Tuesday, August 30, 2022

SYNTHESIS about MISA® - ch.6 PLAGIARISM ”enriched” with FAKE

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
(Abraham Lincoln)
Plagiarism and forgery should not normally overlap.
Plagiarism is the reproduction of something that exists, of an real work created by someone else, while the fake is something that does not exist,
created by the one who produces it.
But as MISA® is a special case, being an "integral" and "macrocosmic" school which tends to take over everything,
it manages to unify plagiarism with forgery in a new, unprecedented way.
Thus, Bivolaru takes a lot of information that belongs to others, after which he modifies it according to his interest
and to which he adds his "own" productions, truly resulting in some "world premiere revelations".

This maneuver of Bivolaru and the leaders of MISA® to modify the information they themselves invoke, shows an aspect of self-contradiction:
although they refers to the respective information as if it were the ultimate undeniable truthits addition and alteration shows that
at the same time, those from MISA® consider it to be incomplete and imperfect.
So their own sources are imperfect!


This work of "innovation" began long before the founding of MISA®, with the very founding myth of the Movement,
the so-called "prophecies of Sundar Singh".
A former student of Bivolaru - Radu Ștefănescu - currently a collaborating astrologer of an important romanian newspaper, described in an article (link)
the way in which so-called prophecies were presented to him for the first time, by "Grig" Bivolaru himself, in yoga classes before 1980
(around 1976, when MISA® did not yet exist, but was only in the projects of the New Messiah):

The astrologer tell the story:
"That evening Grig gave me the eight pages, that now I have in front of me. At the next yoga class - there were three a week - she asked me what I thought.
- "Bullshit!", I answered!
- "Prove it!", the guru told me.
I got up from the tatami where I had been relaxing and, in front of the "class", I started. I read the beginning:
"Do not be surprised by the fact that I am addressing you, since I am not dead, but by the mercy of God I am alive into eternity
and I have the opportunity to speak to people, to those who are in the bodily life."
Sundar Singh's prophecy is not Sundar Singh's! It is written by someone else, at the dictation of the Indian mystic's ghost, through spiritism,
automatic writing, or some other paranormal process. Or other nonsense...
Or even more likely, it is a work of patriotic encouragement written by a living author, on the eve of the Second World War.
- "How do you know this?", a student asked me.
- "Simple", I answered, at the end the phrase appears: "Petrache Lupu, like all the other bearers of grace,
are trumpets that work harmoniously in the wonderful work of salvation according to the Lord's plan".
So, the "prophecy" is written after the visionary Petrache Lupu became a reference character, that is, at the end of the 30's decade, I think around 1938!"
This is just one of the variants that circulated before 1990, in which Petrache Lupu and Mother Veronica, the founder and abbess of the Vladimiresti Monastery, were mentioned, both being "visionaries" with great popularity among the masses around 1940.”

Here is another version, called "Sundar Singh speaks to the human globe" (earthly!), which can be viewed here or archived here:
The full text can be taken from here,  part 1 and part 2.

This version begins the same as the one in Radu Ștefănescu's story, a fact which - in addition to the facsimile mentioned above -
confirms its authenticity:
"Don't be surprised by this kind of address, because I am not dead but by God's mercy I am alive into eternity
and the possibility to speak to people who are in physical life is blessed to me through the mediation of the Holy Spirit."

But, surprise: more than a decade later, Bivolaru presents to his MISA® students a different version, "innovativeadapted
to the requirements of the current times" but, above all, convenient for his purposes (links: introduction (romanian only!) and the main text.

Translation of the introductory part of Bivolaru's version:
Don't be surprised by this way of addressing because I do it so that you won't be deceived by this satanic staging so well put together.
I know that Romania has a divine mission of spiritual recovery that will make it appear as a true model worthy of following for all humanity.
It is necessary to make this confession-prophecy before the peoples of the whole world, Christian or of other religions,
because all the signs mark the astonishing spiritual changes that will take place soon.
My words must not lead you to consider me a fanatical sympathizer of the Romanians who imagine chimerical creations,
because the one who inspired me these prophecies, without any possibility of denial,  is the Holy Mother of Jesus,
and I remind you again that, as far as I feel, the place of honor in Romania's protection is occupied by the Mother of God
and then the great heavenly powers, to all of which the majority of the saints in heaven are added.”

It is therefore noted that this introductory part has been avoided from the English language version addressed to MISA® students abroad,
in order to make the message easier to accept by them.

It is also noted that the fragment:
"Don't be surprised by the fact that I am addressing you, because I am not deadbut by God's mercy I am alive into eternity
and I have the opportunity to speak to people, to those who are in physical life is blessed to me through the mediation of the Holy Spirit.
No one can communicate to living people except through the censorship of the Holy Spirit and everything that sneaks through satanic deception
is done through the occult sciences.
For this reason, it is good to be careful how you are spoken to, who is speaking, what signs of holiness are given to you,
and in whose name the person who wants to speak to you is speaking.",

it was replaced by Bivolaru with the following fragment, modified:
"Don't be surprised by this way of addressing because I'm doing it so you won't be deceived by this satanic staging so well put together."
With the stroke of a pen, Bivolaru totally changed the original meaning: he eliminated the spiritualist overtone,
the warning about satanic occult sciences and turned it in his favor!

