Following the revelations about sexual exploitation and abuse at MISA/ATMAN, both as a result of the official investigation
that led to the arrest of the organization's leaders, as well as the testimonies of the victims broadcast in the media, more
and more of the hidden miseries in the sect's underground are coming to light. Some sources even from within it have
begun to "leak" evidence about the huge difference between the "divine" image, painted externally by MISA through false
propaganda, and the disastrous moral state in reality which, as will be seen below, is secretly recognized even by its leaders.
We now have the opportunity, for the first time on the planet, to take a look into the "deep occult circles", forbidden to
ordinary students, starting from a recording of a meeting with the Tantra instructors of ATMAN, leaked by someone from
the inside, an "insider" or "whistleblower". In this case, it can be said that the "whistleblower" really blew the whistle in the church.
In politics, there is talk of the "Deep State"; in MISA, there is a "Deep Sect", "a swamp full of crocodiles" that urgently needs
to be cleaned up”, as the guru himself once said.
In 2013, Mihai Stoian, the coordinator of yoga and Tantra courses in the ATMAN federation, held a conference with
international participation, entitled "Integration of tantric path in our school", but which should have been more appropriately
entitled "Disintegration of our school through the pursuit of the tantric path"... In this presentation, very different from what
is usually heard at MISA, Stoian chirped out some very interesting things. We knew them or suspected them, but it's another
thing to hear them from the mouths of those who, in public, only utter hymns of praise to gurus and triumphalist speeches.
M. Stoian:
A few years ago I was talking with Grieg about the way the tantric path is integrated in our school. But what was shocking for me
was the end of the talk because in the end after I was putting the questions, he was answering. It was a Shiva-Shakti dialogue.
I was shocked that they were coming like that because they were views that I thought that it couldn't be like that because we must
have seen that. And then he was confirming we were the one blind. But anyway, in the end I asked him why we never heard about
these things, why there was no talk about these things. And his answer was for me, at least, shocking. He said like that:
”because nobody ever asked me!” So the fact that nobody was putting such a question showed me that there is something generally
in us that prevents us to have a larger view. And that stays as a background for a while.
At MISA, questions are not asked about many things. First of all, fundamental questions about the spiritual path are missing
for a very simple reason: achievements on the spiritual path are missing! If you have not yet stepped on the path, how can
you ask questions about something you have not seen or cannot even imagine that it exists?
But there is another big problem at MISA: questions are not asked about what is seen either!
About the contradiction between words and facts, between what is preached and what is practiced, between what
is said and what is done! At MISA, something is shown on the outside that is not there, but what is inside is hidden!
At MISA, questions that cannot be asked are expected, but obvious ones that should be asked are discouraged!
At MISA, the questions that are obvious and should be asked are called "venomous gossip" and "demonic doubts":
In case you face an attempt of hunting or of deviation out off the spiritual path, do not hesitate to unmask their intentions,
so that they would be determined to expose publicly the aberrances and frames-up they are trying to poison your being with,
seeding into you the cockle of evilness and of different demoniac doubts.
Refuse becoming their accomplice and ask these fellows why they don’t have the courage to write us personally about these
“spicy” villainies they spread “in the corners” cheekily. Doing like this each of you will help to the drainage and even to
the clearness of this school of such poisonous “brushwood”, which paradoxically keep on coming to these course vainly,
being only with their body, but who assume the grim mission of tormenting the souls and of seeding into your being the terrible
poisons they manifest with gall and cheek through their being. Through such malefic actions, they generate occult processes
of resonance with the infernal realms. (source)
Obviously, Bivolaru and the MISA leaders never had any intention of admitting the miseries inside MISA, and in fact, they
always denied them vehemently! Whenever the press talked about pornographic films and video chats, about group sex and
mutual urine consumption, the sect leaders vehemently denied it publicly, only for all of this to come true (see the previously
mentioned articles about the “Absolute Liar”). The leaders were the ones who promoted these practices in secret, and the followers
were made to swear to keep this secret; when the secret nevertheless leaks out, the followers are made to deny and lie.
