(continued from part 3)
Although part 3 left the impression that it was the last in the series of shows dedicated to the BBC podcast "The Bad Guru",
as its end sounds like a general conclusion, the series continued on Sunday, March 2, on MisaTV, with part 4, entitled
"A perfect sample of toxic journalism made to order (4)" - ep. 105 (link). The false impression was also favored by the fact
that MISA's replies regarding what is said about them in the press are always overturned, starting with what should be the end,
namely the formulation of the conclusion ("the media is bad with us and lies!"), instead of proceeding as it should be, with the
presentation of facts and arguments, from which the conclusion would then logically emerge.
Part 4, however, presents a planetary premiere in the public attitude of MISA: it is finally admited, albeit in a whisper, that
guru Bivolaru receives female students from MISA/ATMAN whom he initiates sexually!
First, there is the description of the apartment where the great fugitive hero Bivolaru lived in Paris:
MisaTV broadcast: Episode 4 of this miserable radio series is entirely dedicated to the obviously unfounded slander about
the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, considered for years by the so-called satanic illuminati to be an extremely powerful enemy.
This episode revolves around the words sexuality and filth. The fact that the yoga teacher's home is described as having
bookshelves full of books everywhere is secondary, the emphasis being placed on the corridor which is falsely presented as dirty
although, in reality, it is also crammed with bookshelves. Nothing is said about who bought all these volumes, who reads them
and why there are so many, the onerous intention of pseudo-journalist Cat McShane being to convince the gullible public that
the yoga teacher's entire activity is reduced to sex. This, despite all the common sense arguments she received from the MISA
Press Office, in which it was specified as clearly as possible that the teachings of this school promote only love and pure eros,
teachings that reveal for the first time to people the very opposite of sexuality and sexualization.
"You lying British journalist, the corridor was crammed with books, you couldn't see the dirt behind them! The books covered
the dirt and were also useful for reading, so when would our cultured Guide have had time for se... pure eros?"
The MISA Press Office considers their simple statements to be “common sense arguments” while, during MisaTV broadcasts
that pretend to be replies, it repeatedly emphasizes that “the simple statements of the self-proclaimed victims cannot be
arguments and represent baseless lies from the start”.
Furthermore, MisaTV shamelessly hides the inconvenient truth under the guise of fragments of information, when they extract
only some parts of the statement of one of the victims out of context:
MisaTV broadcast: Even one of the other self-proclaimed victims, Australian Beck, admits that the daily work of a yoga teacher
involves much more than what Cat McShane is trying hard to cunningly induce in the consciousness of listeners deprived of
the most basic discernment, who are the only ones who could be convinced that the miserable subject of this embarrassing
radio masquerade has anything in common with reality.
Beck: He's giving lectures, recording things. You can hear him speaking. You can hear people come and go.
In reality, as can be heard at min7:sec46 of episode 4 of the BBC podcast 🔗 it is said, I quote:
podcast host: As the women wait to be called by Guru Gregorian Bivolaru, they can hear him through the wall of their room.
Beck: And he's fuc...ing in the other room for, I don't know, 10 hours, 14 hours, 20 hours. And then, I don't know,
he's giving lectures, recording things. You can hear him speaking. You can hear people come and go.
Those at MISA are trying to hide the truth from their own students, because "listeners deprived of the most basic discernment"
understand the situation exactly and perform the most basic act of discernment: check the facts! Some might say that those
at MisaTV omitted to play the entire passage in order not to pronounce the obscene word "f...k", which would have generated
negative vibrations that would have hurt their sensitive ears and would have suggested that their idol has manifestations of
sexuality (a forbidden word at MISA!), while the Guide only manifests pure eros, that he does not have an erection, but only
"amorous fusion"! But why aren't MISA's ears sensitive to the countless lies that keep pouring out from the organization's
leaders and activists whenever they open their mouths?
After hiding the garbage under the rug - where it still stinks - and extracting only the part that suits them, namely the preparation
of the lectures and the recordings, the villains unleash themselves on the ground they prepared in advance:
MisaTV broadcast: A person endowed with a minimum of common sense naturally wonders when the lectures referred to
and which Gregorian Bivolaru constantly records could have been structured. Perhaps they are conceived based on all those
books that are in the yoga teacher's apartment? It is also well known that, in general, preparing a lecture requires much more
time than simply recording it.
