(continued from part 2)
The 3rd part of MISA's "answer" to the producer of the BBC Radio podcast "Bad Guru - Gurul cel Rău" was broadcast (link),
in the show entitled "A perfect sample of toxic journalism made to order (3)" - episode 104 from MisaTV.
In this episode dedicated to the "analysis" of the BBC podcast, MISA once again demonstrated their wickedness, combining
several manipulation techniques that, although they have been practicing them for a long time, they do not master, and their
efforts, instead of being convincing, arouse even more suspicion that they are trying to hide the truth.
In addition to the usual blaming of the one who exposes them, which accompanies any public reply by MISA, specifically
used to divert attention from the accusations and their object (in this case MISA and Bivolaru), it continues with
the attempt to improve the image of the accused (praises and hosannas dedicated to the ”great martyr hero”) and with
recourse to the past (Bivolaru and MISA have been tried for similar accusations and acquitted, so this would be a kind of
certificate of good behavior). However, to these tactics, also present in previous episodes, is added one that gives the
characteristic note to this episode: the silence of the main accusations (as if they did not exist), namely the lie by omission.
While in the first two episodes, those from MISA briefly skimmed the first two parts of the podcast which, as is natural,
represent an introduction to what follows, in this 3rd episode they skip over the important revelations, going straight
to the end, insisting only on one idea, that the alleged victim has completely changed, in an unexplained way, her
initially positive attitude towards the TARA/MISA yoga school.
Episode 3 begins with a veiled threat to journalists who dare to dig up the skeletons in the MISA yard:
"To paraphrase a well-known proverb, we could say that the mouth that is always defiled by so many blatant lies, hostility
and insidious manipulations of the media, only dust can cover it." Translation from MISA language:
"dear followers, do not worry, no matter how much good we do, those in the media hate us and will attack us anyway.
But for this, their end will be cruel, dust will cover them."
But those from MISA forget, however, that dust will fall on them too, because no one escapes. Also, no one (including
those from MISA) escapes the Last Judgment...
As mentioned, throughout this production that is intended to be a response and at the same time a fight against
the BBC podcast, those from MISA seek to strike at the credibility of the accuser. However, this is the tactic used
when the defense has no other arguments with which to fight the accusations. I quote from the MisaTV broadcast:
MisaTV host: After the international yoga camp in Costinești, which she insidiously defined as having a sexualizing atmosphere
and from which she could leave at any time, but still chooses to participate willingly and unforced by anyone, benefiting in addition,
like several hundred other people, from free participation and accommodation, here is the so-called victim Miranda, the main
character of the podcasts produced by the BBC, nevertheless continues, for a reason incomprehensible to any sane person,
to attend classes at the esoteric yoga school Tara in London. Moreover, despite all the events that she declared, with an
obvious cunning and tendency to manipulate, as shocking and even traumatic for her, the self-proclaimed victim Miranda
decides to get more deeply involved in the tantric path she has embarked on. This involvement results in her employment
as an erotic masseuse at the “Temple of Ecstatic Joy”.
Miranda: There was a kind of ecstatic sense of overcoming something, something that you were nervous about, that you
were told was good for you and was spiritual. Once you then did it, I often experienced a feeling of euphoria. It was more
than a feeling of achievement, sometimes dissociation, but often quite euphoric once you've gone through the thing
that you were nervous about.
MisaTV host: Despite the ecstatic feeling of euphoria she was experiencing, Miranda claims that she actually didn't enjoy
giving erotic massages. So why was she doing them? The decision to have such a job was hers and hers alone, and she was
always free to leave the place.
Of course, from what was presented in the broadcast, Miranda's behavior seems contradictory and inexplicable.
The problem is that MISA is hiding some essential facts. What they don't say is that Miranda explains in her podcast this
behavior that obviously raised questions for the BBC podcast producer as well. In it, there is a struggle between the revulsion
towards the exaggerated sexual manifestations to which she was exposed and the collective pressure from the instructors
and fellow students at MISA to exceed personal limits.
Miranda: We were told that it was optional, but if you didn't want to participate you had to leave and you had to stay out
for the whole day.
