Friday, May 24, 2024

”Foulcatcher”: TOXIC MISA

Following the broadcast of the podcast entitled "The Soul Catcher - Toxic Tantra" (link), an official reaction of MISA appeared.
Although the great concern of the Mighty Esoteric School is to cover disturbing revelations concerning it, primarily from its own followers,
this time MISA had to react, due to the high audience that the broadcast of this podcast registered, even though it has so far
only been produced in German, which is not a widely spoken language.

MISA: "An audio podcast appeared in Germany in April as part of a series dramatically entitled Seelenfänger (Soul Catcher).
Two German journalists narrate for eight episodes and a bonus feature the stories of self-titled "victims" who participated
in yoga classes organised by the ATMAN Federation and later "discovered", "in hindsight", that they had been involved
"in a web of manipulation and abuse of power", that they had even faced "psychological terror", and finally, alas, had experienced
a "tantric initiation" (as if they got some deadly virus). Drama and suspense, hold on tight!" (text source 🔗)

We hold on tight, because we have heard such stories frequently, but the facts reported are not to be laughed at as MISA does
and as the whores who wrote this response try to deride them.
("So what if you've been sexually initiated, girl, did you get a virus?" You should say thanks. I was there and it felt great!"). 

One indication that MISA has felt targeted by this podcast is that it has shown a reaction while, to date, the German branch
of ATMAN (DAtY), which is also often mentioned in the podcast, hasn't said a word about all this.

However, those from MISA promises to analyze the podcast in detail:

"We're also starting a series of a few articles (maybe a bonus, why not) in which we launch pertinent questions and offer
common-sense viewpoints that open up readers to a different perspective on the subject. We don't aim to, nor would it be possible,
to debate every claim, especially as we have not had the opportunity to discuss with the unfortunate "victims"
who made confessions to the two journalists."

Actually, they don't dare to analyze each statement in the victims' confessions, because it is likely to stir up memories in many female students!
So, instead of answering questions, they seek to "open up another perspective for readers", i.e. to point attention in the opposite direction,
as the one caught in the act does.
What else can we expect from MISA since the spiritual leader of MISA himself has read, directly from printed and annotated pages,
the answers he gave to a German journalist?  (see this video at the time 12min:03sec).

Until the people from MISA compose their version, until they agree on how to lie and until they get the green light, let's highlight
some of the lies that the spokeswoman for MISA delivered to the journalists who made the podcast.

"MISA does not recommend replacing medical treatment with alternative methods"

In part 7 of the podcast (Teure Kräuter audio 🔗), at the time 3min:28sec, it is said:

narrating: What does MISA say about this? Does it advise against the medical treatment of serious illnesses?
We receive a written answer: ”NO! The board of the yoga school has never heard of such cases. 
Alternative healing methods such as yoga techniques and medicinal herbs should not replace treatment by a doctor.” 

And at the time 4min:38sec, it is said:
narrating: Nathalie never heard anyone tell this woman: ”don't get treatment, don't go to the hospital, do more yoga instead.”

But within some conferences during the Corona pandemic, which were broadcast by MISA's official TV channel called
MISA Sezational TV (link), Gregorian Bivolaru himself clearly recommended the followers of the school to use
”miraculous” anti-Covid recipes created by him and not to go to the hospital, where they would be in great danger:

Message from the Spiritual Guide: "The circus of idiots has opened!" (MisaTV, Nov 10, 2021)
"Such people do not remember in the least that it is necessary to treat themselves urgently, by combining the "Fulger" ("Lightning")
prophylactic remedy with the "Fulger Aromat" ("Flavored Lightning") prophylactic remedy so that, within a period of 12 to 20 days,
they can cure themselves in this manner in order to avoid a disastrous hospitalization which, as you all know, can really cost them
their lives, because the way they are treated in the hospitals is barbaric - as you already know, they are tied up to the bed -
and then the treatment they undergo is of a nature to often cause their death."
(original audio with English subtitles here or audio with live English translation here)

