ”The destruction of two reptilian underground bases” on August 23, 2011 (Romanian, part 1 and part 2)
- ”Two more underwater reptilian bases, destroyed” (Bivolaru’s audio conference, Romanian part 1 and part 2)
The source of this audio conferences (in English) can be found here.

After a while, another "miraculous intervention" of ET beneficials: saving the Earth from the collision with a meteorite,
by an ET spaceship who destroyed it before impact:

Special message from Grieg – March 10th, 2013 (link)
”For all of us who took part in the paranormal collective invocations that were adressed in unison on 1st of january 2013
both to the Supreme Galactic Council, as well as to the beneficial extraterrestrial civilizations, it is quasi-obvious and undeniable
that extraterrestrials saved planet earth from a terrible apocalyptic event which (in the absence of their help) was to take place on the 15th of february 2013.  

We must admit - none of us anticipated how important those invocations that we made would be in the near future
for both planet Earth and for us the earthlings.
Only later, after February 15th, 2013 were we able to realize that, in fact, with these collective invocations we have all 
contributed indirectly (but still in a considerable way) to save planet Earth from a TERRIBLE APOCALYPTIC EVENT which,
without the tremendous support we were given (at the right time) by the extraterrestrial civilizations, could have taken place on planet Earth
when a huge meteorite was to hit the surface of planet Earth on February 15th, 2013. 

We tend to believe with an unshakable faith that the paranormal invocations that we addressed fully contributed (in a certain way),
together with all the other invocations of the same kind that were addressed by all of us in unison prior to December 21st, 2012,
to avoid a terrible apocalyptic event that, in the absence of our invocations would have not caused this salutary and welcome reaction
from the beneficial extraterrestrials.

That meteorite could have devastated the Earth if just before collapsing on planet Earth, an unidentified flying object (UFO)
which undoubtedly belonged to an alien civilization had not hit the meteorite making it shatter into pieces of stone,
thereby reducing tremendously the destructive effects of its impact.

Based on rigorous analyses that were conducted afterwards on the existing video footage, it could be seen that the meteorite
was hit by a UFO that triggered the explosion, and thus the apocalyptic terrible effects of its impact were able to be avoided,
devastating effects that would have occurred
if the meteorite had impacted the surface of the Earth.
Following this research terrifying conclusions were reached: it is obvious that the meteorite would have unleashed a huge disaster on our planet
if it had not been previously hit – with an astounding accuracy – by an unidentified flying object (UFO) that made it explode
before the impact with our planet (the Earth).
For us it is amazing that that moment precisely, dramatic in its way, was able to be recorded by some amateurs.”

It is about this video.
In reality, the analysis of this video proves that it is an optical illusion due to a swelling of the glass on the windshield of the car
on board of which the video was recorded.
It can be seen here (link) how the bright spot that was considered an UFO passing through the meteorite and breaking it,
actually moves together with the black dots that exist on the windshield, i.e. with its glass.
Also, the fact that the bright shape of the meteorite image is maintained despite its explosion shows that it is the effect of a solid structure –
a defect in the windshield glass.

           gif - alleged UFO                                    gif - windshield REFLECTION


The other videos (link) that captured the event do not show that bright spot believed to be a UFO breaking the meteorite.

Incredibly, a gratitude meditation for ET was performed afterwards:
Given the tremendous help and obviously altruistic assistance that the extraterrestrials offered us on this occasion,
we have already decided TO THANK THEM IN UNISON in a future collective action which will be also performed in unison.
At that time we will express all our gratitude first to God the Father for having made the saving of planet Earth possible
through this extraordinary intervention, then we will express in unison the gratitude towards the Supreme Galactic Council
and finally we all in unison express gratitude to the extraterrestrial civilization that helped on this occasion and destroyed that meteor
before it impacted the surface of our planet (the Earth).”

All this is exposed in an audio conference by Bivolaru, which can be heard, but only in Romanian (part 1 and part 2)

In parallel, the instructor D.B. aka Alkesh felt the "inspiration" and impulse from his Guide and, on the occasion of the approach of 2012
- the year of the Great Translation of the planet into the higher dimensions - he published on the MISA® website a series of 25 articles entitled
"The problem of ET intervention in the current context of humanity" (can be read in romanian here)
He takes the name Alkesh, starts giving interviews (see transcript or listen audio in English).
Then, together with a partner named SYRIAT, he founded the Galactis Center at the beginning of 2014, and the group began touring Romania
and made a series of films, including some on the subject of ET:

- Terra Galactica Ep1 (CC English) (link)
The Lenticular Ship (CC English) (link)
(a spaceship that is at the same time a conscious being, with which DB Alkesh communicates...)
- The Conflict From Space (CC English, French) (link)
- Comet Ison. The Event. The truth about them (CC English) (link)
(The idea of the comet in which ET saviors are actually hiding has also been encountered in the Heaven's Gate suicide cult.)