Taking as a basis for comparison the text from before 1990 (obviously earlier, being written with "î" instead ”â” – România was written ”Romînia”),
the comparison of the two versions results in some edifying observations:

1). In Bivolaru's version, the references to Christianity were replaced, to allow him to refer to oriental esotericism, thus:

– "Church of the New Jerusalem" was replaced by "Supreme Divine Center", to allow Bivolaru to then claim
that it is about the House of the People from Bucharest (see here), which would correspond to the ”House of the Peoples”,
a forced name for ”The City of Nations” from the chapter 22 of the Revelation) and not the recent built Cathedral of the Salvation of the Nation (see here),
as suggested in the original text:
("the shape of the Citadel will be round with a diameter of 7 km and in the middle will be the monumental Church of the Salvation of the Mankind").

The next step was that, due to the outward (forced!) resemblance, the People's House was proclaimed the counterpart of the Potala Palace in Tibet (see here),
the center of Tibetan spirituality (and of Dalai Lama, declared as ”demonic” by Bivolaru!).
Bivolaru's conclusion: the spiritual core of the planet from Tibet (Shambala's projection) has moved to Romania!

- "true faith" was replaced by "true spirituality"
- "sects" were replaced by "obscure forces of darkness and lies, which keep the human being in a state of unconsciousness and lethargic slavery",
so as not to lead the mind to a certain "spiritual esoteric school", but the word "lethargic” has just exposed its ”macrocosmically” author
the "holy land" became a "spiritual center" in Bivolaru's version
- "baptized Christians" have become "spiritually evolved, enlightened", "those who will pursue spiritual perfection"
- "serving and confessing the Holy Gospel" became "both practical and theoretical transmission of the Divine and Eternal Truth"
- "angels" became "great enlightened and wise"
- "The Holy Gospel" became "the holy writings, the science of the spirit"
– “Doomsday” was replaced with “the preparation of the whole world for the spiritual transformations that will take place
on the level of the whole planet”, preparing the ground for the saving mission of MISA® and its “guide” who will save humanity
from "the end of the world" – as a MISA student from Prague ”discovered” in the Bible Code – issuing this cretinous enormity
that this Bible Code contradicts the Bible itself!

- the verse specific to Christian doctrine, but inappropriate passage for yoga teachings:
"spend the remaining moments for eternal happiness because there is no reincarnation and only in this life you can save yourself"
was "sublimated in the upper level", becoming "do not postpone spiritual perfection for a reincarnation".
Also, the disturbing passage "when it is said that the saints are on earth is not about reincarnation" was removed.

2). In Bivolaru's version, elements were introduced that do not exist in the original version:

- "Romania will go through several phases of fundamental transformations, eventually becoming, thanks to its exemplary spiritualization,
a true spiritual core", "all Romania's enemies will kneel at the borders of this country and recognize its spiritual mission";

- "through the chosen Romanian people, the Good God will speak to people from all over the earth sending the chosen ones
to help other human beings", thus justifying "Romania's planetary spiritual mission”, obviously achieved through MISA® instructors.

- "everyone will then be convinced that there is no religion of truth, realizing that only the knowledge of the TRUTH liberates them,
making them reintegrate into the divine Absolute to become ONE with the Godhead.
Only then will man realize that he is embraced by God and that God is alive, eternally almighty and omniscient in every individual,
in the form of the divine spirit", "in the center of human being in the form of the SPIRIT, there is a spark of God".
Here we find Bivolaru's stupid habit of insinuating his own doctrine in plagiarized texts, to make it easier to swallow for the naive,
especially those inside MISA®;

- "The Supreme Divine Center, which will have highly spiritually evolved representatives from all nations,
these forming the Fraternity of Enlightened Watchers, who will be chosen from among the wise", just as Bivolaru speaks about "great saints and liberated,
but also advanced yogis ".

- The countless wonders, which will be done in this country and the mysteries to be revealed in these places, will propel peoples of the world
to search quite endeavored for God’s mysteries. In Romania, God will make possible some great miracles",
”in this chosen people of Romanians, God has put a warm and loving heart, the nature of men being open to easily discover the path to perfection,
almost everyone being able to enlighten other peoples due to the divine graces they are blessed with”,
”in those future times, the Romanian people, preacher of divine wisdom, will be a hospitable host, full of love, which will express no slyness”,
”the ones guided by the Holy Spirit and the great illuminated ones in some parts of the earth will also confess the reality of the truth
preached by the Romanian people and will confirm it with all their power”,
”it’s particularly on the New Jerusalem territory, which is Romania, that it will be carried out the fieriest fight.”
All these "intromissions" have the purpose of inoculating the idea of the messianic mission of Romania in people's minds.

