(previous topic SVADHYAYA (study of sacred writings)
MISA webpage: NIYAMA - The rules of inner discipline
10. ISHVARAPRANIDHANA (devotion, dedication to God)
The Sanskrit word "Ishvara" means God, "pranidhana" means "unbroken devotion" or "unconditional self-giving." Ishvarapranidhana
therefore means consecrating or giving to God of all the fruits of our actions, experiences, our aspirations and thoughts.
It involves the union of the mind with the heart in God, in a state of total devotion to a sublime, supreme ideal. It should be realized
almost every moment, but especially through consecration and prayer to God at the beginning of each day or before any important action.
By the practice of this discipline, the mind is emptied of lower desires and filled with sublime thoughts, of and for God.
Its successful realization brings infinite beneficial power into the being and brings forth spiritual enlightenment.
➤ Devotion to GOD
Devotion to God was gradually imposed at the MISA.
It started as a regular yoga course, with procedures and physical exercises aimed at sensing, conveying, accumulating and assimilating
"subtle energies" (sexual energy, telluric or cosmic energy, lunar or solar energy, kundalini energy, awakening being's energy centers)
(see the MISA flyer), then making the slowly transition to the spiritual (concentration, meditation, experiencing different states of consciousness,
liberation, aspiration towards the Divine, etc.).
It was constantly stated that "yoga is not a religion”:
"This synthesis, however, is beyond any particular religious beliefs, the teachings of our school can be put into practice by anyone, regardless
of beliefs or adherence (or not) to a certain religion. Basing esoteric knowledge on universal principles and laws strips spirituality of its
subjective aspects and takes it out of a particular religious context. That is why it can rightly be said that yoga is more of a science than a religion.
Although deeply theistic, yoga does not involve embracing a particular religion or belief system in a dogmatic way.
Thus, each can subsequently better understand and deepen his own religion, whatever it may be." 🔗
With the first "induction spiral of the state of liberation by Divine miracle", the leader of MISA proclaimed and initiated "God-ism",
the new and only planetary religion of direct, unmediated communion with God, without intermediaries, but which still required
the intermediation of a unique spiritual school - MISA, as well as a unique Guide - Bivolaru (see here). This maneuver is a very subtle one:
since it would be a revelation for the first time on planet, the new religion can only be known at MISA and only from its leader.
Thus, one of the fundamental and aberrant contradictions that manifests itself in MISA appears: the organization claimed and assumed
the planetary mission of the spiritual awakening of all humanity, but, in order to learn the new religion, every human being must attend
its courses, the only place where they can learn the truth, under the oath not to disclose it to those who are not students.
(see the MISA silences' oath here).
In order to address the whole of humanity, it is necessary to break the barriers of religion, that is why MISA's "mission" started
with SYNCRETISM ("renewing synthesis of the best of all spiritual traditions"), another subtle maneuver by which the Guru
brought together a multitude of sages, spiritual masters, saints, deities and angels from all religions and spiritual currents,
in an amalgam in which the identity and specificity of these currents have dissolved.
This fact contradicts the spiritual precept of Hinduism and Christianity wghich says "One Path, one Master, one tutelary Deity".
"The teachings of the MISA School of Esoteric Yoga have sought to synthesize all that is divinely inspired and fundamental
in the known authentic spiritual traditions, so as to offer all those sufficiently receptive and trained new or ancient direct ways
of transformation and spiritual realization that are as accessible as possible to their current level." 🔗
Then, after years of systematic meditation programs with each of these elevated spirits 🔗 🔗 🔗, with the founding of the Theophanic
Charismatic Movement 🔗, Bivolaru officially proclaimed God-ism, the Godly Hypostases were presented, which were replaced
in a short time with the Godly Attributes 🔗, the word "divine" was replaced everywhere with "God" and "Godly", even the older
conferences were "reconditioned" by making this replacement, including the audio recordings.
Meditations with spiritual masters have been completely eliminated to make way for the Godly Attributes - the new planetary revelation
of Bivolaru - but the spiritual programs made on the occasion of the great Christian and Hindu holidays (Shivaratri) have been preserved.
Opinions different from those of the New and Unique Messiah were categorized as "demonic doubts" (heresies).
Gradually, the masters and saints disappeared, leaving the One and Only (Bivolaru), the Chosen One and the only Messenger of God,
the one who corrects and completes the scriptures, the masters and even the saints (see part 2 SATYA - THE TRUTH of this series of articles).
Bivolaru started violently attacking the leaders of other religious cults (Buddha, Pope Francis, Dalai Lama).
He even took a fake article about Pope Francis from a hoax website, then retracted it and apologized when exposed.
