Finally, this series of articles by Susana Palmer has come to an end, with the 6th part, entitled
” #SheToo: 6. A Form of “Second-Wave Feminism?” 🔗
After in the previous five parts the author only took up MISA's statements, as she exposed herself in article no. 5
(quote:”I was told” 🔗), In this last part, she tries to create the impression of a scientific study full of originality, supporting
her personal thesis that MISA is a feminist movement that presents uniqueness. I quote:
S. Palmer: Female MISA students would say they are not feminists. But perhaps they are, in their own unique way.
Swedish scholar Liselotte Frisk detects an assumption of gender inequality, both in Eliade’s writing and in the Indian tradition
he writes about: “A contemporary reader notes that the emphasis, both in the Tantric scriptures and in Eliade’s interpretation,
is on the male as a subject… Nothing similar is, however, said from the woman’s perspective. It seems that the female is
considered a tool for the male; the male is the subject, and the woman is the object.”
In contrast, Frisk finds that in the contemporary writings on Tantra by Mihai and Adina Stoian, issuing from Denmark’s
Natha Yoga school, “there is in the texts as much emphasis on the female experience as on the male one.”
Full spiritual union with God the Father or with the Supreme Masculine Principle (Shiva in the tantric tradition) is stated as
the ultimate goal of MISA and, in this sense, it is recommended to amplify especially the yang (solar, masculine) energies
that are deficient in human beings in today's society, with the ultimate goal of achieving the androgynous state
(perfect balancing of the masculine and feminine principles). However, in reality, since the beginning of MISA, the emphasis
has been on the feminine aspect.
The first MISA building in Bucharest was the "Little Villa", where Bivolaru received female students to initiate them sexually.
Then, when the MISA buildings in Costinesti were built, a hotel was also built for free hosting of women who received
free vacations during the summer yoga camp. The Miss Shakti contest was initiated very early, while men never had such
a contest dedicated to them; also shakti groups were founded early, those for men appearing much later and always being
in the shadow of the women's groups, which always had priority.
All this happened for a very simple reason: the education ("grooming") and training of female students to be the most pleasant
mistresses for Bivolaru and the male VIPs and, later, to become erotic dancers in striptease bars in Japan and Austria,
porn and erotic film actresses, workers on porn video chats and in erotic massage parlors.
Further on in the article another topic related to MISA is touched upon, that of pornography:
S. Palmer: Reports in the mass media claim that Gregorian Bivolaru forces his female students (via “brainwashing”)
to participate in various MISA-run pornography industries. Ironically, Bivolaru’s view of pornography is totally negative.
Bivolaru condemns “the stupidity that transpires from [pornographic] films” as “immense and surprising,” and despises
the behavior of porno actors as “far inferior to how the animals are mated.”
Also ironically, Bivolaru also condemned prostitution 🔗, but of facade, because this did not prevent him from establishing
MISA precisely on the basis of prostitution. The more he criticizes pornography, the more he uses it!
Susan Palmer proves herself once again to be a manipulator and an activist defender of demented sects, basing her statements
on official, facade statements of these groups and not on impartial research: "Uuh, if Bivolaru publicly condemned pornography,
then he must be a saint, he cannot possibly have committed the crimes he is accused of!"...
Since the first years of MISA's existence and up to the present, both at secret meetings and within the camps, filthy porn
films, collected from the market, have been broadcast, exactly the kind of films that Bivolaru criticizes.
Later, MISA produced its own "educational films" 🔗 that were meant to be erotic 🔗, in which MISA/ATMAN students
can be recognized, and even top instructors, such as Mihai Stoian alias Paul Diamond, leader of NATHA and ATMAN
coordinator, as well as his wife, Adina Stoian alias Claire Diamond, coordinator of Tantra courses at the ATMAN level 🔗.
These films are of the same filthy category as ordinary porn films on the market, except that there is no ejaculation and
sexual continence is mentioned, which is just a cheap pretext for these films. Also, films about the consumption of urine
from partners of the opposite sex, during love games, abound. Lately, MISA has been making films that are closer to the
category of artistic erotic films, probably because the scandal was too big...
S. Palmer: He [Bivolaru] predicts that “the erotic revolution will throw into trash the entire history of audio-video pornographic
works that currently exist on this planet. There can be no doubt about this”.
