Thursday, August 25, 2022




MISA® has always claimed that the contents of the courses and brochures edited within the Movement are either first-hand translations
of oriental traditional millenarian treatises, or the fruit of the "divine revelations in the planetary premiere" of his spiritual guide, Gregorian Bivolaru.
That's why it claimed copyright and acted to prevent them from being posted on the internet.
But this action was not only to prevent the emergence of competing courses, but also to hide another fact, perhaps much more disturbing.

At the end of June 2011, MISA®'s former lawyer, M.R. hosted on his blog a series of articles that were made with the contribution of a collaborator called IntenseLight, in which it was about plagiarism of courses and brochures made within the Movement:

* Let's get to know the real authors of the Misa courses (1) (link) is about the plagiarism of the brochure on "The Great Cosmic Power TARA"(3rd year of the course):
Since the photos on the blog are not clear, some have been taken at a higher resolution, with similar fragments highlighted with similar colors:

The original text, entitled ”The Ten Great Cosmic Powers” by Shankaranarayanan can be found here.

* Let's get to know the real authors of the Misa courses (2) (link) - analyzes the 11th year course about SAHASRARA,
plagiarized from the work entitled "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness" written by the French writer Satprem, (Bernard Enginger),
one of the disciples of the well-known master:

The Satprem’s book can be read here or can be found here.

* Let's get to know the real authors of the Misa courses (3) (link) - analyzes year X course 4 about KALACHACRA,
as well as 1st year course 22 about UDDIYANA BANDHA:
The course 22th of first year course about UDDIYANA BANDHA is plagiarized from the book of André Van Lysebeth– ”J'apprends le yoga” (link)
and the great resemblance to its english version ”Yoga: Self-Taught” (link) may easily be seen:

The yoga school founded by Van Lysebeth still exists today (see here).

In the early 90s when this book was plagiarized, the Internet had not yet appeared, and its future appearance was not even suspected,
so the "authors" of the much praised courses at MISA® did not anticipate that this international computer network would later appear
and thus their thefts will be discovered (to note - also on this occasion - the "prophetic genius" of Bivolaru)

”Fraud and Imposture vs. Tradition and Authenticity” (link) – showing how the MISA® course authors took information
and photos from works published under the aegis of BIHAR SCHOOL of YOGA (BSY), including the copyright signs:

The new edition  of the book ”Hatha Yoga Pradipika - Light on Hatha Yoga” from Bihar School of Yoga can be read here.
At the page no. 335 of the book can be seen the copyright sign:

On the inside cover it says:
”© Bihar School of Yoga 1985, 1993, 1998 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, 
in any form or by anymeans, without permission in writing from Yoga PublicationsTrust.”
In the end, an example of absolute villainy, a true MISA® signature.
In year 2, course 42, a text is inserted that it's claimed to be the story of a real fact, I quote:
"Years ago, a man came to our YOGA classes. In that situation I was deeply surprised and realized..."
But then follows a text which - as can be seen - is plagiarized from André Van Lysebeth's book – "J'apprends le yoga",
presented above and the great resemblance to its english version ”Yoga: Self-Taught” may easily be seen:

So, a plagiarized text is presented as the real story of a personal experience of the one who "created" the MISA® course.
Then the same "creator" claimed with an immense arrogance to have copyright of the text and prohibited its reproduction in any form!

It will be said: it is very good that essential information from such valuable sources has been plagiarized and concentrated in one place,
easing the effort of spiritual seekers!
In fact, they were only made available to MISA® students, for a fee and after they were told that they were secret courses.
After MISA® appropriated this information without declaring its source and without the consent of the authors, they copyrighted it,
threatening legal action against those who would dare to distribute it.

In the conference "An answer to the actions on the online discussion group Fraternity 2020" part 1 - 14 September 2021",
Bivolaru accuses former instructors who left MISA® and opened their own schools using MISA® lessons:

"... eventually the scammers left this yoga school and one of them even had the amazing audacity to open his own school,
with a diploma purchased with a lot of money from India, but still using the lessons of this school and using that diploma
only as a cover, and sometimes it got to the point where instructor training courses were proposed who were going to receive an Indian diploma,
paying for it impressive sums of over 1,000 euros.

Incidentally, the use of the lessons of these spiritual schools of integral esoteric yoga by impostors who thus earn a lot of money in this way,
it is already an old practice.
Narcis Tarcău - nicknamed Swami Vivekananda Sarasvati - has been doing this for a long time in his school in Thailand."