Moreover, MISA propaganda howled against those who revealed the secrets inside MISA, and even actions were taken against
them, although the followers knew that the facts revealed were happening in reality and that the informants were right!
So the reasons why the serious questions that should be asked have not been asked and are not being asked of MISA are the following:
➢ it is known that immoral acts actually happen, and many even participate in them
➢ these acts would be vehemently denied anyway, despite the evidence, even in front of those who take part in them
➢ those who would demand explanations regarding these acts would be declared "gossipers who spread slander and demonic doubts"
➢ the boss of those who deny the evidence is the guru himself, who uses both the threat of hell and his authority over followers
who show an attitude of acceptance and justification of immoral actions: "the spiritual guide knows better why he does this"
➢ the immoral acts that are nevertheless admitted are blamed on ordinary students and not on the leaders
MISA followers are discouraged by the guru from asking disturbing questions, but the guru still complains that no questions
are asked! But the great spiritual hero Stoian plucks up courage and expresses these questions on behalf of everyone else:
M. Stoian:
Recently I had a discussion, I would say as fundamental, but not regarding the spiritual path as such, but organizing the school or
how we are as a school, how we are coordinating the schools and the way we should take responsibilities in such a spiritual school.
What I realized is that there are some elements that we tend in most of the schools today to deviate from the initial, let's say, direction.
The main things that I want to point out is the attitude towards the spiritual guide, the attitude to take responsibility on the spiritual
path, to take responsibility as a coordinator, as a teacher and so on, and understanding what means the state of spiritual relay or
a divine channel. These three things I find out the most damaged or biased by a process of deviation that appeared in time.
I'm saying this because even at this level there are a lot of misunderstandings and I saw already in Romania the process is
more advanced of degenerating this initial purpose, but also here we saw a lot of tendencies that appear, and we have to be
aware of, forgetting practically the initial purpose of a school and then starting to become, without wanting this, a sect,
a structure with sectarian tendencies, in the bad way of the word, because the word sect means also just a group of people who
split from the initial direction and has their own opinion and so on, but we tend to be that thing that actually we are accused of.
How much Bivolaru and his acolytes struggled to deny that MISA is a sect and to prove the opposite! A book was written
specifically for this, the ”innocence certificate” received in Sweden is always waved, MISA sends a straight reply whenever
it is called a sect in the media, and now Stoian comes and whistles in the Church! Saying the word "sect" at MISA is like
talking about the rope in the hanged man's house or "sexual abuse" in the arrested guru's house!
So it's no surprise that Stoian took a few hits directly from Guru:
quote: For Mihai Stoian, sometimes known as Advaitananda – we will also implore for him the mysterious help of God
the Father to become aware of and annihilate some of his Machiavellian attitudes or those that highlight Jesuitism. (link)
In Romania, the degeneration process is more pronounced, because indoctrination is stronger. Propaganda is carried out
primarily in Romanian, the native language of the founder and the first leaders, and only then (only) some materials are
translated into the languages of the other countries where ATMAN operates. Often, a selection (read "censorship") of these
materials is carried out, precisely because it is known that Westerners are more reluctant to blatant propaganda, they do not
believe in promises (they do not believe until they see), which is a consequence of the pragmatic capitalist way of acting:
"first I see the product or the guarantee and then I buy!"
In the post-communist Romanian society, indoctrination or fooling with empty words is a consequence of the situation from
the past decades, where there is already a reflex to believe anything, without questions, as well as the fear of asking questions
that could be considered disturbing. Obviously, this means that the indoctrination comes primarily from the sect's leaders and
activists, but it is true that it succeeds more easily due to this reflex of those in Romania to accept without asking questions,
created during the decades of communism.