Most of the "lectures", more precisely those so-called conferences broadcast weekly on MisaTV, were just shameless copies,
without indicating the source, of posts from obscure conspiracy websites. We understand that reading from paper is difficult
for the grand master, but copying and pasting fakes from dubious websites does not require the effort and time of documentation,
as the embarrassing instructors in the MisaTV studios do recently.
The other part is the courses and conferences in the camps that take place only once a year, which are half platitudes and
the other half glossaries of common terms, which again does not require an effort of documentation. You open the LaRousse
encyclopedia and it's done, only reading it on paper is harder... In addition, the camp lectures often arrived with great delay or,
due to the "busy schedule", some of them were left for the following year, reducing the writing effort, but increasing the income,
because the students had to pay for another round of camps, to listen to the rest of the "lectures" they had already paid for.
Therefore, "a person endowed with a minimum of common sense" realizes exactly when Bivolaru ”structured” all those lectures
and recordings: during the f...king breaks! What an effort it is to mutter nonsense from time to time and then f...king all day...
The funny thing is that, again, those from MISA expose themselves, admitting that the lectures are stolen from books,
after which they are delivered to their followers as planetary premiere revelations or, more correctly, planetary premiere
editorial appearances. And after shamelessly stealing from the books, they register the lectures as their own trademarks and
threaten with "copyright" and "civil or even criminal actions" those who expose them, the criminal whores!
Furthermore, "any person endowed with a minimum of common sense naturally wonders" with what money were those tons
of books bought, since the Great Reader always boasts, in his modesty, that he has no money? Probably with money from
the same magic piggy bank from which thousands of porn movies are bought for 50 euros each 🔗 and from which over
200,000 euros were also found during the raids of November 28, 2023! 🔗
Now comes the climax of the entire series of shows, in which the MisaTV editors imagine that they are exposing the victims
as "hateful liars":
MisaTV broadcast: The moment of meeting Gregorian Bivolaru, as the self-proclaimed victim Miranda now declares, was not
at all as she imagined:
Miranda: And he looked just so much older and smaller and more frail than I had known about or imagined before, and it was
extremely underwhelming.
MisaTV broadcast: Miranda's current statement, however, is light years away from what she actually felt when she met
Gregorian Bivolaru, a fact that clearly emerges from the testimony she gave immediately after leaving him:
Miranda, audio recording, Paris: ”I feel very wonderful, and I feel like I'm stepping beyond the normal limits of time and space.
I'm just very, very grateful, and I feel a lot of love there. ”.
So, MisaTV is doing the same thing that TARA Yoga in the UK did when, wanting to expose Miranda in front of her fellow students,
they broadcast the statement she made immediately after she left Bivolaru's apartment, and a student who was present at the meeting
secretly recorded everything and thus provided the crushing evidence that proved that Miranda was at Bivolaru's and had sexual
contact with him, which forced Bivolaru to admit to the meeting in court! Considering how many times Bivolaru and MISA have
exposed themselves without realizing it, the question still remains how many students realize that this is the ultimate proof,
coming from Bivolaru himself, that he brings female students to him for sexual intercourse?
”The moment of meeting Bivolaru was not at all as she imagined”. Another moment of involuntary self-exposing by MISA!
These scoundrels admit that Miranda did not know what Bivolaru really looked like, shattering the defense of the abusive guru,
who told a reporter from Libération that, I quote:
"They came to talk about yoga, for some the desire to make love arose and so we made love, when the love was mutual",
What kind of "mutual love" can this be, given that they only see each other for the first time at the moment of their meeting?
How could love arise, when the female students only saw the images presented on the MISA/ATMAN pages, which depict
the Great Lover as he looked decades ago, avoiding presenting him in the way he looks now? (see photo)
Bivolaru told the press about the female students, I quote: “they came to talk about yoga.” Did they come just like that?
How did the female students know Bivolaru’s address, if the great hero was hiding for fear of the “Illuminati”?
Bivolaru himself reveals himself in the interview given to the French newspaper, I quote:
The victims often arrived in Paris by plane and car from Romania or other Eastern European countries.
The Romanian acolytes then confiscated their IDs and phones, blindfolded them, before placing them in cars with tinted windows
and forcibly driving them to one of the sect's many lodgings.
"Why so many constraints on the devoted followers?" the investigators ask: "I was threatened with death," Bivolaru claims.
