Thursday, July 28, 2022


This is a series of synthese articles that aims to show, as concisely and accurately as possible, the true face of the members of MISA®,
as evidenced by their own facts and statements.


“Endowed with a lot of knowledge that we can rightly call encyclopedic, with a rich practical experience and a true pedagogical talent,
Gregorian Bivolaru managed to lay the foundations of what today it is the MISA® School of Esoteric Yoga - the largest yoga school in Europe.
The teachings are made available to students in the form of weekly courses, both theoretical and practical, taught by experienced instructors,
who present the ancient teachings in a modern way, adapted to the Western mentality.”

"Ancient teachings in a Western manner" means that we are not witnessing a play presented in a classical theater,
but "an adaptation for television"...

”Yoga students also receive printed course materials with information presented in extenso to ensure the framework of an in-depth study.
Yoga teachers are selected on the basis of theoretical and practical exams and receive special training.
In addition to the weekly yoga classes, under the auspices of MISA® there are a number of other activities: organizing public conferences,
other courses (Kashmiri Shivaism, Ayurveda, Parapsychology, Alchemy, Enneagram, I Ching, Kalachakra, etc. ),
the organization of symposia and yoga camps, exhibitions with a spiritual theme, as well as other activities aimed at awakening the level of consciousness
and the development of the human being on all levels."

Yoga classes are structured by year - as in the education system - and at the beginning of each course year, in September-October,
there are opening conferences - in fact recruitment of new students - under the auspices of the various foundations and associations
under which MISA® hides.

Although they are structured by year of course, none of those who organize yoga classes can specify, can not even give
an approximate indication of the duration of these courses!
In the early 1990s, there was talk of 4 or 7 years. At one point, MISA® even told the organizers of an international project that it is a school
with a "university" type organization, for 13 years.

”MISA® (the Spiritual Movement of Integration in the Absolute) is the largest yoga group in the world, having its main center in Bucharest
and additional centers in 20 Romanian cities.
It is conceived as a University; its members attend classes over every weekend, the overall duration of studies being of 13 years.
MISA® has branches in 15 countries in Europe, America, and Asia (including USA and India).”

However, at that time - respectively August 2003 - 14 years of courses had already been completed and the 15th year was coming!

Year 1: from February 1990 to July 1990
Year 2: from September 1990 to July 1991
.................................................. ...............
Year 14: from September 2002 to July 2003
Year 15: from September 2003 to July 2004
.................................................. ..................
Year 33: from September 2021 to July 2022
Year 34: from September 2022 to July 2023 etc.

It is noted that MISA® is either the largest school in Europe or the largest in the world, depending on the euphoria of the moment.
It is clearly stated that MISA® has branches abroad, while the branches abroad will say that they are autonomous from MISA®.

A funny but significant fact: at one point, for the classification of the course years, the letters of the Latin alphabet were used on the course ID cards
(group A, B, etc.).
Then, when they realized that the letters of the Latin alphabet were about to be exhausted, they had to go back to the numbers,
because the numbers could go to infinity!
This shows that not even the MISA® management knew how long this course would last! The duration of the course is still unknown!

Another example: Kriya Yoga lessons started to be taught around 2019, from the book of  J. C. STEVENS
- “Kriya Yoga. Secrets Revealed - Theoretical and Technical Manual”, published in English in January 2013,
while the Romanian translation appeared in 2019!
So MISA® adapts its courses according to the editorial appearances!
If “something new” appears (if it can be something new in traditional yoga!), it is “integrated” in classes, and so on, endlessly!

When organizing a course in no matter what field, it is specified very clearly from the beginning its duration, the knowledge that is presented
and the program after which the presentation takes place, the skills acquired in the course and their recognition (diplomas, certificates, authorizations, etc.).
But none of the organizers of the MISA® yoga classes ever answered the following natural questions:

- how long does the yoga class at MISA® last?
- what is the exact program that will be taught, starting with the current year and until the end?
- what diploma is obtained at the end of the course and where is it recognized?
- What is a graduate of this school or yoga class qualified to do?

The real answers to these questions are:
- the MISA® yoga class does not have an established duration, but lasts “as long as it will be necessary”,
ie as long as the organizers consider that there is still something to present.
- as there is no end of the course, there is no graduation or graduation diploma;
- the instructors who teach these courses are - at the same time - themselves students in years of course older than the years in which they teach.

Therefore, more than three decades after the beginning of the yoga classes of the “school” MISA®, there is no person
who has fully completed these courses.
Following an exam, a student can become an instructor, but only within MISA® and its subsidiaries (ATMAN Federation).
The MISA® diploma is not recognized anywhere else, but neither does MISA® want any instructor or even student
to open their own yoga classes to compete with them.

In a message from October 2021 entitled ”Morals and Habits, announcement about former yoga teacher Z.C.” Bivolaru, the spiritual guide of MISA®,
claims that a former yoga instructor from Greece, Z.C., who now uses the pompous name of Icha Shakti Ananda,
manifests a huge audacity using the lessons from integral esoteric yoga classes, from the Tantra yoga course, based on structured materials
from MISA®.
She recruits the students of the yoga school in Greece, saying that she goes through the MISA® course much faster
and sensationally selects the methods from the upper years of the course, luring them that this is how they make big savings and finish the course faster.
Some students dropped out of MISA® courses in Greece, choosing chaotically organized courses in a sensationalist way by Z.C.”

(A funny fact, at MISA® there are also teachers who received from Bivolaru the name of Ananda (blessed, more-than-happy)!)

Any course ends faster than MISA®, which never ends!
MISA® courses are extended to infinity intentionally, just to not become sensationalist ...
All this means that anyone with a MISA® diploma is doomed to remain in the Movement.
There are not and will not be “graduates of the MISA® school”, there are only “instructors”, who are “trained” and “qualified”
to repeat as a parrot what they were given, to students who are often only a year behind them.
And even if there were diplomas issued by MISA®, what recognition would the holder have?
The recognition of the "fame" that accompanies MISA®?

In the case of a course for which the exact duration is not known - and, implicitly, the exact knowledge to be taught is not known -
it is obvious that it is started at random, without a clear purpose, and will be structured over time, according to the principle
"we will live and we will see".

