Thursday, August 11, 2022


Wherever MISA® goes, fame follows her: uninhibited sexuality and curtain, adult films, erotic video chat, amorous  games with urine.


As much as those of MISA® try to claim that this fame is caused by the smear campaign carried out by the "dark side of the FORCE",
let's not forget that the expressions SEXUAL CONTINENCE® and AMOROUS CONTINENCE® are registered trademarks of MISA® in Romania (OSIM)!

Also, another registered trademark of MISA® is the name "YOGIC SPIRITUAL HOLIDAY CAMP®".
But from the first organized editions of these camps (early 90s), the participants were asked for HIV/VDRL tests,
because at these camps tantric sexual techniques with continence are practiced - obviously, in private meetings - and, moreover,
these practices do not take place only within faithful couples because, in this case, there would be no need for such analyses,
only necessary in the case of sexual acts with random partners.

Amorous practices are not taught in detail in the yoga class.
It is true that, in course no. 8 of the first year (in which even minors can participate!), it is about the "orgasm without discharge"
and a comparison with the regular orgasm with discharge is presented (see here).

However, although references to sexual continence are frequent, within the yoga course it is only general information.
Concrete and detailed tantric amorous practices are not taught in the yoga class, but are learned from articles, books printed by MISA®, 
from private meetings with those who know such techniques and, in recent years, Tantra courses have appeared which are separate from those of yoga.

Tantric initiations that take place within couples, where the one who knows tantric techniques initiates his partner,
are based on the sexual postures
which are based on the bodily postures and other techniques learned in the Hatha Yoga course, which make it possible to activate
the fundamental subtle force centers of the being (see exercises here and here).

In the conference on "Secrets of tickling", Bivolaru says about
the approach to these traditional esoteric postures that were revealed for the first time to the world within this esoteric spiritual school of yoga,
combining the utility of rapid spiritual transformation with the intense states of pleasure."

Once again, noteworthy that the blatant contradiction between the claim that MISA® promotes traditional yoga
and the claim that the secret initiations were first revealed to the world within MISA®, a contradiction that is expressed within the same sentence,
highlights the full state of ”macrocosmic” confusion which exists in the head of the leader of the Movement!

However, the traditional works on Tantra state that, in order to be able to step on this path, a special preparation is necessary but, as it has been shown,
MISA® students come into contact with it from the very first year of yoga.
Is there any danger on the tantric path for the uninitiated, who tread this path from the very first courses? Bivolaru says no:

"There can be no dangers when the TANTRA procedures are practiced according to the indications of a true connoisseur,
because some of these ways can only be learned through a gradual initiation offered by a spiritual guide,
certain exercises can be dangerous only outside this context."

That's it, we calmed down! If you do not practice Tantra on your own and enroll in yoga (and more recently, Tantra) classes from MISA®,
you are absolutely safe!

At some point - quite early - the Tantric sexual practices learned in private surpass in interest and importance the Hatha techniques,
which thus become just a support for the Tantric procedures and rituals.
Love practices are the magnet and the binder that sustains MISA®.
Hatha techniques are the packaging, and Tantra techniques are the bait.

In the beginning, Bivolaru insisted on the idea that Tantra is primarily based on love.

"[...] if the fusion of two bodies abandoning themselves in an act of love based on continence and transfiguration
is exclusively or predominantly related to the carnal dimensionthe orgasm that occurs then, even if it can extend to for hours, creates the premises,
but does not force us to discover the spiritual, fundamental, sublime dimension of our being.

Both the most famous works of sexologists and all the sensational articles in erotic magazines can give you some rudimentary advice
about erotic sexual positions, but they never go beyond the common, elementary level of love.
Such materials tell you about sexuality without mentioning love, just like a pornographic novel.
Most often, such presentations figure only the instinctive thrills of sexuality, depriving you of the other occult, mystical,
spiritual and sacred vision of eros, of sexuality."

He even warned about the dangers of lack of love:

Elevate yourself, every time it is necessary, in the spiritual sphere!
"In the case of yogis who engage in a couple relationship without loving each other almost at all, who transfigure each other little or not at all
and especially of yogis who do not practice sexual continence properly, then difficulties, tensions, disagreements, arguments, frustrations arise.