G. Bivolaru - the ”Lightning” conference no. 4 (MisaTV, Jan 21, 2021):
"It was found in a lot of cases that people who showed unconsciousness, laziness and forgot or deliberately omitted to take
the "Lighting" remedy, even in situations where they still got contaminated with the Covid-19 virus 
(SARS-Cov is the name of the virus, Covid is the name of the disease T.N.),
they still managed to heal without the need for hospitalization, in a maximum of 12 days, associating as treatment both
the "Lighting" remedy and the "Flavored Lighting" remedy, which have been successfully associated in such cases,
definitely leading to the cure of Covid-19, without needing any other treatment and without hospitalization being necessary at all.”
(original audio with English subtitles here

The ”miraculous” remedies were also announced within special conferences of Bivolaru (original Romanian text here):
"You should know that based on our careful, rigorous studies and research, two such herbal remedies have already been developed.
One of these has certain prophylactic effects to help you not to be contaminated by the COVID-19 virus, and the other is
a mixture of suitable medicinal plants that has been called the phytotherapeutic mixture "Fulger" ("Lightning"),
which can be used in the first stage of a contamination with the COVID-19 virus.

We would like to point out that these two prophylactic remedies are based exclusively on certain medicinal plants
and each such remedy works synergistically. These remedies can be successfully used to provide safe prophylactic ways
for both students and sympathizers of the M.I.S.A. esoteric school of integral yoga.
These remedies will be offered free of charge, within the limits of available stocks, to all students who request them,
who attend both our yoga courses in Romania and our yoga courses in different countries abroad."

"Bivolaru never claimed to be a healer"

At the time 31min:07sec of episode 7 of the podcast, there is the following dialogue:

narrating: We still want to know how MISA assesses Gregorian Bivolaru's abilities when it comes to illness.
We have also read about very special meditation events. They can supposedly facilitate miraculous healings and bring
divine grace on all those whom God the Father and his archangels have chosen.
reporter: Is he like a healer?
MISA's Press Officer: No he's not a healer, in no circumstance I've heard him or in a lecture or whatever saying that he's a healer.
narrating: We have never heard them say that he is a healer. But some followers obviously think so and they post it on MISA's website.
“Miraculous healing, my spiritual guide removed a huge tumor, 🔗 ” it says. And that Bivolaru had freed someone from shingles. 🔗

We heard him!

"WE confess to you that WE do not have the necessary time, but WE could organize and then remotely trigger healing phenomena,
which could be three to four times what the so-called healer Bernhard 🔗 achieves when he is present.
Given the modesty and humility that characterizes US, WE do not consider it necessary to go into details regarding OUR interventions
that WE carry out only with the immense help that comes from the good God in the pose of a beggar who has - so to speak -
a pipe of great caliber in and through which the good God manifests in OUR channeler posture, so that even very great results appear.
WE could perform amazing, spectacular long-lasting healings in groups of 12 volunteers, which would last
a maximum of 40 minutes and which could be successfully performed, free of charge.” (audio)

"MISA has no connection with ”Steaua Divină”

At 22min:20sec of episode 7 of the podcast, there is this dialogue:

narrating: We naturally ask about the herbs from Steaua Divină.
reporter: What's the connection between Steaua Divină and MISA?
MISA's Press Officer: So Steaua Divină 🔗 (Divine Star) is a company it's a, you know, commercial company which was set up,
many years ago, by some medical doctors who are also students of the school and, as far as I know, some of them are still
students of the school, but that's their private business.

In reality, Gregorian Bivolaru frequently recommends in his conferences - broadcasted on the official TV channel of MISA -
recipes from plant powders that have a diversity of effects and directs the students to procure them from the "Steaua Divină".