BBC host: Miranda doesn't want to be ostracised for not taking part and she reminds herself that a core part of the
teachings at the Tara school are that to achieve spiritual growth she must push her boundaries. So she's in.
min19:sec04: Most people who go to a Tara yoga class in London don't end up at events like this camp. They just
go along to their weekly yoga class and have no idea what else is happening elsewhere in the movement. Things have
moved incredibly quickly for Miranda. She says in less than a year she has gone from a high street yoga studio in London
to an orgy and drinking urine in a holiday resort in Romania, and there's still more boundary pushing to come.
BBC host: On her return to London, Miranda continues to go to her classes at Tara Yoga. Instead of rejecting the group,
she decides to become more deeply involved. Believing in doing things that other people don't, makes her feel special,
part of a community of believers who understand things most ordinary people don't.
Miranda also decides to start a job she believes will help her spiritual growth. It's at a place where some of the teachers
at Tara work. It's called the Ecstatic Joy Temple. On the Ecstatic Joy Temple's website, the faces of the naked and half
naked men and women are familiar to me. Not because I've ever been there, but because they are the faces of some of the
teachers on the Tara Yoga website. (see this address, pages 15 and 28, proving TARA's ties to the erotic massage parlor)
Miranda isn't the only former member of Tara Yoga Centre I've spoken to who worked at the Ecstatic Joy Temple.
BBC host (min23:sec44): Harriet worked at the Ecstatic Joy Temple until she left Tara Yoga Centre in 2021.
Harriet got paid around £30 a massage, but the clients paid between £150 and £300. To Harriet, that sounds as if the temple
is making a hefty profit. The local authority told me the flat where the Ecstatic Joy Temple was based didn't have one.
Harriet told me that two teachers from Tara Yoga Centre were involved in running it.
So those from MISA took from the podcast only what was convenient for them and in a form that was useful to them,
but they kept quiet about the disturbing details. It is no coincidence that Miranda ended up as an erotic masseuse at the
very "temple" founded by the TARA instructors! If she had ended up doing erotic massages only on her own initiative
coming from an uncontrollable sexual desire and not because she was drawn into it - as the MISA people are wickedly
trying to suggest - she would have had a choice of the multitude of erotic massage "temples" in the UK, where she would
certainly have been paid a higher percentage than the TARA people were giving her, under the pretext of karma yoga,
or she could have done it on her own, with maximum benefits!
Now, with the complete information in the podcast, it is easy to understand why Miranda states that she did not like what
she was doing, but she was doing it under pressure from the TARA team, who convinced her to get involved in the
activities of the "school, in order to evolve spiritually."
The editors from MisaTV continue to insist on this apparently contradictory behavior of Miranda, I quote:
MisaTV broadcast: The decision to have such a job was hers and hers alone, and, moreover, she was always free
to leave that place. And she does leave this time, but to get involved, above all, in the video chat industry.
Miranda: I don't think that there's anything wrong with camgirl work in itself, if that's what you're choosing to do.
But I didn't know I was going to be doing it. I didn't choose to do it.
MisaTV broadcast: But if she didn't choose to video chat in that house in Prague, given that [...] she could have left
at any time, [...] why didn't she? Why did she choose to stay there?
This "mystery" is easy to understand if we also consider what MISA has wickedly kept silent about, namely what happened
between the erotic massage and video chat periods: a stopover in Hungary and an appearance in porn films, followed by
her invitation by guru Bivolaru to Paris, where she received a "tantric sexual initiation". Let's take it methodically:
Although Miranda has been attending the Tara Yoga Centre in London, this weird road trip to the outskirts of Paris
started not in England, but Hungary. That's because Miranda has spent the last few months at a sort of commune there.
Miranda had been invited to the commune by a visiting speaker at Tara Yoga Centre. It was meant to be an artistic camp
and a short stay, but she was gone for months. Miranda was being evasive over the phone, because according to Miranda,
at this commune in Hungary, she was living under a strict regime. She was constantly cooking and cleaning.
She says she had to ask permission to leave the commune. She was writing articles for magazines and being photographed.
She says she was even persuaded to perform in some explicit scenes for an erotic film. It was while Miranda was
in Hungary that she received the invitation to go to Paris for her initiation with the spiritual guide Gregorian Bivolaru.