3). Instead, entire pages related to the Revelation were removed (which, thanks to the saving mission of the New Messiah,
are no longer current).

4). A funny phase was the replacement of the old prophecy of "the 8th Ecumenical Synod to be held in Romania" (unlikely, due to schisms),
which became in Bivolaru's version "the 7th Ecumenical Synod will hold in Romania", something impossible since this...
has already taken place, in the year 787 in Nicaea!
Likewise, the number of 144 thousand righteous people (also mentioned in the Revelation), was reduced by Bivolaru at only 114 thousand,
probably because of "the skeptics full of demonic doubts, who in the meantime failed the spiritual tests".

5). But the cherry on the cake is represented by the passages with "fulfilled prophecies" that would prove their validity.
Bivolaru and MISA® have always repeated that the proof of the divine authenticity of Sundar Singh's prophecies would be
the "already fulfilled prophecies", including the construction of the Danube-Black Sea channel.
Although the text before 1990 talks about this channel, in the Bivolaru's version it is only about "the channel that will unite the Danube
with the great rebuilt city of Bucharest"!
So the Bivolaru's version predicts the Danube-Bucharest channel which does not exist and, instead, it does not talk about the already built channel,
Danube-Black Sea!

Instead, from the version before 1990, the ”predictions” that happened exactly the other way around were removed:
"Ada¬Kaleh Island will be a beautiful Monastery under the protection of the Mother of God, the Snakes Island will be transformed
into a hermitage of monks"!
Ada¬Kaleh Island became in 1970 a beautiful underwater monastery dedicated to Saint Mermaid, the protector of scuba-diving practitioners,
when it was covered by the waters of the reservoir of a hydropower plant, unprophesied!
The Snakes Island was occupied by the Russian army and annexed to the USSR in 1948, within the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine.
Now, the Snakes Island is a hermitage of Ukrainian monks, who practice the prayer "F...ck you, russian navy!"

Another prophecy, which previously said that "all the neighboring territories will stick together forming the "Federation of Earthly States",
had to be corrected by Bivolaru, who renamed it the "Federation of European States" for reasons of the existence of seas and oceans
that separates the continents...


Some historical details in this document allow a fairly precise dating.

The passage "Bessarabia will be rejoined to Romania forever because the Russian people will honor the Romanian country
and give up this province which was an occasion for misunderstandings" places it between July 3, 1940
(the installation of the Soviet occupation in Bessarabia, which occurred as a result of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact )
and the liberation of Bessarabia - July 26, 1941 (together with the German troops who had begun the attack on the USSR).
In fact, the launch of the attack by Nazi Germany, which also brought Romania into the war alongside the Axis against USSR (June 22, 1941),
is not mentioned either.
Then, the fact that this variant does not mention anything about the great earthquake of November 10, 1940, which devastated Bucharest
but only about great earthquakes in the future, narrows this range to the summer or fall of 1940.
Instead, the Bivolaru-MISA® version after 1990 contains the passage "a channel will be built in Romania that will connect the Danube
with the great rebuilt city of Bucharest", which places it after the great earthquake.

Other aspects that strengthen the placement of the Brănescu version in the period July 1940-June 1941:

the mention of Snake Island as part of Romania (until the end of the Second World War) and which does not appear in Bivolaru's versions.

- the expression "the ferocity of the German people" probably refers to the start of the Second World War
(the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, the start of the Western European campaign on May 10, 1940)

references to a great imminent armed conflict, probably the Second World War that had begun in the West
but which had not yet manifested itself in Eastern Europe:

"Romania is going through great internal and external upheavals in a short time, and by the Mercy of Providence,
it comes out of the conjuncture of the warlike conflict, declaring the country Holy by God's command.
At the end of the armed conflict that will lie ahead, all weapons will be thrown away", as well as "through the mediation of the Holy City,
the armed war is put to an end, Romania being the land of peace where all peoples will understand each other.
The saints of the past testify about this in few words but full of truth when they say that A SMALL COUNTRY AT THE MOUTH OF THE DANUBE
"and because in your heart you want war , the terrible war will come after which all the peoples of the world will be cured of war forever".

Since - as can be seen from the comparative analysis - there are some similarities, but also very big differences between the two versions,
it follows as a logical consequence that Bivolaru plagiarized the older text, "adapting and enriching it" with "his own prophecies".
We are therefore dealing with an embarrassing fake.

Actually it's the fake of a fake, because the so-called prophecies of Sundar Singh do not belong to him, but to some hot-headed romanian bigot
who has written it around the middle or fall of 1940.
There are no references that Sundar Singh wrote prophecies, the present ones appeared directly in the Romanian language,
without any version in another language.
In addition, the biographies about the life of the Indian preacher show that he refused to visit Romania,
even though it would be the country chosen by God! (he visited the Holy Land – Israel instead).
In fact, he avoided all Catholic and Orthodox countries, visiting only Protestant communities, as well as Coptic and Syrian Christians
(Sundar Singh was baptized in the Anglican Protestant rite).

