Wednesday, February 12, 2025

#ShitToo: Erotic Continence (3)

Continuing her series of articles, Susan Palmer addresses the topic of erotic continence, the distinctive (and registered!)
trademark of MISA: ”#SheToo: The Experience of MISA Women. 3. Erotic Continence” 🔗.

quoteWomen describe the most controversial practices of MISA, those related to sacred eroticism.
The most controversial aspect of Bivolaru’s yoga activities has always been his teachings on eroticism. Besides teaching the traditional
asanas, pranayama, meditation, etc., there is a special emphasis on the process of mastering esoteric techniques of heterosexual
lovemaking called “amorous erotic continence.” [...] In MISA, heterosexual lovemaking is a sacred action, and invariably takes place
within a ritual context which denotes a re-enactment of the erotic union of Shiva and Shakti in the “maithuna,”

BullshitToo! MISA's most controversial practices are those that MISA will never describe or publicly admitOfficially, these never existed,
although there is a lot of evidence! The ostentatious use of the expression "heterosexual love" seeks to cover love between women,
which Bivolaru promoted at MISA even in some conferences, I quote:

By virtue of this double endowment, both with a sui-generis lingam which is the clitoris, as well as with a vagina or, in other words,
with a yoni, a woman is able, is so endowed that she can make love to another woman. Returning to the orientation of this yoga school,
we consider it fundamental to specift once again, although we did it, I think, at least 10 times so far, that this yoga school does not
promote - as the bad mouths claim - lesbianism but, as for women, it promotes female heterosexuality or, in other words, it promotes
bisexuality, but only for women. Why? Because women are thus genitally structured that it is possible for them to have intimate amorous
experiences based on reciprocal love, sporadically, without this implying for them to choose to interrupt forever intimate loving
relationships with men (audio ðŸ”—).

quote: In 2018, Grieg held a conference called “Erotic Revolution,” in which he introduced the notion of “Pure Eros” and explained
the difference between “sexual energy” and “erotic energy.” C. noted that, since the 2016 conference, Grieg’s teachings were more
explicitly focusing on Eros: “The teaching got more profound. He was no longer speaking about ‘sexuality’ (which is connected to instinct).
But we learned about Eros, which brings intimacy, transfiguration, and adoration. And Eros is a sacred orientation where the lovers adore
each other in an idealistic way. 

Bivolaru's "erotic revolution" was that he renamed sexuality "eroticism" and "sacralized" it from the tip of his pen, while the "amorous fusion"
of MISA is based on erection, therefore on the manifestation of instinctual energy, without which it cannot even be conceived!
And this "erotic revolution" appeared after almost three decades since the opening of the MISA courses!
What did the MISA students practice during all that time? And was what they practiced correct?

In another conference, entitled "Amazing revelations concerning the sublime subtle energy of Pure Divine Eros, which exists in
the esoteric teachings of Jesus and which persisted in early Christianity", Bivolaru spoke about "agapetae”, the ”adored virgins"
from the first centuries of Christianity, I quote:

The Greek word “agapetae” could be translated by the phrase “adored virgins” or even by the expression “virgins who have
reached a state of full holiness”. In this way, reference was made to some female beings who were deeply transfigured, especially
from a spiritual point of view and who personified and emanated a state of love that included a sublime, full erotic experience,
which became universal. “These beings were monks and nuns of the early Middle Ages who, although they embraced and followed
a celibate life, nevertheless lived together, sharing what was called “pure erotic love that was divine”.

It is worth remembering that Saint John Chrysostom says, and I quote:
“Our ancestors knew only two forms of amorous engagement, which were the mystical erotic wedding and adultery or fornication.
Now, however, a third form has appeared, which is astonishing: it is about men who bring into their homes some beautiful young girls
who they keep there permanently, but respect their virginity.”
Saint Jerome, an ascetic in the desert, wrote, I quote:
“I blush when I speak of all this. It is so shocking, but nevertheless, although it is sad, it is true.
How did this plague called agapetae come into the church? Where did these beautiful unmarried wives come from, these strange
unusual concubines, these prostitutes – that is what I choose to call them – even though they associate themselves with a single lover
who adores and caresses them, even being naked, but never penetrating them. The two live intimately in the same house and meet
in the same room. They often share the same bed and even say words of affection.”