"They could have given my address to someone who wanted to kill me," he tries to defend himself. 🔗
And then how did the female students “come” to him and, before that, how did they contact Bivolaru?
How did they know that they COULD send him messages and especially WHERE to send them?
How did they know that Bivolaru gives “private yoga lessons” in Paris?
The female students did not “make contact” and did not “come”, but were selected, contacted and brought in clandestine conditions!
More precisely, recruitment and human trafficking! Everything, secretly filmed for over a year by the French police!
After the climax, relaxation occurs and, amidst the euphoria, the long-awaited moment of recognition comes:
MisaTV broadcast: Miranda did not choose to leave because, as she herself confessed at the end of the initiation,
she had some wonderful spiritual experiences, which she now decided to ignore, throwing away everything she experienced
extraordinarily on that occasion.
Miranda – recording after the meeting with Bivolaru in Paris: ”I will never forget this experience, and if I do, I will then fit
into the category of the superficial, shifting, and stupid woman.”
In fact, this fragment contains two colossal revelations, a planetary premiere for MISA:
➢ for the first time it is publicly admitted that Bivolaru gives sexual initiations to female students!
➢ MisaTV unwittingly takes over a fragment of the BBC podcast that shows that female students were made to give statements
at the end of the "initiation", which MANDATORY included the following formula at the end:
”If I will forget this experience, I will then fit into the category of the superficial, shifting, and stupid woman.”
A normal woman would not make such statements, which not only make no sense but are also imposed standard statements!
The proof is the fact that Bivolaru wrote a book on this topic, entitled "Shifting, superficial, stupid, fluctuating, egocentric, petty
and snobbish women". 🔗
This bizarre statement is intended to put psychological pressure on the female students not to change their statement later,
and is also intended as evidence to sabotage a possible subsequent complaint.
Obviously, the statements imposed after the sexual initiation with Bivolaru also have the role of putting collective pressure
on the students who later arrive at Bivolaru, to accept sex with him and to show what a great master of sex he is.
Amazingly, after the editors of the MisaTV show broadcast that passage in which Miranda supposedly describes in superlatives
the sexual experiences induced by the God of Sex, in the following sentence they contradict themselves, I quote:
MisaTV broadcast: If what self-proclaimed victim Miranda is now claiming is true, why didn't she just leave like other girls did?
After all, no one forced her to stay in any way. She was free to leave the house she was in at any time, a fact that Cat McShane
even mentions in the podcast:
Cat McShane: I've spoken to four women, including Miranda and Bec. And I've spoken to a fifth who got as far as the holding
house before insisting they allow her to leave.
First of all, it is said that there were “other girls who simply chose to leave”. To wish to reach the meeting with “destiny”,
to make so many efforts that prove this aspiration, you arrive in Paris and, in front of the Gates of Heaven, you give up?
This is proof that some female students realized that they had been deceived, they understood what was really coming and
refused to go further with the “initiation”!
Secondly, there were women who left after the first initiation, did not give that video statement at the end, and some of them
left the sect directly and definitively. Even the people from MISA let slip such a fact when they gave another “brilliant reply”
to the German podcast “Toxic Tantra”:
A person named Eva had a story about an experience in 2007 and later decided to give up on the spiritual path.
Eva admits that her 2007 experience was voluntary, and when she asked to go home she was elegantly driven to the train station. 🔗
What happened at the "initiation" that the girls left? Wasn't it so wonderful? By the way, "girls" is a word that refers to very
young women. Did they suddenly wilt when they saw Sugar Daddy?
Misa TV also contradicts itself when, in the same passage above, it talks about ”the girls who simply left, free to leave the house
at any time because no one forced them to stay” and, a few words later, presents the statement of the British reporter who talks
about a woman who ”insisting they allow her to leave”! 🔗
As soon as they open their mouths, those at MISA immediately expose themselves, but they blame the lying press that exposes them...
Here is therefore a great victory for the "lying" media that has led the wicked liars from MISA to admit a fact that they and their
leader have always denied throughout the decades. I recall how Bivolaru himself denied the sexual initiation of the students
by him, on a nationally televised broadcast:
Tucă Show 1, March 25, 2004 (min19:sec05):
Host: Have you had sex with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So I never have sex with anyone, because having sex is something degrading.
Host: Have you made love with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So, if I made love? I made love because when I love, I make love with beings I love.
