On December 9, 2024, BBC Radio broadcast the 6-part podcast entitled "The Bad Guru" (link), which publishes the testimony
of a former TARA Yoga UK student regarding her experience with guru Bivolaru, who she claims sexually abused her.
Only two months after the premiere of the BBC podcast, did those at MISA also wake up to cry, but not through a position
published on the official page, but through MisaTV, the "trumpet department", in a series of shows that debuted on Sunday,
February 9, 2025, under the title "Esoteric Yoga - The immense joy of living much longer, being hyper-aware:
Ep. 102 - A perfect example of toxic journalism executed to order (1)".
In this first episode of the series, there are therefore two "answers" addressed to the producers of the BBC podcast:
- an "unofficial" response, full of outright lies which, although it claims to be a reply to the podcast in question, distorts some
facts presented in it and ignores others that are disturbing to MISA, which shows that it is actually addressed to its followers
- an "official" response from the MISA Press Office to the BBC, through which the organization actually avoids answering
to the questions raised precisely and seeks to divert attention to other directions, from which the BBC's guilt would result
(a kind of "f... you!"). It is not clear from the broadcast whether the entire response or only excerpts is presented, and
there is nothing of the kind on the official MISA page, where press releases are usually published. This "official response"
will be commented on in a separate post.
Whenever any disturbing statement about them appeared in the press, those from MISA became angry and, not long after,
just a few days (until permission came from the guru), they responded unconvincingly and without arguments. This time,
however, they responded with a great delay.
When the spotlight is directed at the perpetrator, the first reaction that he is forced to manifest is to try to direct the spotlight
elsewhere and, since he cannot direct it at the public, whose sympathy he must win, the only possibility left to him is to direct it
at the one who lit them, throwing all the blame on him: "we did nothing, we are not at fault, THEY attacked us for no reason,
only because it is a war of evil against spirituality, so against us, who are currently the last stronghold of spirituality!"
Therefore, those from MISA launch a propaganda counterattack. This tactic, mastered by the Bolsheviks, is intended to close
the ranks of followers and mobilize them: "alarm, we are under attack, it's war, the enemy is everywhere". I quote:
MisaTV broadcast:
Who is afraid of yogis? Who is scared of spiritual teachings? All those who fear that, with the freedom of consciousness,
to which all authentic spiritual paths lead, those who follow them will soon realize that all of humanity is constantly
subjected to insidious and skillful manipulation, which causes it to become increasingly passive and inert, unable to
differentiate between quality and quantity, between truth and falsehood. We have been and are insidiously influenced
by the lying, aggressive, and mind-capturing mass media that was created from the beginning with the aim of becoming
the main tool for manipulating and disinforming the population. Under these conditions, it goes without saying that
journalism does not get along well with spirituality. Far from being public enemy number one, as he was and still is
abusively presented in the media, the yoga teacher Bivolaru continued to be persecuted precisely because of his
extraordinary revelations, especially the one regarding Godly Attributes.
comment: Translated from the MISA language, "nothing happened, our Guide was just staying in France (in Sweden,
where he had protection, he couldn't stay, because of the itching) and out of the blue they started persecuting him,
for no reason, just because they hate goodness and truth!"
It is also noted that, whenever criticism and accusations arise against them, those from MISA hide under the skirt of spirituality:
"any attack against us is an attack against spirituality, against goodness!" Those from MISA identify themselves with spirituality,
its only and last bastion! Whoever says something against them is inevitably wrong and is demonic without a doubt!
MisaTV broadcast:
BBC Radio's podcast about the esoteric yoga school and Professor Bivolaru - a collection of implausible accusations,
collected in 3 years of so-called documentation. The dubious, hostile, manipulative strategy that is always used against
yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru is known to many people. They look for two or three people full of hatred and malice
who are willing to lie, to invent the most aberrant, implausible, hallucinatory accusations. They improvise a new series
of baseless accusations and then they are denied almost without exception the legal right to reply.
comment: But why are the allegations so implausible? Is "Professor Bivolaru" above any accusations or suspicions?
Is he the saint of saints? On what basis are the allegations characterized as "lies full of hatred and malice, aberrant inventions,
hallucinatory, improvised, baseless"? If so, then how do those at MISA explain the fact that Bivolaru, against all the defense
strategies appropriate in his case, was forced to admit before the court 🔗 and reporters 🔗 that he received female
students in Paris and had sexual relations with some of them, thus confirming a large part of what was stated by the
victims who filed a police complaint against him?