This is pure eros: a state of adoration between human beings of the opposite sex, which does NOT involve erection and intimate
sexual contact! Is this the way to practice erotic continence at MISA? Let's be serious! Since sexual instincts (manifested by erection)
and intimate sexual contact are involved, it can no longer be about pure eros, but about sexuality, even when this is achieved without
ejaculation, therefore with continence! Bivolaru is just hiding behind big words something that claims to be sacred, but which is
as carnal as possible! The name erotic amorous continence (EAC) seeks to justify the coarse and debauched sexuality at MISA
under the guise of pure, non-instinctual, sacred eroticism.

quote: It is probably safe to say that every MISA yoga student is familiar with Bivolaru’s teachings on AEC. It is an integral part
of his general course on yoga, introduced in the 8th week in the classes called “Ethical Guidelines.” It is also a component in the
classes on Tantra. However, since the practice of AEC is voluntary and private, it is not known how many couples in MISA actually
practice it and, if they do, how strictly they follow the guidelines of this demanding discipline. 

Another trick is the use of the term "couples from MISA", as if polyamory and group sex didn't exist at MISA or the researcher
hadn't heard of all this! If she really hasn't heard, then she is misinformed, and MISA manipulated her, using her!

quote: Several women were convinced that intimate relationships were much more fulfilling in MISA than in the larger society.
One woman commented: “I was lucky, I think. I can’t even imagine to be with a man who makes love only for ten minutes!”
In a similar vein, M. noted: “I realize that what we learn at school when we are students, we are not taught how to make love.
They don't teach us how to love. Society is teaching us this mechanical way of having sex. They don’t teach us how to love.
They don’t teach us how to make love [...]. And I discovered what the church is doing to consider a sin, this making love thing,
because yes, what it has become today is very perverted. Yes, today [it] is a sin. But nobody is teaching us that… you can pray
while you make love. I think this is a great discovery.”

M. spoke of how she reconciled her Christian Orthodox background with MISA’s Hindu-based, sacred approach to sexuality.
“I realize that I had, from childhood, from my parents, for generations perhaps, many regular habits. For example, it was very hard
for me to put together praying to God and making love. [...] It took me years to understand it’s like a prayer, making love.”

About how MISA students reconcile the Orthodox Christian faith with "sacred sexuality", we recall the sexual scenes simulated and filmed
by a MISA student in a church! (video ðŸ”—) This is the result of Bivolaru's maneuver of simply calling sexuality "pure eros".
Now, yoga students consider that when they make love, they are "praying".
They cannot understand that your consciousness cannot be united with God while being slave of instincts.
You cannot be, at the same time, with your mind in God and with the erect penis in your partner's vagina! It is either instinct or sacredness!
It is either dung or incense! Both simultaneously can only be in the consciousness of God, which is beyond manifestation!

The recent replacement of "amorous continence" with "Pure Eros" is obviously a maneuver to disguise carnal love as a "divine act",
so that followers no longer have any inhibitions and abandon themselves to the abject practices that Bivolaru gradually inoculated,
in order to satisfy his sick impulses.

MI read a lot about saints. I watched movies about saints. I wanted to see how saints feel… their ecstatic states, their communion
with God. And I can tell you that I discovered in their descriptions of ecstatic states… some of my ecstatic states when I was praying
or even when I was making love. How can I say it? I have this knowledge. My life is full of this truth: that making love can be very pure
and a spiritual action and not otherwise.” 