One might say that "a spiritual path lasts a lifetime," for "as long as a man lives, he learns."
The problem is that those interested who come to the opening conferences of the MISA® courses, are not clearly told that
they engage in a permanent spiritual path”, but that they enroll in a course like any other, in which they participate for 2-3 hours on the weekends
and, for the rest, they take care of their lives.
They do not know this from the beginning, but later find out that they are "integrated" in a "Movement" that will tell them
what to do and what to believe all this time and, if they abandon the course, it means that they "leave the spiritual path"
(which they didn't even know they were stepping on) and that thus "they definitely miss their chance of spiritual liberation",
going to reach the bottom of hell, for eternity.

As the MISA® management will never be able to specify the exact duration of the course - not to mention the program -
it is clear that it cannot be an organized course, but a matter of holding - for as long as possible in the Movement's net - of those who do not realize it.
In addition, a course that has no end proves that what the aspirant will learn by the end of his life is not enough to achieve
the goal of a true spiritual school, nor will he have the time to collect the spiritual harvest.

On top of that, students are often told: "Our course has such a high level that, with what you know so far, even from the first years,
you can easily achieve spiritually liberation"!
Then why all the fuss when someone leaves the course at some point?
There can be only two possibilities: either the volume of knowledge delivered is not enough, or it is not desired to lose students.
In both cases, the real purpose of MISA® is unmasked: to keep the students in Movement, so that it can take advantage of them
as much as possible.

However, not only the indefinite duration of the courses is hidden from the new students recruited in the MISA® courses,
but also the fact that they are related to MISA® and Bivolaru!
This is an astonishing and significant fact, as an alarm signal: while MISA® states very clearly that it conducts courses
both in Romania and internationally, the “instructors” who conduct the courses structured by MISA® deny that they have links
with MISA ® and with Bivolaru.
This was demonstrated in the first part

This kind of attitude can have only two possible explanations: either they are ashamed of their master, or they seek to protect
both MISA® and the ”master” from the association with these courses and the "wonders" that take place there.

The SPIRITUAL LINE (lineage)

Here is what is stated on the MISA® website:

”Through all its activities, programs, writings and initiatives, MISA® imposes itself as a large-scale authentic spiritual movement,
managing to provide a favorable framework for practicing and deepening traditional spiritual teachings rendered in a manner
accessible to modern thinking, while maintaining the spiritual authority of transmitted teachings.”
From the point of view of the yoga traditionthe integral esoteric yoga classes offered by MISA® are on the Gupta Maha Siddha Yoga line -
the esoteric tradition of a high spiritual perfection and deep, ineffable communion with God.”

Here is another question that MISA® and Bivolaru will not (be able to) answer:
If Bivolaru - the spiritual guide and teacher of the school - states that he belongs to the spiritual line Gupta Maha Siddha Yoga,
who is Bivolaru's spiritual master on this line?
You cannot be on a spiritual LINE without being a disciple of someone on that line!
If you cannot indicate the master who belongs to the line, you do not belong to that line and everything is a lie!

On Gregorian Bivolaru's blog are posted his diplomas and attestations, at a low resolution (so that nothing can be seen, analyzed and verified
and so that anything can be claimed):
A certificate of participation in a one-month Yoga class in India (!) (between April and May 1990, at the Ved Niketan ashram in Rishikesh),
a certificate of enrollment as a member of AUPAC (France) as a yoga teacher and a certificate from ... the Romanian Ministry of Culture!
A month to sign the attendance log (if Bivolaru had really been in India then or ever) and ... behold the belonging to a spiritual line
"of a high spiritual perfection"!
This is the "spiritual authority" of the New Messiah, the savior of the mankind!
It is true that it is not the diploma that makes the man, but neither the pretensions shouted loudly!

Once upon a time, some of the Bivolaru's former principal disciples (who today denies him the quality of a master!)
hinted that he was a disciple of ... the Absolute Supreme!
Which Absolute? Absolutely Anything or Absolutely Nothing?

But his disciples today consider him a perfect sage (web archive):

About the spiritual mentor of the Movement for Spiritual Integration in the Absolute
”He was an introverted child, inclined to contemplation and with an immense desire for knowledge.
From childhood, he lived overwhelming spiritual experiences, states of Cosmic Consciousness and intuited that he will have
an exceptional spiritual destiny.
God Himself has revealed to him as a living, grand and eternal reality, and the awareness of His mysterious presence has awakened in him
an unbridled aspiration for perfection and an intense desire to help the others to discover Him.
He soon achieved remarkable results and profound inner transformations, which brought him into the position of being able to share with others
the mysteries of the millennial yogic tradition.”

Therefore, Bivolaru did not actually have a master and did not need it because he was endowed natively, he is what we call
"a chosen one of the Lord".
The true Chosen One - Son of God - had to be baptized, but Bivolaru didn't, he just took his "spiritual line", he didn't need a "baptiser"
because no one was above him...
But Bivolaru is more than that, he is the Mystery of all Mysteries!
The only mystery greater than the source of his spiritual authority is where does he have so much courage to play such a theater
and where does he find so many fools around to believe him?

Into a message, MISA leader said:
Under the direct guidance of God, under the direct guidance of the angels a new, quick, easy and effective way will be prepared (within this school)
for each of us to discover the Heavenly Father and be one with Him, without the need for any intermediary.

An intermediary shows the way where no intermediaries are needed!

If the MISA® guide has such a high origin, coming among people being already perfect, then why does he still claim to belong to a spiritual line,
which he cannot prove anyway?
To fabricate a spiritual authority without which he would have no credibility?
However, this aspect does not matter to the disciples. He needs spiritual affiliation in case anyone asks him!

Another funny fact: MISA® manages - without realizing it - to deny its own roots that it claims:

What makes MISA® Yoga School unique?
"This approach clearly distinguishes us from other yoga schools, even in India, where students receive a minimum of information
and then mechanically repeat certain techniques, which they often do not even understand."

"We get the essence of the teaching from its mother, from the Indian tradition, who is a cabbage because they don't even know it anymore,
not to mention they do not understand it!"