First of all, to stop believing that that love relationship exists only to satisfy our bizarre personal whims
and then we need to project it into the spiritual sphere without delay...
An important idea-force:
"If within this couple relationship there is no love, then it means that this relationship is not a loving one, because it lacks the fundamental bond:
the mysterious energy of love."

Bivolaru even published a book, entitled "Testimonies - Pretexts for which some women agree to only have SEX; common sense, wise reasons
why women make only LOVE", in which the idea is suggested that sex without love is just animal carnal sex.

Moreover, the amorous act must evolve towards the divine, towards the mystical. In order to sanctify eros, mystical rituals are performed,
such as MAITHUNA:

"The spiritual couple", by yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru

Each MAITHUNA ritual, as well as certain secret Tantric procedures, which are described in certain Eastern Tantric treatises,
if consistently put into practice, will bear fruit without delay in the case of such a couple.
In the millennial system of TANTRA YOGA there are certain very secret procedures - which we cannot expose here -
that surprisingly accelerate the attainment of the glorious androgynous state."

The same eternal theme at MISA®:
"Only we have the keys, only we know, if you want them, you can find them only with us, even in a planetary premiere, no one else knows!"

The question arises: how does Bivolaru know the "secrets" if no one else does? How did he get them, if they are secret?
From other initiates, but then how come they reached ONLY HIM?
Or, they were once known in the tantric tradition but were lost, and guess what, the only one who discovered them is Bivolaru!
That is why he came as the messenger of God, to bring back what was lost.
Other times, he claims to reveal secrets in a planetary premiere, but then would no longer be something traditional!

Descending from the elevated world of macrocosmic airs, snoring declarations and big words, in the real world of those who wait decades at MISA®
to learn the secrets, amorous couples are made and broken more on the basis of sexual attraction and - in the case of courses
with a small number of participants - on the basis of "availability", because it is unlikely that, in a numerically very small group,
everyone will find their exact "soul mate".

This was anyway inevitable because - on the one hand - the techniques, exercises, procedures and rituals, due to their "mechanical" character,
can also be carried out without mutual love (see the postures in couple).
On the other hand, MISA® students rush to establish one or more romantic relationships, so as not to be left out and to be able to experience
tantric pleasures, which the Guide always tells them is the easiest way - and practically the only one - to the supreme spiritual liberation:

”[...] it is essential to understand that amorous continence and transfiguration is in reality a privileged means that leads us extraordinarily quickly
to the discovery of the spiritual dimension of our being.

[...] it is essential to realize that only the implementation of this truly spiritual, transfiguring, sacred vision of eros,
can lead every time to the great fusion with the Divine.
Only this traditional vision, which belongs to the millennial tradition of TANTRA YOGA, leads to these pinnacle achievements...
For the others, who are not initiated into this mystery, the spontaneous attainment of this state is almost impossible.

The official website of MISA® states:

"Amorous sexual continence is the most intelligent and advanced way to make love.
It represents the true love sexual revolution, and it is to the credit of the MISA yoga school that it revived in the West the secret tradition
of this superior, sublime and spiritual way of making love, promoting it on a large scale.
Yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has been explaining the principles of amorous sexual continence since 1990 and has presented specific yogic methods
and techniques that make it accessible to anyone. Amorous sexual continence is the sexuality of the future."

So, the PLANETARY SPIRITUAL MISSION undertaken by MISA® becomes even wider:
Under this immense pressure of "evolution at any cost", the focus shifted to the sexual side.

In one of his books, entitled "Essential love secrets for yogic couples who aspire to be happy",
although Bivolaru talks about love by recalling the biblical quote "God is love" - as can be seen on the cover of the book -
only to love between beings of the opposite sex, i.e. to sexual relations with continence.

Another quote:
"The essence of the Esoteric Yoga Tantra system is a sui generis cocktail that appears by combining the infinite sublime subtle energy of pure eros
with the universal fundamental subtle sublime energy of love.

Pleasure is the God at MISA®! Here is what Bivolaru says about the ultimate revelation from MISA®:

...the formidable mystery of the Godly Attributes, which cause a specific heightened state of pleasure to appear in your inner universe.”

