Monday, November 28, 2022

Rabid Rooster Guru - "sui-generis self-autopsy"


On September 6, 2022, during a conference in the series "Morals and bad habits" guru Gregorian Bivolaru presented "a sui-generis fresh autopsy" of former student A. A. By way of introduction, the "Great Liberated One" was keen to point out that A. A. had already been the subject of such a conference in 2013 because he had not returned a MISA colleague 1960 euros. 

The current conflict stemmed from a "filthy and untrue comment" on a Facebook post of a female sect adept, which claimed that the hiatus spiral on 26 August 2022 would have been attended by thousands of participants. A. A., currently a former MISA student, dared to question the number of participants on the spot at Costinești. 

"A few thousand, are you sure? Honestly! In the pictures, I estimate under 1000 participants in that spiral. I'm not implying that 500 wouldn't be a big number to boast about. But why grossly exaggerate?Back when MISA wasn't all about money, when you didn't have to pay to participate in spirals. Especially back when you didn't have to be "legitimate" to participate, there were indeed thousands of participants. But most of them pretend not to see the elephant in the middle of the room, and some don't even see it because they are so blinded.The others dare not say anything, because they turned out to be hordes of dogmatic, undiscerning, and full of malice, will jump on them to liquidate them.

As is his wont, without presenting any evidence or photographs of the spiral, Magnus Aurolsson did nothing but indignantly claiming that 1717 aspirants participated in the hiatus spiral for free in Costinești, and another 1914 online, i.e. a total of 3631 people. The number of participants would have been even higher "than WE estimated". 

So - Attention please!- on the spot, in Costinești, only the participants who were free of charge did deign to attend or were mobilized to do so. A great achievement indeed for the "largest yoga school in Europe", which boasts with 30 000 to 50 000 students! Is it "over the top" that more than half of the participants preferred to stay at home? 

Then, resorting to his favorite method of clarifying things, an "ancient technique" not yet registered as trademark by MISA, he proposed to the former student a bet of 5000 euros. In fact he only proposed that he "be willing to make a bet of 5000 euros" that he had posted "lies and abject insinuations". 

In this context, it should be pointed out that the guru has a history in braking his word and not keeping his bets. Years ago he had place a bet that there would be no women in Freemasonry in Romania. After learning from some adepts that there actually was already a Masonic lodge for women in Romania, he declared the bet void, because he had not had access to "some recent information". 

To the former A.A. student, Bivolaru offered as an alternative to the bet to "present himself on his knees at the next spiral" to apologize. At the end of the conference, however, he invited him "to be given the right of reply". 

Throughout the conference, he kept quibbling by quoting imaginary lines and speculating about former students criticizing MISA. Without having the courage to speak its name, the old "Compass Guru" directed his poisoned arrows at this blog as well.

"...there are other villains who, for over 20 years now, have been and remain bitter hateful enemies of these esoteric spiritual schools, the horde of scoundrels who can't wait for cause for outrage. The horde of these scoundrels, however, forgets to mention that they are paid considerable sums of money to write, incessantly, all sorts of evil things, a lot of lies and slander as despicable trolls who are financed - many of them - from secret funds."

For the regular readers of this blog it is crystal clear that Bivolaru's fury came shortly after it has been demonstrated here, in great detail, that Sundar Singh's so-called prophecies about Romania, which have been circulating within MISA for years, are not only false, but have also been altered by the guru. 

Throughout the conference, MISA's "Big Stutterer" was constantly insulting the former student, calling him: 

snake (17 times), rascal (6 times), asshole (7 times), 
wretch (5 times), liarjerk (2 times),  bastardidiot (3), 
demon like, spiritually blind/blind (3 times), fraud
human garbage and rabid rooster

MISA's "Spiritual Mentor" has really outdone himself. This tsunami of invective revealed in fact, once again, his true self. The intended "sui-generis fresh autopsy" of the former adept  turns out to be nothing but an accurate self-portrait of Magnus Aurolsson. 

The self-imposed "cage holding" in France seems to drive the self-exiled guru crazy. The "sexual amorous continence" practiced with "hens" provided from all over the world obviously has its limits.

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