”Beauty, I got news for you”. He's asking when you're going to visit him. This is part of the exchange of text messages
between Miranda and the woman who claims to be passing on an invitation to her from the spiritual leader.
BBC host: But even after signing the forms and making the video, she still doesn't feel free to leave. She's taken to a bus
terminal in Paris and gets on a coach to Prague. She's accompanied by a woman from the Paris holding house who has
arranged her ticket. By the time they arrive in the Czech capital, Miranda says she hasn't slept for a day and a half.
Gregorian Bivolaru has told Miranda that, at her next destination, huge transformations will take place. It's called
the Garden of Miracles. When Miranda arrives at a villa outside Prague, she discovers for the first time what the so-called
Garden of Miracles is. It's women performing as camgirls. They live-stream themselves in lingerie, dancing, stripping and
touching themselves provocatively for the camera.
Miranda: I don't think that there's anything wrong with camgirl work in itself, if that's what you're choosing to do.
But I didn't know I was going to be doing it. I didn't choose to do it.
BBC host: Miranda says she was tricked into travelling to Prague and that she didn't know she was being recruited into
the sex industry. If that's true, she is a victim of human trafficking, which is a criminal offence pretty much everywhere
in the world. Arguably, she was also a victim of modern slavery, which includes recruitment of people for exploitation by
means of deception.
BBC host: Miranda needs to make as much money as possible because camgirl work is the way to pay for living in this house.
Miranda: And you don't have to do it, but if you don't do it, you need to pay for being here and you need to pay for
your passage here.
BBC host: The rules Miranda signed up to included a confusing system of orders and fines.
Miranda: Leaving the fridge open was a €10 fine. Leaving a plate that you didn't wash up immediately was a €25 fine.
Leaving a tissue in your pocket when you gave your laundry to them to do was a €150 fine. Being late to the site,
even by one minute, was a €500 fine.
BBC host: But despite all this, Miranda still believes she's doing the right thing. Followers of Gregorian Bivolaru
have this phrase called burning karma.
Is there talk about something like this on the MisaTV show? No way! Trying to take advantage of highlighting the apparently
contradictory behavior of Miranda, who was repulsed by the exaggerated manifestations of sexuality at MISA but is engaged
in an erotic massage parlor of TARA/MISA, those from MISA remain silent on these two essential moments of the podcast,
which are actually the main accusations that Miranda brings to the guru Bivolaru. Miranda accuses that she arrived on the
video chat through the guru's "grace"! But here is what remains of these two moments in the MisaTV broadcast:
MisaTV broadcast: The lie of the so-called victim Miranda, who claims with tears in her voice that she did not want to do
video chat, is all the more evident because, after six months of working in the field, when she is offered a month of vacation
to spend in London and in a camp in Romania about which we are not given any details, because there is nothing that could
generate a scandal, she chooses to return to the Czech Republic and resume her video chat activity.
The lie is in MISA's court, however. Hiding the truth is actually a form of lying. Because the topic of porn video chat
came up, which is a very thorny issue for those at MISA, they found the opportunity to blame the problem on MISA
and Bivolaru's former lawyer, M. Rapcea:
excerpts from the BBC podcast, part 5, quoted the MisaTV show:
According to Mihai Rapcea, a former member of MISA in the late 1990s, female yoga students were recruited into sexual
activities for the financial benefit of the yoga movement and Mr. Bivolaru personally. Mr. Rapcea told us that in the early
2000s he set up sex businesses, including webcam businesses, for followers of Gregorian Bivolaru in Romania, on the
basis that a portion of the workers’ earnings would go to the yoga movement and Mr. Bivolaru. He says this arrangement
had Mr. Bivolaru’s blessing and that Mr. Bivolaru did not own these businesses, but benefited from them through donations.
At this moment, the MisaTV show is reading a Response from the MISA Press Office (unpublished), from which I quote:
These statements by Mihai Rapcea are a sui-generis lie, as big as our galaxy. This lawyer has long been a fierce enemy and
full of visceral hatred of this esoteric spiritual school, but especially of the yoga teacher Bivolaru.
[...] The investigation that was started in 2004 by the Romanian authorities and which lasted about 2 years, finally found that,
within this yoga school, no one was "recruited" to do anything illegal. These malicious insinuations by Mihai Rapcea are just
some false, tendentious statements.