In recent years, under the pressure of the evolution through a amorous couple, but also of the perspective of stagnation
in this type of relationship, in the MISA camps there are initiations in "polyamory" - the ultimate sexual revolution" (archive),
which means to have several amorous relationships in parallel or even stable amorous relationships involving more than two people (see here ):

For this, a preliminary preparation is needed, in which the obstacles to polyamory are removed: family ties and jealousy:
"In order to perfect harmony in a couple that achieves amorous continence, it is very important to reflect deeply and as detachedly as possible
on our amorous past, then realizing, by comparison with the wonderful present, the huge advantages that we notice.
Through this lucid analysis we will gradually free ourselves from all the aberrant and imprisoning family chains that have limited us
in the form of silly prejudices in our amorous past."

”Free yourself from the aberrant chains that bind you to those who gave you life and chain yourself to MISA, to which you owe nothing!”

"If you still face the problem of jealousy, it means that love is just a facade for sexual desire.
There is some else that engenders and pushes your drama effect: love is taken for the sexual urge.

Basic errors
We take love for the sexual desire.
We are positive that it’s not our way of thinking that makes us heart, but it’s the other one.
Instead of living the present at maximum, we fear an uncertain future: what if he/she will go with somebody else? 
We do not take the beloved one as a free person, entitled to act as he may.
It is true that the beloved one can channel some uplifting feelings, but these actually occur only inside and by us.

Let there be love, let's enjoy it, the other is free to do what he wants (so are we!), we can also live love around others...
so come on with others!

Jealousy is bad and must be eliminated without delay, but nothing is said about the cause of jealousy: relationships outside the couple!
Just as they confuse sexual desire with love, MISA® followers confuse tantric love with... true love!
Now, at MISA®, love is no longer the indispensable condition of amorous fusion, but intense erotic attraction.

Paraphrasing Jesus who said "You cannot be a servant to two masters, because you will love the one and despise the other", in the same way
you cannot love two beings equally: inevitably, you love one more, the other less, and the difference will increase with each interaction,
until the heart chooses one of them.

But the one who says: "I like Mimi better, but I'd like to keep Fifi too", is actually attracted to some aspects ("bits") of each
and therefore does not live a total love.
And then, in order to hide their unfulfillment and not to recognize the fact that they are incapable of loving a soul,
they hide behind "free, open love, without limiting closures" with several bodies because, tasting as many pieces as possible,
it appears more easily the impression of satisfaction.

In fact, polyamory at MISA® is "unleashing to debauchery", meaning that everyone is free to do what their "Guide" does
from the first moment they met him who, wanting to match the example of the gods Shiva and Krishna, made love with many women:

Bivolaru - Answer to a question about homosexuality - 2015
"We have all heard - some less, some more - either of Indra, or of Krishna, or of Shiva.
These gods are and remain for all of us formidable models of multiple, parallel love relationships.
The number of Shiva's beloved women is immense. The number of Krishna's beloved women is also immense.
In one of the ancient treatises describing the life of Krishna, it is mentioned that in his harem there were over ten thousand beloved women,
who were also his wives. In many erotic depictions,
Krishna is depicted with a multitude of beloved women and, in some such scenes, these beloved women (the Gopis, the famous shepherdesses)
are shown caressing, kissing, fondling each other...”

In order for the achieved states to be as intense as possible, using the Law of Occult Multiplication,
Bivolaru recommends group amorous fusion.

In the sixth conference on "Fundamental Esoteric Revelations Concerning Tickling", the "Guide" unwittingly admits that
"in a group operating in unison, an occult principle known to initiates as occult multiplication or multiplication manifests itself" and,
"in the case of amorous fusions in threes or fours, involving excellent erotic amorous continence, one experiences states
of overwhelming erotic effervescence and feeding on certain divine spiritual ideals and thus becomes a formidable invincible occult force."

Bivolaru - Answer to a question about homosexuality - 2015
"To the extent that you have studied the Kamasutra very carefully, you have noticed that male homosexuality is not promoted at all in the Kamasutra either. 