M. Stoian:
One element that is very clear, and I will refer to because it clearly showed by the investigation that I have made and
by the questions I put to Grieg, is the following. The spiritual guide is giving some directions, or we can say guidelines,
because he is the guide, but we need in a spiritual school a layer, a department, a level of people who are taking
the guidelines and make them practical decisions in the daily life. So, you see, here I proposed, and Grieg liked very much
this view, of the universal structure and the angelic hierarchies. You see, God is issuing one guideline, one guiding principle,
the universal, absolute, unique principle.
Now, each human being, for instance, is not receiving just one principle and one decision from God. No, he is receiving
a lot of principles, laws, guidelines in the daily life. Now, these are coming from the unique principle of God, given life,
spiritual life, by each angelic hierarchy, multiplying it, but never contradicting the unique principle. So, in other words,
the unique principle becomes many, but never altering the unique principle.
Now, I'm saying this because this layer, which is taking the unique principle and make it alive with myriads of reflections,
but still respecting the initial principle, this layer should exist in a spiritual school, because we have the guide, which is
God in the spiritual school, and then the guide is giving some guidelines, very simplified life indications.
They cannot become decisions. They shouldn't become decisions. The guide shouldn't give a suggestion, which then
it turned, just like that, into a decision. That's a mistake. That's an unacceptable simplification that represents a deviation.
It's not even, because when I was speaking with Grieg, I even put the problem the other way around. Will it be correct
if you give a guideline, and then we just put it so God-spoken, and that's it, it's becoming a decision? And he said:
”no, that is a deviation. I didn't mean that!”
In fact, ”the Jesuit and Machiavellian sometimes known as Advaitananda", proposes the division of decision-making power:
"You, Grieg, stay in your ivory tower, you can't come out anyway because the police arrest you, you give instructions and we,
the "angels", put them into practice as we believe, to get something in turn, because we are tired of being volunteers
for 35 years, without benefits!"
And Bivolaru certainly liked the first part - the one with him being "god" and his servants being "angels", but he got all dark
when he heard about the "level of intermediaries who will put it into practice": "WE simply talked to you how to practice,
not about putting it into practice! You practice and put into practice exactly what WE tell you and how WE tell you!"
In fact, this level of intermediaries has appeared in the "school" since the fugitive Bivolaru is no longer personally present at
the organization's management, but in spirit and governs through messages, which some say are hidden or distorted by the
"intermediaries", which the guru has firmly denied, I quote from the conference ”Morals and Bad Habits” part 3 - August 30, 2021:
"I am writing this message to you in connection with a conversation I had with a classmate [...], who said that although
it would seem that, in theory, you are in charge of the yoga school, in reality the Freemasons are in charge of this school.
He also mentioned that the correspondence sent to you is also carefully selected by the Freemasons of this spiritual school,
which explains the fact that several classmate have sent you unconventional notes related to such subjects, to which they
have not received a response."
We would like to point out that there is not yet and will never be a human being who would threaten us with death,
to blackmail us, and we would accept such a situation. The statement - also false, idiotic - that the correspondence
is carefully selected by the Freemasons is also a big, blatant lie. To urgently identify at least one person who, as he claims
in an aberrant way, selects correspondence and then retains it, makes it disappear. [...] He will not be able to find even
a single person who does this, for the natural, objective reason that such a thing does not exist. No one, within this school,
would dare to indulge, even in a single case, in such an action. He would risk his remaining within this spiritual school,
he would be immediately eliminated in a rapid and irrevocable way from among the students of this school.
Here, in this message, Bivolaru denies the existence of a level of intermediaries in MISA. He also denied that there is
a decision-making level in MISA that blackmails him and forces him to carry out his orders, as stated in an “open letter
from a group of students” accusing MISA leaders of having handed Bivolaru over to the police.
The reason why Bivolaru excludes the possibility of someone from the school leadership bypassing the chain of command
is “the fear of being expelled from the school” and of permanently losing the chance for spiritual liberation!
Here, Bivolaru thus admits that this fear is what keeps followers trapped in the sect!
This, while MISA strongly claims that in the “school” there is no pressure on the students!