This is a statement from the third part of a conference by Bivolaru, which was broadcast (prophetic!?) on MisaTV on November 23,
2023 (the day the raids in France took place) and which is entitled:
"The secret agenda of the year 2030. The monstrous criminal programs of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum,
which are about to become mandatory for the masses of human beings on this planet, if we do not revolt against them without delay."
Erotic amorous continence, which makes it possible to throw into the dustbin of history sexuality that includes an inferior subtle energy,
although it is a colossal revolution, has never been taken into account by the mass media and is known only among students, aspirants,
but also sympathizers of this esoteric spiritual school. The absence of interest shown by the mass media for erotic amorous continence
is not a coincidence, it hides a strange situation that attests that the mass media is permanently controlled from the shadows by
the satanic group of the so-called Illuminati. They will never accept that erotic amorous continence be promoted on a mass scale,
for the betterment of human beings.
Instead, as can be easily seen, homosexuality, perversions of all kinds, masturbation, etc. are promoted almost obsessively.
It is worth mentioning, however, that within this esoteric spiritual school, where ancient, effective, traditional methodologies
aimed at awakening, dynamizing and amplifying the state of Shakti and amplifying the state of Vira have been and are being
promoted, all of which have known and still know an impressive audience. It is worth pointing out that such groups in which
the specific characteristics of a Shakti (refined woman), but also the specific characteristics of a Vira (spiritual hero) are awakened
and dynamized, are unique in the world. Nowhere else is there such an eminently beneficial, rapidly transforming, internally
uplifting orientation of this kind.
As Bivolaru states during this conference, I quote, “all these are realities that as many human beings as possible need to know
and above all it is fundamental to realize that they are indisputable truths”.
So those at MISA fed Susan Palmer with Bivolaru’s conferences about the global political situation or conspiracy theories,
but they omitted to provide her with precisely those “secret” conferences in which he promotes group sex and urine drinking.
Based on this information, selectively provided by MISA, activist Susan Palmer produced these alleged scientific studies,
which are in fact disinformation, intoxication with MISA propaganda, ordinary manipulation. This is yet another proof!
And while Bivolaru's erotic revolution is trashing the porn industry, Bivolaru is also saving it because, as he stated, he buys
porn movies by the thousands (he was seen in the infamous stores in Paris), then forces them down the throats of yoga students
and gets angry when he finds out that they have rejected the pornography he offers them as "erotic movies". I quote from
"Message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru regarding the viewings of the special program - Costinești", 28.08.2022
(audio 🔗):
Despite the efforts that were made to structure and then ensure the special program for adults, which involved making selections
from at least 1,000 films that, in specialty stores, cost between 45 and 60 euros each, we have noticed huge fluctuations in your
participation. [...] That is precisely why we are announcing here that, starting next year, the conditions for participating in this
program for adults will change. Participation will only be possible for a fee, even for people who benefit from free admission,
and if the number of interested people decreases, under these conditions, we are announcing in advance that this program will be
eliminated forever. What is happening shows that you are much more interested in watching such materials when you buy them,
paying large amounts, because paying for such materials makes you appreciate the financial investment you are making in a completely
different way. That is precisely why our generous free initiative is coming to an end because it has been found that you do not deserve it.
Do you realize how disgusting these films presented to the students are, if they refuse them, even though they are free?
Certainly, these pornographic horrors are far below what the students experience in their love relationships, but then
the question arises: why does Bivolaru insist on this crap, even though it is at such a gregarious level?
This is proof that Bivolaru is putting psychological pressure on the MISA students so that they will watch, against their will,
pornography of the lowest level, which they cannot stand!
Listening to this message in which Bivolaru scolds the students who refuse the pornography offered by him, how does this
scoundrel Susan Palmer's statement sound now that "Bivolaru condemns the stupidity that emerges from pornographic films
and despises the behavior of porn actors as being far inferior to the way animals mate"?
But what about Bivolaru's "prophecy" that "the erotic revolution will trash the porn industry", which he supports by buying its films
by the thousands? The invectives of this world are not enough for these two - the lying hypocrite and his flatterer!
And the flatterer continues: Bivolaru’s views align closely with the “pro-sex radicals” of feminism - except that his mission is
to defend the sacred status of lovemaking rather than expand the rights of women.