Tantra treatises mentions that all these postures are performed by human beings of the opposite sex and, under certain conditions,
two or even more women can unite intimately, amorously, sexually erotically with another man, they can even make love with each other
in different postures that are classic, but those who have knowledge of the mysterious Principle of Multiplication, know very well why this is done,
what it means and what huge, rapid mysterious effects it triggers within certain practices of the millennial Tantra system."

Those who have knowledge about the mysterious Principle of Multiplication, probably know this from the "Bible of tantric love from MISA®",
the book "Secrets of Ecstatic Transfigurative Love In Tantra Yoga”, vol 1+2+3, published by the DECENEU publishing house from MISA®
which, in turn, is the translation of the work in English by the authors Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger "Sexual Secrets - Alchemy of Ecstasy"
(which can be read here).

In the original work, in the chapter "The secret Dalliance, on pages 252-253, one can read a certain passage about "love in three" which
- according to the authors - would come from the treatise "Candamaharosana Tantra":

One woman, coming from the disc of the moon, is enjoyed by another similar one.
The third person is different from these two and should balance their forces.
By enjoying together, they all become free from decay and death.
The right and the left blend together in the Central Pathway.
He stimulates both; they arouse each other and combine with him.
The two moons are always filled with nectar: the sun is ever burning.”

The problem is that in the English translation (which can be found on the Internet here), nothing like this appears!
Moreover, a reader of a forum points out that he did not find this passage in Christopher Starr's translation either (see here).
So, a new fake, but this time it doesn't belong to those from MISA®, who didn't even bother to check.

In these group fusions, one finds only one man with several women, in no case two men in the same group,
"so as not to awaken and dynamize in this way in men bizarre latent homosexual tendencies and inclinations."

Bivolaru - Answer to a question about homosexuality - 2015
"It is necessary to know - and this aspect should make everyone think - that, throughout time, male homosexuality was and still is considered
in many countries a sin, a mistake.

Returning now to the orientation of this yoga school, we feel it necessary to state once again,
although we have done it at least ten times so far, that this yoga school does not promote lesbianism
but, concerning women, it promotes female heterosexuality or, in other words, it promotes bisexuality,
but only for women. Why?
Because women are genitally structured in such a way that it is possible to have intimate amorous experiences
based on mutual love, sporadically, without this implying to choose to cut off intimate amorous relationships with men forever."

Conferences and workshops included in the programme of the International Camp for Women ”SHAKTI in XTASY” (see here):
”The extraordinary grace of Maha Shakti manifested through two women united in mutual love and the powerfully transforming occult effect
of multiplicity in a polyamorous Tantric threesome relationship – N. and B. Newton”

"We do not promote lesbianism but, in the case of women, we sometimes promote intimate amorous experiences
based on mutual love..."

And as always happens at MISA®, as the level goes down, the expressions get more and more pompous:
From ”sexual continence” it moved to ”amorous continence”, and now to ”amorous erotic continence”,
a concept that not got registered at OSIM yet!

Just as yoga at MISA® must necessarily be esoteric AND integral, so continence must necessarily be amorous AND erotic,
i.e. it also has an aroma of love, but not pure love beyond gender, but between opposite genders, i.e. also ... amorous!
And God forbid that the word that begins with "S" , continues with "E" and ends with "X" be mentioned!
There is no sex at MISA®, only erotic amorous fusions!

In this climate full of sexuality, gender-based groups were created at MISA®:
"GRUP ESOTERIC VIRA®" (the group of men from MISA® who aspire to the amplification of archetypal masculine qualities)
and "GRUP ESOTERIC SHAKTI®" (the group of women from MISA® who aspire to the amplification of archetypal feminine qualities).

As much as those from MISA® try to claim that these activities and groups have an exclusively spiritual character,
they are involved in controversial activities, which have brought MISA® "fame" internationally.
In fact, precisely for this type of activity, MISA® was excluded from the INTERNATIONAL YOGA FEDERATION,
as a result of a letter sent by a former instructor:

Letter from former yoga instructor M.I.S.A. M.F., March 26, 2008 (link)

Dear Members of the International Yoga Federation,
I have attended the yoga courses of the MISA school for 13 years, and I have also been a teacher of this school between 2003 and 2007,
which is why I am a member of this group. 
I have left this school last year in summer after finding out some very strange things that are happening in this organisation,
and I would like to confirm that, to my  knowledge, most of the accusations against the MISA school and its leaders are true.