To the hallucinatory statements in these movies, some yoga students take a stand:
”An intelligent and pertinent analysis brings to light the gaps and serious mistakes in D.B.'s articles and Galactis Center documentaries” –
excerpt (part 1part 2 și part 3 Romanian only)
"Two yoga students ... signaled both to the editors of the website and to the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru,
a series of errors, contradictions and prophecies that were not fulfilled in any way, which were included in the materials developed
by D.B. and the Galactis Center.
Many of the serious mistakes that the signers of the message signaled it have been noticed by many readers of the yogaesoteric site,
but surely everyone will discover new surprising elements that have not passed the test of time.
For obvious reasons, in the shortest possible time we will depublish the series of articles entitled "The problem of extraterrestrial intervention
in the current context of mankind".

Students' message (excerpt):
"I wrote this summary because there are a lot of aspects that are unclear to us, and some of them seem shocking or downright ridiculous.
Therefore, we thought we would humbly ask for your help in clarifying them.
We undertook this step because the "Galactis Center" claims to have the MISA Yoga School's signature for all the materials they publish,
in the form of articles, conferences or documentary films.
It is our humble opinion that these materials contain a number of elements likely to affect the image of our yoga school
and those who attend the classes and are dedicated to the spiritual ideals promoted by MISA.
We are not at all indifferent to the image of our yoga school and therefore we would like to know your opinion in this regard.
We have many colleagues who blindly believe everything that appears on the website or on MISA Senzaţional TV,
no matter how absurd or contrary to the laws of physicsbut we cannot believe that you have read and approved the publication of these aspects;
therefore, we are writing to ask you to explain to us whether the reality conforms to what is stated in all these materials.”

Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru's answer (excerpt):
”We would like to point out that we have not yet become aware of all these contradictions, errors and so-called prophecies
that were disseminated by the Galactis center.
Studying with attention, lucidity and discernment the content of the analysis that was carried out by the two students,
we found that many of the aspects pointed out to us are justified.
That is precisely why we urgently ask the author to urgently and honestly acknowledge the mistakes that were made,
mistakes that are otherwise obvious both to us and to other students.
It is the case that D.B. to realize that from the sublime to the ridiculous is only one step.
Various aspects of the content of these materials that we have never read before highlight the ridiculousness,
and another significant aspect is that some of these so-called prophecies have never been fulfilled, although the author previously claimed
that all this will come true "without doubt".
As we all know, to err is human, to forgive possible mistakes that are made is divine, but to persevere in error is diabolical.
We ask D.B. to admit without delay the errors that are evident in the published materials and, if he has something to say,
we ask him to do it urgently, presenting a possible right of reply.
We would like to thank the students who pointed out these aspects to us and we agree that they indirectly affect the image of the spiritual school (MISA).
Thank you for understanding."

There was also an additional message (link):
Additional clarifications related to claims in articles by D.B. and from the materials of Galactis – Grieg's answer
"The problem is that in these articles and their accounts, all kinds of bizarre things have obviously crept in,
which clearly show that in their case there are some demonic influences that have caused them to be deviated.
You may have noticed, by the way, that they strangely did not use or popularize any of the materials disseminated within our yoga school
on this subject at all, not even referring to the beneficial alien communion meditations performed as part of the meditation program
from the Costinesti camps.
In this direction, it is also suggestive that although we made available to them some accounts and records related
to some personal experiences we had in this direction, to use in their conferences, articles and documentaries,
instead they did not mention anything about this unique and authentic experience of communicating with an extraterrestrial civilization."

So that was the problem: not the fact that these statements are phantasmagoric, but that they were made in their own name,
ignoring the "official, authorized" point of view!
The Great Authority's hallucinations are perfect from the beginning, and those who dare to supplement or come up with their own opinions
are ejected into space...
This moment represents the official takeover of the theme by Bivolaru.
From now on, however ludicrous his claims may be, they will be regarded by followers as the Absolute Truth.

Remaining the only authorized and competent voice, Bivolaru reigns on a website (link) dedicated to the ET problem,
with versions in 6 other languages.

