Saturday, February 15, 2025

MISA's "official" (but unpublished) response to the BBC

In a previous post, it was revealed that, during the show broadcast on Sunday, February 9, 2025 on MisaTV, entitled
”Esoteric Yoga - The immense joy of living much longer, being hyper-aware:
Episode 102 - A perfect sample of toxic journalism made to order (1)”, those from MISA “leaked” what appear to be excerpts
from an “official” response from the MISA Press Office to the BBC, regarding the BBC podcast entitled “The Bad Guru”,
available online as of December 9, 2024 (link). I would also like to point out that there is nothing of this kind on MISA's official
website, where press releases are usually published.


In the MisaTV broadcast, it says, I quote:
Why did the producer of this radio series, which flagrantly violates the code of ethics for journalists, choose to credit the false
testimonies of an obviously cunning woman, instead of the common-sense answers, accompanied by irrefutable evidence,
that were provided to her by the MISA Press Office?
comment: "Irrefutable evidence"? If MISA had such a thing, the guru would not be in prison in pretrial detention for almost
a year and three months, given that the trial has not started, and the extension of pretrial detention is debated periodically
every four months 🔗. But let's see what this super evidence is and how irrefutable it is:

BBC Press Office: "Your organization promotes the veneration of Gregorian Bivolaru as a spiritual guide, despite some
convictions and accusations."
quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
The term "to venerate", which is not used in everyday language or in journalism, is used here with an obvious denigratory
intention, although this term designates, according to the dictionary, a feeling of owe, respect, reverence, so it does not have
a negative meaning.
comment: It is not the veneration as an attitude itself that is the problem, but the one who constitutes the object of veneration,
in this case a convicted sex offender. This is the negative meaning, which the BBC editors reproach MISA for.
And the anger of those at MISA is ridiculous, because "to venerate" is a mild term; "to lick behind" was much more appropriate!

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
MISA, and especially Gregorian Bivolaru, have never encouraged its veneration in the slightest. Within this school of yoga,
we always relate only to the supernatural reality, the absolute, omnipresent and omniscient reality of God, as Gregorian
Bivolaru himself often taught us.
comment: MISA, and especially Gregorian Bivolaru, have never encouraged its veneration in the slightest”(?!) Bullshit!
Let's revisit some memories:

➤ regarding Bivolaru's attitude:

⬧ before the French court that heard him after his arrest, he declared that he was "endowed with extraordinary gifts"
and was a "spiritual leader" (French and international press - link).
 told a French journalist from Libération that, I quote, "he is the channel of the divine energy of love", that he can exemplify
energies at a distance (video) and even Godly Attributes and resembled Jesus, I quote ”Jesus had enemies, and so do I🔗
(although many other people have had or have enemies).
Bivolaru has a history of comparing himself to Jesus, especially when he is tried for criminal acts.
"The file was opened on a political order. I find myself in a similar situation to Jesus who was unjustly condemned and crucified," 
Gregorian Bivolaru said in court. (Romaniam press article)
 Bivolaru believes himself to be even greater than Jesus, because he should be the new landmark of history, I quote 
(original audio recording in Romanian, translated into English 🔗, extended 🔗):
Jesus Christ revealed to a considerable extent, but not entirely, the secret of certain Godly Attributes, the secret that the Good
God later revealed over two thousand years later within this esoteric spiritual school. This colossal revelation has such immense
value that it can be said that the history of this planet, viewed from a spiritual perspective, can rightly be divided into two stages:
the stage in which the formidable secret of the divine attributes had not yet been clearly revealed by the Good God to our
consciences, and the period that occurs after this formidable secret of the divine attributes was first revealed by the Good
God within this esoteric spiritual school.
⬧ At the anniversary show on March 12-13, 2002 at the Palace Hall, in the presence of the "spiritual guide", a message was read
from a student who raised exaggerated hosannas to him, which were not tempered then or later by Bivolaru or MISA:

(in prayer, the female student asks God):
Do You have something to say to the yogis on the occasion of Grieg's (Bivolaru) birthday?
”God's answer”:
"... So that the world can truly understand the truth about Grieg. It is not about the cult of personality but about divine realities
that manifest themselves fully through him. I want to tell you things that he would never have told you or let you understand.
Grieg is one of the greatest masters of this planet, of this universe and of others. He is the greatest spiritual Master who has
manifested on this planet since Jesus. He is one of My dearest children whom I have sent to help you and this planet overcome
the impasse it is in. Only such an exceptional spirit can bring light to this world of darkness. [...] He shines in his true splendor.
More precisely, he lets Me manifest Myself fully through his being, for he is more or less always merged with Me.
Through his sacrifice, through his effort, through his love, through his compassion and through all his physical manifestation,
My Word became incarnate and was able to reach you. He is the spiritual Model, the Example to which each of you must relate
and with which you must identify. It is human to doubt, but it is divine to understand. 