Has anyone seen a saint in an "ecstatic erection"? Maybe Rasputin! According to biographer Frances Welch, when he was accused
of a public incident in which, while drunk, he exposed his penis and boasted of having had sexual relations with the Tsarina,
Rasputin defended himself to the Tsar by saying:”Despite my terrible sins, I am a Christ in miniature.” (source)
Love at MISA is as sacred as "holy" Rasputin was!

quoteThe aim of achieving “androgyny” though the practice of AEC was explained by one of MISA’s Tantra instructors:
“The idea is eventually for the feminine and the masculine energy to be united… [...] Men and women in sex polarity groups are often
encouraged to maintain a distance, so as not to distract, hamper, or contaminate the “purer” sex. 
“Sex complementarity” groups perceive the two sexes as equal but quite distinct in terms of their emotional, intellectual and spiritual
qualities. However, they are seen as mutually dependent; for each can only be complete as part of a couple.
Together they have the potential to achieve enlightenment or salvation, as fellow travelers on the spiritual path.

And then what about the love between women, mentioned at the beginning of the post? The separation for "sexual complementarity"
or "polarization" is Bivolaru's maneuver to justify the creation of separate groups by gender at MISA, first of all the women's group
(shakti) together with the Miss Shakti contest, with the Women's Hotel and then, much later, the men's group VIRA
(this time without the Mister VIRA contest, because it was not important for the guru).
The "shakti group" is the antechamber of Bivolaru's harem and the nursery in which the female yoga students who are to be invite
to sexual initiation, are selected and "groomed" - read indoctrinated.

quote: Unlike most other sex complementarity NRMs (New Religious Movements), [...] in MISA there is no pressure to marry, procreate
and raise a family. Rather than building up a “Nation,” or attaining Salvation, or creating “Heaven on Earth” through devotion to spouse,
family, and household, women and men in MISA each pursue a solitary “sadhana” towards individual enlightenment, [...] but it is essential
for adepts on this path to find a cooperative partner, a lover trained in the techniques of amorous erotic continence.

Not only that at MISA there is no pressure towards marriage, founding a stable family and conceiving children,
but the pressure it is exactly in the opposite direction:

the family is "limiting"

quote by Bivolaru: Through lucid analysis we will become liberated from all the aberrant family chains which have limited us
in the form of silly prejudices in our amorous past. ðŸ”—

➢ the "closed couple" (faithful) is limiting, the "open couple" or polyamory is recommended - meaning multiple love relationships,
in parallel

In this regard, hearings of secret lectures of Bivolaru on this topic were conducted (see announcement). I quote from an article by Bivolaru:
"At the same time, then, the respective couple is welded, the fidelity between the two lovers remains unaltered, even if they are engaged
in other parallel love relationships" (excerpt from the article "The Spiritual Couple" ðŸ”—).

➢ conceiving children "is not spiritual, it is limiting and reduces the ability to achieve spiritual fulfillment in this life"

excerpt from a presentation by Bivolaru:
Ejaculation is permissible in such situations only once, only when the couple really wants to conceive a child. Even then, however,
both the man and the woman practicing yoga must know that such desires have nothing spiritual in them and such actions suspend
the continuity and cumulative effects of the constant, progressive and uninterrupted austerity that the two yogis should perform
without any interruption. In many cases, the satisfaction of such lower desires to have children causes the subsequent deviation
from the spiritual path of either one or both of them. In such situations, they play the treacherous game of the ego which pushes them
to act in this way. If they were to act wisely, they could adopt an orphan or an abandoned child who has no mother, no father, and
in this way they would be doing an extraordinarily good deed before God. (audio ðŸ”—).

Moreover, in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, often cited by those at MISA as the fundamental yoga treatise, it is said that "the greatest grace
that a human being can have is to be born into a family of spiritually advanced yogis"!
Does an adopted child have a better genetic endowment or karma for spiritual evolution than one born of spiritually advanced parents?

