Friday, February 7, 2025

"The Much Blessed" Sorin Turc dissociates himself from MISA and guru

As it is known, in late 2023 Sorin Turc was indicted in Paris for "complicity to aggravated rape, abuse of weakness, human trafficking and organized gang kidnapping" and is suspected of being the "lieutenant" of Gregorian Bivolaru, the MISA leader who sexually exploited his female followers.

At the instructor's home, police found 66,410 euros in cash, 3 silver bars and 56 gold leaves. He also regularly deposited around €2,000 a month into his accounts and owned 21 vehicles, including four Mercedes, sometimes used to transport victims.

On 4.02.2025 Le Parisien published the article "Secte internationale de yoga : un violoniste soupçonné d'être le bras droit du gourou accusé d'exploitation sexuelle". In English: "International yoga sect: a violinist suspected of being the guru's right arm accused of sexual exploitation".

The full article can only be read by subscribers. In the online preview the gist is revealed as a lure.  

The article reveals that on January 30, 2025, Sorin Turc, a violinist by profession and coordinator of MISA branches in France and Switzerland, was heard before the investigating chamber.

In addition to the charges listed above, he is also suspected of sexually exploiting several female followers for his own interests.

As expected, the violinist denied everything.
He never belonged to MISA. He only met Bivolaru in person once, in 1999, at a conference, when they took a photo together.
The houses in which the women were kept would not belong to him. He owns only 5% of the shares in the Villiers house and is a member of an LLC in the Vigneux house.
The above-mentioned sums that he deposited monthly in his bank account are said to be money from his family and from the sale of cars and musical instruments that he refurbishes.

He "sought" to strike a chord with the magistrate by bringing up his 88-year-old mother, who could not manage without him.
More: "Music is everything in my life and I think about it all the time. I need to get my soul and my existence back."

He admitted only that he is president of a yoga association, but it has only three members (including him).

The psychiatric expert consulted by the court found the man not dangerous, but noted in his report that he lacked empathy.
The judge said simply: "He has no sense of guilt and is a liar with a talent for dissimulation".

Sorin Turc asked to be released, but the magistrate objected.  
"He could flee as he has considerable resources and has been involved in this criminal organization, which operates throughout Europe."  

So the "Much Blessed One" on MISA TV remained in jail.

"On the case's substance, the judge is currently hearing the six women who filed complaints against the guru and his organization to determine the level of influence over them and the acts they were forced to perform under their authority."


  1. nici usturoi nu a mâncat (ca să nu zic altceva) nici aura nu-i pute... prea târziu moncheru' mă-ti, te-au prins
    " 21 vehicles, including four Mercedes," aparigraha "la greu" , hahaha

    1. Daca banii sunt ai lui Turc si el nu stie de trafic si Bivolaru, Bivolaru atunci poate spune ca nu exista probe adica nu exista profit iesit din traficul de persoane, deci n-ar exista trafic de persoane.
      De aceea e foarte important ceea ce a relatat Miranda in podcast, adica metoda lui Bivolaru de a scapa de noile initiate. Fiind ele prea multe, le trimite la videochat sa-si plateasca violul. Adica el si secta culeg si de pe persoana fizica a victimelor si de pe urma situatiei in care au fost incatusate. Bivolaru pervers nu admite sa le spuna adevarul ca inaintea lor au fost altele si la fel le-a exploatat adica le-a facut branci in prostitutie.
      Ce mai lipsea ca sfarsitul lor sa fi fost intr-o camera de gazare daca tot au fost consumate si nimanui nu-i pasa de starea lor sufleteasca?
      Sunt cam nazisti amandoi plus soferii si garzile fugite din Franta indarat in Romania.
      Psihologul a fost adus pentru Turc dar si pentru ca Bivolaru este un monstru.
      MISA si filialele ei sunt locuri in care se moare cu zile. Cu cat vii mai aproape de monstru, cu atat sunt mai mari duritatile. Cu cat crezi ca ai prins o coarda sensibila la acesta si crezi ca ai o intelegere, cu atat mai mare e deznadejdea si dezamagirea!
      Apoi misanii toti sunt cu coltii si ghearele scoase spre tine pentru ca i-ai expus si pentru ca nu suporta sa fie vazuti precum zeitatile hinduse. Ei au de pastrat o imagine sociala la care nu renunta asa usor, au o minciuna de alimentat. Ca sa-si ascunda mai bine obiceiurile, sar primii la “deontologia “ jurnalistilor spunand ca e in joc libertatea lor si ca au dreptul sa faca pe sefii si liderii pe populatie. De aceea Atman Fed sunt un cult peruculos, iar MISA o secta periculoasa. Arne se pot gasi din orice iar ei sunt deranjati rau in creierele lor. Se si mint ca daca sunt nai multi isi fac curaj unii altora si ca adevarul ar fi cu ei. Nu e chiar asa!
      Cu cat numarul de mere stricate intr-un cos creste, cu atat scad sansele ca acel cos sa nu se strice si el. Ce mere sa alegi dintr-un cos stricat complet?


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