Grieg is the very divine spontaneity in manifestation, that spirit of Tantra in plenary manifestation. [...] Coming back - the fact that
he has manifested himself perfectly so far and that absolutely everything he does has My divine integration, you can see from all
his activity so far. As a Tantric Master, I gave him one of the most difficult missions, to make the divine light consciously penetrate
this manifestation, from your planet. And how? By awakening and purifying the divine relays, which are women.
It is not for nothing that it is said: When women are given honor, the gods are glorified. 

[...] Grieg the Man also has his preferences, he also has his tastes, he also has his needs, but Grieg the Spiritual Master does
nothing but My will. And those who have doubted, until now, would do well not to do so anymore.
[...] Be aware that you have before you a Model of divine Perfection, an exceptional spirit who came to this earth out of great love
and immense compassion. A Master in all the spiritual sciences that have been heard of on your planet, an ocean of grace through
which I manifest Myself fully, but this would not have been possible without his immense sacrifice.
[...] When you bring him insults and unjust accusations, then you do not love Me. [...] if something in Grieg's behavior or manifestation
on the physical plane had been wrong - do you think he would not have been punished by divine law? [...] You only have to think
and see that divine judgment is implacable. God cannot allow a being, who is not truly spiritual, who is not a true spiritual model,
who does not embody His word, to lead other beings and show them the way to Him, especially in the current conditions.

Only Jesus Christ has been said to be "the incarnation of the Word of God", in the Gospel of John, I quote:
From the first he was the Word, and the Word was in relation with God and was God. All things came into existence through him,
and without him nothing was. And so the Word became flesh and took a place among us for a time; and we saw his glory--such glory
as is given to an only son by his father--saw it to be true and full of grace. (John 1:1-14)
So, according to this message, Bivolaru is the "second coming" of Jesus!

In the above fragment, in addition to the idea of ​​the divine origin and the perfection of the "guide", a message is subtly slipped
in that warns the followers not to judge the behavior of the "tantric master", which obviously seems shocking even to some of them:
"Grieg the Man also has his preferences, he also has his tastes, he also has his needs" so, when HE chooses "divine relays"
from the photos in swimsuits requested for the camps or the groups of women Shakti and invites them to "initiation", even if they
did not ask and do not want, the female students "chosen" without their will to find out that it is the Will of God, that divine Grace
has descended upon them and not to hesitate to respond to the invitation... Now, after all that has happened, the meaning of this
message becomes clear, as it has become clear that situations like those currently occurring in France have their roots
since back then, it's just that no one accused him, because the indoctrination was stronger when Bivolaru did it personally.

➤ regarding MISA:

⬧ It distributes on its pages insane praises and hosannas about the spiritual greatness of the guru, I quote:

Since childhood, he has lived overwhelming spiritual experiences, states of Cosmic Consciousness, and intuited that he
would have an exceptional spiritual destiny. (source archived)
The exceptional spiritual capacity through which spiritual guides of this type mediate direct spiritual knowledge for sincere
and open aspirants is called the “direct transfer of Divine Power” (shaktipata) and is described as a mysterious and holy
communion “from heart to heart”. Each of these spiritual exemplifications is therefore an invaluable gift that God offers us,
through our Spiritual Guide, who is in that context the “divine channel” through which this spiritual “gift” reaches us. (archived)
"A passage identified by the Secret Code of the Bible designates an exceptional being, a "sent by God to Earth" and what was
written over 3000 years ago in the Secret Code of the Bible is being fulfilled here and now, "without false modesty", through
the MISA yoga school, under the brilliant guidance of yoga teacher Bivolaru." (archived)
⬧ When some of Bivolaru's main disciples left MISA, mobilizing messages and open letters were distributed to the remaining
students, which were posted on the MISA page and were also read in front of those present at the yoga classes. Example:
I must tell you that, for me, the Spiritual Master is God and he can NEVER make a mistake! He, as a DIVINE being, knows what
is happening in any place and at any time (because he is omnipresent) and only some have the feeling that HE does not know.
I believe that HE knows what happened in the past and what will happen in the future, because he is one with God, and God
is omniscient.” (archived)
"For this reason, for a true disciple his Master is without fault, even if in the eyes of others he makes, at least in appearance,
certain mistakes. And the right attitude here also means complete trust, because it is a question here, as we have shown, of
our very relationship with the Divine." (archived)
⬧ on the pages of MISA, paranormal experiences and even miraculous healings mediated by Bivolaru (incurable disease,
osteoporosisor attributed to Bivolaru himself are reported:
"Miraculous healing. The spiritual guide removed a huge tumor from my body" (archived)
⬧ MISA created tribute films, which were posted on MISA's official YouTube channel and, recently, on Facebook, as if they
wanted to sabotage their response to the BBC. (”Călăuza - The Guide - the exceptional spiritual destiny of Gregorian Bivolaru"”,
Pentru Tine 1” (For You, part 1), ”Pentru Tine 2” (For You, part 2).
⬧ Video clips of alleged paranormal manifestations are broadcast at MISA meetings (video):
In 2007, in a restricted setting, yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru exemplified the triggering of some physical paranormal
phenomena that were filmed, and then could be viewed, also in a restricted setting, at certain events of this yoga school - MISA.