”Therefore, here is that within this Esoteric school of Integral Yoga each of us has the possibility to choose to awaken,
to dynamize a process of occult resonance with the subtle sublime energy of a certain Godly Attribute, using at least twice a day
a certain herbal mixture that induces in a perfectly natural way such an occult resonance process as we need.
For this, we advise you to inquire at the ”Steaua Divină” to discover such remedies.” (link to Romanian text)

"We don't know if MISA's yoga instructors have contact with Bivolaru and send him tickets from students"

At the time 24min:58sec of episode 7 of the podcast, there is this dialogue:

narrating: We ask MISA's Press Officer whether yoga teachers at MISA are in contact with Bivolaru, whether they forward letters
from students to him.
MISA's Press Officer: I don't know who told you this and they should explain a bit more because, otherwise, honestly,
I don't have an answer to this.
reporter: So you would say that he didn't communicate with the yogis directly?
MISA's Press Officer: No, no, I'm saying that I don't know, there may have been cases - which I'm not aware of -
and I'm also saying that not everything that people say it should be taken as such.

Not everything that MISA say should be taken as such!
Actually, Gregorian Bivolaru initiated and supports for over a decade a series of public conferences that are broadcasted
by the media channel MisaTV, called "Morals and Bad Habits", in which he responds to messages from MISA yoga students.
During the "Morals and bad habits" conference on August 30, 2021, part 3, Bivolaru declared:

”He also mentioned that correspondence what is transmitted to you is carefully selected by the Freemasons from this spiritual school,
which justifies the fact that several of his classmates have sent you unconventional messages related to such subjects, to which
they then received no response. The statement also false, cretinous, that the correspondence is carefully selected by the Freemasons,
is also a big lie. He should urgently identify at least one person who, as he... (name) aberrantly claim, selects correspondence and,
as his statement implies, he then holds it back and makes it disappear. However, we inform him that, also in this direction,
his searches will be in vain, because he won't be able to find even a single person doing this, for the natural, objective reason
that such a thing does not exist. No one within this school would dare to commit, even in a single case, such an action.
He would be risking his stay within this spiritual school and would be promptly and irrevocably removed from this school's student body.
We also challenge ... to send us testimonials from at least two of his colleagues, as he claims, who would have sent us messages
that then never reached us, because they would have been stopped, censored, hidden. We ask ... to prepare even 20 such trap messages,
in order to verify the reality of this idiotic statement, deeply cretinous, which he circulates, without having any proof of this.”
(original audio with English subtitles here)

"Swimsuit photos required for camp registration are not for aura reading"

At the time 24min:58sec of episode 7 of the podcast, there is this dialogue:

reporter: I’ve read online that yogis have to send pictures in the bikini or in a swimsuit to participate. Why? 
MISA's Press Officer: Uh, because... Because by looking at the body of the person you can see to a certain extent if they have
some potential, I don't know, like problems, physical problems that would prevent him or her from doing yoga or it's any indication
that person would not be fit for a camp. 

narrator: narrator: Bikini photos as a health check. Oh, that's right. So many students which abandoned the school
have said that they were told that Bivolaru could read their aura based on the photos.
reporter: Is that right?
MISA's Press Officer: No!
reporter: No?
MISA's Press Officer: Maybe someone told, I cannot say that they were not told, maybe someone told it because maybe
they believed this but no, it's not the case.
narrator: So, she says, maybe some people have been told that, but no, that's her message.
reporter: He doesn't get this pictures.
MISA's Press Officer: Well this pictures are said with a camp organizer so, as long as he's not here, I don't see how
he could get this pictures, honestly.

Another big lie. People from the school's management stated that the photos in the bathing suit serve to visualize the aura,
in a statement made to the Swedish expert Karl Erik Nylund, who made a report for the Supreme Court of Justice of Sweden,
in the process regarding Romania's request for Gregorian Bivolaru to be extradited, in 2005:

1.1. Introduction
A series of specialty materials, mentioned in the bibliography list, were studied for writing this report. 
Also there were three interviews with Gregorian Bivolaru during the police custody in Malmö, the interviews with Mihai Stoian
and six MISA yoga practitioners. 