Here must be also highlighted a glaring contradiction in what MISA® and Bivolaru claim: although they claim to be continuators
of a TRADITIONAL line, they also assumes the mission of expressing the traditional in a contemporary form,
in the form of a NEW PLANETARY RELIGION (see the first part of the synthesis), even revelations for the first time on the planet!
If there is unity in diversity, why should there be no novelty in tradition?

As this New Messiah would say:
“I did not come to break the Old Law, but to fulfill it, but if I still came, I brought you a NEW one. I have come to intermediate the New Law,
which has no intermediaries!”

And what will become, in contemporary form, Gupta Maha Siddha Yoga?
Bivolaru claim to be the successor of a spiritual line that is authentic precisely because it is MILLENNIAL
and now he wants to introduce it to a new form? 
Wanting to appear as ALPHA and OMEGA, he destroys his own foundation...


MISA® calls itself a School of Integral Esoteric Yoga:

”But what they discover at our esoteric yoga school is a unifying synthesis of the many authentic spiritual traditions and teachings of this planet.
Considering rightly that the sages have a common world, which is in fact the enigmatic world of the Ultimate Divine Truth,
the esoteric yoga course offered by our school integrates into a coherent whole concepts, techniques and methods
belonging to most authentic spiritual paths.
"The common world of the wise" is the world of the Ultimate Divine Truth, not the method!
Although there is only one final destination, there are many paths and methods!
"The common world of the wise" does not justify a pot from all traditions!

”This, in a spirit of tolerance and openness to any field or beneficent aspect of life, because all authentic spiritual paths are basically
nothing but various ways of approaching and discovering God.

Here, however, it is recognized that there are various ways!

”However, this synthesis is beyond any particular religious beliefs, the teachings of our school can be put into practice by anyone,
regardless of beliefs or adherence (or not) to a particular religion.
Even one of the ethical principles of the yoga system, called in Sanskrit Svadhiyaya, or in English translation "individual, creative and in-depth study",
recommends yogis to read and study carefully the fundamental sacred texts of all religions and spiritual traditions,
in order to extract their essence or quintessence.

The way we approach spirituality in our school can be called essential - we go beyond the differences of appearance or conjuncture,
approaching the essence, the core of spiritual traditions.
The truths hidden in various spiritual traditions, just like the separate pieces of a puzzle game, acquire an amazing coherence
and reveal a superior, integrative understanding when, analogically speaking, the puzzle game is assembled.

In this way, the apparent contradictions between the various doctrines are transcendent, through a unifying, overall vision.
Thus, the various traditional branches of yoga (Hatha Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga etc.), Kashmiri Shivaism,
Taoism, Kalachakra, astrology, Chinese tradition, Ayurveda, I Ching, all become compatible with everything that is authentic
in Christianity, Buddhism or Islamic Sufism.
Everything is integrated into a global knowledge, adapted to current times and explained in accordance with the latest discoveries in medicine,
physiology, biology or even quantum mathematics and physics.”

"Spiritual synthesis" is the twin sister of syncretism.
Like the syncretistic sects, MISA® offers everything for everyone, in order to attract as many followers, of all kinds, from all categories.
MISA® plays at all ends. Pretending to make an integrative synthesis, it wants to capturea and cover everything.

“Beyond belonging to this traditional line, we can say that the teachings of the MISA® School of Esoteric Yoga aimed to synthesize
all that is divinely inspired and fundamental in the known authentic spiritual traditions, in order to offer everyone sufficiently receptive and prepared,
new or ancient direct ways of transformation and spiritual realization that are as accessible as possible to their current level.

However, in a contradictory behavior that characterizes the leader of MISA®, while in front they preach the unity and value of all religions,
in the back he denies this.

In a statement made in the first years of MISA®'s existence, regarding Christianity, Bivolaru says:
"Jesus is a divine model, he is indeed a way, but he is not the only way!
That I want to be very clear to you! It is true, this dogmatic vision in which Jesus appears as the only savior, as the only way to access God,
know that it is the work of the priests.
They changed the Bible, they arranged it that way, and they even made these aspects appear in a dogmatic way. ”

I would like you to say why you chose yoga and not faith in God, although Christianity is more specific to us ...?

Gregorian Bivolaru's answer:
“Also, know that I have personally studied Christianity and yoga and found that yoga is much closer to Christianity and because of this
so many people who have done yoga with us have even been able to understand it much better Christianity after that
or, some of them, even to be open to Christian teaching.

In reverse it is more difficult, it seems, due to the dogmatism that still persists in Christianity ... there are certain techniques even in Christianity,
it is about the so-called "Christian esotericism", but these are diffuse.

Between the clarity and precision of yogic teachings and this more vague presentation contained in these Christian procedures -
I am referring especially to hesychasm and certain breathing processes with a focus on the navel area, which are present in so-called "Prayer of the heart",
so the yogic teaching is much clearer and more precise in this direction.
It is - if you wish - free by a whole series of censorships and evasions as has happened with certain Christian testimonies and, from this point of view,
know that I do not regret because personally, I feel Jesus, I believe in God and I believe that yoga can help people a lot to get closer to the Divine ”.

He could have said: ”Christianity is the Way of Love, but man is not capable of love, he is a mechanical being, therefore he needs a method
more suited to him: exercises, dogmas, rituals.”
But just as science without consciousness is blind, isn't esotericism without love just as blind?
What about love? At MISA®, love is confused with eroticism! It's true that eroticism presupposes a certain form of love, but a limited one,
between different genders!

"Jesus is not the only way!" Of course not!
The "only way" is that of MISA®, because it results from the unification of all ways and religions, revealing the essence!
A real spiritual hotchpotch.

At MISA® you will find all the ways, all the possible and impossible doctrines, all the religions, all the forms of yoga, plus the latest discoveries of science!
If you want to find everything in one place, where do you go? The bazaar!
This is the "integral" MISA®: a bazaar with a smell of spirituality, an esoteric shawarma with all the ingredients! 

But, although everyone is called, not everyone is ... chosen! Not everyone has the keys...

