Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Finland is looking for them - The spiritual leader of the porn yoga cult

The spiritual leader of the porn yoga cult, the stabber of The Hague ... - these criminals Finland is looking for in the world

Finland is looking for them

Bivolaru has already served his sentence in Romania, but the crimes suspected of Finland are still pending. [Interpol]

Gregorian Bivolaru, 69, from Romania, is suspected of numerous crimes that took place in Finland between 2006 and 2012. Called a yoga guru, Bivolaru is suspected of aggravated human trafficking and sexual abuse. He has already been convicted of similar crimes in Romania.

According to the Huffington Post, Bivolaru founded the MISA ( Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute ) movement in Romania in the early 1990s. He was the target of persecution by the local communist regime, and was considered a victim of the political system by international human rights organizations.

In the 1990s, Bivolaru fled Romania on charges of sexual offences to Sweden, which granted him political asylum. While living in Sweden, he used the name Magnus Aurolsson.

The Huffington Post has called the MISA movement a “porn yoga cult”. The movement led by Bivolaru had members from several different countries. Bivolaru sexually exploited its members and its members appeared in porn movies and as striptease dancers. In Finland, Yle's MOT has opened the operation of the MISA cult in more detail .

According to Yle, Bivolaru was sentenced to six years in prison in Romania in 2013 for having sex with a minor. After being released from prison, he disappeared completely from the radar of the Finnish authorities. The KRP issued a European Arrest Warrant for him in 2017.

- Unfortunately, he was released before we could catch him directly. He disappeared immediately," says Santtila..

Since 2017, KRP has received some vague hints about Bivolaru’s whereabouts, but they have led nowhere. According to Santtila, the tips have pointed to several different countries. According to some tips, Bivolaru resides in Thailand, but it is also possible that he is still somewhere in Europe. Based on the tip-offs, he is not presumed dead.

- I think Romania would let me know if that were the case. We have a good working relationship there, says Santtila.

Author - Joonas Alanne
Sunday, December 26, 2021


  1. S-au simtit cutremure in Grecia, Catalania, Romania chiar vreo 3.
    Nea porn leader se oftica pentru ca e pus cu alti 4 specimeni in buchet, o dispunere care aminteste de cercurile de la jocurile olimpice - vezi Wikipedia. Nea oftica nu vrea a fi identificat cumva cu Africa (cercul negru). 😛
    Si totusi nea porn leader face display-ul unor pometi negri la barba alba. Poate din cauza de sublimare incorecta sa aiba ceva pamant si apa (adica mocirla) ramase prin prostata si cumva sa se explice "revigorarea" faciala.
    Numai cand ii privesti cat de minunat se uita trupa cu cel mai ales intre ei dispus in mijlocul lor, vrea pamantul fuge de "strrongh like bull".

    "69, from Romania"

  2. Putin off-topic, dar sa ascultam la sfarsit de an prin contrast o ruga aspiratie, o dorinta arzatoare interioara a unui sufletel sensibil:

    " Ingerilor, va multumesc ca sunteti linga mine zi si noapte si ma ajutati sa nu fac pacate strigatoare la cer, ca nu pot sa ma stapanesc cand vad semenii nostrii cum isi bat joc de Sfanta Fecioara Maria si de Cuvantul cel Sfant al Lui Dumnezeu, cand aud si vad cum pe pamant toti isi doresc sanatate, bucurii, fericire, bani, spor in toate, dar nu am auzit sa isi doreasca sa se uneasca in rugaciune impreuna cu Maica Domnului care se roaga pentru noi zi si noapte, de rele sa fim iertati. Nu am auzit nici un crestin sa ureze sa ne lasam de rele si sa mergem cu totii la Sfanta Biserica ca acolo sa gasim linistea sufleteasca si cea trupeasca. Toti pamantenii se pregatesc de revelion parca ar veni Sfarsitul lumii, dar de NASTEREA MANTUITORULUI LUMII, nu s-au pregatit asa, nu au dat cu artificii sa se bucure intreg pamantul ca S-A NASCUT IISUS HRISTOS tuturor sa ne salveze sufletele noastre pline de pacate.
    Multumesc Sfintei Fecioare Maria, ca se roaga si ma ajuta! Multumesc Mantuitorului ca imi da sanatate sa pot sa le rabd pe toate care sunt trimise asupra mea! Numai prin suferinta am reusit sa inteleg suferinta Mantuitorului cand a fost Rastignit pe Sfanta Cruce pentru pacatele lumii. "

    Nota: Textul a fost minim editat pentru greseli de exprimare sau gramaticale.
    Nota 2: Text lucrat ascultand colindele grupului

    La multi ani, admin si sufletel (care ai fi tu acela)!


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