Very funny, veneration is also present in full in the response of the MISA Press Office to the BBC!
"Uuh, it's not true that we venerate our guide, unique in the world, because he helps us find God, since he has already found Him
and is with HIM!”

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
Many of the students of this school, after having practiced for a certain period of time the systematic, clear courses, unique
in the world by their wealth of necessary, pertinent information, much of it esoteric, have spontaneously chosen to consider
Gregorian Bivolaru only as their spiritual guide and that's it. So only for them he is the guide who shows them how and
by what ancient traditional methods they can thus discover Him, but especially to feel God, and precisely for this quality
they appreciate him, and some of them love him. All of these are in reality good, natural feelings, for which no one should be
sanctioned. There are also some students who do not consider Gregorian Bivolaru at all as their spiritual guide, but
appreciate him as only an author of many books, over 70 in number, and an erudite from whom they receive, during his over
2,200 conferences, many valuable teachings. In reality, it is always everyone's choice, as they see it, there is no imposition.

comment: There is no imposition, but damn those who doubt the "erudite author" Bivolaru, I quote:
Human beings who were on this spiritual path, overcome by doubts, moved away from the Spiritual Guide and implicitly left
the spiritual path, voluntarily giving up the divine chance of transformation. However the doubt manifested itself, it triggered
resonance processes with the terrible world of demons and even hell. The demonic doubts they faced, at a certain point,
proved fatal for some of them, causing them to go astray and deviate from the authentic spiritual path on which they existed.
The lost person can no longer accept their Spiritual Guide as a divine being necessary to transform their limited egoistic
personality, in order to free it." (archived)

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
Since you mentioned the term veneration in that question, we note with great sthenic humor how you, the British, are able to
venerate a historical relic such as the British Monarchy, which, in reality, has nothing to do with democracy, although precisely
in the name of "spreading democracy", you have destroyed and plundered, with obvious skill, for centuries, entire peoples,
almost on all meridians, peoples who, as your own BBC station reports, have rightly begun to demand fair reparations and
compensation. All of this is in reality an obvious and shocking example for us of the “double standard”, which you apply over
and over again, routinely, in almost all areas, starting from politics, to the insolent interference in the internal affairs of other
states that, in a cunning, manipulative way, you approve only when it benefits you, when it is convenient for you, or you
promptly denounce when something is not convenient for you, to the criminal, revolting military operations, which you approve
only when they are convenient for you and demonize when they are not convenient for you, and so on. Of course, you will be
a little upset by these remarks of ours, which are always true.

comment: “You accuse us of worshipping a pedophile, abuser and sexual exploiter, but you also worship a criminal relic,
you miserable and arrogant imperialist pigs, who suck the blood of the peoples and interfere in “internal affairs”, as the
communist dictators used to say!
As for the "double standard", this is the only standard of those at MISA, for whom their own sexuality is "sacred eroticism",
and the sexuality of others, even when manifested in the same way, is animalistic.

"Our remarks are always true. We are always right, whatever we do and say, you are always wrong!
Since only God is without error, it follows that MISA and Bivolaru consider themselves "gods"," which explains the fact that
they violate every limit in their actions and have long since lost their sense of measure, justice, and goodness.