MISA® reveals the esoteric keys of yoga techniques

”Just as in various fields of activity we encounter so-called "keys to success", which allow both a deep understanding and the finding of quick,
appropriate solutions, in the same way in the spiritual realm there are certain universal occult keys.
These are mysterious, very important elements that reveal meanings that would otherwise remain impenetrable.
They are operative keys, which "open" certain "gates" of knowledge, or trigger certain subtle mechanisms.

... just as in computer science there are "encryption keys" that allow the encryption and then decryption of certain messages by authorized persons,
in the same way in the spiritual realm there are so-called "mystery keys" or "hidden vault keys", when it comes to of a certain fundamental principle.
The yogis of the MISA® school receive, even from the first courses, such initiation "keys", which bring them an incomparably greater efficiency
than practicing the same techniques in the absence of these keys."

So not everyone has access to these keys, but only those who participate in MISA® courses and activities! And not anyway, but for a fee!
Brother, honey, but the cheese is for the money! If you don't pay, you don't get the keys! What does this look like?

The Gospel of Matthew
Chap. 23.13But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves,
neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

The Gospel of Luke
Chap. 11.33 No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick,
that they which come in may see the light.”

This is why Christianity is not convenient! Christianity is a path accessible to all, it is the path open to all.
In the esoteric paths, you depend on an accomplished master to reveal his secret techniques.

"In the sphere of the esoteric, to have real access or to have a hidden key also means that the person was initiated in a certain way.
The occult key involves not only entering a certain spiritual reality by opening a mysterious gate, but also access to another state, clearly superior,
of consciousness, which is in its way enigmatic and which is revealed to us on a certain stage of an esoteric initiation.
Through this approach we clearly distinguish ourselves from other yoga schools, be they even in India, where students receive a minimum of information
and then mechanically repeat certain techniques, which they often do not even understand.

In the case of our school, with the appropriate esoteric keys which allow the understanding of various techniques and subtle mechanisms,
the yogi can adapt his own individual practice according to his immediate needs and can advance gradually, step by step, opening - one by one -
the "gates" which he encounters, until the ineffable revelation of the reality of God the Father.”

Obviously, the question arises:
If nowhere in the world - not even in India - are there schools that would give the keys to the Kingdom,
then where do MISA® and Bivolaru get these keys from?
Obviously, directly from ”the KEY’s KEEPER", because they are the chosen ones! They were born with the keys attached to their necks!

MISA® claims that it promotes spirituality, that its mission is the spiritual redemption of mankind and its salvation, that all are called,
but it holds the keys and gives them only to those who enter the school, just like in a guild!
And just like in a guild,
where keeping secret keys brings power and privileges, in order to receive the keys you not only have to pay, but you also take terrible oaths,
as in ancient and medieval secret societies.

Following the publication on the ExMISA forum of the printed MISA® courses up to the year 14, starting in 2012,
the courses for some of the more advanced years were coded and, in order to receive the decoding key, it was necessary to take the following oath :

"I (the name) solemnly swear before the good God on my health and on my whole spiritual evolution that I will never intentionally divulge,
to anyone and in any form, the decoding key of the yoga courses I am now receiving and I solemnly promise that I will not give any decoded course
either in whole or in part to anyone, except to my classmates who also received the decoding code.

If, because of my wickedness and the perversity into which I will slip, I will be tempted even once by the devil's powers to disclose
even a single element of the decoding key and give courses decoded in whole or in part, I admit in advance that I am exposing myself
to great dangers, because GOD THE FATHER will reward me as He considers that I deserve, through immanent justice,
for my eventual wickedness I will thus prove.

If I ever break this oath, GOD give me everything I deserve through immanent justice, so to be punished in this way as I deserve
through immanent divine justice, within in a period of 7 calendar years from the day I commit this wickedness that I have purposely committed.
I know - and if not, I'm finding out now - that always, without exception, the ways of GOD THE FATHER are full of mysteries
and therefore I am sure that if I ever break this solemn oath, I will finally be convinced that immanent divine justice exists and that it is implacable
for all who break their oath before the good GOD.

If I will intentionally break this oath, may all the evils I deserve fall upon me one by one and absolutely no one be able to release me
from the well-deserved consequences of this solemn vow that I have made here and now before the good GOD.
So may GOD help me from this very moment according to my heart and my mind.

But if in the secret societies of the past, oaths also had the purpose of protecting from the paranoid behavior of tyrants
- thus being a matter of life and death - what is the point in these times?
Obviously, only the defense of material privileges, ie the source of income.

Behold, in this oath, which sounds rather like a self-curse, the impression is given that what is taught in these courses represents
the highest and most terrible truths, that God himself takes care of their guard!
A God who obviously has much better things to do than being bodyguard at MISA®, because ”the great secrets” are already on the internet,
from where - as will be seen immediately - were actually "revealed" by MISA®.

It should also be added that, at some meetings where more special conferences and "initiations" are exhibited, access with recording equipment,
transmission or even with writing paper and pens is forbidden and, for this purpose, the entrance is controlled with hidden microphone detectors,
doubled by body and luggage control!
Often, the atmosphere at classes or initiations is one of concentration camp.
So the terrible oaths are not enough! This proves that those who request them themselves do not give a damn about them!

Of course, those who come to these courses are not told that they will enter a kind of secret society, in which they will receive "keys"
that they will have to keep secret and - for some of these - to take an oath!
On all MISA® propaganda channels, everything is good and beautiful, everywhere only smiles of carefree euphoric young people,
inviting to simple weekend yoga classes, followed by ordinary and carefree life until next week's end meeting.
Not a word is blown about the curse that presses on those who receive the "great secrets" that the internet is full of.

And there is something else they are not told: that once they enter, if they want to leave, that means they will leave the spiritual path
and collapse to the depths of hell, even worse than the others who knew nothing - the profane ignorants.
And those who will remain but still show some different opinions are told that they have "demonic doubts."
The fear induced in the minds of the students regarding the spiritual collapse in case of doubts or of leaving the courses,
is perhaps the most terrible mechanism of mental chaining.

Unlike some violent sects (see Jim Jones's Peoples Temple), MISA® students do not live in a camp guarded by outside guards,
but are prisoners of their own fear of perdition, which is planted early on.They are their own guards, in their own prison!
Students are invited to enter, being told there is no danger, that everything is fine, that there is their rescue,
but they are not told that the exit means perdition, only after they have entered.