Il refusa de pressantes invitations venues de Finlande, de Russie, de Grèce, de Roumanie, de Serbie, d’Italie, du Portugal, d’Amérique,
de Nouvelle-Zélande et d’autres pays encore
i.e. in translation
He refused urgent invitations from Finland, Russia, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Italy, Portugal, America,
from New Zealand and other countries.”
see here ”Le Sadhou Sundar Singh” - Alice van Berchem (pag.98)

He had already refused pressing invitations to visit Finland, Russia, Greece, Rumania, Serbia, Italy, Portugal, America, and New Zealand.”
see here ”FRIEDRICH HEILER_The Gospel f sadhu Sundar Singh” - page no. 77 of the book (page no. 88 on cursor).

Insistent calls to Finland, Russia, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Servia, Roumania, the West Indies, America and New Zealand had also to be declined”.
see here ”Mrs Arthur Parker_Sadhu-Sundar-Singh-Called-of-God” - page no. 181.

These biographical details contradict the following passage from the text which speaks of an alleged visit of Sindar Singh to Bucharest:
"7 people will be chosen for this purpose who will reproduce at the prompting of divine inspiration, the Divine real Face.
I wanted to make my presentation in Natalia's house, who is the first being of the 7 and who can verify my presentation.
She is in Bucharest as well as my friend, with whom I became friends".

In the Anglican rite, no other saints are recognized than God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, not even the Mother of God,
who is only honored, but not considered holy!
So the reference "to the Holy Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God", as well as to the "Fraternity of the Enlightened Watchers"
cannot belong to Sundar Singh.

The hypothesis of a forgery is also supported by some elements that show that this text is totally incorrect from a canonical point of view,
it even contradicts passages from the Revelation.

The passages "in the new Holy and symbolic City named - New Jerusalem - which will be the work of the entire mankind according to God's plan",
"Romania is changing its name. It will be called: "New Canaan" and Bucharest will be transformed into an international hotel
with the capital of the New Citadel ring 7 km in diameter called the earthly "New Jerusalem" and
"only the Holy City of the New earthly Jerusalem will face these cruel trials through the Mercy of the Divine Gift,
but near the Last Judgment this Holy City will also be violated, massacred, robbed, but not defeated because in three days
it will be raised to Heaven with songs of Glory worshiped to the Good God, as befits in all circumstances" are false,
because in the Revelation, it is said:

Revelation ch. 21
1. And I saw a new heaven and a new earthfor the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

Therefore "the first heaven and the first earth have passed", so it can no longer be about Romania and Bucharest,
and ”the New Jerusalem descends from the Heaven from God", it does not go up and it will be not ”the work of the entire mankind".

The following passages from the text describe the inevitable end of the world, rather than the happy ending in "Bivolaru's work":
"The only place on the face of the earth undisturbed by the persecution of Antichrist will be the Holy City of the New Jerusalem,
which they will enter only on the eve of the end of earthly life, when they will kill the 2 saints Elijah and Enoch in the square of the earthly New Jerusalem.
The 3 Saints from the end of the world are currently on earth and waiting for the moment of the Blessing.
The 2 saints killed, after 3 days they resurrect and then fire falls from Heaven and consumes everything that is alive on earth."

Finally, theere are few bizarre passages:
"in Romania, the Russian language will be learned because it is a heavenly orderThe Russians will invade the Romanian country,
thirsty for the Word of God, and the translation would be very difficult if they did not learn the Russian language as much as needed", as well as
"Russia is becoming the most faithful country. The Russian people are the first people in the world to bow down to the New Jerusalem with all reverence",
"the Russian people will come to the aid of the work in Romania with all love"...

So, although it is said that all the nations of the Earth will come to Romania to the New Jerusalem, only the Russian language must be learned!
”The Russians will invade the Romanian country, thirsty for the Word of God!”
”From Russia, with love!”

These suspicious passages suggested the hypothesis that this text was actually the work of the Soviet secret services,
an action intended to attract Romanian public opinion to the side of the Bolsheviks and against the West.

Also, these passages show that the text predates the attack of Hitler's Germany on the USSR (June, 1941)
and also the occupation of Romania by the Soviet army and the establishment of communism.

In conclusion, the founding myth of MISA® is a gross fake after another fake.
Or as it says on the page that hosts the old version presented, "the factory of false prophecies MISA® (Gregorian Bivolaru, N.C., yogaesoteric site,
MISA® portal).
Coming from the same primary source and uniformly distributed (Guru, disciple, organization), the texts should be identical. It is not even close."
It should be... Much should be different at MISA®.


Bivolaru's bizarre ideas are often slipped into so-called traditional works.
One of these true obsessions from MISA® is the "urinal orgasm" and "urine love games".
On November 17, 2011, MISA®'s former lawyer, M.R., published an article (link) on his blog entitled
”The anatomy of a manipulation - how Gregorian Bivolaru invented the chapters related to "urine games"
from the work "The Mystic Lady".