The reply "it's your fault!" does not invalidate the validity of the accusations, it does not even deny them, it even admits them
and is only an attempt to divert attention from the one full of mud, throwing mud at the one making the accusations.
In this way, the people at MISA do not cleanse Bivolaru of the mud that flows over him and they probably realize this,
because they immediately trigger an attempt to wash the Muddy One:

excerpt from the MisaTV broadcast:
We continue with the response provided by the MISA Press Office to the question raised by the BBC podcast producer
regarding the accusations brought against yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru: his conviction in 2013 in Romania for sex
with a minor, a 17-year-old yoga student, the Red Notice issued in 2017 regarding 5 charges in Finland of human trafficking,
as well as the charges filed in November 2023 in France for human trafficking, organized kidnapping, rape and organized
abuse of weakness by members of a sect.
quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
Gregorian Bivolaru was convicted in 2013 by the Supreme Court of Romania, after having previously been acquitted in full
both in the first instance and on appeal, and without having been heard even once for this alleged sexual act with a minor,
even though, in reality, the alleged victim constantly denied that this alleged sexual act with her had ever taken place.
She even later personally wrote a book full of shocking testimonies about how a false incriminating statement was extracted
from her by prosecutors through blackmail and threats. The alleged “victim” was then carefully heard along with many other
people by the Supreme Court of Sweden, which rightly appreciated her credible and honest testimony and, precisely for that
reason, finally decided in 2006 to grant political asylum to Gregorian Bivolaru, rightly considering that, in Romania,
this man would not have a fair trial. The two acquittals, which were later and paradoxically followed by a dubious conviction
in Romania, which is extremely questionable, show that this girl was indeed right. In this way, it is easily observed that,
in Romania, Gregorian Bivolaru was later unjustly convicted, in 2013. We additionally specify the fact, astonishing in reality,
that, in Romania, the legal age of consent was 16 years at that time, so the respective sexual act, even assuming by reduction
to the absurd that it had existed, could not possibly be considered a crime. In order to illegally and abusively force the conviction
of Gregorian Bivolaru, the judges tendentiously and erroneously assessed that Gregorian Bivolaru had the status of teacher of
the alleged victim, but this aspect was untrue, because Gregorian Bivolaru had retired from teaching yoga classes since 1996.
In 2017, Gregorian Bivolaru filed a request for review of the decision of the Supreme Court of Romania in order to finally have,
for the first time, the opportunity to defend himself directly, but his legitimate, legal request was rejected.

comment: All these so-called arguments in support of Bivolaru's innocence are shattered by the statement made by Bivolaru
himself, with his own mouth, before the court that debated his request for release and set him free in 2017 (document):
Having been heard by the court, the petitioner declares that in his opinion he is entitled to be released on parole because...
the days served in detention are sufficient for the act for which he was convicted and which he assumes and regrets.
He also declares that he has decided never to talk to a person under 18 again in order to avoid ending up in the current situation,
the period spent in detention being an edifying one for him. He also states that 13 years have passed since the acts for which
he was convicted and he has not committed another act because he no longer wishes to live such an experience.

This statement by Bivolaru means that he lied during his trial, that the sentence he was convicted of is fair, that all those legal
arguments regarding innocence are nonsense, that the victim M.D. lied in her book and manipulated the Supreme Court of
Sweden that granted Bivolaru asylum. Bivolaru promised that he would no longer "discuss" with underage girls, while
one of the former students who denounced him to the French authorities stated that he had received a 16-year-old girl from
Hungary in Paris, with whom he had sexual contact. "Discussing" is not the same as having sexual intercourse, especially
since Bivolaru does not sit around discussing, he goes straight to the point...

Upon his release from prison, Bivolaru declared that he was not guilty 🔗, contrary to his confession in court, which shows
how much Bivolaru's word is worth and how much the truth is worth to him. Bivolaru always declares exactly what better
serves his purposes at that moment, which makes his statements at different times contradictory.

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
Regarding the allegations in Finland, we don't know many details, but we do know that a well-known Swedish researcher,
Liselotte Frisk, who had no connection with any of the ATMAN schools, published an objective, academic study about
the yoga school in Finland, a study that dismantles in great detail all the speculation and accusations existing in the media
regarding an alleged "manipulation" and so-called brainwashing.
commentAn absolutely ridiculous argument, because that "researcher" is not a judge and, like all the other NGO friends
of MISA, only supports the statements of MISA followers, which she automatically considers true and does not realize that
it is precisely the seemingly fabricated statements of the sect members that demonstrate brainwashing.