This is also an old practice in which the thief shouts "Thieves!"
As for the "diploma purchased with a lot of money from India" by Swami Vivekananda Sarasvati, we remind you
that Bivolaru also has a diploma from India, obtained between April-May 1990 (!), which can be seen here!

MISA® claims to have the mission of spiritual upliftment of humanity, but keeps secret much of the knowledge that it has appropriated without right.
Even in the case of information accessible to all, it states that there is still a need for initiatory keys that give it effectiveness,
keys which they claims to have and offers for a fee, with the condition the students take oaths of secrecy.
This is not spiritual upliftment work, it is monopoly.

The former lawyer also indicates other works from which the MISA® might have been inspired for the brochures of some of the Great Cosmic Powers:
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses - David Frawley, Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas - David R. Kinsley,
Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti: Secrets of Mantras, Deities, and Meditation -  David Frawley),
as well as the source of the bijamantras - Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound: Secret of Seed (Bija) Mantras - David Frawley,
in which all the sought bijamantras can be found, including the supreme bijamantra - "Parabija"!


In parallel with the much-trumpeted uplift of humanity through the "SEXUAL REVOLUTION" through AMOROUS CONTINENCE®
- compromised in the long term by scandals with group sex, porn movies and video chats, sexual corruption of minors and urine games
(all became "trademarks” morally associated with MISA®), Bivolaru tried a “rebranding” action, creating a personal Charismatic Movement
starting in 2009, which has as its stated purpose the revelation to humanity of the attributes and qualities of God - the GODLY ATTRIBUTES.

conference - ”Important esoteric arguments that we urgently need to think about - part 1”
"Of course, now that - within this school - the formidable divine mystery of the Divine Attributes has been revealed to be - each of them -
an endless, eternal, free of charge, sublime subtle energy whose characteristic vibrational frequency never changes,
behold these prophecies of Sundar Singh take shape because, in the absence of this colossal revelation, it was difficult to realize
what exactly will make this people - the Romanians - have, on the occasion of that planetary revival, an even extraordinarily important role.
Through this divine revelation regarding the Divine Attributes, here it becomes plausible for us to be certain in anticipation of the role
that the Romanian people will certainly have, when this planetary revival occurs that the Indian Sundar Singh prophesied about
when he visited Romania."

Its declared motto is "With God, for God, in God, into God", but it should rather be "with the same followers, for the God's sake,
towards the same delusion, with the same Guide".

The "Great Revelator" admits that these Attributes have been written about in the past, but claims that
"only within the integral esoteric school MISA®" was revealed for the first time in the world the Secret of Secrets,
that ”these Attributes are sublime, endless, free of charge, subtle energies that exist eternally in the infinite Being of God
and whose specific frequency of vibration never changes."

Although there are earlier references to the Divine Attributes in the Synod of Constantinople from 1351, in Spinoza's works (17th century)
or even in much more accessible works - such as the courses of the Theology faculties - Bivolaru learned of the existence of these Attributes
only when "corrected" the Romanian translation of volume 7 of the book "The Great Gospel of John" (uncensored!) by Jakob Lorber,
published at MISA® in 2012 and in which a reference to these divine attributes appears for the first time.
Before this, he never mentioned them, although he always let it be understood that he was spiritually realized, in permanent connection with God.

Of course, the translation of vol. 7 started a few years before 2012, and it is very suspicious that, approximately at the same time (2009),
God "revealed" to Bivolaru the necessity of the Theophanic Charismatic Movement, which has as its main goal precisely... the revelation of these Attributes!
We are therefore witnessing from Bivolaru a "revelation in planetary premiere" of some revelations of others, but with the inevitable adaptations and additions...

One can compare the original German text and the English version, with Bivolaru's translation:

J.L."Die urgeschaffenen großen Geister sind ja eben die Gedanken in Gott und die aus ihnen hervorgehenden Ideen."
J.L."The primeval great spirits are the very thoughts in God and the ideas arising from them."
(In english, ”spirit” also refers to "those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group".
G.Bivolaru."The original Great Godly Attributes are the very constant, fundamental and wise thoughts of God,
that make to manifest the materialization of the creative and perfect divine ideas that come from them."

Since God is above time, not subject to change and becoming (immutable), it is clear that his manifestations "never change". Big revelation...

