Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Where is the threefold rat hiding?

 Today we inaugurate the series of revelations of the "secret" locations, the tantric "love nest", where the guru Gregorian Bivolaru, supported by a series of followers, has been and still is acting up.

In 2004, after the raids on MISA ashrams, after his brief arrest and release, Gregorian Bivolaru fled Romania. In a truck, as he himself claimed in an interview.
He then surrendered to the Swedish authorities, applied for and even received asylum in 2006.
For a while the guru was believed to be living in Karlskrona, under the name Magnus Aurolsson, at the postal address listed in his official papers (actually the address of the MISA branch coordinator in Sweden) and accessible online. (Link Archive)

Since 2007, the idea that the guru actually lives in Paris, where he is visited by countless female followers, has been circulating on MISA discussion forums.  

In 2011 on the TV show Acces direct - Antena 1- in Romania, in 2013 in the documentaries "Call of a tantric guru" and "Sect?" (part 1 and part 2) broadcast in Finland and Denmark, more details were revealed about the "pilgrimage" of female MISA followers from all over the world to Paris to be tantrically initiated by Gregorian Bivolaru.
Moreover, Riikka Kaihovaara, the Finnish documentary's director, not only claimed that "the MISA yoga school owns several properties in Paris", but even visited two of them. Both located in the "Arrondissment 13".


From minute 10:04 of the documentary, there is footage of the building on Rue Paul Klee number 6, in the basement of which, in a garage, Mihai Rapcea, former MISA student and lawyer, met Gregorian Bivolaru in 2011. At minute 10:29 you can even see the entrance to the basement parking/garage. You can admire the building on Google Maps.
According to some "viper mouths", people close to Magnus Aurolsson hold at least two apartments at this location.


At minute 12:52 it was filmed inside the Square Dunois complex at the famous "Les Pyramides".

Riikka Kaihovaara chatted with the superintendent of the "Tour Chephren" building and went up to the second floor trying to identify, which of the apartments is the one where female MISA adepts were "parked" before being taken for "tantric initiation" at the guru's apartment.
On the sinister corridor, none of the doors had a name.  Rumour has it that the apartment in question had a balcony overlooking Boulevard Vincent Auriol.

In February 2016 "someone" allegedly informed the French police, who - voila! - arrested the guru in the guise of Nikolay Petrov (with false documents) at an old book fair all the way in Paris.
In July 2016 Gregorian Bivolaru was extradited to Romania, he stayed in prison until 13 September 2017, when he was released on parole.
Although he told the authorities that he lives in Cisnădioara, Sibiu county, the MISA mentor left Romania already on 14 September 2017.
As a result, on 21 September 2017, when Finland issued an arrest warrant for human trafficking and sexual abuse for the guru from Tărtășești, he was not found by the police at his declared address.

Officially, in Romania Gregorian Bivolaru is domiciled in Cisnădioara and in Sweden Magnus Aurolsson is domiciled in Karlskrona.
But where have " They " been "teleported" to after their release?

Ashleigh Freckleton
, a former MISA follower, claimed in 2021 that in 2018 she went to Paris to be tantrically initiated by the guru, but turned him down. So "They" were back in Paris.

In which locations he currently keeps his "harem" and where exactly in France, where "the freemasonry which acts together with the Satanic group of the so-called illuminati already has an immense power", the rat Gregorian Bivolaru has his "lair", will be explored in future articles.

Those who can contribute information on the subject are asked to contact us via form or comments.


  1. Many MISA students are living in Paris to be nearer to their guru. Here and then probably they are allowed to visit Grig or they send notes with questions and have to contact one of Grig's close people in order to get the answers. Some of them registered companies (transport) using the addresses of the yoga centers. It is not that difficult for the police to identify what Romanians are registered at the address of the yoga centers and then to keep an eye on them.

    1. You are right. If you search in the French company registry for 3, rue Gutenberg, 93500 PANTIN - the first yoga center address listed on yogaesoteric for Paris - you get 5 companies registered on Romanian names. https://annuaire-entreprises.data.gouv.fr/rechercher?terme=3%2C+rue+Gutenberg%2C+93500+PANTIN
      2 of companies are not active anymore, but they were both founded in 2014 and de-registered in 2020.
      5 road transport companies in this house? https://www.google.com/maps/@48.8883786,2.4039926,3a,75y,38.9h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTe1krtJDug76Y-iiCCfsug!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
      One of those business men is well known within MISA - Gloriant Dunare - instructor who was part of the cast team of the MISA pee porn "Ecstasy Water".
      A few years ago he took tourists on rickshaw rides through Paris. Was that his registered taxi company?

  2. Eu atat va spun. Gurul nu bea doar urina discipolelor pe care le initiaza. "Sui-generis vaccinul" anti covid nu si-l prepara cu apa de Valcele. Apa de la robinet nu e de nasul lui si nici de nasul discipolelor, cel putin atata timp cat ele sunt izvoarele lui. ;)


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