The article was sent by a collaborator of the former lawyer of MISA, Intenselight, who states that a book printed in 2003
by the Lux Sublima Publishing House under the romanian title ”Doamna Miracolului” ("The Mystic Lady"),
contains many chapters from the work "The World of Tantra", published in India in 1988 by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers,
having Brajamadhava Bhattacharya as author.
Next, Intenselight posts a series of images comparing the books: 

1). Covers, edition dates and table of contents (view or download)
2). Plagiarized fragments (marked in green) and missing fragments (marked in red):
(links  doc 2doc 3 (1 & 2), doc 4doc 5doc 6doc 7doc 8doc 9 , doc 10)

3). The romanian version ”Doamna Miracolului” (which was republished in July 2008 by the Shambala Publishing House), 
contains 3 chapters which do not exist in the original work "The World of Tantra", chapters that refer to the love games with urine:
"Secret initiation into the fascinating mysteries of the urinary orgasm" , "Love games with the golden elixir of life"
and "Overwhelming states of urinary orgasm have awakened in me miraculous effects".
On page 125 of "The Mystic Lady", practitioners are urged to perform this "secret" procedure at least "7 times"
with representatives of the opposite sex from "every zodiacal sign".

In response to this post, an extremely virulent article appeared on the Yogaesoteric website on November 26, 2011 (link):
”The revelation of the truth is stronger than the abject slanders and hallucinatory scorns of the pathetic brawler M.R.”

In this article, it is stated that that book "The Mystic Ladywould not be the translation of the work "The World of Tantra" by Brajamadhava Bhattacharya,
but another book by the same author, published in India in 1981 by the Publishing House Madesh Books of Mughal Sarai, Uttar Pradesh.
Wanting to prove that the detractors are wrong, the editors of Yogaesoteric posted photos of the urine game chapter pages
from the alleged original book, unwittingly committing a blunder of great proportions.

First, the fragment before these chapters is absolutely identical to the one in the original book "The World of Tantra",
which MISA® followers loudly claim is not the source for "The Mystic Lady"!
Could it be a coincidence?

Only three days later, the Romanian translation of the three fragments was posted on the same website,
those in the Romanian version ”Doamna Miracolului”, preceded by the same fragment found in the original book "The World of Tantra".

But the English translation published by Yogaesoteric (dated July 2015), offers a huge surprise:
This text is not identical to the one that can hardly be read in those photos which shows the pages of the supposed original book "The Mystic Lady".

Instead it corresponds perfectly to the Romanian version, both can be put in parallel, as if one were word for word translation of the other!

So, instead of MISA® simply posting the English text contained in the photos, they posted a quite different text,
which seems more like the faithful translation of the Romanian textas if the Romanian text would be the primary source!
Additionally, the urine play excerpts posted on YE have chapters before and after them that are basically the same as subchapters
(with different titles) from the original book "The World of Tantra".

This fact leads to the following variant: at the beginning, the Romanian text was created, after the original "World of Tantra"
plus the three chapters on urine games.
This fact was discovered and, to cover up the fraud, MISA® quickly invented an English version of the three chapters,
which they posted on very low-resolution photos, but accidentally or hastily forgot a short earlier fragment, identical to that in the original book.
Then, after time passed, everything was forgotten and the virulent reply of denial that also contained those photos disappeared from the website,
and years later the English translation of the Romanian text appeared on Yogaesoteric, as if the latter were actually the source.

The article with the pictures supposed from the original remained in the Internet archives and was also reposted on the blog of the former lawyer,
accused of lying by MISA®.

The poor resolution of the photos after the so-called original "The Mystic Lady" shows the intention of those at MISA® to avoid being unmasked,
but the modern technique brings them to light.
Their blunder is amplified by the fact that the fragments published in Yogaesoteric (and remaining as definitive official versions)
are larger and contain virtually identical parts to those that exist in the original "The World of Tantra",
which makes it possible to state that they were plagiarized from there and shows where they were placed in the original text,
namely within chapter 6 "The Female Factor", between the subchapters "Yoni and Maithuna" (pages 164-169) and "Dangers and the Two Ways" (page 169):

Those at MISA® insinuate that those are the photos of the actual book, as it would look in reality when opened to a specific page,
with the curled pages showing the maximum curvature in the area where they are joined (glued or sewn),
this being suggested by the "shadow" that can be seen in the images.
But the text on the pages is not wavy but perfectly straight, which shows that it is text placed by electronic means
over a background that imitates the pages of an open book.

On the "cover pages", the corners of the pages are cut obliquely at 45 degrees, on the inside pages they are... right angles!
The title of the book "THE MYSTIC LADY" is misaligned, near the left edge of the page, instead of being placed at the middle (centered).
The lines of the writing are unnaturally straight for an open book with curled pages.

The resolution of the photos of the "cover pages" opened is 500/415 px (width/height), i.e. 1.2, while the resolution of the photos of the book
opened at the inner pages is 500/360 px, i.e. 1.4, suggesting that the writing was placed on different supports.
The photo of the cover of the supposed book "The Mystic Lady" shows an old book with signs of use, but a search for the photo returns no results,
while searching for the cover photo of "The World of Tantra" leads to the actual book.