Regarding the "tantric educational movies", I would like to specify that I have  purchased  the Giant TantraSex Box in November last year,
and this is still available on  the market, as  you can verify for yourselves by clicking for example the following link, which is only one of the sellers:

This box includes four movies, and I have recognised colleagues of mine and yoga teachers from the MISA school in all of them,
one of them being Mr. M.S. not use his real name, but the name of Paul Diamond. However, he can be very easily recognised.
Two of these movies: Erotic Secrets and Secrets of Seduction, include video-clips that where filmed either during the yoga camps
or at some special Shakti groups, and they were shown in the school on different occasions to a large number of  people.

However, this is not the most serious thing that is happening at the moment. 
Mr. Bivolaru keeps inviting young and attractive women who are students of the school to have sex with him in order to initiate them as shaktis.
As he never uses protection, there are more and more women who report having been infected by him with sexually transmitted  diseases.
Although he has repeatedly been informed about this situation, he  continues to deny and keeps spreading the diseases.
I leave it up to you to decide whether this is a spiritual attitude, and whether you would  like to continue to support this organisation.
I am at your disposal for any further questions you might have.
Sincerely, M.F.”

The movie "The Magic Passage" appears in the databases as having been produced in Romania, in 2001.
The link to the DVD cover of the movie indicated by M.F., (The Magic Passage) in which the NATHA leader and his wife played,
is placed in the Comments below the article (the blog automatically bans references to adult films).

The Magic Passage - imdb tt19120168 (see here and here)

Bivolaru sent a reply letter to FIY (link), denying the allegations and stating that the incriminated films were actually produced by the prosecutors,
who seized video-cassetes during the 2004 raids, which is clearly a blatant lie, the films being produced and distributed several years before this date.

Then, in his characteristic style, he bet 100,000 euros that those who made the accusations have no evidence for what they are saying.
It is a specific behavior of Bivolaru and the management of MISA® that, when they runs out of arguments or evidence,
they bets with those who say things which are inconvenient to him.
Also, it is a specific behavior of Bivolaru not to recognize when he loses bets, and even sometimes, when he loses them,
he simply cancels them: "Losed bet, I declare it null".

"We inform you that it is urgently necessary to make a mea culpa and admit that we did not have access to some recent information,
which shows something else.
[...] Taking into account the situation, the bet proposed in the "Morals and Habits" section is no longer valid...”

FIY was not at all impressed and expelled MISA® along with its affiliates, from the Yoga Federation (letter și video).

The reason was that, from watching some of these videotapes, it can be seen that, at the end, there are stories of some personal impressions
during the filming ("the making of...") that belong precisely to the head of the MISA® branches in the Nordic countries NATHA, M.S. aka Paul Diamond,
as well to his wife - A.S. aka Claire Diamond - Tantra course coordinator at MISA.

Following the "spiritual model of the Master", the assistants also began to deny everything.
Out of overzealousness, they also unwittingly fought his teachings about Occult Multiplication manifesting in the group:

ReporterReal-life Tantra Yoga teacher and former porn star, M.S. and his wife never admitted that group sex would be practiced at MISA.
MSWhen we talk about sex and about group, we already associate things that are not compatible with a moral and spiritual life.
ASIt seems to me something out of the ordinary and something unnatural. No, we weren't interested in that.
RepGroup sex is not practiced within MISA, that would be the idea.
ASYes, under no circumstances and personally I have never heard of such at MISA.
(see here, at 1min38sec - 2min09sec)

"I've never heard of something like this at MISA", only it wasn't about hearing, but seeing...

Under the pressure of evidence, public recognition eventually emerged (video).
It came from the president of MISA® herself at the time and from the spokeswoman of the Movement - in a TV show aired in 2011,
that the films were produced at MISA® for internal use, "for the purpose educational".
This is of course a lie, since these films are distributed for sale outside the Movement.