It follows that in MISA there is only an intermediate level of executors! This implies that Bivolaru bears responsibility
for what is happening in MISA! He makes it clear that he does not share decision-making power within the sect,
although he pretends to the contrary. What does Stoian think about this? I quote:
And the example now, the spring yoga camp in Herculane. We were told, Grieg decided Herculane moved three weeks.
Lots of us gave feedback: ”hey, hey, hey, too much!” Grieg said: ”fine then, move it back!” Grieg said, move it back. It's wrong.
It's totally wrong. So it shows what? It shows that we don't build an intermediary level, that level which takes a higher principle
and bring it down to the next level. And the reason why do we not have such a level in the school? We don't have a layer,
a certain layer in the organization of the school is missing. And it's exactly the layer which is capable of taking a guideline and
make it thousands of daily decisions. Wise decisions that never contradict the guideline, but still are wise in the daily life.
Only thing we have now is we take the guideline and we make it an absolute rule. One of the things that we can see is that
we have a very un-nuanced leadership or coordination, which means having a lot of holes.
There are a lot of things completely uncovered. Nobody thinks about those things for a very simple reason:
Grieg didn't mention anything about that. So, in other words he has also to do the details. He can't do the details. It's impossible
to do the details for everyone, for the whole universe. For this reason we need this kind of layer. This is a very important element.
Very subtle Stoian but, at the same time, perverse: "we must also have freedom of decision, the Guide cannot make all the decisions!"
But why are so many decisions needed for a simple yoga class? You take a gym, teach yoga according to a clear schedule and
"that's it, the lesson is over, whoever wants, let's meet at the next lesson!"
This situation arises because MISA does not teach a simple yoga class as it presents itself on its posters, MISA is
an "esoteric spiritual school" that seeks to lead the lives of its students far beyond the yoga class, using the need
to continue practicing yoga in their free time. It is a sect disguised behind the screen of practicing yoga!
M. Stoian:
Simplifying the guidelines means mutilating the guidelines. Means deviating from the path. But it's a very subtle deviation.
It's the deviation of the fanatics. You know fanatics, they are very dangerous because they are always right in their own
little narrow mind perspective. They say always: ”I totally respect word by word what was said. What's your problem?”
This is why it is very dangerous. Fanaticism is immediately appearing when such a layer doesn't exist, because the next layer
is the fanatics. If the intermediary layer between God and the humans, the angel level doesn't exist, then humans turn into fanatics.
No matter what the spiritual guide is saying, they turn it into a tyrannical rule blindly respected because there is no way
to judge things in nuances and you cannot get feedback for every single aspect. And this is how tyranny appears, the tyranny
of mediocrity, fanaticism and so on.
Stoian is cunning, but it doesn't work! The analogy doesn't work here because, unlike angels, who are pure and fully conscious
beings, the intermediate level in the "yoga school" - the instructors, coordinators, propagandist activists - are simple students
who have only a few lessons more than the others, not even being sure that they are more advanced spiritually or morally than
their students! And Bivolaru knows that they are all the same, so he doesn't give them the total decision in their hands, using the
"Morals and Bad Habits" type conferences to reduce their authority, keep them in the place where he put them and control them.
So who is the "intermediate level" that Stoian is talking about? Obviously, it can't be anyone, only those with "spiritual achievements",
but these are simple statements, often the result of imagination, which cannot be quantified, measured and proven!
"We want to be equal, but not with the puppies, but with the big dogs!"
Then, pronouncing the words "fanatic" and "fanaticism" in MISA is worse than pronouncing the word "sect", because when
talking about the sect, it refers only to the attacks of enemies from outside who called MISA a "sect", while fanaticism is
an attitude from within, which directs attention to the situation within the organization, which is not wanted at all!
Here Stoian really played with fire and got burned!
Next, Stoian further clarifies his position, addressing the issue of relations with society:
This is the difficult element that most of the people don't understand: a spiritual school is much more than just a collection of courses.
