Saturday, August 27, 2022

The spinning top - MISA's spiral in "plandemic" times

 According to Yogaesoteric, MISA's website, a yang spiral was scheduled on Saturday, August 27, 2022, from 3:25-7:00 p.m. on the occasion of the annual "occult hiatus moment". On August 27, 2022 they updated the broadcast times to 14:22-19:42

This spiral is a double novelty. Firstly because it is the first spiral in the existence of the sect, which takes place both online (on the camp website and on MISA TV) and on site (Costinești). And secondly, because it is the first spiral in the pandemic that is held as "in the old days" on site (Costinești). 

On this occasion, it is worth clarifying some aspects related to MISA spirals.

The yang spiral, a MISA "tradition" started in the 1990s, was registered as a trademark in Romania (OSIM) in 2009

Over the years, MISA has been insisting that the yang spiral must be done in a certain way, which would actually induce all kinds of beneficial effects, both on the participants and on the whole planet. 

"It combines the extraordinary force of unison with the energizing effect of the yang spiral form, bringing in addition the deep resonance with the macrocosmic harmony, thanks to the placement of the participants, one male and one female from each sign, in the order of the zodiac signs."  

Even a Princeton report was falsified to have so-called scientific proof of the much-vaunted effects. 

For years the supreme clown of the sect ranted and raved against the evil internet, even forbidding to the disciples living in ashrams to use it. 
With the ban not having the desired effect, Magnus Aurolsson was forced in 2017 to "reveal" a "METHOD OF EXORCISING THE DEVILISH AND SATANIC INFLUENCES THAT ARE OTHERWISE INCLUDED AND CHANNELLED PERMANENTLY THROUGH THE INTERNET", which should be put into practice by his followers before every access to the internet.

However, perhaps to cut down on (not only) financial losses, during the "plandemic" MISA organized a series of events,  including the famous yang spirals, in the much-hated online medium.

The Magnificent Trickster was once again able to prove his "brilliance" and "creativity" by revealing a childish and embarrassing online version of the yang spiral.

The method, named "Special orientation program to personally realize the solar spiral of inducing the state of spiritual liberation by divine miracle", is carried out in 10 steps, which last one hour.

Step 1. Consecration of the "fruits of this special yang solar spiral meditation to God the Father" (3 minutes)

Step 2. One performs, with eyes open, with the gaze and "mindfulness attention" fixed toward the virtual center of the room, "a minimum of 49 brisk, quick-stepping, walks around the virtual center of the room" counterclockwise. The full rotations can be counted on one's fingers. 
At the same time, one becomes aware of the appearance and manifestation in the virtual center of the room of a subtle yang energy vortex, "deeply beneficial, regenerating, strongly energizing".

So the MISA disciple, with his eyes on the center of the room, spins around like a spinning top 49 times, counting the turns on his fingers and imagining a yang energy vortex in the center of the room. 

Then, for a minimum of 3 minutes, placed in the virtual center of the room, one becomes aware of the subtle vortex and aims to feel the ineffable state of resonance with the yang energy. (10 minutes)

Step 3. One aims to invoke in the spiritual heart (Anahata Chakra) the mystical presence and help of the spiritual guide. One becomes conscious of the support offered by the spiritual guide, who is the mysterious channel in and through which God the Father manifests Himself. The spiritual guide helps, inspires and facilitates, solely with the help of God, this spiritual experience (5 minutes).

Step 4. Consecration of "the fruits of this spiral of induction of the state of spiritual liberation by divine miracle to God the Father" (4 minutes)

Step 5. "All in unison" say the Our Father prayer 3 times. Becoming conscious 1 minute.

Step 6. Standing in the virtual center of the room "we will twist slightly, without forcing the body from the spine, so that a slight rotation appears in the torso and even in the arms, which needs not be excessive or non-existent, or in other words, we will perform a moderate counter-clockwise rotation and we will be constantly, fully, firmly and powerfully aware of the appearance and manifestation of a subtle, eminently beneficial, solar, yang, plus, energy vortex, which is profoundly beneficial, regenerative, powerfully energizing, and we will feel that this solar vortex has as its axis of manifestation our spinal column. "

One aims to visualize and feel the rotation of the yang energy vortex in the axis of the spine, in the axis of the aura. This is how the subtle beneficial effects can be felt. 
To amplify the spiritual effects to come, Laya Yoga with the AUM mantra is done for the entire duration of the spiral. 

So the MISA disciple, twisted in the yang direction, does Laya Yoga with the AUM mantra while visualizing and feeling a yang energy vortex in the spine. 

Stage 7. Return to the normal position. One becomes conscious of the "eminently beneficial, ineffable, spiritual" effects of stage 6 is achieved.

Step 8. The arms are raised above the head with the fingers of the hands gently touching. Extremely important, essential step: Becoming conscious of the dynamization, the opening of Brahmaranda and the state of communion with God. (4 minutes)

Step 9. Becoming conscious of the overall effects and inner energization that arises through the opening of Brahmarandra. (2 minutes)

Step 10. Aiming to feel the overwhelming, full state of gratitude to God, the formula of thanksgiving is uttered, after which one aims to feel and become conscious of God's response. (2 minutes) 

How MISA fooled its followers that the classical yang spirals have beneficial effects has been mentioned above. It remains a mystery with what "common sense" arguments Gregorian Bivolaru managed to convince his adepts that this "personal spiral" performed in unison with others, online, would have the same effects as the classical yang spiral.

Is there any way out for these "sui generis" MISA spinning tops?


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