MISA students make insufficient love

Bivolaru's presentation entitled "Comments on a student's letter" - 2013 (audio ðŸ”—):

female student: I found that this phenomenon of reluctance, which mainly involves yogis making very little or no love, is very widespread
among both students and instructors, and shortly after this, in a discussion I had with the one who conducted an opinion poll a year ago
on 800 male and female subjects during the Costinesti Camp in 2012, precisely on the topic of practicing continence in love, I realized
that my observations were unfortunately confirmed by the concrete data obtained from this poll. The overall result she found was quite
alarming, that yogis, according to this poll, make love less than people who know nothing about continence in love. I am sure that,
for you, this phenomenon is clear even without statistics, that yogis make love little. According to a 2012 DUREX study, 62% of adults
on the planet have sex at least once a week. However, we, as a group, fall below this average at 59% for men and just 55% for women.

On this occasion, Susan Palmer finds out to what extent MISA students practice amorous continence, since she wrote earlier in the article
that, I quote, "since the practice of AEC is voluntary and private, it is not known how many couples in MISA actually practice it and,
if they do, how strictly they follow the guidelines of this demanding discipline”. 
Here it is actually known, and the Canadian scientist has not researched enough and is misinformed, including by her friends in MISA!

Bivolaru's answer: We will stop reading now, to offer some comments. First of all, this objective poll confirms that thousand-year-old
tantric saying attests, I repeat: "Those who know, do not want and cannot, and those who do not know, want and can."
Although everywhere in the Romanian media there is a lot of fuss about the excessive love practices of the yogis from MISA, this turns out
to be a huge lie. At the same time, these statistical data show that the demons, who are riding many yogis within this school, manage
to make them have a pitiful love life, of surprising mediocrity. Regarding this aspect, you are also integrating yourself into the same
category as the human beings on this planet who have a mediocre love life, and this also shows that you have not understood the importance
of love fusions, which help you transmute your creative potential into huge energies and, at the same time, make it possible to accumulate
an important occult energy in the universe of your being.

So, Bivolaru instills in his students the idea that if they do not achieve their "weekly love quota", they are mediocre, possessed by demons
and will lose the chance of spiritual liberation, which represents psychological pressure on them.

➢ MISA students not only avoid "normal" lovemaking, but they reject "special techniques", secret ingredients

female student:
It is obvious that, in this situation that appears and persists in many couples within this school, the lack of ritual engagements like Maithuna,
the rejection of love games with the golden elixir that are performed as a couple (consumption of the partner's urine n/a), the avoidance
of making love fusions when certain remote meditative exemplifications are performed that imply being engaged in unison (couples or groups
that make love at a predetermined time n/a), the rejection of these effective modalities causes such couples not to integrate such
effective modalities into their love games and, precisely for that reason, such couples remain in mediocrity.

Bivolaru's response: Here we completely agree with this statement and we invite such reluctant couples, who avoid implementing
such methods, to dare to experiment at least 7 times one of these methods that is stubbornly rejected.
But we are announcing to you right now that, if you follow this wise advice that we are offering you, you will have a lot of profoundly
beneficial, pleasant, amazing surprises and at least one of the two will be convinced of the value and effectiveness of such methods,
to discover with their help certain fulfilling, unique experiences, which at least one of the two lovers urgently needs. (audio ðŸ”—)

So, according to Bivolaru, students who only make "normal" love are mediocre and, in order to rise from mediocrity, it is absolutely
necessary to engage in these perverse games (excerpt from a counterfeit book published at MISA 🔗).
It turns out that, at MISA, it is not love and "pure eros" that are the secret of success, but bizarre practices, based on the ingestion
of bodily fluids (as urine and menstrual blood).

➢ MISA students are urged by Bivolaru to practice group sex and sex between women

excerpt from Bivolaru's conference "Answer to a question about homosexuality", 2015 (audio ðŸ”—):

Tantric treatises mention that all these sexual positions are performed by human beings of the opposite sex and, under certain conditions,
two or even more women can unite intimately, lovingly, erotically with another man, they can even make love to each other in different
sexual positions that are classic, but those who have knowledge of the mysterious Principle of Multiplication, know very well why this
is done, what its meaning is and what immense, rapid, mysterious effects it triggers within certain practices of the ancient Tantra system.

excerpt from Bivolaru's conference on tickling, CostineÈ™ti - online yoga camp, August 2021 (audio ðŸ”—):
In the case of threesome or foursome love fusions, which involve excellent erotic amorous continence, states of overwhelming erotic
effervescence are experienced and certain divine spiritual ideals are fed insatiably.