No book by Brajamadhava Bhattacharya entitled "The Mystic Lady" does appear in the search on the net (see here),
it is only the title of the first chapter of the book "The World of Tantra" (see here), published in India in 1988 by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
Also, no publisher named Madesh Books in Mughal Sarai, Uttar Pradesh appears.
The author's name, as it appears in the book "Doamna Miracolului", is wrong, containing an extra letter "A": Brajamadahava Bhattacharya! (see here)

A devastating argument is brought here by the user kapalika. As you can see, on the cover page (posted above) it says:
Copyright 1981 by B. Bhattacharya, MadeshBooks, 28 Loco Gate RD, Mughal Sarai, Dist. Chandauli, Uttar Pradesh 232 101.”
But Chandauli District was created only in 1997! (see here)
For the administrative purpose, the district Chandauli was constituted in the year 1997 from the district Varanasi."
Here's what the place looks like today at the indicated address (do more checks, if you can):

"MISA® trademark" villainy!

Although, according to those at MISA®, there is an original book "The Mystic Lady" which contains - as if by a miraculous coincidence -
many fragments from "The World of Tantra", Brajamadhava Bhattacharya and the publishing house Munshiram Manoharlal had no way of doing this ,
because the act is called "self-plagiarism".

The reply in YogaEsoteric site wants to explain this error, throwing the guilt on former MISA® president C.T.,
made responsible for all the evils within the Movement:
"We mention that Lux Sublima Publishing House, established in 2005, acquired all the rights to publish the work "The Mystic Lady"
from Lux Spiritus Publishing House, formerly known as Sophia Publishing House, which published the book in 2003.
At the time when that book was published, the Sophia Publishing House had C.T. as its director, as former lawyer M.R. also mentions in his article.
Therefore, he is directly responsible for the mistake (much more likely unintentional) of the author's name.
So we must mention that the correct name of the author is: BRAJAMADHAVA BHATTACHARYA, and the name under which the book appeared is:
When republishing this volume, the Lux Sublima Publishing House failed to verify the correctness of the respective name,
making possible the perpetuation of this (otherwise regrettable) error regarding the author's name.
We hope that the former director of the Sophia C.T. Publishing House will (if he has the necessary courage) take responsibility for this error.”

The Romanian version of the book "The Mystic Lady" was distributed free of charge to students, but on this occasion, another suspicious matter appeared:
a label stuck on the inside cover of the book, containing its publication dates, instead of these dates being printed from the beginning
at the time of printing, as is done with any book.
The tag contains the wrong name of the alleged author.

Instead, the Grobian reply on Yogaesoteric tries to dissociate Bivolaru from the whole operation, as if "The Mystic Male"
had nothing to do with "The Mystic Lady"!
"In this way, he tries a convoluted demonstration to show the connection that exists between Lux Sublima Publishing House and Gregorian Bivolaru.
Captures of images from different sites try by all means to make the association of Gregorian Bivolaru with the Romanian version
of the volume ”Doamna Miracolului” (The Mystic Lady”) and to give a credible and professional air to this argument.
M.R. slanderously states that these chapters were written by the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru and inserted into the work of a famous tantric author
to justify some initiatory aspects related to the healing virtues of urine and the valences of urinary orgasm - elements that were occasionally presented
in some conferences within the MISA® events.
In other words, in the tangled mind of this bizarre character who is M.R., Gregorian Bivolaru would need bibliographic references
to justify what he (MR..) imagines to be an original contribution of him.”

It is known that Bivolaru cannot hold back from behaving like a "literary critic" towards everything that is printed at MISA®,
and those who dare to avoid this censorship, receive not very pleasant "reviews" - see here the exposition entitled
"A much more careful, pertinent analysis of the book ”Erotic rEvolution” published by L. P.
A review that corrects for attentive readers some very serious mistakes that are unfortunately present in the pages of this book"
(a series of articles in Romanian - link)
Even if the review is signed by someone else, the use of the first person plural (”we, us” instead ”I, me”) betrays the true author.

Bivolaru needs bibliographic references not for "initiatic aspects related to the healing virtues of urine" in general, but for details
related to these so-called ”urine games”, which obviously do not exist in the spiritual tradition because, if they did exist,
they would had already been presented and there would have been no need for "innovations".

Who initiated the subject of urine therapy and of play with urine at MISA®?
Bivolaru, with the translation of the books "Shivambu Kalpa: introductory notions about self-therapy with urine" -
authors Camelia Roşu; Gregorian Bivolaru, ed. Ananta, 1995
and "DAMAR Tantra - The secret fundamental text regarding the secret virtues of urine" - ed. Shambhala, 2005.
In the article "Urinotherapy, an ancient therapy recently rediscovered by science", it is stated  (link and archive).