Why, when brought before the judge, did Bivolaru not make statements like:
"I did not receive anyone into my home and I avoid doing so, because I am wanted by the police and I am hiding, so the female
students had no way of knowing where I was and could not reach me, so no encounter took place and, therefore, there was
no way the sexual abuses complained of could have occurred, I do not even know the complaining students; case closed!"
And the court could only decide that "there is no evidence for the alleged acts, it is only the word of the complainants against
the word of the accused, there is no legal basis for the detention of the defendant."
But it was not so, on the contrary, Bivolaru was forced to admit most of the victims' statements, "except for the abuse and rape"!
Why, lying editors from MisaTV and gullible yoga students, who don't ask questions, don't inform themselves and don't think at all?
Because there is overwhelming evidence for Bivolaru to be detained for over a year, during which time the complaints keep piling up!
Then, the MisaTV editors continue to present the motivations that they believe made the BBC produce this new unprovoked attack
on MISA. And because MISA is in a spiritual war and is an "esoteric school", the motivations for the production and broadcasting
of the podcast form a trinity, which opposes the triple occult energy with which Bivolaru says he constantly acts:
MisaTV broadcast:
How does BBC Radio, a station with a tradition of fairness and journalistic ethics in its broadcasts, broadcast such radio
productions that are so questionable in terms of the veracity of what is presented? How does it lend itself to producing
such a podcast whose subject, which wants to border on sensationalism, obsessively revolves around sex?
➢ At first glance, it's a very prosaic reason: sex sells, in other words, it brings in the audience that the BBC has dramatically
lost in recent years.
comment: This is a stupid explanation because, if that were the case, then the BBC would only produce shows with
sexual topics, which is far from true. The reality is that at MISA absolutely everything revolves obsessively around sex
(they call it "eroticism")! Open any MISA page or publication, ever since, and you will only see images with nudity even where
it is not appropriate. Thus, applying the brilliant logic of MISA that always turns against itself, MISA exposes sexuality
everywhere, because sexuality sells! MISA is a huge business based on sex: tantra courses, porn films and videochats,
erotic massage parlors.
➢ A second reason is the one that, full of naivety, the producer of this podcast herself reveals.
In 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, she is contacted by a so-called yoga gymnastics teacher from Oxford, whose clear
intention is to eliminate her competition at all costs, the esoteric yoga school TARA, which has a branch with many
students and in the city where she strives to teach a surrogate of what she calls yoga for one or two people.
In this sense, a promising start would be to create a radio show in which the esoteric yoga school would be denigrated
in every way. Due to the acute lack of evidence, the show could not materialize until three years later, with the entry into
the scene of the self-proclaimed victim Miranda, who is willing to confirm, with false statements, the allegations invented
by the two women.
Usually, the accusations are that the media is just trying to take advantage of a certain situation and only highlights the aspects
that sell (MISA itself says: "sex sells!"). But in this case, MISA blames the entire situation on the podcast author!
In their sick imagination, all this madness that started in Paris on November 28, 2023, would have actually started in 2021,
during the pandemic, when everything was in quarantine (including yoga rooms!), starting from the envy of a "so-called
yoga teacher" (real yoga teachers are only at MISA, all the others are fake!), destroyed by the competition from TARA
and not by Covid (if sex sells, why does she only hold traditional yoga classes and not teach some tantra classes?)
Then, together with a friend from the BBC, she would have finally found someone willing to lie - former student Miranda -
and, together with her, she would have concocted a story with which to destroy the competition, but only after three years since
the yoga teacher had a crisis of envy (how could she have lived in these three years, from the yoga class of "two people"?)
Miranda starts filing complaints with the French police, then they start to monitor the locations where Bivolaru was in continuous
meditation and they see with amazement how those from MISA act exactly like "the lying Miranda" and how Roxana, Reeta 🔗,
Ashleigh 🔗 🔗 had "lied" many years before! It turns out that Bivolaru and those from MISA had read their "lies" in the press
and said: "Good idea! Let's do the same!" Iron logic from MISA!
In reality, from episode 5 of the podcast entitled "Revelation", it turns out that Miranda was the one who had the revelation
that MISA is a cult on New Year's Eve, when the year 2022 came, after previous discussions with former students and
watching documentaries about cults, then contacted the yoga teacher, who then contacted the podcast producer.