Another expression of MISA® secrecy is its trademarksTraditional yoga with registered inventions!


What about the content of the courses taught at MISA®?
In the first few years many traditional yoga techniques are taught and this type of course is of a much higher level than that of ordinary yoga sessions
in the West, where the coach presents the posture or exercise without further explanation or information,
without showing the effects and their finality.

In an article from Yoga Magazin no.32, there are some statements of some students from abroad:

Klaus, a 39-year-old student from Munich, says that “before practicing yoga at MISA®, he attended other yoga schools in Germany
and was disappointed with the superficial approach, which focuses almost exclusively on physical aspects; there is no insistence on awareness,
no theoretical aspects of yoga are presented in extenso and no written courses are given.

Another German student, Gerhard, states that the point of attraction is physical postures (asanas), Germans like to have something tangible and concrete,
and through hatha yoga you can feel and observe results relatively quickly.
This teaching system, with effective concrete techniques, whose effect is immediately felt primarily at the physiological level,
techniques accompanied by printed courses with complete information and explanations, created to MISA® courses a certain reputation for efficiency,
as well as seriousness and competence , fame that allowed them to spread rapidly in Western Europe and even in South America.

In Uruguay, the Ananda Academy had a joint project with the Universidad de la República (Udelar) in the capital Montevideo,
through which to high school students, university students, teachers and even former graduates are taught free traditional yoga lessons,
based on the ATMAN program, which was shown to be written by MISA®.
This project was very successful in the beginning, as everywhere MISA® courses have opened.

However, the success of these traditional yoga classes has a secret: the information is most often taken with copy-paste from yoga books of high-level.
There are people (the one with the pseudonym Intenselight or the former lawyer of the Movement, M.R.) who discovered this fact,
comparing some yoga courses with books of oriental spirituality.
It is practically a plagiarism, without indicating the sources, but at the same time, it is claimed that the content of the courses is the result of personal revelations!

This fact will be covered in detail in a chapter entitled MISA® - Theft and Forgery.

At first glance, this should not be a problem, on the contrary, it is commendable that these courses are written after books of the highest standard.
But how do you explain then that Bivolaru tells students that this information is secret and that execution techniques and esoteric information
should not be shared with others, but only their beneficial effects (to capture their curiosity and attention and to attract them to these courses,
like the sales agents)?

By disseminating the techniques learned in the MISA® courses to those who are not students, the one who does it “is loaded with their karma”.
But then Bivolaru and his instructors are not loaded with student's karma?
No, because Bivolaru is a great initiate and he is not touched by karma like ordinary mortals and he also knows how to protect his instructors.
But what about the authors of the books from which Bivolaru copied, they do not take over readers's karma?

If information from MISA® courses is copied from other sources (which, as we have seen, can be easily found on the Internet),
why does MISA® require secrecy, since the authors of the books did not impose it?
Why did they register the MISA® trademark and, by this, claim that they have copyright on the information they share,
if they have appropriated it from others without respecting this right?
Obviously, for the information monopoly and this betrays a material and controlling interest.

And by hiding the sources of information, not only that students are denied personal access to information, to keep them captive to these courses,
but it is often suggested that Bivolaru himself is the one who reveals these "initiation secrets" which can be found on Internet!
He is ”a master from a previous life”, he did yoga since his mother's womb and was directly born yoga expert, so he did not even need a master.

But the techniques that are plagiarized from traditional treaties are not everything.
In addition to quality information about traditional yoga, the courses also include all sorts of techniques - often bizarre in the context of yoga practice -
that are more related to religious cults, magic and occultism: invocations of various entities or deities, even aliens (!),
all kinds of rituals (even erotic rituals), offerings, ingestion of more or less euphoric plant powders (eg the mixture of plant powders entitled Trance Forte,
strongly recommended by Bivolaru), magical practices (visualization of previous lives in a mirror), interrogating the Yi Ching sticks or Tarot cards.

Some techniques are Bivolaru's inventions: the ”Lightning Rod” technique, the Spiral, the deflection of asteroids and comets,
the prevention of earthquakes, etc.

For example, in Uruguay, "the supposedly scientific yoga sessions of esoteric and traditional yoga began "in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit."
"Beyond the yoga facade is a religious indoctrination, but the word 'religion' is not used."
(see here, between 12min:05sec – 13min45sec)
If meetings begin under the sign of the Holy Trinity as the highest spiritual authority, why is Christianity not taught?
Because yoga is "clear and precise," and Christianity is "vague," as shown earlier.

But newly recruited students are not told this, nor that, beyond yoga sessions similar to those of Western yoga sessions,
there is the worship of oriental deities:
Ganesha – The god with an elephant’s head
* The spiritual ceremony of worship of GANESHA and his spiritual wives

”Essentially speaking, this tradition is in fact a tantric spiritual practice that aims to gain "magical" control over subtle forces and energies
in its many aspects, by faithfully reporting to one or more of the 10 facets ( Great Cosmic Powers) of divine expression in manifestation.
The Tantric tradition states that the fervent and devout worship of the 10 Great Cosmic Powers is good to be practiced in the context of daily life,
thus offering the possibility to master and then completely transcend all problems, troubles or sufferings.”

The 10 Facets of Unique Truth

”At the top of this pyramidal structure of the Cosmos there are certain cardinal deities, which are also the facets of the Unique Truth, the Supreme Divinity.
These essential female deities are thus the ten dominant facets or aspects of the personality of the fascinating Supreme Divine Mother (Maha Shakti).
The spiritual paths corresponding to these 10 Great Cosmic Powers are fast and safe.
But in order to successfully approach them, the human being must have already reached a certain spiritual maturity,
a certain level of depth and refinement of consciousness.

As for the "spiritual maturity" referred to, the study of these 10 oriental deities begins in ... the 2nd year of the course!
There are people who refused to participate in these initiations that take place even in the "normal" yoga class - which is presented as Western -
and these people were declared by Gregorian Bivolaru as "demonic".

