"The courses of this esoteric spiritual school of yoga were proposed to enter the famous Guinness Book of Records",
MISA emphatically announces on its page 🔗.
MISA does not tell us BY WHOM the proposal was made, but is quick to tell us WHY:
"because these are the richest and most complex yoga courses, spanning a long time."
Is that the reason? In this case, the nomination should go to the great libraries of the world or even the Internet,
for that is where all the yogic writings are found, and from there they were stolen without acknowledging it!
And who is this biggest thief of yoga and spirituality on the planet? MISA/ATMAN even tells us:
MISA: "Gregorian Bivolaru is one of the founding members of MISA and he is the one who structured and synthesized
the spiritual teachings that are the basis of our courses, being the one who laid the foundations of the spiritual teaching
More recently, "to steal" is called "to synthesize", "to lay the foundations" or "to develop"...
MISA, Comunicated to ZDF:
"The yoga schools that belong to the ATMAN International Federation teach yoga according to the same curriculum,
which was originally developed many years ago by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, co-founder of MISA." 🔗
ATMAN Federation admits in turn:
” Gregorian Bivolaru is the author of Integral Esoteric Yoga Course. He is also the co-author of the Esoteric Tantra Yoga Course
If he "synthesized", it means that he collected, brought together SOMETHING that ALREADY EXISTS!
MISA: "It is necessary to specify that true spirituality does not need external confirmations".
They're not needed, but they don't do any damage either, right?
MISA: "Quantity does not always mean quality. However, in today's world obsessed with numbers, measurements, records,
rankings, it is sometimes necessary to speak the language that the majority understands."
And after blaming the world for being obsessed with records, MISA aligns with her:
"Do they want records? Let's give them records!"
MISA: "The prodigious activity of this school was proposed to appear in the "Guinness Book of Records".
This is a famous planetary encyclopedia of spectacular achievements as well as unusual performances..."
...and all kinds of crazies and freaks, as can be seen here 🔗.
But some publicity is good, especially now that the press is keeping an eye on the "records" in France!
After a pompous MISA-style introduction, finally come the REASONS for the mysterious proposal:
➤ MISA: "The fundamental reason is that this esoteric spiritual school of yoga is the only professional school in the world
that offers printed lessons". 🔗
What MISA doesn't say is that from the 15th year onwards, the printed courses are CODED, and the codes are only obtained
after taking a terrible oath of secrecy, a veritable self-curse 🔗
(”If I say something to someone, let me die in a maximum of 7 years!").
This is actually a real world record worthy of the Guinness Book: the only yoga class in the world where you are required
to take oaths of life and death to receive the printed lessons that you have already paid for!
➤ Another absolutely authentic record is the DURATION of the courses:
MISA: "It is the only specialized school in the world that offers systematic courses that extend beyond the third year, as it happens
And they don't just extend beyond the 3rd year, but beyond the 33rd year! Actually, these courses will never end,
as they are continually "synthesized" from what is NEW in thousands of years old spirituality... 😄
Since these courses will last forever and are the first (and only) of their kind, they will never be caught up,
so the definitive nomination of MISA courses in the Book of Records for duration is now required!
This fact can no longer be disputed!
However, a challenge could be coming from some venomous critics, through a question like:
"if it is admitted that it is a course like the others, then MISA should indicate what will be the exact curriculum
that will be taught after the year 35, at least for the next decade "...
Because as shown above, MISA declared that "Gregorian Bivolaru is the one who structured and synthesized the spiritual teachings
that are the basis of our courses", which means their structure should already be known.
This question could also be characterized as tendentious:
"If these courses will last forever, when will it be possible to fructify on the lessons learned?"
But let us pass over such evil and demonic doubts…
Then, the MISA editors point out "certain specific essential aspects", of which the following attract attention:
➤ MISA: "All these theoretical lessons include over 17,000 pages (not including pictures or illustrations!), which is already
the equivalent of 6 colleges."
In addition to the above demonic doubt with "fructification", it is necessary to show that, when new knowledge comes
again and again, there is a tendency to leave aside old knowledge, and whoever runs after two hares catches nothing,
as the one running after six faculties…
➤ MISA: "Regardless of whether or not the aspirants [...] had a previous spiritual practice at the beginning of these courses,
regardless of whether they were young or old, all who attended the courses of this esoteric yoga school realized beneficial effects."
The problem is that those who were young in the beginning are now old, and those who were old in the beginning are no longer at all!
That's what the fructification question is all about...
➤ MISA: "In parallel with the yoga course, other interesting courses have appeared over the years within this esoteric spiritual school.
We mention as an example the Enneagram, Yi Ching, practical parapsychology, objective art courses"...
and what else appeared for sale on the market!
Very correctly said "in parallel with the yoga class" because, indeed, those classes are parallel to yoga.
And the students, scared of losing the chance of "unique revelations", jumped from one parallel to another, remaining parallel too...
➤ MISA: "Starting with the summer of 1990, more than 45 international yoga holiday camps were organized in Romania."
Of course they participated, because they were always told that the real initiations are given in the yoga holiday camps,
not in the yoga class at the gym, like the common profane...
So in addition to the six faculties, master's degrees and doctorates must be added!
But they are not enough, they also need specializations...
MISA: "In addition to these - so to speak - main spiritual camps, which are generally addressed to all yoga practitioners,
all sympathizers, all aspirants, several hundred other camps were organized that had a specific theme."