2.3. Spiritual camps
”Every year, in Romania, 10-12.000 people gather in order to attend the international yoga symposiums organized by MISA.
Among other things, they also practice heliotherapy. The participants at this symposium are accepted based on an ID card
for which they have to send photos, sometimes in a bathing suit, to the MISA leader. This happens in order to “read” the aura
of those who wish to attend and see whether there are any health disorders.

During the selection of the camp participants at these international symposiums, among which there are many young persons,
a large number of photos are received. Such photos were seized by the Romanian authorities and classified as pornographic pictures
because they obviously do not at want to see the content of the photos (namely one person in a bathing suit) and their purpose.”

The photos reach Bivolaru in the same way as letters from instructors and students, for which there is no censorship
as Bivolaru has shown before.

"There was no porn filming at Miss Shakti contest"

At the time 29min:04sec of episode 7 of the podcast, there is this dialogue:

narrator: The MISA press officer can obviously only provide information about things she has experienced herself.
We hope that she was at least present at the Miss Shakti contest. Was porn recorded there?
MISA's Press Officer: We are very much against pornography, so pornography is something really, you know, inferior,
degrading, lower energy, low shows, not a higher perspective on loving relations on men and women, so pornography
I would tell you for sure does not exist. Now, there was a discussion about so-called porn movies which are in fact erotic movies.
narrator: They are against pornography, but there are erotic films made by some Tantra teachers and their students.
But that is something separate, independent of the Shakti competition. From what she has seen, there have been no shootings
for erotic films there.

Another big lie. The presentation of the movie ”To Pee or Not to Pee for Ecstasy” says (see here):

”It's the long adventure of hours from the urinary orgasm show in 2002, the girls spend this long two and a half hours pissing
to see who gets the better orgasm and becomes the "Miss Shakti"... or should I say "Piss Shakti". It's not a compilation.”

How could those who created this movie database know that it was about the Miss Shakti contest?
They could only know from the producers of the movie!
The director of the film signs as Bella Maestrina, who also directed the film "Exaltation of Pee" (see here), which was included
in a DVD package called ”Giant Tantra Box” (see here) which, as you can see, was distributed through Kubera – den Tantriske butik
(Kubera Tantric shop), the online store of the Natha Yoga Center (the Scandinavian branch of MISA/ATMAN), as you ca see here.

If you click on Kubera shop banner (on the right side of the NATHA frontpage), you will be redirected on the frontpage of
Kubera Shop (link), and then a click on PRODUKTER Tantra redirect to this link, and then a link on TANTRISKE FILM redirect
to the page with ”erotic films” (link).
Thus is can be proved the link between MISA, Miss Shakti contest and the urinary movies, which are pornographic movies
because explicitly shows female genitalia.

"Porno video chats are not related to MISA"

Episode 7 of the podcast contains the following dialogue at the time 30min:05sec:

reporter: And cam-girl activities?
MISA's Press Officer: This is an activity that for sure exists everywhere in Romania as well and it may be the case that
some of the people are involved in this kind of activity, it's not an activity that is done or managed in any way by the school;
if some people are doing it are doing it individually.
narrator: And again, if a yoga student works as a cam girl, then that is purely a private matter.
The yoga school has nothing to do with it. We are beginning to wonder what MISA has anything to do with at all.

Yes, it has! When articles appeared in the press (link) showing that some female students at MISA, who appeared on the front page
of MISA websites and on the covers of MISA magazines, are active in porn video chats, MISA did not deny and did not dissociate
from them but defended them, denying that those sites are pornographic, just as MISA's Press Officer did in relation to "erotic films":

Reply to the press (link):
”The MISA association operates in accordance with the provisions of the law on associations and foundations, its purpose
and statutory object is to promote traditional yoga practice and authentic spiritual practices and values, through a modern approach,
without its activity involving activities with a sexual connotation or character, as it could be interpreted from the press articles.