After communion meditations with the Buddha were realized in the early years of MISA, after about the Tibetan spiritual leader The Dalai Lama
was spoken positive (out of interest) and Osho's free books were edited (also out of interest), Bivolaru ended up denigrating all of them,
as his demented pride no longer fit in the whole universe because of the others.
qoute (source):
”The mistake made by the vulgar, profane Christians was that of covering this sublime truth of the “Unique Self” or “I am”
for twenty centuries, by presenting Jesus Christ as a cult object most often, maintaining the illusion that there was only one man,
through all of time, who was way above everyone else, and he was the One and Only Son of God.”
➤ Consecrating the fruits of actions to GOD
After a few years since the beginning of the yoga classes at MISA, the students were presented with a basic notion in these classes
and which represents a "unique aspect of the MISA school": Consecrating the fruits of actions to the Divine (link).
According to this teaching which is expounded by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, the spiritual aspirant must detach and give up
the results of his actions (the fruits of actions), which he offers to a very elevated spiritual entity. As an element of novelty and uniqueness,
Bivolaru presents the ANSWER to consecration: the consecrated action must be carried out only if an "affirmative answer" is received,
manifested by a wave of refined energy that descends from the growth and penetrates the entire being of the practitioner.
It should be highlighted here that the decision to carry out the action or not is conditioned by an ABSOLUTE factor - ”the Divine ANSWER” -
which, however, is discerned according to SUBJECTIVE sensations! A practitioner seeking God (so a still ignorant being) is urged
to appreciate in the absolute way, beyond any doubt, a sign from the God he does not yet feel and fully know!
This explains the systematic realization of wrong actions at MISA from a spiritual point of view: manipulations through conferences
or articles, protests against the judicial actions that targeted Bivolaru, considered innocent from the start by followers, oaths to keep secret
about the activities of MISA 🔗, engaging in love acts in a group, with the consumption of the other's urine 🔗, polyamory 🔗,
Basically, the response to the consecration became at MISA a pretext for justifying or covering up its actions and those of the students.
Thus, all the activities and actions of MISA and its students are carried out "in the name of God, with God's Will".
This is also the motto of the personal Church of High Priest Bivolaru, the Theophanic Charismatic Movement: "With God, for God, within God”. 🔗
At the beginning, the MISA leader promised a DIRECT practical path, which would allow each aspirant to evolve spiritually through
his own possibilities, and which do not require intermediaries (priests) or auxiliary means (rituals, ceremonies, objects of worship).
In fact this promise attracted most of the students. But not long after, the "intermediaries" appeared.
Some techniques (Nidra Yoga) required recordings of the Guide's voice over music (guided meditation), others involved
performing invocations by repeating them after audio recordings of the voice of the Spiritual Guide.
Rituals appeared that required invocations, sacred spaces, objects, diagrams and graphic representations, herbal preparations, etc.
Some activities (spirals 🔗, collective prayers, invocations) require the actual presence in a certain place, as well as a special organization.
The habit of consuming medicinal or psycho-energizing herbal preparations (Strong Trance) 🔗 was established.
Criticizing the rigidity of the Christian church with its rituals, chants, cult objects and its imagistic representations, the MISA leader
gradually introduced (on the boiled frog principle) much more numerous and bizarre rituals. It was at the beginning the MAITHUNA sexual
ritual (link), then the bizarre rituals from female Shakti groups, collective prayers, Tibetan rituals, Hindu rituals of worshiping deities
with animal representation 🔗 as in tribal religions. These, while MISA claimed that yoga is not a religion.
Moreover, in its manifestations, MISA has come to be a strange combination of a dogmatic sect with orgiastic behaviors, rather reminiscent
of ancient fertility cults. The stories of the erotic-orgiastic experiences of some followers seem to be inspired by myths with satyrs and nymphs.
The climax of these manifestations is sexual rituals with urinating on each other and consuming the other's urine ("golden elixir"),
first subtly introduced in the form of urinotherapy with one's own urine and then with "esoteric" justifications (see here).
One more strange manifestation from MISA must be added, but which is not only characteristic of it, but of the New Age current:
the invocation of beneficial aliens, for which Bivolaru created a special ritual 🔗.
Of course, it is not recognized that all these are rituals (some invented), but "esoteric techniques".
As "proof" that God "answers" them, some "miracles" also happen at MISA:
⬧ rainbows during spiritual activities or immediately afterwards (Charismatic Movement 🔗, spirals 🔗)
⬧ "spear of light" during the ritual of worshiping the god SKANDA 🔗
⬧ "ray of light" during communion with Shambala 🔗
⬧ "the providential sign from the Virgin Mary" during the anti-vaccination leader's conference 🔗
⬧ the miraculous appearance of the Phallus Impudicus mushroom after the Shiva worship ritual
All the activities at MISA are "godly" ("GOD MAKES US SIGNS"!).
In conclusion, at MISA, religious manifestations and reporting to God underwent frequent changes, depending on the leader's moods and goals.
It can be said that at MISA there is no other god than tje GOAL PURSUED, and Bivolaru is its prophet...
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