Audio-video evidence of these films, as well as details of other immoral activities at MISA® can be found grouped
under the VIDEO and PRESS sections of this blog, or on this video channel with subtitles in international languages.

If MISA® representatives claim that these are "educational films", then why was their existence initially denied?
If these are beneficial spiritual teachings, why does MISA® hide them, even though it has assumed the mission of planetary spiritual revolution?

The passage in the response of the FIY management is also edifying, where it is said that
it has been  proven that they are not busy with Yoga in whatever form, that they  even use Yoga as a cover for illegal practices,
that they do not  respect the rules and standards of our organization, that they show an unheard lack of moral integrity,
and cannot be convinced to change their attitude."

That is, they don't admit their facts even in the face of overwhelming evidence, in which they themselves appear.

As for the following statement in that letter:
Mr. Bivolaru keeps inviting young and attractive women who are students of the school to have sex with him in order to initiate them as shaktis”,
you can watch testimonies of some of these women on this site

Stories about "initiations into the state of Shakti" that Bivolaru would give to students, existed and still exist today
(see the english section of this article titled ””Ashleigh Freckleton wipe out MISA” - october 31, 2021.
In the international press appeared and was then widely shared an article about the terrible experience that an Australian TV star, A.F.,
had it with a sect in Europe.

Passionate about yoga, A.F. was recommended a school in London that was actually part of an organization with international branches.
After taking online classes for several months, A.F. she was invited to a holiday camp in Romania in August 2018.

She said that when arrived at the camp, was forced to take vows on her own health and spiritual development that she would not tell anyone
what was happening in the program.
She was told to strip naked, photographed and interviewed about her devotion to Him - the school's guru.

In addition to yoga and meditation, teachings about tantra, Hinduism and Buddhism, anti-Masonic propaganda, conspiracy theories
and anti-vaccine messages were mixed into the program.

She was made to watch hours of footage of the cult's guru performing supposedly miraculous acts such as moving a compass.
Women were encouraged to have intimate relationships with each other. Regular pornography was viewed, which was said to encourage sexual liberation.

There was another activity considered to enhance femininity, which was essentially just a striptease contest.
Finally, the watched program culminated in an orgy involving urine play, as urine was said to be "charged with spiritual energy".
She refused to participate.

The next and final step of his indoctrination was an initiation ritual in Paris.
She claims that when arrived at the station, she was put into a car, given a broad hat that covered her head and face,
and a pair of sunglasses with tape inside to block his vision.
After dozens of minutes of driving outside the city, they arrived at a house with opaque windows, where his phone, laptop, cards and passport
- any connection to the outside world - were taken.

"They promised you that you would have the whole world at your feet if you passed the initiation.
And you are told that if a woman gets the opportunity and turns it down, then she is stubborn, stupid, superficial,
that it completely lacks any aspiration for spiritual evolution and is destined for a life of suffering and negative karma", A.F. said for Mamamia magazine.

She said she did not know where she was and had no means of escape. She had to appear empty before the guru.
She stated that, when was forced to watch a videotaped testimony of another naked woman who had just completed initiation, she decided to refuse.
After eight days, she managed to arrange her exit from the initiation and was expelled from the program, reprimanded.

She was eventually diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) as a result of her experience,
but began a recovery journey with the help of a psychologist and the support of her family.
She also operates an Instagram page, CULTivate Awareness, where she shares in detail her story and research especially on the tactics used by cults.
Her Instagram page is here.

Although the author of the recent disclosure does not indicate very clearly who it is about, there is only one yoga organization
that corresponds to the indications, that is, has a branch in the UK and runs summer camps in Costinești! (Who could it be?)
In addition, without being clearly incriminated, the Tara Yoga Center association - a member of the ATMAN Federation -
published a denial letter, just like in the anecdote with ”liar, liar, pants on fire”...

A.F. posted a video response to this Tara Yoga Center denial letter, which can be viewed here.
”I wanted to come on here today to talk about something that's recently been brought to my attention, which is an open letter
that was posted on the website of the cult organisation that I escaped from.
It essentially denies any allegations made against them and employees a tactic often used by abusers that I posted about before,
it's called DARVO and it reffers to Deny, Attack, Reverse the Victim and Offender roles

The women aren't groom to be sex slaves per se are for senior male teachers, they're actually groomed to be sexually exploited
and abused by the master or the Guru or the spiritual guide whichever term you want to use te refer to them, not senior male teachers as they say.
The yoga practices are not forms of torture, not by any stretch of the word.
The yoga practices themselves are pretty awesome.

