Friday, September 27, 2024

Bec Sonkkila - from victim to plaintiff

The Australian Ashleigh Freckleton warned against MISA/ATMAN without disclosing the name of the cult in 2021  🔗 🔗 È™i 2022 🔗.

Today, 27.09.2024, another female survivor who, among others, was involved with MISA on Australian ground, speaks out.
Crikey, "an independent Australian source of news", just published Bec Sonkkila's story within the ATMAN Federation, MISA's umbrella organisation. 🔗 🔗

She joined the cult in India at the Mahasiddha Yoga School.  Soon afterwards she started to organise workshops in Australia and was drawn in further and further.
In less than 3 years, Bec Sonkkila, the "once energetic, high-functioning and social person", was "incapable of walking a block from her house without having a panic attack".
In 2015 she moved to Finland.
She witnessed "inappropriate sexual behaviour from figures in the organisation, such as what she saw as the coercion and manipulation of a young woman into a sexual relationship with one of the instructors".

When she realised how widespread the abuse was, Bec Sonkkila tried to inform the police and press in India, as well as the MISA leadership.
Police and press did not reply. Within MISA she faced public humiliations and in 2016 she was expelled.

Bec Sonkkila is one of the speakers at the DeCult Conference who will take place in New Zealand  from 19-20 October 2024.

According to the website of the event, "she testified in police investigations leading to the arrest of guru Gregorian Bivolaru in France in 2023. He is now awaiting trial on charges including human trafficking, kidnapping and rape, with separate legal actions pending in Finland and the UK. Rebecca has also participated in a German podcast and upcoming BBC documentary dedicated to the exposure of MISA as a criminal organization."

It seems that her interventions won't be live streamed. 🔗


Not mentioned in the article is that Mahasiddha Yoga School, Bec Sonkkila's first contact with the cult, is the Indian MISA branch not listed on the ATMAN Federation's website. Many years it also offered courses and workshops in Australia and Thailand.

This "School" is coordinated by Andrei Popa, who has been Gregorian Bivolaru's faithful disciple since 1989, already before MISA was founded.

Shortly after his guru was arrested in Paris in November 2023, the picture and bio of Premananda, as he is known in the cult,  disappeared from Mahasiddha's website.
On Tripadvisor were repeatedly posted warnings regarding Premananda.

It is worth mentioning in this context, that in 2018, after her second participation in a three-day tantra yoga workshop of Mahasiddha Yoga Rishikesh, another young woman got drawn into the cult.
Shortly after this "push in the right direction" the "Sales Manager" landed as sex chat performer "Vixen" on Rampant TV.
In the same time she became the face of the MISA brand.

While Bec Sonkkila is out of danger and fights against the cult, "Vixen" apparently is still part of it. 

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