Host: No, in the idea of teaching a course, in the idea of initiation, in this idea.
G. Bivolaru: No, in this idea, no...
Host: Okay, so it was about a love story...
G. Bivolaru: Exactly.
Host: The statement of sympathizers who say this appeared in the media: the fact that you had sex, love, this happened
and that minors are queuing up at your place for a sex round. It's true?
G. Bivolaru: It is a blatant lie, along with many other lies that have been stated about me and will be stated, because
the sensational is often used.
Host: So none of these accusations are true.
G. Bivolaru: Yes, none of these accusations are true.
It took 20 years (like in Alexandre Dumas' novel) for MISA to finally admit what was known and seen with the naked eye
by everyone who passed by the rooms where the Great Lover lived during the yoga camps!
Furthermore, MisaTV can only mock the victims, retelling the story of the raped fox:
MisaTV broadcast: What is mind-boggling, however, is that after experiencing such overwhelming spiritual moments,
which she later considered degrading, the pseudo-victim Beck chooses on her own initiative to go again.
Cat McShane: Bec went to see Bivolaru once more and another woman I spoke to went back a further three times.
MisaTV broadcast: The story of the fox who claims to have been raped three times in a row, later admitting that the alleged
rape was only one, although she would like to have such an event happen twice more, is the leitmotif of all the so-called shocking
testimonies of various self-proclaimed victims. All of them, it is said, have had traumatic experiences, which they have chosen
to repeat not just once, but three or even many more times. Such perverse people then end up inventing what never existed in
reality and then lying with insolence, claiming to be, with immense audacity, false victims, precisely in order to skillfully profit
from the subsequent claim, sometimes years later, for huge dubious material damages.
After finally being forced to admit that the former students who complained about Bivolaru for abuse did indeed have a so-called
"sexual initiation" with the guru, those at MISA are now forced to seek justifications and apologies from their miserable mentor:
MisaTV broadcast: One of the most flagrant slanders of this podcast is based on the false accusation that both MISA and other
organizations that follow the teachings of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru have pushed sexual boundaries, under the pretext
of spiritual development. In reality, within this esoteric school that promotes integral yoga, sexuality is constantly rejected,
always being replaced by pure, elevated and euphoric eros, which is always based on erotic amorous continence, on mutual love.
"Sexuality is constantly rejected, always being replaced by pure eros." Snoring words, through which those from MISA claim
to be saints. If instinctual energies are manifested, proven by the corresponding physiological effects (such as erection), then
it is not pure eros. Unlike ordinary sexuality, pure eros does not involve sexual contact at all, nor the impulse to have sexual
contact, but only the manifestation of attraction and pure love between beings of the opposite sex, which is why it is called "pure".
The arrogant ones from MISA, led by the Cosmic Egomaniac, claim that they do not have an erection for sexual reasons,
but because they are penetrated only by the thrill of pure eros. Furthermore, the consumption of bodily fluids (partner's urine,
menstrual blood) also intervenes, but they continue to stubbornly claim that they practice sacred eros, unrelated to the body.
They can say anything with their mouths and it doesn't cost them anything to throw around baseless words anyway.
"Uuh, it wasn't sexual abuse, because there wasn't sex, it was just pure eros!" And if the court asks if there was penetration?
Obviously, the justification of the sexual act by involving the "supreme authority of God" could not be missing:
MisaTV broadcast: Pure, elevated and euphoric eros is always based on erotic amorous continence, on mutual love,
but especially on the prior mystical consecration of such an intimate erotic experience to God. This eliminates from
the start every time any possible abuse, any attempt at manipulation that could occur between two human beings
of the opposite sex, who each aspire to have an intimate amorous relationship with someone. If then one of the two beings
does not receive an affirmative, positive response in advance to that mystical consecration of the fruits, he immediately
chooses to refuse to advance in that intimate amorous experience, because he has a certain, incontestable proof,
coming from God himself, that that intimate amorous fusion does not imply, obviously, a full divine mystical integration.
Within the esoteric MISA yoga school, beings of the opposite sex who love each other are advised to merge intimately in love
only when both receive beforehand an affirmative answer that comes from and manifests itself in their own being from God.
In this simple way, every miserable lie that certain human beings shamelessly circulate who deliberately seek to defame
and denigrate Gregorian Bivolaru at any cost is shattered forever.