SHIVAISM COURSE within the MISA® Yoga School

“The Shivaism course at our yoga school, which was founded more than 25 years ago, is and remains even the only one in Europe today.
During this course you will be able to have access, among others, to:
- the esoteric way of performing the secret erotic tantric procedure, maithuna
- Initiations into esotericism and the mantras of certain deities: Garuda, Skanda-Karttikeya, Hanuman
- the traditional spiritual ceremony of worshiping SHIVA etc ”

Special yang spiral meditation - Iconic image of the MISA® Esoteric Yoga School

“Hundreds or even thousands of people holding hands in a huge human spiral, meditating together, already form
an iconic image of the MISA® School of Esoteric Yoga.
This unique kind of collective yang spiral meditation has been taking place at the initiative of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru since the 1990s.”

* Meditations invoking beneficial aliens: Spiritual exemplification of communion with the Supreme Galactic Council -
message-referendum of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization
*Technique for the invocation of the help of the members for the Supreme Galactic Council and beneficial extraterrestrial beings
for planet Earth (link and archive)

”The MISA® yoga school has launched a series of actions to raise the level of consciousness of all people.
In addition to the prayer in unison, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has developed a simple and effective method for counteracting
possible apocalyptic situations in the near future. ”
"This method was conceived by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, in order to invoke God's grace, omnipotence
and will for the protection of planet Earth from any cataclysm."

PLANETARY PROGRAM of urgent action "NOT THE APOCALYPSE !!!" (part 1, part 2, urgent message)
”It is necessary to remember that the Planetary Program of urgent action "NOT THE APOCALYPSE !!!" is not the first of its kind
that this spiritual school is launching.
Previously, this spiritual yoga school (MISA®) launched a planetary program of action of a similar name and which has been known to be successful.

As part of our global urgent action program, we announced that:
"We have become aware that planet Earth and all of humanity on this globe will surely be in near-apocalyptic danger in the near future
if people will not act in a firm and systematic way, in unison, in the only effective way that is currently possible to avoid the collision with an asteroid
that is speeding towards the planet Earth at every moment.

The tradition of millennial wisdom YOGA knows, however, a simple and efficient method that allows human beings to capture
- with the help that comes to them from GOD - a certain mysterious energy that is then directed to divert this asteroid,
through an all-powerful energy of a subtle nature that is accumulated through a synchronized planetary action that is performed
by as many human beings as possible.
With this method, we hope that the trajectory of this asteroid can be deflected, and this will prevent this collision from happening at all. " 

The accumulation of energy and the use of this energy in the intended sense is the way to act in practice at MISA®.

The techniques with the greatest emphasis at MISA® - for which these courses have gained international "fame",
including in the homeland of yoga, India - are TANTRIC techniques, especially so called ”left-handed Tantra”, which includes sexual techniques.

"Sexual continence is the smartest and most advanced way to make love.
Even though it was discovered thousands of years ago and applied especially in the Orient, it has long been kept secret ...
It is the true love sexual revolution and it is the merit of the MISA® yoga school that it has revived in the West, promoting it widely.
Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has been explaining the principles of amorous sexual continence since 1990 and has presented
specific yogic methods and techniques that make it accessible to anyone. Love sexual continence is the sexuality of the future.”

Everywhere you look at MISA®, eroticism is present. 
Here, for example, is how the cover of Bivolaru's book entitled "Food and naturist therapy with cereals" looks like.
Some distribution sites had to blur it…

There are some references even in the printed yoga classes, including some techniques involving intimate sexual contact,
but it is true that these techniques are not done during classes.
The vast majority of information about tantric techniques is found in articlesbooks or movies broadcast at MISA® outside of yoga classes.
Tantric techniques and rituals take place outside of classes, during private meetings, in private spaces.

In recent years, however, Tantra classes (link) have begun to appear, separate from the yoga class.

Interview without prejudice with GREGORIAN BIVOLARU - TANTRA, a difficult and narrow path like the razor's edge
"For those who study it carefully, it is obvious that TANTRA has long understood the importance of sexual force, the fundamental force of our being
and the engine of life on the planet, intuiting its usefulness, most often unsuspected, for the spiritual life.

The so-called orgasmic phase that precedes ejaculation is, from an energetic point of view, the most intense regarding pleasure,
it being the most marked. Also, the whole art of endless love consists in making this phase last indefinitely, without it ending in an ejaculation.
In the case of men who practice TANTRA, a very long seminal retention will result in the biological transmutation of the sperm,
which will make possible the processes of sublimation of the resulting energy."

This table is presented from the first yoga classes.
The presence of sexual aspects in MISA® courses is so vast that a separate treatment is needed.
In the MISA® courses there are also theoretical presentations in which conspiracy theories, apocalyptic warnings, non-existent inventions (infinite free energy),
as well as scientific information, often misinterpreted, are presented.
These require a separate treatment as well.

In recent years, MISA® has made a glorious title by promoting the so-called Godly Attributes, which is linked to the founding in MISA®
of another Movement, the so-called Charismatic Theophanic Movement.
In a conference entitled “Important Esoteric Arguments That We Urgently Need to Consider,” the MISA® mentor stated that
with the revelation of the mystery of the Godly Attributes, Sundar Singh's prophecies take shape because without these revelations
it was difficult to figure out what the chosen people - the Romanians - will do so that they have an extraordinarily important role.

In "The Great Gospel of John", Jesus Christ dictated to Jacob Lorber about the role that the Romanian people will play in the future.
The revelation of the Godly Attributes in Romania thus confirms both the prophecies of the Indian Sundar Singh regarding Romania
and the statements that Jesus Christ also made about this country over 2000 years ago.”

First of all, Jesus Christ began his public work around 30 AD, so it is not possible that He "have made statements over 2000 years ago"!
Bivolaru thus demonstrates a gross lack of culture and ignorance of the history of Christianity!
It was shown in the first part, in the subchapter "FOUNDING MYTHS" that, in his so-called "'prophecies about Romania",
Sundar Singh would have predicted the crucial role that Romania would have for the spiritual future of the planet.