J.L."Wie die sieben Geister oder besonderen Eigenschaften in Gott... "
J.L."Just as the seven spirits or special properties in God..."
G.B."So, the seven Godly Attributes or, in other words, the seven divine characteristics..."

J.L."Wohl ist diese Fähigkeit jedem Menschen gegeben, jedoch ohne je völlig ausgebildet und durchgeübt zu werden."
J.L."The ability is given to each person, however without being completely developed and exercised."
G.B."This ability to attract into his being the distinct energies of the Godly Attributes was given to every man, without exception but,
however it is not fully developed, and even when it is awakened, it is not sufficiently exercised."

J.L.”Und wie durch solche Gewinnung alle die früheren sechs Geister erst ihre wahre Bedeutung und den wahren Lebenszweck erreichen,
so erreicht denn auch der ganze Mensch durch ihn erst die vollste Lebensfreiheit und Selbständigkeit.
J.L."And just as by such attainment all the preceding six spirits reach their true meaning and true purpose of life, in the same manner,
through it, the whole person reaches the fullest freedom of life and independence." 
G.B."These Godly Attributes of which I spoke to you previously must be awakened and attracted into the human being in abundance,
and through this conquest of them, which is followed by a process of assimilation, these Divine Attributes reveal their true meaning
and reveal the true purpose of life.”

The ideas assumed by Bivolaru as "revelations in the planetary premiere" were already affirmed since the Synod of Constantinople, from 1351:

"We confess that this energy is a substantial and essential movement (manifestation, emanation) of God, and affirm that
it proceeds from the divine essence as from an ever-flowing source.
This energy is never without the divine essence, but always remains inseparable from it.
From eternity the energy exists together and inseparably united with the divine essence, with the impossibility of being dissociated from it
neither in eternity nor in time.

But the works of God are but the attributes of God, manifested in their trinitary diversity and unity.
In each of these works or energies is, at the same time, God whole, working, and above motion.
God's attributes are known in their dynamic manifestation to creatures, insofar as we partake of them."

In a report-type synthesis of the Orthodox dogmatic references regarding the Godly Attributes, it is shown (link):

"The Godly Attributes are real properties of the divine Being, through which God manifests Himself, communicating Himself
according to the human possibility of knowledge, in the divine works.
God turns to man, descends (manifests) and through His energies enters into communion with those who open themselves to Him."

This paragraph states - long before Bivolaru did so - that the Divine Attributes are energies through which the Creator manifests
and which can and must be known by conscious creatures (by "participation").
Exactly what Bivolaru says, who declares that "the energies of the Attributes must be attracted abundantly into the inner universe of the human being."

"God being the absolute unity, one and indivisible, His attributes are not separate from the divine Being, but are one with It, inseparable from It, in perfect unity with It. That is why we call God not only good, wise, lover of truth, etc.,
but also that He is goodness, wisdom, truth itself etc.
Likewise with regard to the relationship of the divine attributes among themselves: in their essence they are not separate, but constitute a perfect unity.
In God there is no essential difference between the Being and the attributes, nor between the attributes as such,
they being and not acting separately from each other.

Unity is the attribute by which the unique existence of the divine Being is understood, because from a logical point of view,
the existence of several divine beings, equal in power and dominion, cannot be conceived.
Logically speaking, the unity of the divine Being is its uniqueness, because in relation to the attribute of infinity,
the existence of two or more divine beings is inconceivable; their existence would contradict infinity, since one divine being would limit the other or others."

This paragraph clarifies the problem raised by Bivolaru's statement, according to which the divine Attributes are "distinct subtle energies",
which can create the confusion of separate forces.
They are distinct from the point of view of manifestation, but at the same time each Attribute is related to all others in a complete unity.
They do not manifest separately from each other.
The Attribute of Love is at the same time related to, for example, the Attributes of Good, Benevolence, Kindness, Infinity, Immutability, Eternity, etc.,
in fact with all of them.

To be noted this statement that God does not just manifest a quality or an Attribute, HE IS that Attribute at the same time!

"Eternity, timelessness is the attribute that affirms God's absolute independence from any limit or temporal succession,
He being present in every moment of time, without interruption or succession. God is not subject to time.
The immutability of God, in close connection with His eternity, expresses the uninterrupted, unchangeable and eternal permanence of God's Being and decisions.
About God, being absolute, one cannot speak of any change, development or progress in being or in decisions; God always remains the same.
If there are changes in the divine actions, they do not refer to the Being of God, but to the creatures.”
"He is the Father of lights in which there is no change or any shadow of change" (Jacob 1:17).