Human sexuality is part of the traditional area of concern of yogic science and practice, but in a new approach, the emphasis
being on the higher, transformative valences of eros and on the control of sexual energy, seen as the fundamental energy of life.
The presentation of elementary notions and the popularization of a spiritualizing vision of eros has only an educational aspect,
since in the case of MISA there is no question of carrying out any activity of a pornographic or sexual nature.
The scientific approach combined with the specifically yogic approach to sexuality that emphasizes love and transfiguration
has triggered a positive process of educating adults, an aspect appreciated in the civilized countries of the European Union.

Above all, however, the person targeted by the slanderous and defamatory media campaigns is Gregorian Bivolaru,
the spiritual mentor of the MISA Yoga School.
For these reasons we remind the responsible factors within your publication that people who practice yoga benefit
from all the rights of European citizens and that, on the one hand, this systematic attempt to turn their personal or professional life
into a source of media scandal is a violation of these rights.
On the other hand, this pornographic approach is in itself an obvious misinformation of the public opinion regarding the practice of yoga,
which has apparently become one of the criteria for severe discrimination against yoga practitioners from the MISA Yoga School.
In this way, we ask you to give up the clearly discriminatory attitude shown explicitly towards yoga practitioners
and to present them in an unfavorable and derogatory light based on this criterion which is exclusively related to their option
to adhere to certain philosophical-religious beliefs.
The individuals referred to in the above articles have been mocked and misrepresented, exposing details of their private lives
regarding choices of consciousness, as well as mentions of their purported appearances in yoga publications - without asking
for their consent or point of view of the respective publications, as well as their alleged appearances on certain sites for adults.

The presentation of some persons in the mass media, accompanied by names and intimate data, without the consent of the persons
in question represents a violation of the basic right to private life.
The private life of yoga practitioners cannot be associated with the MISA Yoga School, this so-called "scandalous" approach
harming both the persons concerned and the MISA Yoga School.
In conclusion, we specify that our yoga school presents, only theoretically and based on the millennial texts of the yoga tradition,
an innovative and deeply spiritual-scientific point of view on sexuality, promoting values such as love, transfiguration and sexual continence.
The MISA association, however, delimits itself from the way in which each citizen (who practices yoga) chooses to apply
the respective theories in his personal life, considering that any interference would be totally inappropriate and would violate his rights.
On the other hand, MISA firmly and unequivocally dissociates itself from any type of vulgarity and sexual degradation
as it finds to be promoted in certain media circles focused on financial profit.”

So you understand: the intimate parts that cam-girls expose on the Internet are "intimate details of their private lives",
but the press is to blame for exposing them!

This "new, modern vision" of MISA on sexuality was not shared in the past by Bivolaru who, in a 1993 conference, declared:

question: Explain to us what this (fornication) means! Do not some yoga techniques contradict this commandment?
Bivolaru's answer: Some yoga techniques never contradict this commandment. Because yoga will never encourage you to fornicate.
Because fornication is first and foremost... what we call prostitution.
When a human being,therefore which is endowed with all divine gifts, admits to selling his body for material benefits,
this is called fornication or prostitution.

But in no case yoga and all the traditional teachings of the East will not tell you and you will not find anywhere that it tells you
to prostitute yourself, that it indicates you to offer your body or offer you physical or psychic charms to gain benefits: like...
give me fourteen thousand to give you my sex, give me two thousand to show you my breast...
This type of practice is referred to by the word "fornication". (audio with English subtitle here)

So porn video chat is prostitution according to the old teachings of Bivolaru, but it can be seen that they have "modernized"
in the meantime.

"The houses in France belong to private individuals and were made available to practitioners for spiritual retreats"

In the 8th part of the podcast - Therapie (audio 🔗), at the moment 27min:20sec, there is the following dialogue:

narrator: We want to know from MISA's Press Officer whether the houses where the women stayed in Paris are MISA houses.
No, she says. She suspects that the houses belong to private individuals and were made available to yogis to take a kind of spiritual break.
MISA's Press Officer: It is a retreat in a quiet place, still, in the modern world, that was the main reason: to have a point in which
you practice yoga and you focus on your spiritual developments. In this context, there are people coming from different countries.