As the great guru Murphy said:
"by specialization, man comes to know more and more about less and less, until he comes to know everything about nothing!"
➤ MISA: "The eminently beneficial impact of these yogic spirals was perceptible even at great distances.
It has been scientifically validated in the revolutionary Global Planetary Consciousness project (which was coordinated
by Princeton University in the USA).”
The way in which it was "validated" can be seen here 🔗. I quote from the source:
”The formal prediction followed this prescription exactly, specifying the standard analysis.
Thus the test statistic is slightly in the wrong direction, despite a strong positive trend at the beginning of the period.” 🔗
Looking at the very suggestive graphic 🔗 that was obtained by measurements, the conclusion looks like this:
"You stayed awake for the first twenty minutes, after which you fell asleep!"
➤ MISA: "We should point out that the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru is the author or co-author of more than 70 books,
he has signed more than 300 thematic articles, he has presented more than 2000 thematic conferences that have universal spirituality
as their subject. Every year yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru presents more than 120 thematic conferences."
But we are not allowed to know that Professor Emeritus was arrested in Paris, because he was giving private lessons
to ignorant young women in the art of love, and for this reason, at least this year, he will no longer be able to make
his number of lessons for the Book of Records.
In fact, even in the past years, he did not fulfill his plan, but only just started what he had promised, so additional hearings were needed.
But because no one was listening anymore, the Emeritus got angry and scheduled what was left for the next year 🔗.
So the conferences were counted twice, which is a reason for contestation for the Book of Records, but also results
in a new proposal: the record of the biggest liar and swindler!
➤ MISA: "Even if the sexual revolution took place in Northern Europe between the 60s and 70s, however,
a few decades later, the MISA Esoteric Spiritual School laid the foundations for a brilliant erotic revolution,
whose echoes on a planetary scale will surely be huge."
Yes, surely the echoes were huge! If you do a Google search with the name Bivolaru, hundreds of results appear
regarding the "planetary erotic revolution" of November 28, 2023. That's a record, truly worthy of the Book of Records, no joke!
➤ MISA: "The esoteric spiritual school MISA was among the first promoters of a harmonious, healthy lifestyle,
which includes a lacto-vegetarian diet, fasting."
In these respects they were only "among the first", but there are also other directions in which they were TRULY THE FIRST:
➤ MISA: "Since the beginning of its activity in Romania, the MISA Yoga School has been among the promoters of heliotherapy,
but also of nudism, absolutely natural practices that confer many health benefits."
MISA promoted heliotherapy and nudism to cover other dubious practices, such as nude yoga in group or the request
for photos in bathing suits, by which the guru selects his future "initiates":
”Every year, in Romania, 10-12.000 people gather in order to attend the international yoga symposiums organized by MISA.
Among other things, they also practice heliotherapy. The participants at this symposium are accepted based on an ID card
for which they have to send photos, sometimes in a bathing suit, to the MISA leader.
This happens in order to “read” the aura of those who wish to attend and see whether there are any health disorders.
During the selection of the camp participants at these symposiums, among which there are many young persons, a large number
of photos are received. Such photos were seized by the Romanian authorities and classified as pornographic pictures because
they obviously do not at want to see the content of the photos (namely one person in a bathing suit) and their purpose.” 🔗
So, a new proposal for the Book of Records: the MISA "symposiums" are the only ones in the world in which, in order to participate,
those who wish to do so must send photos of themselves in a bathing suit!
In the second part of the articlei 🔗, 40 aspects are presented ”that give this esoteric spiritual school, MISA, an obvious
and undeniable uniqueness".
However, these 40 aspects presented by MISA do not belong to the Book of Records, instead we propose here 🔗
dozens of other "aspects" that make MISA truly unique and that constitute just as many reasons for entering the Book of Records.
In the end, one question remains: Who proposed MISA for the Book of Records, though?
It seems to be a self-proposal...
Alternative Link:
ReplyDeleteMISA proposed for the Guinness Book of Records!
alternative articles links
ExMISA channel
The 1st link (MISA page) does not work
ReplyDeletewhich one exactly ? (provide the link)
DeleteThe very 1st one! It doesn't work on either article, in English or Romanian
Deletethe first one is
working fine on my end.
Maybe you are using a vpn connection ? try using your normal ip
@Anonymous April 21, 2024 at 2:23 PM:
DeleteI can help you with the rite of passage.
It's like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G5RG58uXR8
This month it's a time of fasting before Easter which means that the more you may have intense feelings which could remind you that you came scared for life in life. Isn't it crazy?
But admit it, when a child you hold on to your momma because that's all you know and trust and fear!
Misa adepts, on the contrary, adopt other values and forgo everyrhing invested in them. That makes them the bad people and exmisa the good people. You don't want to live among deluded misa-ns.
Meditate on this rather than a link that may or may not be broken, and you may even find challenges making life the more attractive once you conquer them!
Sometimes I write here, sometimes I keep to myself because I may have nothing to add or say.
Welcome to exmisa!
MISA is the new WICCA and Bivolaru is Gardner reincarnated, with similar perversions and phobias.
ReplyDeleteJoke or not, I think this is true. Bivolaru was doing sexual magick with/to all these girls. Naked photos, keeping urine and other fluids, videos of them naked, all these are old or modern tools of magick. Wiccan or Crowleyan but magick.