"The response to consecration" is an inner sensation, therefore subjective, which cannot be invoked as material evidence,
much less as absolute evidence, which "eliminates from the start, every time, any possible abuse, any attempt at manipulation
and shatters any lie forever". Leaving aside the fact that no court will accept in support of the defense such justifications that are
both immaterial and subjective, which cannot be appreciated beyond any doubt, this so-called argumentation also has a flaw:
it clearly states that a couple merges in love only when BOTH receive an affirmative answer beforehand.
In this direction, the people at MisaTV have deduced with all their might that Miranda would have received an affirmative
answer to consecration. I quote:
MisaTV broadcast: It is worth noting that self-proclaimed victim Miranda also refers in the podcast to the mystical consecration
she made before receiving spiritual initiation.
Miranda: ... and closed our eyes and did the consecration:
”Lord God, I offer up to you here and now, totally and unconditionally, all the fruits of this action”.
MisaTV broadcast: Given this aspect of mystical consecration, Miranda's false version of being abused appears to us to be
completely implausible. Without being able to be influenced by anything from the outside, she and only she being the one who,
due to the affirmative response received to the consecration she had previously made, Miranda then agreed to participate in the
respective spiritual initiation. The way she initially perceived it as something beneficial and even extraordinary for her, however,
changed radically over time. The major spiritual tests that she failed one after another made her regress and change her
predominant vibrational frequency for the worse.
Where does it say that Miranda received "the affirmative response to the consecration as something beneficial and even
extraordinary for her"? Only in the parallel universe of absolute lies. Here's what Miranda said in the podcast (audio, min12:sec59):
podcast host: Miranda walks into the room and sits on the bed next to Gregorian Bivolaru. He takes her hands in his and they
start something Miranda has studied back at Tara in London, the consecration ritual.
Miranda: I kind of went on to autopilot. And we sat in the position that you were supposed to always sit in and closed our eyes
and did the consecration. And it was:
”Lord God, I offer up to you here and now, totally and unconditionally, all the fruits of this action”.
I still felt completely overwhelmed by fears and trepidations and disgust and nervousness. But I had been taught to repeat this
consecration and that whenever I did that, it was right, even if I felt it was wrong. And he said: ”We'll begin then.”
And then he urinates directly into your mouth and you drink it. And this is a very special blessing and initiation.
I went into autopilot. I felt completely disconnected, I felt repulsed.
podcast host: And even though you weren't enjoying it, why wouldn't you have stopped it?
Miranda: If you failed the initiation, then the implication was that there was something wrong with you, you were lacking,
you weren't spiritual enough, you weren't part of the community enough.
”Completely overwhelmed by fears, trepidations, disgust and nervousness”: this is not an affirmative answer to consecration!
At MisaTV, it is said that it was
”something beneficial and even extraordinary for her”. Even if they don't believe Miranda is telling the truth, for the sake of truth
they should not have distorted her statement, whatever it was. In terms of lies and villainy, MISA has reached the absolute!
Moreover, from Miranda's statement, it appears that she did not even know that she was supposed to follow the response after
saying the consecration formula, but only that "she had been taught to repeat this consecration and that, whenever she did this,
it was correct even if she felt it was wrong". But those from MISA do not say a word about this, because it would have meant that
if Miranda did not receive a response to the consecration, then it means that Bivolaru did not receive it either, because God could
not tell him that it was okay while she was trying to mask her fear and disgust!
In the document containing the texts of the conferences on consecration, posted here only in Romanian, at the end of page 18
it clearly says:
Question: Is it possible that, before a loving fusion, at the consecration of the fruits of the divine, one of the lovers receives
an answer, and the other does not?
Bivolaru: It is not possible. At most, both of them will notice that this consecration is not received, the fruits are not accepted.
This document also addresses the situation in which one of the members of the couple does not know how to perform
the consecration, I quote from page 8:
Question: In the case of amorous fusion with a non-yogic person, is it enough for only the person who practices Yoga to do
the consecration?
Bivolaru: Yes, you should know that it is enough, but it is mandatory even then. And if somehow you are dealing with
a strange person, you can do the consecration in a less sacred place, you do it for her, you mentalize her figure, you even
think that she is in front of you and you are holding her hand, even if in reality you are not doing this and you feel that
integration, that response from God. If the response does not appear, then stop, because there is something wrong there.