BBC podcast creator:
We did calls with people from Australia and Denmark as well as the UK, but we hadn't spoken to anyone from Britain who
had the whole story and was willing to go on the record. We didn't know about Miranda. Now, just a couple of weeks after
Miranda had stayed up on New Year's Eve watching cult documentaries, I get this voice note from Laura.
[...] Miranda had decided that the best way to stop other people being exploited in the same way she had been was
to talk publicly about her story. [...] A few days later, Laura and I have a Zoom chat with Miranda.
comment: The complaints of Bivolaru's victims to the authorities began in the summer of 2022, and the police surveillance began
at the beginning of November 2022 and lasted over a year, until the raids on 28.11.2023 (as revealed by an article in Libération 🔗).
Previously, MISA and its NGO acolytes had blamed the anti-cult organizations in France (MIVILUDES), but now the BBC podcast
has appeared and those from MISA have camped on it, because now "the evidence has appeared". This is how it is done at MISA:
first the accusations are launched and then they wait, maybe the evidence will appear!
When someone invents, they eventually forget the details of the story that are not based on real facts and then invent other stories,
as "necessary", which contradict the previous stories, because the lie ends up contradicting itself!
Hey, MISA guys, read the lies you wrote before, they contradict the current lies and expose yourselves!
It should also be added that the "so-called envious yoga teacher" is the founder of an organization called the Yoga Teachers Union
and, from this position, it is natural and her duty to know the situation at yoga classes in the UK and what is happening within them.
➢ A third reason, the hardest to believe at first glance, but the most consistent in terms of factual truths, is that the podcast
was made following a high-level order, by those who rule this planet from the shadows.
comment: "The hardest to believe, but the most factually consistent". MISA's logic strikes again!
If it is factually consistent, then why is it hard to believe? It should be obvious, but since it is not, it means it is hidden,
so it is not factually consistent, but just a hypothesis or a conspiracy theory. But how does MISA explain that Bivolaru
was arrested only at the end of 2023, after having haunted France for over a decade, leaving the protection of Sweden?
Since the police found him very quickly when they started the criminal investigation, immediately after the complaints
were filed, wouldn't it have been just as easy to find him before? Why now?
"Because he revealed the divine Attributes!", say those from MISA in chorus, but Bivolaru started talking at length about
attributes since 2012. Since then, he has been arrested, extradited and imprisoned once more, in 2016-2017, wasn't it easier
to finish him off then? They released him on parole, let him "reveal" 600 attributes and only then decided that it was too much?
Myths rising from the "attribute of genius", which is wreaking havoc in MISA's esoteric courses!
MisaTV broadcast:
Strictly following the principle that nothing is new under the sun, the implausible podcast, invented by the BBC for the purpose
of denigrating the esoteric school of yoga, but especially the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, follows exactly the recipe used,
about a year ago, by two other German journalists in the lying and abusive podcast they created.
comment: It's not the same recipe. The "Toxic Tantra" podcast only includes accounts of former students from Germany
who declare themselves victims of the MISA/ATMAN network. The BBC podcast, however, brings concrete evidence,
which has also reached the French justice file, but, although the existence of this evidence is mentioned right at the beginning
of the podcast, those at MisaTV pretended not to notice it and omitted it, covering it like a magician, under the veil of
psychological preparation from the beginning of the show. Let's remember:
podcast BBC: Today, the teacher [...] gathered the group to denounce a former student, Miranda. A man relates a message
from the yoga school's guru. This is a secret recording from the meeting.
”The former student, Miranda, has cleverly taken advantage of your naivety.”
The message is that Miranda is a liar who has spread [yoga teacher’s voice secretly recorded] ”obviously false tendentious
pieces of information and sensational cunning slander is insidiously whispered in a way here.”
Miranda has made some serious allegations against what he calls this esoteric spiritual school.
comment: The MisaTV intoxication broadcast therefore passes over in silence the fact that the BBC came into possession of
aa audio recording secretly made by someone present at the TARA Yoga meeting, where audio statements of former student
Miranda made in Paris, immediately after her amorous encounter with Bivolaru, were presented, statements that can only come
from the "higher echelons" of MISA and attest that she was indeed involved in the events she claims.
The passage that exposes and, at the same time, proves Miranda's amorous encounter with Bivolaru in Paris, is presented in audio
in episode 5 of the BBC podcast and it remains to be seen whether those from MisaTV will even mention it in the following episodes.
BBC podcast, ep. 5: Bogdan Rădășanu (audio recording min22:sec43):
In order for each of you to be edified, we suggest you attentively listen to a recording in which you will hear what Miranda
was saying, four years ago, about the experiences she has had, and which are of a completely different nature when compared
to the statements she is now making.
podcast author: A recording is played. The audience is told it was recorded on Miranda's trip to Paris to meet the spiritual guide.