Start easy with a warm-up:
"Six motivated reasons full of common sense, which allow us to believe that in the immense physical universe in which we live
there is extraterrestrial life as well as intelligent beneficial extraterrestrial beings", by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru.
Reasons only to believe, not to be sure, by direct physical contact...
If he believes it, it means that it is so and we must all believe it.

But since ETs are in no hurry to land at MISA®, contact with them has taken exactly the form of contact with subtle entities:
from a distance, exclusively at the telepathic level, and the manifestation of ET in response is as (in)visible as that of angels or saints.
The ET contact attempt took the form of a religious invocation ritual.

It is about a
"Technique for invoking the help of the members of the Galactic Supreme Council and of ET beings beneficial to the planet Earth",
created by Bivolaru and which is carried out in stages (see here).
Of course, as always, it can not miss the account of "authentic" experiences, but strictly inner and personal, which can neither be proven nor contested (link).
And the links to the English articles don't even work (articles and testimonies).

In 2017, at the Herculane camp, an audio-video conference was presented based on Bivolaru's manuscript, entitled
"An extraordinary discovery that will rewrite the history of mankind".
It was about the discovery of mummies of alien-looking beings in Nazca (Peru), in the famous area with huge drawings and lines in the desert.
The conference is based on clips posted on Youtube (channel link) by an individual who took the name of Krawix (real name Paul Ronceros).

The first 6 videos present the various researches on the mummies, as well as the opinions of some "world-renowned scientists",
which all converge towards the authenticity of the mummies. Bivolaru glorifies the Mexican ufologist Jaime Maussan.
But after 6 months, during which the sensational topic was amplified, this Krawix suddenly turned around and, in the 7th video,
he announces that the mummies are fakes and proves it very clearly, based on x-rays, showing how they were made from remains of real human mummies,
1700 years old, abundant in the area, but assembled to look like they belong to aliens.

On his page (link), Krawix - Paul Ronceros states:

”The so-called Nazca Mummies are manufactured beings from human and/or animal parts, that represent beings with humanoid appearances.
These mummies are of different "species" and sizes.

In 2014, a set of passageways and underground chambers were discovered under the burning subsoil of the Nazca desert,
where two stone sarcophagi were found, containing different mummified bodies of humanoid appearances.

In mid-2016 I got the first beings, but I did not know their origin and manufacturing method.
In October of that same year I presented a being to a newspaper in the city of Cuzco. The news slowly began to spread.
In April 2017, Jaime Maussan, a Mexican ufologist, came to Peru with a team of international scientists to analyze the mummies
obtained by Thierry Jamin.
Then Maussan would say that the mummies analyzed were 99.999999% extraterrestrial, leaving my theory
(that the mummies were manufactured by the Nazcas) with a 0.0000001 chance.
Time, oblivious and merciless to human discrepancies, will soon tell who was right.
From now on I say that, although the Nazca Mummies were manufactured , the finding is real.” Krawix
Since this 7th video exposing the fake was posted on April 2, 2017, very close to the start of the camp at Herculane,
one might think that the author of the presentation - probably very busy with editing and finalizing that video presentation,
didn't get to know about the prank.
But - surprise - the presentation also contained photos from video no. 7!
Thus, now, what was clearly wrong from the beginning became understandable: namely that, although he had so many videos available,
the entire visual part of the presentation consists only of photos!!!
The answer is that all video no. 7 is filled with x-rays that explain in detail, with text in English and Spanish, with pointing arrows,
how the mummies were faked.

photo - FAKE exposed at X-rays 1                 photo - FAKE exposed at X-rays 2

The real author of the conference simply extracted those few frames that do not contain the explanatory text
that abounds in expressions like "mummified aliens assembled", ”false mummies” etc.
So he had found out that the subject was false, but he chose to continue the charade, as is done at MISA®where it is said
that the idea transmitted is important and not the means (or in other words ”the goal justifies the means”!)

And if the hypothesis is advanced that Bivolaru was intoxicated, the question still remains:
how such a fulfilled master, who is said to see into the future, did not feel that everything was false and that things would take
a completely different turn?
In the end, from this prophecy of Bivolaru with the change of human history by the "discovery" of Nazca, the dust was chosen,
just like in the other cases.
After being on MISA TV® for a while, the topic simply disappeared without being noticed by followers.