Either that person is sick, or she has some karmic past that makes her satanic and influences your aura in a bad way, God knows
what is with her, but it is clear that you should not interfere there. You stop even if there was something boiling, very passionate.
This last answer shows that "the great initiate Bivolaru, who perceives people's thoughts and the Will of God", is the one
who bears full responsibility for the "engagement in the amorous fusion" that is in question here. The fact that, as a result
of this act, he ended up in the present situation can be interpreted, through the very prism of his teachings, as a violation
of spiritual rules and therefore he gets what he deserves.
MisaTV continues the operation to wash the guru's image, trying to present him as a saint:
MisaTV broadcast: In reality, Gregorian Bivolaru has never exploited anyone in any way. It is a great aberration to believe
that this man, after refusing a significant donation of 500,000 euros, could then morally defile himself by exploiting women.
Why would he do such a thing, since it is obvious that he is not interested in money? Any human being endowed with a minimum
of intelligence will immediately realize that, in reality, this is just an abject slander. Several years ago, a very wealthy person
from Germany, after personally discussing with Gregorian Bivolaru, proposed to offer him a donation worth 500,000 euros,
telling him that she had full confidence that he would use that amount in beneficial directions. The yoga teacher refused
the donation, but asked her, if she still wanted to do a good deed, to buy a building in Germany with the money, in order
to make it possible for a spiritual yogic community to exist in that country. In the end, the person listened to his advice
and bought a building in Berlin, where a center where yoga classes have been taught has been operating for many years.
A cunning scheme and false modesty: that half a million euros invested in a building will create a yoga center from which
future female "initiates" videochatists will be recruited, which will bring greater benefits. And if that building somehow became
the property of the DAtY, German Yoga Academy, it means that Bivolaru actually received that money in another form and
can always turn it back into cash by selling it. "The guru is not interested in money", except for the two hundred thousand
euros found in his apartment during the raids in November 2023! 🔗
Response of the MISA Press Office:
From our point of view, your bizarre strategy of starting from the beginning with certain bad prejudices and establishing from
the beginning that something is "rotten" in this spiritual school, and then accepting only the dubious and slanderous arguments
that confirm your unjust conviction, is pitiful and condemnable. This phenomenon, which we regretfully note is also manifested
in your case, is what is called confirmation bias in psychology.
This is exactly what MISA does: "establishes from the beginning that everything is "Godly" in this spiritual school and then only
looks for false arguments to confirm the unjust belief"! So according to MISA, this is "a bizarre, pitiful and condemnable strategy"!
In other words, they are killing themselves with their own arguments!
Response from the MISA Press Office:
You will probably never ask yourself the question "what exactly drives many thousands of people to come to these yoga classes
weekly, for years, without interruption, despite all the slander in the media, despite the undeserved mockery and systematic
discrimination they are subjected to"?
This is not an argument: there are many bizarre sects in the world that are joined by even more individuals than MISA,
and that does not make them beneficial! What exactly attracts followers? MISA itself says it: resonance!
What is similar, comes together! Strange attracts strange!
Response of the MISA Press Office:
We present to you below an edifying analogy, which it is wise to reflect on: imagine that broadcasts about you are made on
the BBC channel at a given order from behind the scenes, but then only your declared enemies are selected, without exception,
who are asked in advance for interviews that are only apparently objective, regarding you. The final result will then be devastating
for you and you will be described as a very bad person, full of flaws, because it is impossible to imagine that any of those stubborn
enemies will ever say anything good about you. In this unfair, which is also manipulative, perverse way, you can be sure, in advance,
that all those who will watch those broadcasts about you will be very easily convinced or, more precisely, skillfully manipulated
that you are exactly as you were described in those defamatory broadcasts. It is precisely in this undignified and reprehensible way
that you are currently choosing to proceed with Gregorian Bivolaru, without exception.
False argument: no defamatory interviews were actually conducted about the podcast creator, for the simple reason that she did not
commit immoral acts, as there are with regard to Bivolaru and MISA. MISA's perverse tactic is to create a non-existent analog
through the mental suggestion "imagine!", which shows that there are no real acts! MISA claims in a vile, manipulative way that
everything that is written disturbingly about them is the fruit of the malicious imagination of their imaginary enemies.
Of course, everything that is written favorably about them, which is in reality the fruit of the imagination, is the "true truth"!
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