So, the BBC recipe is completely different from that of previous podcasts and is based on hard liquors, which eliminate hangovers!
Those from MISA find another reason for creating this podcast:
MisaTV broadcast: The so-called victim Miranda talks about the community that received her with love and fraternity and
about the fact that she found answers to many questions, which determined that her life took on a new, higher meaning.
She also admits that no one forced her in any way. In all the activities she took part in, whether public or private, she
participated because she wanted to. Now, because other interests are at stake, some of a financial nature, such as,
for example, the lawsuits she filed against the TARA school in England and the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru,
lawsuits for which she requested material damages in the order of hundreds of thousands of pounds and euros, she also
discovers, looking back as retrospectively as her German pseudo-podcast sisters, that she was involved in a network of
manipulation and abuse of power, also facing psychological terror.
comment: "Financial interests from the compensations following the lawsuits filed." So as Miranda sat there bored because she
was no longer attending TARA Yoga classes, an idea came to her: "How can I make some money? Oh, look, I'll sue Bivolaru
and get back the money I made for him on video chat!" By the way, the activity on video chat leaves traces on the internet, and
the cam girl appears filmed as she really is, so any performance of this kind can be easily proven by Miranda or the authorities.
"In all the activities she took part in, whether public or private, she participated because she wanted to."
Well, not in all of them! At the rendezvous with Bivolaru, she didn't want to, at least not in the way things went!
In Part 2 of the BBC podcast, Miranda reports that she was asked if she wanted to meet the guru, and she answered
affirmatively, but she was not told that she was about ”to meet” the One prophesied in the Bible Code in the biblical sense!
BBC podcast, part 2: And at the women's villa, she's handed 30 testimonial videos of women who've already met him.
The women speaking to the camera are naked. In one of the first testimonies that she watches, women who visited Gregorian
Bivolaru, or GB, she recognises a woman she knows from the Tara Yoga Centre in London.
Miranda: She was saying that, you know, she'd had this amazing experience and that GB had helped her to overcome
these traumas from her past and it had been difficult, but she felt this deep sense of a level of healing in her soul.
The video testimonies all end the same way. The women read out a statement:
”I will show that I'm a stupid, superficial, fluctuating woman if I ever forget all of these spiritual states.”
BBC podcast author: Miranda still wants to meet the guru, Gregorian Bivolaru. It seems surprising that rather than be
concerned that something horrible might have happened to these women, she thinks they've all been through a wonderful
spiritual experience.
comment: That's what the debate is about, that's what it boils down to! If women had been asked: "Do you want to be sexually
initiated by Bivolaru?", it wouldn't be the situation that the great guru is now facing. The indoctrinated ones, who wanted their
"initiation", got what they wanted, and if they were somehow dissatisfied (unsatisfied), it meant that they weren't up to the task!
But it is clear that starting from a certain point, Bivolaru started to face a high refusal rate because some women knew in advance
WHAT and WHO was coming, so he changed the page: he started to hide the real reason for the invitation, and the uninformed
and unindoctrinated ones, especially the novices from abroad, were shocked and from here, suddenly, the accusations and criminal
complaints started to appear!
Although this MisaTV broadcasting claims to cover the first two episodes of the BBC podcast, it doesn't mention anything
about these facts, which once again shows the "objectivity" of MisaTV, which accuses lies, without showing what these lies are,
why they are lies and what is the truth? If MISA were to deny that such a thing happened at the Women's Village, how would
the dozens of women who also went through this feel, hearing the school leaders swear that such a thing did not happen, thus
violating the moral rule of Truth?
MisaTV broadcast: As the saying goes, "one thing appears on the poster and another show is inside", the self-proclaimed victim
Miranda is, in reality, a very false victim, far from this deplorable state, proof of this being the yoga classes she organizes weekly
on Zoom, where she appears smiling, full of confidence in her own strength and where she takes full advantage of what she
learned at the esoteric TARA Yoga school and the Shakti group affiliated with it, unscrupulously teaching techniques that
she acquired when she attended their classes. Miranda's behavior does not fit at all with the title of victim that she cunningly
arrogates to herself.
comment: What an opportunist this Miranda is: she teaches on Zoom, without scruples, techniques that she stole from MISA which,
in turn, stole, also without scruples, from others like van Lysbeth or Bihar Yoga School, and she teaches them all on Zoom!