The reasons why these so-called “prophecies” are in fact a gross forgery have been shown:
they appeared directly in Romanian, without being translated from another source or from another language,
there is no reference to them anywhere, Sundar Singh did not made prophecies and did not even visit Romania, even refusing invitations to visit it,
as shown in several biographies.
Also, the prediction of the 7th Ecumenical Synod in Romania is obviously a false one, this Synod took place already in the year 787!
Also, given the fact that Bivolaru presented to his students after 1990 a variant of the "prophecies" completely different
from the one he also presented to his students before 1980, it shows that Bivolaru falsified the last variant.

It was also shown that Jakob Lorber did not make no reference to Romania, everything being just a statement of Bivolaru.
Therefore, in a false prophecy and then in an exagerate statement, Bivolaru claims the messianic role of Romania and MISA®,
and now he also tells us that this role consists in the revelation of the Godly Attributes... by him!
Bivolaru is everywhere: he passes the ball, he shoots at the goal and he also referees.

In the conference entitled "Devils cunningly disguising themselves as angels", he said:
Only God could reveal here, in this country, the formidable Godly mystery of the Godly Attributes as sublime,
endless subtle energies whose frequency of vibration never changes.
We consider and do not err in the slightest that this Godly revelation can rightly be regarded as the greatest gift,
the most important revelation that God has given at the right time in this country, for the entire planet.

An important revelation made in our esoteric yoga school is the one regarding the Godly Attributes.
Although these Attributes are mentioned in both philosophy and mysticism, whether Eastern or Western, no work clearly explains what a Godly  Attribute is.
However, the spiritual guide of our yoga school clarified in this sense that each of these Godly Attributes is and remains in eternity
a distinct sublime subtle energy, which has a certain frequency of vibration, which never changes.”

No one has ever before been able to see and reveal the Secret of Secrets.
But here came the CHOSEN ONE who, looking at what those before said, collected everything in one sentence and revealed the SECRET!
Glory and honor to the CHOSEN ONE, but why are the merits of others silenced?

on the MISA® website in Romanian it says:
”The mystery revealed for the first time of the Godly Attributes”
But on the English page appears simple:
”The revealed mystery of the Godly Attributes”

Why doesn't MISA® boast about the Godly Attributes towards students from other countries?
Maybe because those outside Romania knows that this is not the case!

These Attributes were described by others long before Bivolaru.
Although there are references in the Synod of Constantinople in 1351, in works of Spinoza (17th century) or even in much more accessible works
- such as the courses of the faculties of Theology - Bivolaru found out about the existence of these Attributes
only when he translated the 7-th volume of the book “The Great Gospel of John” (uncensored!) by Jakob Lorber, published in 2012,
in which a reference to these Godly Attributes appears for the first time within MISA®.

Before that, he never mentioned them, although he always hinted that he was spiritually accomplished, in permanent contact with God.

Of course, the translation of the 7-th volume began a few years before 2012 and it is very suspicious that, at about the same time,
to Bivolaru was “revealed” by God the need for the Theophanic Charismatic Movement, whose main purpose is precisely...
the revelation these Attributes!
We are therefore witnessing from Bivolaru a new "revelation in planetary premiere" from some revelations of others,
but with the unavoidable adaptations and additions ...

So, Bivolaru combines the copy-paste method with adding to the text. He is not able to truly produce original ideas, so he takes them from others,
supplementing and modifying them according to his own ideas and interests, claiming to be his personal contribution.
In his opinion, nothing is complete, not even the revelations of Jesus, although the writings of Jakob Lorber are considered to be transmitted by divine dictation by Jesus Christ Himself!

MISA® plagiarism and forgery will be detailed in a separate, dedicated article.


”The spiritual mentor of MISA® is yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru.
Endowed with a lot of knowledge that we can rightly call encyclopedic, with a rich practical experience and a real pedagogical talent.

A good teacher must first and foremost share a true teaching.
In addition to information taken from quality sources, Bivolaru also mixes a lot of false information, most often taken with copy-paste
from fake news sites (fake news), and when he was unmasked, Bivolaru was forced to a few times to retract his statements.
Here is a list of conferences based on fake news, as well as their sources:

It is very suspicious that Bivolaru - with rare exceptions - does not show his sources, these being discovered by introducing particular fragments
on search engines on the Internet.

On the one hand, he does not want this information to be verified and, on the other hand, he wants to leave the impression
that what is exposed is his own revelations, which makes his followers to assimilate this information as authentic from the start,
without to check them again, so as not to fall prey to "demonic doubts".
This is a miserable brainwashing and manipulation tactic within MISA®.

Worse, bizarre personal ideas are often slipped into traditional books and works.
One of these real obsessions within MISA® is "urinary orgasm" and "love games with urine".

The fabrication of a fake book - "The Lady of Miracles" was exposed by the former lawyer of the Movement.
The forgery was made by introducing three invented chapters in Brajamadhava Bhattacharya's work entitled "The World of Tantra".
On one of the MISA® sites, there are fragments of these chapters fraudulently inserted into the original work, with the aim
of inducing in the minds of followers the idea that the secretly inserted techniques are in fact genuine traditional tantric techniques.

These fakes will be revealed in detail in a future chapter.

Why do those at MISA® not have the courage to personally assume these strange teachings, instead slipping them through the lines written by others,
just as the cuckoo sneaks its eggs into foreign nests.

* First of all, because there are no such traditional teachings, these are fakes.                                

Secondly, authors who personally assume certain ideas that do not exist in the spiritual tradition do not have enough authority to be considered.
Thus, that information would not be easily accepted and there would be doubt about it.                                                                   
Thirdly, these inventions can only be bizarre because, if were valuable or natural practices and ideas, would have already been part of millennial tradition. As these practices are strange and against nature, they cannot be easily accepted by followers unless they are delivered in a fake wrapping.                                                                                                           

Fourth, if these practices are criticized and rejected, the criticism is projected on the ”alleged perpetrators” and not on MISA®.
It is therefore observed that the “teachers” from MISA® are not freinds of the truth and authenticity.

A good teacher must have a pedagogical sense and tact, to bring his students closer. How do Bivolaru approach its followers?
Through another vile method, making them indiscriminately accept the aberrations provided to them.
Almost every lecture which contains "revelations for the first time in the world", begins with a reproach of those who would dare
to doubt or even debate what they were told:

”Given the fact that we are currently living in terrible apocalyptic times, we advise you to make known all the conferences on this topic
to all your friends and those who you know, because the information we provide you is fundamental.