If you engage in things like yoga meditation, eye gazing rituals, ecstatic dance, you are gonna have physiological, biological responses in your body,
they’re gonna make you feel pretty good, so the yoga practices themselves are not torture.

...they seek to empower women absolutely that is what they seek to do, but they in the process of that also perpetuating a system of abuse
that is not in the least fit empowering for women, it's just masking it that way.

You know, you tell me how I'm telling a woman that she's manipulated by demons and completely riddled with them which is what I was told,
that I'm a stupid, superficial fluctuating woman, destined for a life of suffering and negative karma and because I didn't want to surrender my body to the Guru,
tell me how that's empowering. They're not.”

It should be noted that this is Bivolaru's specific language with which he often begins his conferences and includes invectives addressed from the start
to those who will dare not blindly believe in what he says and who are characterized as "sceptical, stupid, obtuse, superficial human beings,
devoid of spiritual intuition, demonic" etc.
Also, Bivolaru signed a book entitled "Fluctuating women" (ed. Shambala 2014).

"This book, unique in its kind in Romania, should be read and studied very carefully by all the women who, most often, claim loud and clear
(without then providing edifying evidence) that they are not fluctuating at all, that they were not and are never superficial or stupid..."


A.F. continues:
”They’re giving a false dichotomy, I was told that you do this and you have the world at your feet you don't do it
and you were essentially everything in the world is wrong with you and everything is gonna wrong. It's not empowering.
He and I quote said that my claims were lies as big as the Milky Way galaxy, very poetic I thought.”

The expression "lies as big as the Milky Way galaxy" was used by Bivolaru himself in conferences!

Bivolaru - Analyzing in a careful and relevant way the serious case of T.C. - part 1
"If T.C. wouldn't have been so stupid... surely she wouldn't have dared to make such an imbecile statement,
and if the people in her group had chosen to document themselves minimally, and then slapped her face and said, I quote:
"Little girl, your lies are huge! Stop your lies as big as galaxy! You can't fool us and fool us endlessly!"

Bivolaru - Analyzing in a careful and relevant way the serious case of T.C. - part 4
"The sole source of this abject slander, which then became a resounding part of a scandal was, is and remains only T.C..
No one else but her had ever stated such an enormous lie.
Besides, such a lie, as big as the galaxy, will not be found in any other genuine spiritual school on this planet!”

Bivolaru - conf. "Morals and Bad Habits” 30 Aug 2021  part 3"
"The aberrant, cretinous, paranoid claim that I am being threatened with death by the management of this school to do only what they say
and to only provide certain information in conferences, it's also a lie we qualify more jokingly, more seriously, as being as big as a galaxy."

So the answer was either composed by Bivolaru himselfor it was composed by followers repeating like mechanical parrots
the words of their Guide.

A.F. continues:
”Then we go down to their next point which is “we’re intend on pursuing legal proceedings against individuals making these damaging allegations.
I wonder why people are afraid to speak out against abuse or against the school. Can you think of any other reasons?”

They, who victimize themselves all the time, are also the ones threatening lawsuits, trying to intimidate
and make "those who harm them" to give up!

A.F. continues:
”They then sign off by saying that they include some testimonies “in the hope that such honest sharing from people with direct experience
will be considered more valuable than the defamatory claims”.

So my honest sharing of my direct experience is considered I guess invalid in that respect but also... yeah, they're saying that
there is no evidence and yet they're trying to put their testimonies there as evidence.
So on that note, if anybody recognises the organisation about which I am speaking, perhaps you know somebody in the organisation
or you've encountered it yourself .”

ABSOLUTELY there are many who recognize the organization as it betrays itself in ABSOLUTELY  everything it does!

A.F. concludes:
”Another thing that you can do is ask the teachers, actually ask them: are you sending women to be “initiated” by the Guru? Is that happening?
Just watch them squirm, they’ll either deny it or dance around the topic, they’re really good at dancing around the topic,
they won't actually give you a straight answer, so if you do wanna put the pressure on, actually go and ask the teachers that question.”