Do those at TARA/MISA/ATMAN have the courage to sue her for violating "copyright", as Bivolaru threatened the authors of
this blog with "civil and even criminal actions", because they dared to comment on excerpts from his conferences, which are
stolen from the internet?
MisaTV presenter asks rhetorically, on behalf of the gullible followers:
We also rightly wonder how the producer of this podcast never asked herself the question that, for three years, she has
not been able to find even a single alleged victim who could justify, even in the slightest degree, the false accusations
that are once again being brought against yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru. How difficult it was for her to find someone
willing to lie so nonchalantly, she herself admits at the beginning of the first episode of this scandalous and abusive radio series.
BBC podcast author: It's clear we're going to need to speak to many more alleged victims and we need someone who says
they've lived through this and is willing to speak on the record. That isn't easy.
comment: As we have shown before and as can be seen from the very beginning of the BBC podcast, its producer has been
researching MISA since January 2021 during the quarantine imposed by the Covid pandemic, then from part 5 of the BBC
podcast it emerges that she has been in contact with Miranda since the first weeks after the MISA student decided to
leave the sect (January 2022) after, in previous years, she had been in contact with former students from countries other
than the UK.
This is not the first time that TARA Yoga, the MISA/ATMAN branch in the UK, has been involved in a sexual trafficking and
abuse scandal. When Australian A. Freckleton made public in the press that she had been recruited in the UK to be taken
to Paris for a sexual "initiation" 🔗, without giving details or names, a right of reply appeared on the TARA Yoga page,
as if it were about them, thus giving herself a point of view. Realizing their huge blunder, they removed that line, which
remained archived (more details here).
Before Bivolaru's arrest in Paris, the British producer had spoken to another victim, Beck (blog article), who is currently involved
in the case against Bivolaru. It turns out that she had information from several former students for many years, but she broadcast
the podcast a year after Bivolaru's arrest, which shows that she did not rush to address the subject as a scandal, as others may
have done, but made it public many years later, only when she had serious data, witnesses who could take on the statements,
as well as the evidence, produced by MISA itself, which confirms that Miranda had sexual contact with the Bad Guru.
This shows professionalism, contrary to the lies thrown out by the MISA factory of lies.
MisaTV broadcast:
As expected, the producer of this ridiculous podcast chooses to remain inscribed in the circle drawn by the bosses of her bosses
who, without a doubt, are the ones who commissioned the production of this dubious radio production. Who are the journalists
now, in reality? They are some sui-generis puppets, used by the bosses in higher positions, in the pyramid that exists in the media.
At the top of the pyramid, however, are the bankers... Not coincidentally, the self-proclaimed victim Miranda comes from
a family of bankers.
In both the first and the second episode of this podcast, there is no conclusive evidence to incriminate the yoga teacher.
The entire podcast is full of convoluted assumptions and double entendres that mask the acute lack of conclusive evidence,
and we're not even surprised, since it's safe to say that the media has pretty much eliminated any trace of truth from everything
it says. All the journalists dance like clowns to the only official tune, being just sui-generis typists for those who cunningly rule
this planet from the shadows.
comment: "In both the first and second episodes of this podcast, there is no conclusive evidence..."
Easy, you've only just begun! The sum is done at the end. What else can you say about episode 5?
"Journalists are such jerks, they all dance like clowns to the only official song."
This phrase is more suited to the MISA propagandists who, whenever they are publicly confronted with an accusation,
mechanically release the same standard press releases containing the same fixed ideas: "the real culprits are the Illuminati
pedophiles, who attack the Righteous One, through bought media and custom-made justice!"
And the editors and presenters of the MisaTV show should stop using the words "puppet" and "clown", which make you think
of themselves!
Returning to the title of this new series of lying and manipulative productions from MisaTV - "A perfect sample of toxic journalism
made to order", the MisaTV editors therefore deny the accusations and place all the blame on the reporters, not only for the podcast,
but also for the arrests and the trial that the organization and its leaders are now facing. Allegedly, the reporters acted on order!
On what basis do they make this accusation, since they are the ones who demand evidence every time they are accused?
Do they have proof of the "order"? Who ordered it, where is the invoice to prove payment? Obviously, they have no such evidence
and, despite this, they throw out unfounded accusations and then complain that they are being accused without evidence!
(to be continued)
Alternative Link:
ReplyDeleteMisaTV's "response" to the BBC: A ridiculous example of toxic manipulation (1)
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