This is how the "sacredness of love" is defended, urging people to watch pornography!
As for women's rights, Bivolaru is currently being tried in France for allegedly violating them!
Here is another statement from the flatterer and liar Susan Palmer:
As for MISA’s women who have integrated his teachings on Tantra into their work life, they claim their intentions are pedagogical
or therapeutic, and that erotica, unlike pornography, is aesthetically pleasing and spiritually uplifting.
Documentary filmmaker and MISA yogini, Carmen Enache, has insisted that her films (which feature nudity and erotic themes) are
strictly “private ventures with friends.” A MISA yogini who works at a strip club in Bucharest explained in our interview that
she incorporates Tantric elements into her striptease dance to “raise the consciousness” of the male clients and to communicate
the hidden, spiritual aspects of sexuality.
It is clear what these students are referring to when they talk about their “professional life”: erotic porn films (called “documentaries”!),
porn video chats and erotic massage parlors (“tantric temples” - listen the BBC podcast ”The Bad Guru” here, from min20:sec15).
I am eagerly awaiting the appearance on the official MISA website of the translation of the 6th article, to see this miracle that
those at MISA publish about these accounts of video chatters who are active on porn chats with the sole purpose of “raising the
consciousness” of men!
This is exactly the argument that Bivolaru inoculated into the minds of the female students he attracted to these sexual activities:
”divinely integrated strippers awaken the “consciousness” of the male viewers (and payers! n/a) and raise it to over 25 centimeters!
Former MISA lawyer Mihai Rapcea talks about this at the beginning of part 5 of the BBC podcast entitled "The Bad Guru"
(listen BBC podcast 🔗), I quote:
[Mihai Rapcea] (1:19 - 1:27)
The video chat business, I think it started in 1999. It was a legitimate business in Romania at that time.
[host] (1:28 - 1:43)
Mihai Rapcea was close to the guru in the yoga movement's early days in Romania. He says he even acted as his lawyer.
After webcamming took off in Romania, some individuals in the yoga school asked Rapcea if he could do the legal paperwork
to help them set up their own operations.
[Mihai Rapcea] (1:44 - 1:53)
With girls from the yoga classes, you know, they met the girls there and they proposed, ”you can work for me”, but nothing organised.
[host] (1:54 - 2:08)
Rapcea thought he should consult their guru Gregorian Bivolaru about this. Bivolaru was against prostitution, but webcamming,
the guru said, was different. In fact, he said he thought there might be something spiritual in this work.
[Mihai Rapcea] (2:08 - 2:51)
Because the girls have this kind of power of transmitting something spiritual. Ha! And he was very, very categorical on this,
that it's prostitution only if you are physically involved in a relationship, sexual relationship with somebody and there's
nothing wrong if you are making video chat. And I think he encouraged the girls to do this, proclaiming that in this way they
become more feminine.
Mihai was doubtful.
[Mihai Rapcea]
That guy who is at the other part of the camera, he is jerking off, you know, this is his main purpose. So there's nothing spiritual here.
[host] (2:51 - 3:05)
And he says that as the years went on, he saw women from the yoga school being financially exploited in businesses where
they did erotic performances. I had wondered if Gregorian Bivolaru owned these businesses, but Mihai is sure.
[Mihai Rapcea] (3:05 - 3:14)
No, no, no. He was involved only in writing books, studying and having affairs with girls.
[host] (3:14 - 3:31)
So Bivolaru doesn't own these businesses, but he encourages members of his international yoga school to work as camgirls,
and they donate their earnings back to the guru and his network. Rapcea thinks it helped the movement grow internationally.
Rapcea was concerned about what it had become.
[Mihai Rapcea] (3:31 - 3:32)
It's already a cult.
This is what Bivolaru's former main disciple, Cl. Trandafir, said in an open letter from 2007 🔗:
But there is one part here that I consider to be truly serious from a spiritual point of view, namely that the women who participate
in our yoga classes are aware and accept that those people who watch them are self-stimulating and, in most cases, discharging
their sexual energy. I consider this to be in total contradiction with the fundamental principles of our yoga school and with
the mission that we feel we have on this planet to advocate for sexual continence, the sublimation of erotic energies and for love.
Obviously, men who enter the porn sites want to be sexually stimulated and to get off quickly, because time is precious!