We would like to point out that, in fact, the content of these lectures is not addressed to lethargic, skeptical, obtuse, ignorant human beings,
who have a lack of spiritual intuition, stupid who, due to the deadly sleep of intelligence in which they are already immersed,
will think hastily, absurdly or they will even state with a foolish conviction, which is unshakable, that all this is impossible."

Another article published by MISA® states:

”The 17 unsuspcted dangers of the demoniac doubts” - a special message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru (excerpts)

Motto: “Even if some of you will be surprised by this statement, we consider that now there are altogether students, opponents and aspirants
inside this YOGA spiritual school.

In case you face an attempt of recruitment or of deviation out off the spiritual path, do not hesitate to unmask their intentions,
so that they would be determined to expose publicly the aberrances and frames-up they are trying to poison your being with,
seeding into you the cockle of evilness and of different demoniac doubts.

It is our duty to anticipate that it will be a great delusion for all those who will not trust this spiritual YOGA school
and will ditch the genuine path they have already engaged in with full enthusiasm at the beginning and they will let themselves lured
by this flagrant and hilarious lie that this is not the path to follow as the “true” path.

These poor captious have completely forgot the wise words of JESUS: “Do not judge so that you shouldn’t be juged yourself”,
“He who has will still be given upon, but the one who is not satisfied will lose even what he has”.
Such people do not realize (due to the spiritual blindness they indulge) that in fact they always miss new spiritual chances,
which they are not going to get back in this life.”

There are some ideas that are actually the same as those that are inoculated into sects:

“Those who doubt this school are wrong; this is the only true way. Whoever leaves this path, misses the only chance of salvation and is lost".

* “There are opponents among us - identify and unmask them! Opponents are the ones who have doubts about this school!” 
("Divide and rule them")

* "Those who doubt or have separate opinions, show demonic doubts or even belong to a satanic group."

* "Do not judge the guide and the school, be satisfied with what you have" means in fact an exhortation to give up
the use of discernment and to blindly accept everything that is inoculated within the "school" as automatically true
and as the only truth that exists.

Giving as an example the doubt that the apostle Peter had in the presence of Jesus during the storm at sea, Bivolaru suggests
a subtle correspondence between him and Jesus.

Doubts about MISA® teachings would be demonic or satanic only if these teachings were divine!
(for, otherwise, they would be mere human doubts, which every man is normal to have.)

Bivolaru throws the anathema on those who doubt his statements and this fact pushes the followers to accept this without reservations,
discourages any doubts or even simple checks and, in addition, encourages the followers to reject and marginalize those who doubt,
who are seen as fools to be avoided and despised.
Those who blindly believe are qualified from the start as "intelligent, intuitive, and full of common sense",
which encourages blind acceptance.

When a moderator of a MISA® group on Telegram dared to censor a revelation of Bivolaru - acting in the very spirit of MISA®
to keep secret the esoteric information against "the profane and uninitiated" - Bivolaru reacted violently, characterizing her as
”an enemy of the revelations of God and of God Himself."

This is how the “talented pedagogue” Bivolaru approaches its “students”: with sect's tactics.

Given what is presented, what is said on the page of the German Academy of Yoga DatY about free will at MISA®, appears ridiculous:”

The feedback of an authentic teacher or gurus can sometimes be harsh or ego-dissolving, while offering the student
opportunities to learn something important and valuable for recognizing and understanding one's own being and thus taking a step further in self-knowledge.

If the feedback contradicts their own opinion, the student can of course express his or her free will at any time and accept or reject advice.
This characterizes an authentic spiritual school that always respects the free will of the student.
This also fundamentally distinguishes our association from a sect, in which obedience on the part of the student is the top priority,
or in which a decision is made against any advice from a teacher from the outset.”

You are free to have separate opinions, but God have mercy on you soul if you do that ...

Lessons should be enjoyable, but students are required to attend, only a limited number of absences are allowed (one-third of the lessons).
The problem is that these lessons - especially for the advanced ones - end up lasting over 4 and a half hours, even up to 7 and a half hours,
there are also cases in which the participants called for a reduction of this duration.

When you sum half-hour warm-up exercises, the practical part of Hatha Yoga for at least an hour and a half, mandatory hatha technique (MahaMudra)
for at least two hours, one-and-a-half-hour meditation, one-hour theoretical lesson and a final relaxation of almost half an hour - all this being mandatory -
the outcome is almost 7 hours!
If there is an occasional meditation (from the program "NO APOCALYPSE" or on the occasion of a serious natural or political event
- often related to conspiracy theory), it is understood what is the mood of the MISA® student, who must sacrifice one of the days of the weekend,
from early in the morning until the afternoon, or from noon to late in the evening!

Must add the daily personal practices and austerities assumed by the practitioner - the so-called TAPAS - which are presented as crucial
for spiritual evolution thus becoming, in turn, mandatory, then the inevitable job.
In the end, is found that the MISA® practitioner he has very little free time in which to carry out activities that he really wants
and that make him a real pleasure.

Daily personal austerities TAPAS are indicated by Bivolaru - the only one authorized to do so! - and the followers who have not yet received such “regimes”
are urged to request them without delay because, in their absence, there can be no real spiritual evolution,
the chances of spiritual liberation (“salvation”) being practically zero.

The mind of the MISA® practitioner is completely taken over by the way of life preached by the “master”.
But the "master" also accuses the occurence of the... spiritual saturation at his followers! Great and talented pedagogue...

In the so-called ”SPIRITUAL YOGHINE HOLIDAY CAMPS®” (also registered trademarks!), the participants wait initiations
that often are late many hours, during which they can not leave the buildings where these activities take place,
because they lose the right to participate!
Must add the stress induced at the entrance, when they are subjected to body control against the means of recording,
as well as the high temperatures during the summer or, conversely, possible moments of bad weather.
So it is understood what is the atmosphere at these meetings when, on the contrary, they should be relaxed, being actually on vacation.

But at MISA® there is no holiday ...

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