Now one can understand why Adamescu's video 🔗 with that yoga student R.A., who reports for the first time,
from the position of a direct witness, how the raids by the French authorities took place, was withdrawn from YouTube.

This is what the witness R.A., who later appeared with short statements in the "official" footage posted on MisaTV, declared, I quote:

"From the very beginning, I want to mention the fact that the brutal and inhuman descents that took place in France
in certain localities from the Paris region, they took place in the private homes of some students, some of my colleagues,
in the house where we practically lived, we were a certain number of friends, somewhere around 14-15 friends.
This house is private, no classes have ever been held, no yoga classes, seminars, filming, conferences have ever been held
in this house and basically it has nothing to do with MISA, nothing to do with ATMAN association and it is a private house.

The "official" version which MISA claimed is that the homes in France are private, that they belong to "yoga practitioners"
and were made available by them for "spiritual retreats".
This version, however, is contradicted by the previously mentioned statement of the student R.A., who states that it was about
a residential building, which has nothing to do with MISA, and that no MISA activities were ever carried out there,
therefore no spiritual retreats!

Moreover, R.A. reports that, at the time of the raid, he was watching a movie and that the others were sleeping, being scantily dressed.
It also reports that the police confiscated "their computers, mobile phones, the jewelry they were wearing, other jewelry in boxes,
as well as RAM memory, hard-disks, calculator, oscilloscope, function generator, laboratory source, soldering devices, his rabbit(!)"
and everything else real yogis who go on a spiritual retreat take with them.

So that was the problem with this first video statement: it contravened the "official" version, about which the student in question
had probably not been notified, and he had declared:

"I assume what I say with subject and predicate, because things were exactly the same", as well as that 
"I brought this testimony for two reasons: one of them is that I wanted to give feedback on what happened in France,
during the descents that took place on November 28, 2023, but also to make this record so that it remains, because we have
no way of knowing how far the abuses of the authorities will extend or if we will we ever had the opportunity to talk publicly
about what happened."

The irony is that it was precisely those from MISA who censored the statements of their own students because they do not correspond
to those delivered ”officialy” by them.
It is clear that MISA needs to first of all exonerate the gurus (Free Guru!) and the acolytes targeted by the accusation of human trafficking.
A justification was therefore needed for the temporary presence, "on their own", of women yoga students from different countries,
who were in France for a short time, and the "spiritual retreat" or "presence at symposia" - what figures on those declaration
that the girls who come to Paris must sign in advance 🔗 - are the only "justifications" that can be delivered in this case,
while the declarations stating that people other than the owners live permanently in those buildings, they contradict
the official version agreed by MISA.

In fact, in the statements that some MISA students gave to Susan Palmer, they talk about "family homes with 22 rooms(!)
generously made available to yogis 🔗 or entire buildings made available free of charge and disinterestedly to some teams
of Romanian workers 🔗, so who were not in "spiritual retreat".

"I ONLY heard from the PRESS that Bivolaru offers sexual initiations to female students from MISA/ATMAN in Paris,
but not from women involved"

In the 8th part of the podcast, at the moment 27min:20sec, there is the following dialogue:

narrator: Speaking of spiritual development, we now want to officially know what exactly is going on at Bivolaru in Paris.
reporter: We've talked to several yoga students, they told us that they went to something that's called initiation
with Gregorian Bivolaru which was tantric...
MISA's Press Officer: Yeah I read about this in newspapers. Okay, if they said this, they should explain what it was
and they should be able to prove it. That's the only thing I can say.
reporter: So you say this exist or it does not exist?
MISA's Press Officer: I don't know, I'm saying if they claim such things exist, someone should be able to bring some proofs.

