Thursday, February 22, 2024

The "mystery" of the suppression of menstruation in the MISA yoga school, based on a book of deception !

We have received from a reader - contributor:

Gregorian Bivolaru wrote a book in Romania titled "The Mystery of Menstruation: The Physiological Enigma of Women". The preface of this book states that it is based on Dr Raymond Bernard's book "The Physiological Enigma of Woman; The Mystery of Menstruation".

To begin, it is important to know who Dr Raymond W Bernard is, as Bivolaru failed to provide this information in the book. You can easily find information about him on Wikipedia ( and a list of all his books on:

In short, he is the author of the controversial book "Hollow Earth". It is worth noting that there are pdf books available online by another person with a similar name, "Raymond Bernard".

Dr Raymond W Bernard's book argues that a woman's menstruation is not natural and can be reduced in duration and intensity, and even eliminated, by a vegan diet and sexual abstinence. The book's message is clear and straightforward:  "The first step in this direction is, of course, avoiding sexual stimulation by the opposite sex, whether in the form of kissing, hugging, caressing or more intimate sexual approaches."

Bivolaru changed the word "continence", often used in Dr Bernard's book, to "sexual continence" and gave it his personal meaning. In English, "continence" means "to restrain" or "to abstain". Bivolaru claims that "sexual  continence" is his trademark in Romania.

  Here is an example of how "abstinence" becomes "sexual continence". In Dr Raymond W Bernard's book, chapter 9, page 102, there is the "author's note": "This is ensured by a reduction in protein intake and avoidance of any sexual arousal that may awaken genital gland activity." And in Bivolaru's book, it becomes: " reducing the amount of protein ingested, by practicing sexual continence..."   (TM chapter 9, page 97).

Or here: dr Raymond Bernard in chapter 11 page 100: "Any physical connection, legal or not," turns into: "any sexual contact carried out without control" (TM chapter 10 page 110).

Dr Raymond Bernard's views on the suppression of menstruation can be found in a chapter of his book "Creation of a Superman" titled "The Cure of Menstruation and the Prevention of Menopause". Additionally, a video discussing this topic is available on YouTube at

As the MISA school intends to use sexual union to awaken Kundalini, I would like to include a quote from Dr Raymond Bernard's book "The Serpent Fire: Awakening the Kundalini" on this matter, to underline his views on sexual asceticism and this topic:

"It is erroneus to think that the awakening  of Kundalini consists in first overstimulating the sexual centers and then trying to conserve and transmute the superabundant secretions and energy thus aroused, which is done through methods of continent sexual union. This temporary overstimulating of the sex glands may produce an ilusory temporary exhlilaration, which will later be followed by exhaustion and degeneration. 

Such methods are deceptive. They produce pelvic hyperemia in the female and increase menstruation and leucorrhea, and eventually lead to the development of pathological growth in the uterus. The ideal to be aimed at is not hyperstimulation of the genital centers and then to seek to control and transmute the forces thus aroused, but rather to regain the state of the little child in which the genital centers are dormant and the gonads function unconscionsly and automatically in their work of internal secretion like all the other endocrines, without becoming over-activel, which is really a pathological state."

There may be two paths to brahmacharya, as Bivolaru claims: one of ascesis and one of sexual union. But changing the content of a book on asceticism to promote a personal vision of sexuality is not a spiritual path, nor the path of a spiritual master.

1 comment:

    Titlul e YE Februarie.

    Dar vreau sa intreb daca ati vizionat serialul "The Last of Us"? Era vorba de cordyceps, o idee interesanta.
    Chiar am vazut o broasca avand crescuta o ciuperca pe spate.
    Inca n-am contemplat care este relatia dar probabil ca e o adaptare pentru amandoua speciile.


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