Monday, November 28, 2022

MISA - The treacherous game of the devils


On Monday 26.09.2022, between 19:40-20:05, MISA TV broadcast a message "from the Spiritual Guide addressed to people who did not choose to attend the additional conferences that were scheduled as a complement to the Esoteric Spiritual Yoga Camp for the 2022 summer vacation". It has been replayed ever since, lest anyone miss it. 

Gregorian Bivolaru repeated at the beginning and end of his new presentation the main point of his previous message, namely, that he DECIDED to suspend the lectures that were scheduled for the second bonus day of the summer camp, due to the low turnout on the first bonus day, and DECIDED that they would be heard at the 2023 spring camp.  

He then quickly revealed, which is really his major pain in this context, who his message actually targeted: those who had access to the camp free of charge. For "various reasons, which, beyond appearances, are not wise", even MISA followers who were free of charge at this camp did not want to take part in the conferences prepared "with great effort" by the "guru from Tărtășești"

"It is necessary" for these "human beings" to be aware of the "treacherous game of the devils" and to ask themselves if they are not being manipulated "by the devils precisely in order to lose the chance to benefit from these new conferences which are of course of immense use".

On this occasion the "Great Quote Mutilator" turned

"The devil's greatest art is to convince us that he does not exist." (Charles Baudelaire)


"The initiated have often mentioned how "the most colossal and cunning trick of the devils is to convince and induce people to regard, to think without ceasing, that the devils do not exist"."

Not choosing to participate in the special program thus highlights "a sui generis work of the devils" who have manipulatedpuppeteered many. It is also evidence of their spiritual saturation

"It is welcome" that from now on they proceed "without delay to a wise analysis of the kind 'but what if, by my choice not to participate in a certain spiritual exemplification, in a certain conference in which interesting new esoteric aspects are exposed, I am in fact blocked, sabotaged with perfidy and skill by devils, who aim that I don't learn certain esoteric mysteries, certain information that can be useful to me, especially in these apocalyptic times that, willingly or not, we live in the environment of these blue planet? ""

Moreover, full of "humility" as we know him, Aurolsson draws an analogy between not attending his conferences and a parable of Jesus - the "Parable of the Supper Guests", as rendered in the Bible. 

Magnus's bonuses would be "a tiny diamond painstakingly polished""a tiny diamond with dozens of mysterious facets". Any other concerns would be "a random shard that may be colored, but in reality is still a shard"

Naturally he tries to manipulate by suggesting that a "human being endowed with practical intelligence" would choose the diamond with "immense real value".

Furthermore, those with gratuity at the camp, who have not participated in the complementary activities, would not be able to appreciate "promptly, sensibly, intelligently and wisely what is offered free of charge".

In this context the guru brings up his great obsession, the Godly Attributes, which not all adepts would be able to "draw daily into their inner universe", preferring, due to their selfishness, stupidity and lethargy, to "channel the exact fatal opposite". 

Finally the MISA founder veiledly threatens to punish those in the wrong, without revealing what this consists of. 

"Common-sense, natural, intelligent measures will also be taken with people who, although they had the gratuity, paradoxically did not choose to make the most of it as urgently needed." 

Bivolaru also hopes that his message will not be overlooked or forgotten.


Bivolaru started his lecture at a very slow pace. It was as if he was sedated. Dazed... Within the first three sentences he kept stopping, he left long pauses meaningless. Much longer than normal. As he went on, he came to his senses and read from the sheets in his familiar rhythm and tone. 

He resorted, comme d'habitude, to the usual monkeying around when "quoting" imaginary lines from those who did not participate in the bonus programme. And to manipulating the audience. 

Particularly shocking is the small number of expletives. 

What happened to the MISA guru? What powders has he been holding under his tongue since the last conference, where he exemplified the "rabid rooster" state like no other?

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