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
In all that concerns the accusations in France, it is noticeable that these are surprisingly similar to the accusations that were
brought in 2004, in Romania, to a group of 21 yoga practitioners, which at that time also included the yoga teacher Gregorian
Bivolaru. In this dubious case, in the end, all those unjustly accused were acquitted after 17 years of trial, after having faced,
unjustly and absurdly, two procedural cycles. Likewise, we are already convinced that the total innocence of Gregorian Bivolaru,
but also of the other yoga practitioners, will ultimately be proven in France. The real truth always comes to light sooner or later,
regardless of certain obstacles.

commentThe fact that the accusations are similar is not at all surprising, but rather demonstrates that Bivolaru and his acolytes
commit the same crimes over and over again, and never give up, despite the many problems they have. The difference is that
the Romanian case was made in a hurry, in a very short time, by some incompetent people who acted on orders, while the French
police followed their movements for over a year, until they arrested them. The evidence gathered has already forced Bivolaru
to admit to some of the acts accused by the women who filed complaints, with the exception of abuse and sexual exploitation.
Indeed, the truth is coming to light, no matter how much those from MISA, grouped around their leader, may oppose it.

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
However, we remind you here of one edifying fact, sensational for a fair media which, for any honest journalist, should raise
a lot of questions that no one revealed, as was normal: in the descents in France, none of the 50 people, who were falsely
claimed to have been “liberated” by the French police, considered themselves victims, except only in terms of the strange
brutality and inhumane behavior of the police. After that, they were all pressured and lured, in a cunning way, to give
false statements, that they were trafficked, seized and exploited but, despite this, they did not let themselves be manipulated
at all and, in the end, all of them refused to file a false criminal complaint. There are already numerous interviews that have
already been taken by certain independent, honest researchers of these so-called "victims", who did not give in to any of the
illegal and inadmissible pressures to give false statements, whose story, fundamentally shocking, the media has completely
ignored and continues to ignore, which completely dismantle any claim, fundamentally false, that these people were exploited,
abused, held captive, raped, manipulated, brainwashed or any other similar false claims.

commentThe fact that none of the detained people considered themselves victims and did not file complaints against
Bivolaru and MISA does not automatically mean that the acts of which they are accused did not occur. In fact, this proves
precisely the brainwashing that was carried out on the followers of MISA. Consent is personal and not group.
Bivolaru is being tried for sexual abuse of the women who complained about him and not because he did not abuse others.
Moreover, the evidence obtained by the French police during the long surveillance shows that these people participated in
at least dubious actions, despite their statements. Evidence was presented on this very blog that attests that some of those
who were detained an claimed loudly and loudly that the French police are lying when accusing them of sexual exploitation,
were proven to be pornographic videochatists (blog article Romanian only).

quoted from the MISA Press Office Response:
In your approach, you have only two alternatives: to reveal, as is honest, the whole true truth about Gregorian Bivolaru and
this esoteric spiritual school, or to hide, passing under a deafening silence, certain obvious, incontestable truths that exist
and that do not correspond at all to the strategy you have already chosen and which clearly emerges, for the intelligent,
from the questions formulated.

commentAmazingly, through this fragment, MISA also exposes itself. They talk about questions posed by the BBC, they
do not reveal what they are, but instead they only issued an answer, but a truncated one and, moreover, in an unofficial way.
Why would MISA hide the questions that were asked by the BBC? There is only one explanation: because they are such
painful and to the point questions that they would cause immense discomfort among the followers of the organization!

Furthermore, this means that the BBC has fulfilled the first alternative of the two presented by the MISA Office, namely,
"they have revealed, as is honest, the whole true truth about Gregorian Bivolaru and about this esoteric spiritual school".
And this truth is so terrible that MISA cannot afford to bring it to light, as they claim the BBC, therefore they have issued,
in the abstract, a hallucinated answer to some questions that they have not revealed. Maybe the BBC will reveal what those
questions are so disturbing, which have created so much turmoil in the viper's nest at MISA. We are waiting with interest for
the next episodes in this series containing MISA's belated and idiotic reaction to the BBC podcast, especially the reaction
to the facts revealed in the 5th episode, ”Revelation”. 

PS: One of the main ideas that MISA expresses in this series of broadcasts is that the action of the authorities in France
against MISA is part of the war waged by the forces of evil against spirituality, forces that act through French anti-cult
organizations that, MISA says, persecute any new spiritual group.

What MISA forgets is that, all this time, another school operates in France that broke away from MISA in 2007!
It's about Claudiu Trandafir's school Hridaya Yoga (home, teachers). Trandafir (Sahajananda) is a former disciple of Bivolaru
and, as MISA has often stated spitefully, he teaches things which he learned at MISA. Why don't the French police take them?
Why doesn't MIVILUDES persecute them too?

As for the idea that Bivolaru is being pulled over by the Attributes, it should not be lost sight of that Bivolaru has been wanted
by the authorities since 2004, and at that time the Great Connoisseur of Divinity had no idea about the Attributes, which
he stole from Lorber's work, which was only translated in 2007 (link)!

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