That is, in our understanding, God is the source of energies ("Father of lights"), which knows no change.
Since God is not subject to time and change, neither His qualities, attributes and works (Attributes) ever change.
And the unchanging "lights" are nothing but energies and vibrations whose quality (frequency) never changes.

The immutability of the specific energies of the divine Attributes lies in the very nature of any Attribute.
Bivolaru defines the divine Attributes by resorting to... some Attributes: infinite, eternal, unchanging!
The hands that draw each other!
According to his mind, the Divine Attributes should be defined as sublime infinite, endless, eternal, subtle energies, instantaneous, eminently beneficial,
full of love and compassion, full of majesty etc etc (list of all Attributes follows!)

There are also classifications of Attributes. These are: NATURAL, i.e. specific to the absolute and infinite divine Nature (essence),
INTELLECTUAL (specific to divine knowledge) and MORAL, specific to the divine will in action.

Also, some are Attributes that cannot be transmitted to creatures (the natural ones, such as the Absolute, Infinity, Immutability, Eternity, Uniqueness),
others can be transmitted (communicated) to creatures - obviously, partially - such as the moral ones : Love, Justice, Forgiveness, etc.

All these descriptions and classifications are much richer than everything that Bivolaru "revealed" (who, for many years from now, will only string attributes),
which shows that he is not the source of the revelations, but he drew inspiration from others, which he avoided mentioning.
He is unable to produce truly original ideas, so he takes them from others, supplementing and modifying them according to his own ideas and interests,
claiming that it is his personal contribution.
In his opinion, nothing is complete, not even the revelations of Jesus, because the writings of Jakob Lorber are considered to have been given to him
through divine dictation by... Jesus Christ Himself!

conf. ”Important esoteric arguments that we urgently need to think about - part 1”
"It is also appropriate to remember that Jesus Christ dictated to Jacob Lorber, who was later nicknamed "His scribe",
about the role that the Romanian people will have in the future."


The aphorisms of wisdom are intentionally succinct ("essences are kept in small bottles"), leaving the reader to extract the hidden meaning,
and for those who do not understand, they can be explained later.
This is how Jesus also proceeded, who first spoke to the masses in parables - ordinary life situations easy to understand -
and then he explained them to those who did not understand them.

Gregorian Bivolaru doesn't hold backfrom "adapting and improving" the holy texts.
He thinks he is doing a great deal of good by explaining in detail these texts, but the effect is exactly the opposite:
it is as if the riddles or the jokes would contains the solution within them!

Instead of the audience being stimulated to rise intellectually to the height of the hidden interpretation,
the interpretation is brought down to the level of coarse and fragmentary understanding (by explaining in detail),
and the audience not only loses a chance for enlightenment that occurs in those moments of glimpse in which it sees
the hidden meaning of the riddle, but is forced to descend to the level of gross understanding, resulting in an unpleasant inner feeling of embarrassment,
as when one says a joke by explaining it in concrete detail.
Bivolaru does exactly the opposite of Zen enlightenment techniques that use koans.

Joke from one of the MISA®'s site:
Obama  signs autographs, surrounded by a crowd of children. A child tells him:
- My father says that you are intercepting our phone calls and the Internet.
– He's not your real father!

At Bivolaru, the joke would sound like this:

"Obama, a member of the sinister satanic criminal group of the so-called Illuminati, was in the middle of an action of manipulating
the blind and lethargic masses of fools, attending a meeting aimed at improving his image by associating with children who,
as it is known, manifests - just like a sui generis relay - the energies of purity and candor.

One of the children, with the characteristic spontaneity but also with age-specific innocence, without realizing who he is dealing with,
tells the evil president something he heard talking around the house:
– My father says that you are intercepting our phone calls and the Internet.

To which this abject tool of the satanic criminal cabal, using the information whispered to him in his headphones
by members of the secret service of the CIA who follow and intercept everything, responds to the child - with the obvious intention
of giving him a stinging reply, but at the same time exposing the involvement of the secret services in people's lives that
- from the monitoring of phone conversations and the Internet, including in the case of the child's family, who in the meantime
had been identified by the CIA through facial recognition technologies, but also with the help of the DNA profile collected by the services
through illegal means - results that the one who thinks he is the father of the child and who is talking too much, is not the biological father of the child,
because the secret services have information that his mother actually had an extramarital affair, as a result of which the said child was conceived."