"Urine therapy technique is not taught in MISA yoga classes.
But Gregorian Bivolaru held a series of conferences on urinotherapy and translated the ancient secret text Damar Tantra,
which describes the unsuspected virtues of urine and urinotherapy.
Damar Tantra predates the Puranic era, about 5,000 years ago…

It was published for the first time in Romanian in 1995, with a foreword signed by Gregorian Bivolaru.
This text was and remains a classic oriental treatise on urine self-healing.
Gregorian Bivolaru made this translation to provide yogis with fundamental documentation in this field.
Incidentally, even Gregorian Bivolaru publicly stated, in a televised interview, that he practiced urinotherapy.
A commendable thing, considering that urine therapy is the most effective and the simplest of all natural therapies."

First, there were materials that circulated inside MISA® (link):
"In the doctrine of the KAPALIKAS group, AMAROLI means "to drink the stream of urine in the middle, eliminating (avoiding) the first one,
because it is too spicy (hot, acidic, containing too much bile), and the last one, which it is completely useless.
The one who drinks AMARI, both from himself and his beloved woman in the amorous game - sucking it daily - and practices VAJROLI
(within the amorous sexual fusion with her), it is said that he truly achieves AMAROLI".

But in the original book (link), something else appears at the indicated place (link - pag.139-140 on the cursor)
III.96 In the doctrine of the sect of the Kapâlikas, the Amarolî is the drinking of the mid stream; leaving the 1st, as it is a mixture of too much bile and the last, which is useless.
III.97 He who drinks Amarî, snuffs it daily, and practices Vajrolî, is called practising Amarolî.

Nothing about "lovers who drink each other "the nectar of immortality"!

Another MISA® article (link):
"Secret tantric practices, such as amaroli and vajroli, were also performed within the amorous couple. Here is what the Yoga Ratnakar treatise
(Mutrash Takam, verse 11) says:
"When those who love each other full of dedication, offering and enjoying each other's urine in their love experiences
in which the man does not discharge his seed (bindu), the two together reach the androgynous state".

But a simple web check of that verse reveals – again – something else (here and here):
Human urine controls bile in the blood, destroys worms, cleans intestine, control cough & calms the nerves. It is sharp in taste,
destroys laziness & is an antidote to positions.
-Yoga Ratnakar [Mutrashtakam V. II ]

Sometimes, in the works published at MISA®, false statements made in other works unrelated to the Movement are simply taken,
without verification.
In the book "Secrets of Transfigurative Ecstatic Love In Tantra Yoga", vol 1+2+3 published by the DECENEU publishing house from MISA®
which is the translation of the work in English by the authors Nick Douglas and Penny Slinger, entitled "Sexual Secrets - Alchemy of Ecstasy" (link)
the chapter "The secret Dalliance" is taken up, in which, on pages 252-253 (link), one can read a certain passage about "love in three",
which - according to the authors - would come from the treaty ”Candamaharosana Tantra”:

One woman, coming from the disc of the moon, is enioyed by another similar one.
The third person is different from these two and should balance their forces.
By enjoying together, they all become free from decay and death.
The right and the left blend together in the Central Pathway.
He stimulates both; they arouse each other and combine with him.
The two moons are always filled with nectar: the sun is ever burning.”

The problem is that in the English version of the original book (found on the Internet here, nothing like this appears!
Moreover, a reader of a forum (link) points out that he did not find this passage even in Christopher Starr's translation (link).
 So, a new fake that - this time - does not belong to MISA®, but they didn't bother to check either, especially since the trick suits them perfectly!

There is another strange work that appeared at MISA®, entitled "Geniuses, but, nevertheless, impotent" by the author Francois L'Yngamme.
A search on the internet for the name of the "author" Francois L'Yngamme only leads to the above-mentioned book,
which only exists in Romanian!
Searching for different variants of the book's title in French or English does not lead to any results!
Also, the "author" did not write anything other than the mentioned book!

Here is a new miracle - possible only at MISA® - in which a "French" author writes a single book, directly in Romanian,
bypassing the "mother tongue" or other languages of circulation, just like "Sundar Singh's Prophecies" above - his only "prophecies" -
written directly in Romanian and only in this language!

It is obviously a pseudonym - with no other books than the one mentioned - and the name "L'Yngamme" suggests...
"lingam" (male sexual organ)!
A French lingam, but essentially... Romanian!

And this "feat" is part of Bivolaru's efforts to enter the back door of people's minds, this time in the minds of the general public.
It is found that, despite the mission they claim to have - to raise the spiritual level of humanity - Bivolaru and his followers
do not have the courage to face this role and support their ideas in front of the general public, but try to sneak them into people's minds and souls
through all kinds of tricks that are based on lies.


Not only the oriental spiritual tradition "benefited" from Bivolaru's actions, but also the Christian one.
Such a messianic avatar of Christic scope - he himself the creator of his own Charismatic Movement - could not but correct the works of his predecessors,
which were obviously "incomplete".