Is that so! Can you sleep soundly at night, dear comrades MISA® instructors?
You sure think you're doing those women a favor, don't you?

Since the events took place after August 2018, it would mean that Bivolaru, after leaving prison, he would have gone to Paris,
from where he was extradited in 2016 (although he has a search warrant from Finland).
This shows that he can not hold back from his actions and shows no sign of stopping, as the letter of expulsion from the International Yoga Federation
also stated.

Related to the sexual "initiations" that Bivolaru gives to his female followers, is also the requirement that all those who want to participate
in the "spiritual camps" must submit - in addition to the HIV/VDRL tests, which are mandatory at MISA ® - swimsuit photos.

There is the suspicion that, based on these photos, Bivolaru chooses his "initiation" guests, some women receiving the invitation
without having requested him or without knowing him (see here).

This opinion is supported by the fact that, for decades in a row, the condition was that swimsuit registration photos
should include the whole body, but especially be taken on photosensitive film and photographic paper based on silver salts.
The motivation was that Bivolaru had to "see the aura" of the one in the photo, and the silver-based substances would very well capture
the energetic imprint of the photographed body, while the photos taken with digital devices and processed in automatic studios
sampled the image by digitization and destroyed the imprint energetic.
Of course, this fact contradicts Bivolaru's alleged ability to know anything from a distance, through clairvoyance.

Classical photographic techniques had meanwhile disappeared, but the requirement to take photos on photosensitive film remained,
although it was clear that photo studios were already printing the image by digital methods.
Now, when classic photos can no longer be taken at all, only the "classic requirements" of the swimsuit and the full body remain.

It seems that now the digital photos taken with the mobile phone also work perfectly, but if, according to Bivolaru,
you can no longer see the aura, why does he keep asking for photos in a bathing suit?
Did he upgrade his clairvoyance in the meantime, like Superman?
Obviously not, Bivolaru is not interested in the "energetic aura", but the physical appearance of the followers,
because the energetic aura should be seen through the clothes, while the body, not...

Another serious question arises: what kind of love is involved in an amorous meeting in which the Great Clairvoyant invites a woman
at first sight from a picture in a bathing suit, and she arrives at the meeting without ever having seen him?

Let's also say that Bivolaru was convicted of sexual intercourse with a minor, a fact which - after denying it for over a decade -
he admitted and regretted (romanian article here), before the court that released him on parole...

”Being heard by the court, the petitioner declares that in his opinion he is entitled to be released conditionally
because he has achieved 45 credits and that the days served in detention are sufficient for the deed for which he was convicted
and which he accepts and regrets .

At the same time, he declares that he has made the decision to never discuss with a person under 18 years old again
in order not to end up in the current situation, the period spent in detention being an edifying one.
He also shows that 13 years have passed since the acts for which he was convicted and he has not committed another act
because he no longer wishes to live such an experience.”

Here is what the MISA® website says about some of the activities of the VIRA group, called MAHAVIRA ANANDA:
"Another exceptional contest, Mahalingam (Great Lingam), is addressed to those who, through the documentation and methodology provided to them,
succeed in increasing the size of their lingam (male sexual organ), amplifying their virility and improving their continence sexual amorous."

Obviously, in the SHAKTI group, the complementary desired is... breast enlargement.

At first glance, the approach to sexuality seems justified, because the effectiveness of yoga practice depends on the energies of the human being
and thus the preservation and amplification of sexual energy is very important.
It is known that after a sexual act with discharge, the human being feels weak.
With the establishment of andropause / menopause in the body of the human being, an accelerated degradation is triggered
both at the physiological anf psychomental level ("the first death").
The transmutation and sublimation of sexual energy not only contributes to the amplification of vitality, but according to the yoga system,
it awakens and ascends the fundamental energy in the human being, Kundalini shakti, which is crucial for spiritual evolution.

But if sexuality is important in spiritual practice and is anyway ubiquitous in contemporary society,
then why all the fuss about MISA®?

(will be continued in chapter 4)

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