Examples of "addition and improvement" of the texts of the New Testamentcollected from the Bivolaru’s conferences
Biblical reference

”Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matthew 7.7, Luke 11.9)

became at Bivolaru
”Ask and you shall receive; seek persistently and with immense patience, for otherwise you will find: knock at the secret door of divine knowledge,
for in the end that door will open to you."

”Ask, being full of humility, love and faith, everything that is good from God, and then, what you ask, it will be given to you."

”Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” (Matthew 7.6)

became at Bivolaru
”Don't give pearls to pigs, for then they will turn against you and attack you aggressively and they will even seek to eat you.

”And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18.3),
”Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” (Mark 10.15)
”Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.” (Luke 18.17),

became at Bivolaru
”True, true I tell you. He who will not be and will not remain like a pure child will not easily enter the Kingdom of God's Heaven."

”At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent,
and hast revealed them unto babes.” (Matthew 11.25)
”In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things
from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.” (Luke 10.21)

became at Bivolaru
”For God has hidden all these things from him who only thinks himself wise and who is excessively prudent,
and has revealed them to the pure children."

”But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind.
And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” (Luke 14.13, 14.14)

became at Bivolaru
”When you give a feast or a dinner, invite the poor, helpless, the lame and the blind to participate, and remember that in this way
you will be very happy when you do such good deeds, precisely because the poor cannot reward, but remember that all this will be rewarded to you
in the hereafter as well as in this world".

” And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill?” (Mark 3.4)
” Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?” (Luke 6.9) 

became at Bivolaru
Say man, what exactly is permitted to do on Saturday, on the Sabbath day: is it welcome to do good, or is it possible to choose to do something bad?"
Then Jesus added:
"Is it good to have a man's life saved on Saturday, the Sabbath day, or must such a man be left to die?"

The rhyming proverb "What you don't like, don't do to another" has become
"Everything that you never like to be done to yourself, never do to another or others because, later,
you will bear - as you deserve -
the consequences reflected in the mirror of your actions!"

The much-loved quote by Bivolaru, which once sounded like "Knowing and not acting is the ultimate cowardice" became over time
"Knowing what is beneficial, effective and divine, without promptly acting in that direction, is evidence of an obvious
and supreme cowardice".

The quote of Fridtjof Nansen “Have you not succeeded? Continue! Have you succeeded? Continue!”

became a ”tantric dictum” at Bivolaru:
”If you haven't succeeded yet, then keep going until you succeed.
If you have already succeeded, then continue and deepen to achieve and thus to discover perfection and mastery."

Finally, the most blatants:

In the conference on "The Righteous Revolt - Effects, Part 6", the Lord's Father prayer was again changed by Bivolaru, acquiring a "new form":

"Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name,
Your Kingdom is alive for us all, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we are quick to forgive the trespasses of our transgressors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but delivers us from the evil and the cunning one.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever, of the Heavenly Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.”

”Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:
But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.
Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”
 (Mattew 5.33-5.37)

became at Bivolaru
”Always be servants of truth! Be truthful! See to it that your speech and your thinking have as much value as possible!
Let your "YES" always be "YES" and your "NO" always be "NO".
What goes beyond this comes from the evil one.”

Bivolaru claims that the verses of Matthew 5.33-5.36 regarding the interdiction of the vow and of taking an oath are false,
having been fraudulently slipped into the Gospel by the priests, so he avoided them.


Gregorian Bivolaru gives a large number of conferences on various topics.
If in the first years of activity of MISA®, these conferences were rarer and were exhibited mainly in camps and symposia,
having especially a spiritual theme, since 2010 the number and frequency of these exposures have increased significantly - sometimes several per month -
and the subject matter has obviously changed, sliding from spiritual topics to conspiracy theories and politics.
This fact was favored by the fact that Bivolaru plagiarizes articles from the so-called "alternative media", simply copying and pasting them.
In addition, most often these articles turn out to be fake-news.
The same thing was found in connection with the media channels of MISA®, namely Yogaesoteric and MisaTV.

At the end of the post Hoțul strigă ”Hoții!” i.e. The Thief shouts "Thieves!" from April 26, 2022 on this blog (link),
are listed some of the conferences that were copy-pasted from fake news sites.
The list only covers the pandemic period (2020-2022), being actually longer.
For example, in the period 2010-2014, conferences were based mainly on the posts of fake news launchers and mythomaniacs
Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcock.
This topic will be detailed in a future chapter.

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