A spiritual school is a solid platform of thousands of daily decisions, that all of them they have to be wise respecting the few spiritual
guidelines that are coming from the spiritual guide and yet they form a solid platform where everyone can walk without falling.
A spiritual platform is formed by courses, by interaction with society, by all kind of small talks lectures, workshops an environment
that you create ashrams, semi-ashrams, spiritual communities that are inspired by us and so on. It's a huge platform, in fact,
a spiritual school. The strange thing is that we don't have that. So the strange thing is that we are supposed to be such a platform.
This I already clarified several times with Grieg because there are two fundamentally different directions:
- a spiritual community can be an elite group and then we really don't bother to connect with anyone else. We are putting
the almost the selection very high. If you fit with all our rules with all our principles and so on then you are welcome to
stay here with us. If you don't fit, get out. We don't care to accommodate you. Then we should not keep an open door.
We should not keep classes. We should just... we don't try to educate the world. We try to educate the chosen ones.
- the second alternative is we keep classes. If we keep classes, we educate. If we educate, we have to be an open system.
We can't be a closed system pretending we do classes, which is what we are trying desperately today in some cases,
even with very bad results. If we want to implement these teachings in the masses, we have to have a certain strategy.
Obviously, MISA, pushed from behind by the guru, has arrogated to itself the mission of spiritual education of humanity 🔗.
The question is who gives them the right to undertake such a "missionary" activity? Nobody, they simply called themselves
"God's messengers", which means that they claim to fulfill "God's will", meaning they do what is right and are beyond
any criticism and doubt, and everyone else is ignorant who must blindly follow them! And how is this mission of spiritual
upliftment of humanity going? Stoian says that it is not going very well:
So the guideline is given, but we don't respect it because many of our actions are antisocial. We isolate ourselves.
We become secluded, we become an enclave of yogis with victim mentality typical for an enclave which is isolating
with tendencies, sectarian and fanatic tendencies typical for those who don't want to interact with each other.
An elitism or an elite attitude: ”We are the best. Nobody is like us. Unlike us, nobody is...” and so on.
These are typical rhetorics for people who don't want to be part of the world.
And who generated this sectarian isolation of the "there's no one like us" type? Bivolaru with his "world premiere revelations",
with the claim that MISA is the only authentic school, which holds the fundamental esoteric keys 🔗. Here's how it is with others,
in Stoian's opinion:
Now of course, there is a contradiction here because we want to go to build a school, but our message is ”go away from us,
we don't want you here”. Poor service, for instance. We don't care what we offer the others. Well, we should care.
Not to the level where we compromise the message and that's where the task becomes really challenging.
But still, this is the reason why we need a transmission, as they put it in other spiritual schools, because we are not the one
inventing the notion of spiritual schools. In other spiritual schools, they have the lineage. A lineage is a continuous line not only
from a master to a master, but from a master to three or four which are second in command, so to speak or a group of advanced
disciples that are coordinated by the second in command and so on. So it's an entire natural hierarchy that appears there, that is
covering the distance between the level of the spiritual guide and the level of the first year student. It covers all the distance.
As we can see, for instance, in our school, we have a very interesting situation. We have a kind of a flat group, that has
the spiritual guide as an extremely, extremely, extremely tall point, and all the rest is almost flat with a little bit of bumps
here and there, a little taller, but generally speaking, quite flat. And that is, as a result, becoming just an inertial mass that
cannot move anywhere. And of course, in which all the guidelines just, as I said, become oppressive things.
First of all, MISA does not come from a spiritual lineage as MISA has recently arrogated to itself 🔗, claiming to be from
a spiritual line whose last master was a century ago! Bivolaru had no master, "except the Absolute"...
Then, at some point a group of advanced stidents appeared, the "second level of command", but Bivolaru took care
to chase them away or put them on the dead line! Dead line which is the very spiritual line of MISA...
In part 2, we will talk about the level of competence of the teachers in MISA/ATMAN, an opportunity for new surprising revelations!
(to be continued)
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