After discussing one of the versions of the Christian Sundar Singh's "prophecies", Bivolaru also related to the words of the Father of all Christians, Jesus Christ.
First, he was the first in history who dared to modify the Lord’s Prayer not by translation, but by adding:
"Give us this day our daily bread and undivided.”

In a conference on homosexuality, Gregorian Bivolaru intentionally distorted a quote from the Apostle Paul,
which denounced love acts between women and which contradicts his promotion of bisexuality among women.

Bivolaru's conference: "What perspective has the good God revealed in the Bible, regarding homosexuality."
"For this reason, God allowed them to choose and commit certain passions that make them disgraceful, so that men changed the natural order
with a grip that is against nature.
Such men, leaving the natural order of their mating with the feminine side, are inflamed in their vile lust, one for another, men with men,
committing shameful things, and in this way they shall afterwards receive their reward which is due to their wandering."

The real text is: Romans, ch. 1 (King James’s Bible (link):

24. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves,
26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Then, at MISA® another unprecedented act took place: the alteration of the text of the Revelation (Apocalypse),
an act about which the biblical text itself presents serious warnings.
On one of the MISA® sites - yogaesoteric.net - there is a modified, annotated and commented version of the Revelation (see here):

The Revelation by MISA® - ch. I

1Here is exposed the divine revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him, to make known to His believers the things that will happen soon.
The bad things will be able to be avoided or reduced (BEFORE THEY HAPPEN) only if people will turn full of love to GOD and will not sin at all.
And all these things that are about to happen soon, JESUS CHRIST made them known, sending them to be shown by His angel
to His righteous apostle full of love for Him, John,
2who then testified about the gracious Word of God and about the testimony of Jesus Christ, and told everything he saw then.
3Blessed is he who reads all this with great care, and all those who listen properly to the words full of holy truth of this prophecy,
and guard themselves carefully not to let themselves be led into temptation to commit with their thoughts with the deed the bad things written in it!
For behold, the time is near!

The real text says:
1.The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
2. Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
3. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.

First, it is noted that a non-existent fragment was inserted in the original text, which states the possibility of avoidance,
in contradiction with the biblical warning of the imminent production and even with its own version ("the words full of holy truth of this prophecy").
Then, the exhortation to obey and preserve unaltered what is written ("listen to the words of the prophecy and keep what is written")
is turned into "guarding yourselves from temptation" and not guarding the exact words of prophecy.

Of course, a divine prophecy is also given with the purpose of causing people to act to avoid terrible aspects but,
in the absence of keeping the message clear, we are no longer dealing with a prophecy but only with a simple code of moral conduct!
So in addition to the moral exhortations, the prophecy certainly includes certain precise references to the event what follows or is likely to occur
references that need to be kept unaltered.
But the MISA® version is about guarding only against falling into temptation, not clear warnings,
and the goal is obvious:
inoculating the idea that salvation is possible, but only under the wing of MISA®!

Moreover, according to a commentary, the Revelation would show that the Romanian people are the people chosen by God:

The Revelation by MISA® - ch. III
6.”Whoever has ears, let him listen attentively to what the Spirit says to the Churches."

[now follow the prophetic messages in which no doubt veiled references are made that spiritual intuition reveals to us
as addressing the Romanian people - translator's (Bivolaru's) note].

7. To the guiding angel of the Church of Philadelphia write:
12The one who overcomes as soon as possible, I will make him just like a pillar of bright white light in the Temple (sanctuary) of My God
and he will not go out of it forever.
I will make the almighty Spirit of My God alive and burning in it, the New Jerusalem, upon which great grace will descend from the high heaven from My God
and in which it will be glorified as My new Name befits.

[several prophecies and certain spiritual signs known to the initiated indicate clearly enough that the Romanian people are the chosen people
referred to in the Revelation message addressed to the "Churches of Philadelphia" and also allow us to foresee that the "New Jerusalem"
will be with surely in Romania – translator's (Bivolaru's) note].

The Revelation by MISA® - ch. VIII
10. ”Then the third angel of light sounded his trumpet. And a big star fell from the sky
[a giant asteroid (Toutatis) which already in the year 2000 is likely to hit the Earth in full tr. note]

The Revelation by MISA® - ch. XXII
18. I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book that if anyone will add anything UNTRUE to them, God will add them to the plagues (that await sinners) shown in this prophecy.
19. And if anyone removes anything from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will remove his part from the tree of life
and he will no longer be able to enter the holy city, which is spoken of in this prophecy."

The real text ays:
18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,
and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

So, according to Bivolaru,  there is no problem to add or remove from the holy texts, as long as these changes are TRUE!
But who could determine what is true and what is not, especially in a prophecy whose term of fulfillment has not yet come?
But Bivolaru and MISA® have already arrogated their monopoly on the Supreme Truth and can afford to change the sacred texts as it suits them.
As far as we know, until Bivolaru no one has ever allowed himself to modify and to make additions to the text of Revelation in any way!

1 comment:

  1. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/music/story/2022-08-22/placido-domingo-argentina-sex-sect-probe


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