[...] It is a clear aberration for anyone to imagine that Gregorian Bivolaru ever managed, through no matter what kind
of people, any type of "business". [...] It is worth mentioning that Gregorian Bivolaru has always lived modestly,
he does not have villas, he has never had luxury cars, he has never had yachts, branded watches, he has never traveled to
exotic places, he has never worn gold or diamonds. During the search carried out at his home in 2004, a modest amount
of money was found on him, which was later never returned to him. As for the assets of this esoteric school, its only assets
are spiritual settlements, simple houses located in modest neighborhoods, where yoga practitioners who have chosen to live
in a spiritual community live. These buildings do not bring any income to the school. The fact that some people who have
material possibilities sometimes decide to make donations that are legal, for a certain activity in which they believe, is
something normal and common within a democratic society.
If Rapcea is lying about the MISA video chats, then why doesn't MISA sue him for slander?
Since MISA claims that there are conclusions and legal decisions regarding the absolute innocence of MISA regarding
the video chat activities, it means that they would easily win such a lawsuit. So why doesn't they settle this issue in court,
once and for all? Because MISA is thinking about the possible disastrous consequences of digging up the old dung,
especially since Rapcea most likely still has the founding documents of the old video chat companies?
As for Bivolaru's spirit of modesty, we know his state of humility in which he declares himself the recipient of the
greatest divine revelations and the fact that he believes that history should begin with him. And the material modesty
is fully supported by the over 200,000 euros found by the French police in his apartment or by the 11,000 euros
found on him when he was arrested in Paris in February 2016, by virtue of the Interpol search warrant.
And this was only the money found at the time; who knows how much money was moved through MISA, starting with
pole dancers in Japan and porn films from the early 2000s, continuing with the porn video chats that have been operating
continuously since then and ending with erotic massage parlors?
Next, the MisaTV show evokes Bivolaru's alleged unjust conviction for sex with minors (keeping silent that Bivolaru himself
admitted and assumed his crime before the court that conditionally released him 🔗).
Then follows the obligatory moment of hosanna, regarding the formidable revelation of the Godly Attributes, a moment
in which the MisaTV filmmakers reach a cosmic orgasm with emotional discharge, I quote:
MisaTV broadcast:
By promoting lies and slander, avoiding presenting, as was normal and natural, the real truth, through this series of podcasts,
their creator chose to denigrate an esoteric spiritual school that seeks to help people through certain ancient methods to fee
and experience God in a direct manner. By means of simple, direct, effective methods, which God himself inspired to the yoga
teacher Bivolaru, this man managed to help over 850,000 people over the years to feel God within, in their intimate being.
Gregorian Bivolaru often admitted, with modesty and humility, that God inspired him to reveal the formidable Godly Attributes.
God revealed over the years to yoga teacher Bivolaru over 500 different Godly Attributes, which were then exemplified to people
through the obvious help that came from God through his being. If he had been as those who hate and despise him denigrate him,
God certainly would not have chosen him to be His messenger to people on this planet. This essential godly revelation was
inspired by God to Gregorian Bivolaru and then other basic secrets of the Godly Attributes were revealed to him as well.
"If he were as they denigrate him, God would not have chosen him to be His messenger to people."
Officially, MISA is a cult: "The Church of Bivolaru's Witnesses"! Christians say that Jesus is the Savior, Muslims say that
Mohammed is the prophet, so when those from MISA say that Bivolaru is the messenger sent by God, that is the official
declaration of a religion or church, beyond any doubt. But it is not a church that is based on facts, but on blind faith.
Unlike other religions that affirm that those they believe in are the true messengers of God due to the miracles they have
done and are doing, as well as their virtuous lives, at MISA the reasoning is the opposite: first they claim with their own
authority that Bivolaru is the messenger of "the Lord" and from this it would be deduced that he is righteous.
In MISA's "logic", the conclusion is postulated and this supposedly proves the hypothesis! And MISA's logic is overturned
because their values are overturned.
MisaTV broadcast:
Over 850,000 people within this esoteric spiritual school have then directly experienced the formidable mystery
of the Godly Attributes. The MISA Press Office has even shown its willingness to make available to the producer of this
podcast sincere, edifying testimonies of those who have had truly extraordinary and even enlightening experiences
within this school.