And over several other passages, it is said:

narrator: We want to know if she knows of any yoga students who had sex with Bivolaru during an initiation.
MISA's Press Officer: We don't speak about having sex, we speak about love making.
narrator: We want to know if she knows of any yoga students who have made love to Bivolaru at an initiation.
MISA's Press OfficerI cannot answer this question.
narrator: We want to know if she knows that women were brought from Romania to Paris, wearing bucket hats and sunglasses,
by MISA people.
MISA's Press OfficerI have read in the newspapers that people claim that was happening.
I have never heard about this happening in real life, people being involved in this.
The official answer is, we are not aware of anything like this happening in Romania. No.
That's the best answer I could give in my official position and I do not pretend I know everything that is happening in the world.

"Some are talking, but I haven't heard that from the women involved."

Let's mention only two female students involved, who relate their experiences in this video 🔗.

The statement of the former Finnish student Reeta, who claims that she was sexually abused, is the subject of the criminal case
in Finland, in which the Finnish authorities issued an international arrest warrant for Bivolaru.

In the same Finnish television report, former student Roxana Chirilă from Romania appears.
Although they claim they didn't know, the MISA took Roxana into their sights in some media lynching articles:

The detractors of our yoga school are trying to discredit our planetary rescue program No To Apocalypse:

On her personal blog, Roxana Chirilă complains that she is a victim of the MISA yoga school, but beyond that,
she is the one who, with colossal arrogance, attacks, discredits and slanders the yoga school.
Although his slanderous articles bring serious damage to the image of our yoga school, Chirilă does not bother to bring
any tangible evidence of the ineptitudes and messes with which he sprinkles the image of the MISA yoga school, relying only
on the fact that some people listen too easily to gossip and allow themselves to be captured by demonic doubts
even if the accusations are devoid of logic and foundation. 🔗

Therefore, those who have doubts about MISA manifest "demonic doubts", that is, MISA is divine, because otherwise,
it would be mere human doubts.

The two former MISA women students were also mentioned in a press release from the MISA Press Office:
A derogatory report that totally violates journalistic ethics was broadcast in Finland - MISA Press Office 🔗

So, the MISA Press Office has heard reports from "persons involved" in the issue of the tantric initiations of Bivolaru from Paris,
only the current spokeswoman from the same Press Office has not heard anything.

Let's also remember the statement of the former MISA instructor from Italy, about what his students, who were invited, told him
by Bivolaru in Paris, statement contained by the same Finnish report 🔗 at the time 21min:31sec.

Virgil Călin:
“The last drop was when I met some girls who had been at his place. They told me, how extremely poorly he [Bivolaru] had treated them.
These people escaped from the meeting, which he had arranged. He'd made them drink until very drunk, called them 'stupid', 'cows',
and all other possible names. One of the girls wanted to go home, but he didn't let her go.”

In fact, the "initiations offered" by Bivolaru were well-known since the time he was in Romania.
In 2004, immediately after the raids and the investigations since then, on a show by Marius Tucă, Bivolaru was asked
about this aspect and he categorically denied (video 🔗):

Editor: Have you had sex with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So I never have sex with anyone, because having sex is something degrading.
Editor: Have you made love with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So, if I made love? I made love because when I love, I make love with beings I love.
Editor: No, in the idea of teaching a course, in the idea of initiation, in this idea.
G. Bivolaru: No, in this idea, no...
Editor: Okay, so it was about a love story...
G. Bivolaru: Exactly.
Editor: The statement of sympathizers who say this appeared in the media: the fact that you had sex, love, this happened
and that minors are queuing up at your place for a sex round. It's true?
G. Bivolaru: It is a blatant lie, along with many other lies that have been stated about me and will be stated, because the sensational is often used.
Editor: So none of these accusations are true.
G. Bivolaru: Yes, none of these accusations are true.

The said TV show was watched by MISA students, it can be re-watched anytime on YouTube, therefore the MISA
spokeswoman's statement that she does not know about such things is not credible. Furthermore, given her position in MISA,
it was her duty to know these facts, especially since so many students and former students know them.

CONCLUSION: Outright lying, duplicity and manipulation define the moral condition of the MISA leadership.

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