But in 2020, MISA® is looking to somehow close the story with a fishtail ending:
”Mummified creatures with only three-fingered hands discovered in Peru prove aliens exist” - January 11, 2020 (part 1, part 2)
"Five 1,700-year-old mummies, which have hands with only three fingers about 20 cm long, were found in a tunnel in the Peruvian desert.
Although many would be tempted to say that this discovery is nothing more than a prank by some sensationalists,
examination of the mummies by specialists seems to indicate that this is not the case.
The mummies were studied by a medical team in the city of Cusco, Peru, and they are convinced that they are composed of skin and bone,
suggesting that it cannot be a hoax unless they were made using real bones, flesh and skin.
What would be the explanation for this bizarre discovery?
Skeptics will still be tempted to claim that it is just an elaborate hoax and that someone has invested a great deal of time and effort
in building these mummies, using organic materials."

So instead of human history changing – as the great prophet known as the Guide predicted – only the story changed
One fake ”assembled” after another fake... Eternal story from MISA®.

Finally, recently, the Head of the Supreme Galactic Council produced another conference on the subject of ET existence,
in order to restore the hopes of the followers who - for about 12 years - have been calling for the arrival of liberators from the stars, but who are not coming.
The conference series is entitled
"The case of extraterrestrial drones, described in the secret CARET report”.

It begins as usual with a psychological preparation, designed to dissipate the doubts of the skeptics and open the audience's mind to the existence of ETs.
Bivolaru presents a photo (the one on the left) that should convince even the most skeptical.
The problem is that this photo has been falsified, by placing the two people on the original photo (link) and which has been faked on other occasions,
by placing the body of a supposedly dead ET (see here).

photo - UFO FAKE

Only after that was the actual topic presented:
In 2007, on a late-night radio talk show - called "Coast to Coast AM" - dealing with a variety of topics (the most common being the paranormal and conspiracy theories - see here),
a series of photos of unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) were sent.
Some people with the pseudonyms "Chad", "Rajman", "Ty" etc. (information here) said they have what they claim to be photos
taken in various regions of the US over a short period of time (May-June 2007, see here).

As if by coincidence, at that very moment, a self-titled guy "Isaac" - who claims to be an old fan of the radio station -
contacts the show, declares that he knows about these drones and that everything has to do with a secret governmental program!
Isaac states that, during the period 1984-1987, he would have worked on a program called CARET "Commercial Application Research
for Extra-Terrestrial Technology" which "was concerned with research and development based on technology extraterrestrial".
I mean, the Army was researching secret ET technology, but not for their own use, but to sell it to the civilian world!
"Isaac" declares that he took this pseudonym for his own safety, but gives a lot of personal details about his previous training,
how he would have been recruited, when he would have been active, and which by narrowing the circle, would make him to be easily identified,
of course if it were a real situation.

Moreover, also in the idea of personal safety, he gives an address of a website that belongs to him, where it can be found information,
photos and plans about the alleged drones.
The site does no longer exists, but the information can be found here.
One of the claims - implausible in its ridiculousness - is that although drones are usually invisible due to an optical camouflage system,
they are... inscribed! (photo here).

So aliens send drones for surveillance of humans, do their best to make them invisible, then inscribe them with symbols,
as if they want to betray their alien origin if they malfunction and are captured.
It is clear that the inscriptions appear on the photographed drones precisely to suggest alien origin!
How do you make that drones - which could be anyone's - look like ETs? Inscribe some strange symbols on them!
If there was nothing written on the drones, then it would have been exaggerated or less credible to consider them anything
other than terrestrial objects.

To deflect attention from the fact that the symbols are intentionally placed precisely to suggest ET origin,
"Isaac" comes with an unbelievable idea:
the inscribed language would be actually a software that works by itself"a system of symbols (which closely resembles a written language),
along with geometric shapes and patterns that fit together to form diagrams that are themselves functional.
Once drawn on the right surface of the right material and in the presence of a certain type of field, it immediately begin to perform the desired tasks."
"It seems like magic!" declares "Isaac".
That's why he had to write on the drones, because the writing itself was doing all the work!

Here is a list of fake videos of such "ET drones"  (video 1video 2video 3video 4 și video 5) as well as some photos of fake drones: 
drone marked "CHAD (link), fake drone no.1 (link), fake drone no.2 (link).

Although the topic dates back to 2007 and has been expired for a long time, it is only now, after 15 years, that those from MISA®
came across it in their assiduous search to justify the bizarre ideas supported by their guru and to make  it a topic of "maximum and urgent news"!

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