MisaTV host – Response from the MISA Press Office:
If you have the necessary curiosity and goodwill, we can immediately make available to you audio-video recordings
containing such moving confessions, especially if you are interested in exposing in an honest way the truth about
Gregorian Bivolaru and about this spiritual school. However, it is not excluded that you will completely reject this
formidable revelation that God offered to Gregorian Bivolaru, especially because you do not want to admit anything
good about this man and it is not excluded that you will rush to state that all this is just pseudoscience.
Considering somehow that the sublime subtle energy of each Godly Attribute does not exist or is a lie, it means not only
to consider Gregorian Bivolaru a liar, but it implies to consider both God and Jesus as great liars. How could all the over
850,000 people who have experimented in their inner universe and thus validated the existence and reality of the over
500 Godly Attributes be wrong?
"Gregorian Bivolaru often acknowledged, with modesty and humility, that God inspired his revelation..."
By this, he implicitly claimed, OFTEN, that he is God's chosen one, or is that only modesty and humility not enough!
And the servants and flatterers are quick to fan the flames: "God chose him to be his messenger for people on this planet".
This "Response of the MISA" leaves the final impression that it is not made for the podcast's creator (because she, like
any normal person, would not swallow such "arguments" that actually represent blatant propaganda), but is made for
followers, in an attempt to prevent and discourage them from following the original report (on the grounds of
"demonic doubts"), to serve them a false version instead and to mobilize them around the providential mouthpiece.
And where did MISA get these staggering numbers? After the myth of the 40,000 eternal students, dating back to the early
years of MISA, they now declare that since 2012, when the "revelation" of the attributes began, and up to the present,
"over 850,000 people within this spiritual school have directly experienced the formidable mystery of the Attributes",
when exactly in this time frame the number of students has seriously decreased! Could it be the total number of views
of the pages about the attributes? There is the website dedicated to the attributes, then the page with the complete list
of attributes on the official MISA website, there are channels on Telegram or FaceBook, on YouTube there is a music
channel on which a lot of attributes are "exemplified", etc. But even if the total number of accesses to all these pages
during all this time were 850,000, it's the same people who have accessed each of these pages many times!
Not only do those at MISA lie, but they go beyond any measure in lying. Blatant and endless lies, an attribute of MISA!
at the end of the MisaTV broadcast:
As in other dubious media productions, in this podcast series, pseudo-journalist Cat McShane's favorite refrain, regarding
the more or less phantasmagorical slanderous claims against yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, is that she has the shocking
testimonies of a self-proclaimed victim. It follows from this that the testimonies, and not the evidence, are the ones that
validate her claims. We abstain from commenting on how truthful the so-called journalistic investigation can be in this case.
In fact, the British journalist brought material proof that a large part of the accusations of the former female students are real,
evidence provided through a hugely stupid maneuver by Bivolaru and his acolytes, through which they exposed themselves.
In the first post dedicated to MISA's response to the BBC podcast, we anticipated:
The MisaTV intoxication broadcast therefore passes over in silence the fact that the BBC came into possession of an audio
recording secretly made by someone present at the TARA Yoga meeting, where audio statements of former student Miranda
made in Paris, immediately after her amorous encounter with Bivolaru, were presented, statements that can only come from
the "higher echelons" of MISA and attest that she was indeed involved in the events she claims.
The passage that exposes and, at the same time, proves Miranda's amorous encounter with Bivolaru in Paris, is presented
in audio in episode 5 of the BBC podcast and it remains to be seen whether those from MisaTV will even mention it
in the following episodes. (link to excerpt)
MISA rushed to get past all the episodes with the extremely disturbing revelations, which was easy to predict.
And what started with a lie and continued with more lies, could only end with a huge lie.
In these circumstances, the final conclusion that the BBC podcast producer, Cat McShane, sent to MISA, is correct
and fully justified: “The program will conclude that MISA and other organizations that follow Mr. Bivolaru have
greatly pushed sexual boundaries and encouraged a “cult” type of veneration of Gregorian Bivolaru.
This was done under the guise of spiritual development. This made some students vulnerable to exploitation.”
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