And these men usually have relationships in which they do not feel sexually fulfilled or are not capable of having relationships,
so they are not capable of feeling manifestations of higher eroticism even if they were face to face with the Goddess of Eros!
It is clear that the women yoga students were urged by Bivolaru himself, because only he could give them the "blessing" for
video chat, since he had also firmly declared, previously, that exposing private parts for money is prostitution (audio 🔗):
question: Explain to us what this (fornication) means! Do not some yoga techniques contradict this commandment?
answer: Some yoga techniques never contradict this commandment, because yoga will never encourage you to fornicate.
Because fornication is first and foremost... what we call prostitution. When a human being, therefore which is endowed with
all divine gifts,admits to selling his body for material benefits, this is called fornication or prostitution.
But in no case yoga and all the traditional teachings of the East will not tell you and you will not find anywhere that it tells you
to prostitute yourself, that it indicates you to offer your body or offer your physical or psychic charms to gain benefits: like
”give me fourteen thousand to give you my sex, give me two thousand to show you my breast...”
Bivolaru claims that if the women on the video chat are not physically involved in the relationship with the client and do not keep
the money from this activity for themselves, they are not committing prostitution, but if they do not keep the money for themselves
then who do they give it to? And in the Bible, where the Commandment not to commit fornication is also found, which Bivolaru
was asked about, it says: ”It is impossible but that offenses will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!” (Luke 17:1)
So the sexual activities for money at MISA are “private professional enterprises” in the oldest profession in the world!
The previous fragment of Susana Palmer's article frames a photo under which it is written:
"Carmen Enache (center) at the premiere of her erotic (but not pornographic) film - Continuamente Amando".
Therefore, the "researcher" knows about the "instructive erotic films" from MISA, she also knows who the "producer" is and
especially she knows that she has also produced ordinary pornography, because she is quick to deny that the film presented
is of this nature ("but not pornographic"), but she hides the mess under the rug and instead throws dust in the eyes in the form
of a film recently shot at MISA, however a little less "naughty", as if MISA has always only made such films.
We finally have proof that Susan Palmer is not fooled by MISA, but seeks to fool her readers, presenting MISA as a nunnery,
knowing full well the orgies there! So, Palmer is not a fool, but a lying scoundrel of the lowest kind, just like MISA, for whom
she promotes a fake image.
S. Palmer: There is no evidence that Bivolaru, an intellectual and wide-ranging reader, had any interest in feminist theory
No, Bivolaru is not interested in feminist theory, he is interested in feminist practice!
S. Palmer: For nine days, I listened to the voices of MISA women. If I had to choose between the first two schools of thought
- “patriarchal oppression” or “women’s empowerment” - I would choose the latter. While the seven women who are witnesses
for the prosecution in the Paris trial of Gregorian Bivolaru would agree with the first school, the thirty-nine women I interviewed
would fit the second. Certainly, MISA women are liberated from the traditional roles of mother and wife.
Here is revealed the motivation for which this series of six articles was written: to support the MISA cause!
In the scholar's opinion, since there are thirty-nine - "for" and seven - "against", Bivolaru and MISA win with a majority of votes!
Their problem is that the courts do not judge by the number of fans or challengers, but by the evidence!
S. Palmer: Liselotte Frisk has noted that, since Bivolaru’s teachings are centered on the Mother Goddess, every woman
who pursues this path of Tantra can imagine herself as the incarnation of Shakti, and her body exalted as a feminine symbol
of the Divine. Ten years behind America’s Second-wave of feminism, in far-off Romania a yoga teacher was developing
a spiritual movement in which naked yogis and yoginis meditated on the ancient deities of India and prayed to Shiva and Shakti
to accept the fruits of their lovemaking.
Bivolaru's teachings are centered on him and what brings him material and sexual benefits, and for this purpose he created MISA.
And the "affirmative answer to the consecration of the amorous fusion" was his trick to take the decision from the woman
and give it to the "divine", who always "answers" exactly as Bivolaru wants!
PS. Will this be the end of the vile manner in which Susan Palmer seeks to manipulate the reading public in favor of MISA?
Faint hopes!
Alternative Link:
ReplyDelete#ShitToo: A Form of “Second-Wave Feminism”? (6)
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ExMISA channel