Friday, July 2, 2021

Secta și valorile inversate: între drac (USA) și înger (Rusia)

In comentariile la unul dintre episoadele din saga "Minciuna continuã" (în original: "continuous transformation" - sustinut de moștenitorul prezumtiv al sectei poreclit advaitananda) un user (Jakub, ceh) - din postura de proaspãt cetatean american - îsi exprimã câteva dubii relativ la "ideologia" sectei intens vehiculatã de maistrul gângav bivolaru si de acelasi pãcãlici advaitananda:

You and Gregorian Bivolaru speaking a lot about the USA as the biggest evil in the world, maybe it is, but can you speak sometimes about Russia also? 

We both have a bad experience with it, aren't we? Or they are angels and I got it wrong :-). If I didn't have very good, not harmful at all experience with this school, I could see you as a Russian spy and abuser of women (when I first time put in American google name of this school, there was some article trying to describe this tantra yoga school as very bad sect where you doing women sex trafficking, and other nonsense, what "fanatic pro-Christian" media always do with something that is not what they want to hear in the US). 

So if you can do some other podcast about another evil in the world, that is not the USA, it would be great :-)

La care hyper coordonatorul filialei sectei din Danemarca rãspunde fumuriu (în capul lui de smecher de Ferentari stil "l-am fãcut si p-ãsta"):

In these podcasts i am not referring to one particular country or system because i am to bring the view to a level of principles and therefore to understand the systemic errors wherever they appear. In different times different countries come under a great deal of agitation and turmoil, some natural and most of it induced by occult agendas. These days is is the turn of US to be in such process more than other places. But this is just for the moment ...

Cocãlarul de pe plaiuri daneze, cu gura plinã de agende oculte si mare analist al istoriei (în anii 90 - zic gurile rele de prin Constanța - studia de exemplu incestul pe sectanți frate-sorã - el fiind a great scientist) n-ar spune nici mãcar o silabã gresitã despre "gurul" estic putin v. si ale sale licori novichok-spirituale.

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