➢ followers are urged by Bivolaru himself to spread bizarre sexual practices, claiming that this is a planetary mission of MISA,
which was entrusted to the "school" by the "holy spirit" himself

[...] A message that was transmitted to us by MahaShakti after the camp that took place this year, 2021, during which MahaShakti,
the Eternal Feminine, the Holy Spirit, manifested herself in a very special manner and transmitted to us that the time has come,
on a planetary level, for human beings to learn some secrets regarding the "golden elixir" (urine, n/a), which is often designated,
not coincidentally, as the "water of life". MahaShakti transmitted to us that, currently, humanity is prepared enough to learn
various revelations that were previously esoteric, regarding the golden elixir or in other words regarding the legendary "water of life".
It is urgent to learn that what has happened in your inner universe is obviously part of the occult project that the Holy Spirit
- the Eternal Feminine MahaShakti - will implement, again and again, in the near future, in the already prepared environment of this planet.
It is about the gradual disclosure of various secrets with macrocosmic echoes related to the golden elixir.
This confession attests that MahaShakti has already begun the project that she decided on and that she will implement, including with
our help, but also with your help, these wonderful shaktis (tantric women from MISA school, n/a) who, gradually, have grown,
have matured spiritually and have managed to flourish, to be and remain sui-generis apostles of MahaShakti, who will be able
to set the tone, within this gigantic process of implementation, of gradual discovery, of these immense secrets that, previously,
were reserved only for the few, full of frenzy, who were willing to put them into practice in an indescribable manner.

"Tantra rejects nothing, accepts everything"

The Tantric vision rejects nothing. Everything a person experiences is not judged as good or bad, but as an opportunity to learn.
In TANTRA there is no rigid separation between what is good and what is bad, between what is acceptable and what is not.
TANTRA does not use moral judgments regarding our love preferences. The emphasis is not on what you do, but on how you do
what you do. That is why TANTRA can be practiced by anyone. (excerpt from the article ðŸ”—)

This is the “radical aesthetic” of MISA!

It is worth remembering this conditioning to find a partner who is sexually continent and initiated in tantric methods, which can
only happen within the MISA courses. Thus, MISA students are condemned to remain within the organization. Moreover,
the need to find a partner experienced in MISA techniques avoids true love, because the criterion by which one chooses
“engaging in the practice of erotic amorous continence” is skill (“initiation”) in love and not love.

This third part of the series of articles by activist Susan Palmer ends here, without mentioning anything at all about porn movies ðŸ”—,
porn video chats ðŸ”— ðŸ”—, polyamory, sex between women, group sex, urine consumption between partners, erotic tickling,
which is talked about on this blog for the deaf. These practices have become of utmost importance at MISA, the guru himself holding
a conference dedicated to the importance of these "ingredients", while simple lovemaking in a couple has become just a tasteless crust
on which "spices" are sprinkled. In conclusion, it is a maneuver to wash the image of MISA where, it is said, only "heterosexual love
in the polar couple full of love" is practiced, and the scabrous practices listed do not exist in reality, but are just inventions of the media
sold to the "Establishment"!

PS. It remains to be seen whether the “scientist” Palmer is intentionally carrying out this campaign to wash the image of MISA
or if she is just a fool who is being used by the tricksters of MISA/ATMAN. She seems not to understand that saying something
does not mean doing it, but only words intended to create a facade. If, instead of researching what the truth is and publishing real data,
she works with the “client’s stuff”, it means that she does not have a constructive activity, but is a service provider.
Through this series of articles, Susan Palmer proves to be either an incompetent and ill-informed researcher, or a person with a low
intellectual level, or a lying scoundrel!

In any case, the actions of the pro-MISA activists have no relevance in court, but they do this only to justify their existence, activity,
funds, as well as the donations and copyrights they receive.

(to be continued)

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