"The disintegration of our school by following the tantric path" (continued from part 1)
In the first part of his speech at a meeting with Tantra instructors from the ATMAN federation, in February 2013, Stoian spoke
about the sectarian spirit and fanaticism that has developed within the federation, especially in Romania, as well as the lack
at the top of a level of instructors who can make wise decisions on their own, which leads to the rigid application and even
imposition in the federation of the “guiding lines” drawn by the spiritual guide, Gregorian “Grieg” Bivolaru.
Now, Stoian begins to analyze the individual attitudes of the instructors and followers in the “school”:
But the interesting fact is that we constantly tend to build walls around our schools, not because we try to consciously do
something like a sect, but simply because we do not practice enough, we do not have, let's say different levels of realization
and, because of that, because it doesn't appear much of a difference, all the people tend to put together all their efforts
to create a wall so that they are not so vulnerable to all kinds of tendencies from the society.
I saw many of our people who are coordinators and they are a shame, I wouldn't consider myself being represented by them.
And many of the students are saying that ”well, I hope you will not get in front because, look, it's a shame. I mean, you don't
know how to talk. You are strange. You are autistic. You are out of date. You don't know what happens around you in the world.
It's strange. If you go there and you want to represent the school, we will be all ashamed. It will not be a representative image.
Now, I'm not saying that we should play for the image. I'm just observing one thing: we're not following that person!
So, the great coordinator of the courses abroad of the great federation that claims to be the spiritual light of humanity, declares
that there are a lot of coordinators and instructors who are not only unprepared, but appear pitiful even to ordinary students!
But then why were they admitted to those positions? There are so many training and advanced courses, so many exams and
tests are given for admission to these positions, so much fuss is made about it. Maybe some of the pitiful ones received their
diplomas from the very hands of the one who complains about this situation! (as you can see this video)
If they weren't suitable, why were they admitted? Simple: the interest is to have as many courses open everywhere as possible,
as many followers (and especially female followers), to have the money flow and fresh meat come to Paris, without limits!
And to have as many courses as possible, they need as many instructors as possible, no matter how embarrassing they are!
It's clear how embarrassing these second-tier instructors are, who read cheap lectures stolen from the internet on MisaTV,
in fact, just like their guru did before he was arrested.
M. Stoian:
Well, that's not the example that we have learned from Grieg. [...] The teachers in Romania, especially the ones which were...
they knew Grieg very well, I reminded them that Grieg is a person who is very well integrated in the society in his own way.
Integrated in that way that will transform everything. But simply, Grieg is not an autist, as many of the teachers display, a
spiritual autism that is worrying, almost. Such people, if they go in a normal society, they are the last one there. They will
not shine, so to speak. They will be losers. Well, Grieg didn't display that thing. I have seen Grieg in situations talking with
people, integrating with politicians with people from different levels of the administration, every person that met him they
were charmed, they were happy they met him.
Not everyone who knew him was thrilled. For example, the women victims of sexual abuse, who came to know him in the
”biblical meaning”, were not thrilled at all! And neither were the former students, who are much more numerous than those
who remained, who left MISA precisely because they saw the true face of the scoundrel and understood that the way he
"relate" to people is actually the hissing of a snake hypnotizing its prey.
Considering that today's instructors, from the second level, do exactly what the guru did before his arrest, it follows that
this is actually the MISA level, although the guru's servants claim the opposite:
M. Stoian:
Exactly those who are claiming they are following Grieg they are the worst in following. I mean, they don't respect any of these
kind of attitudes that Grieg is displaying. They are fanatics. They are autistic. Most of them are not having almost any spiritual
realization. And then, of course, the question is how do you follow the spiritual guide? Because the spiritual guide, first of all,
you follow by your realizations, which are following his example. That's the basic and the most important way of following him.
But "those who claim to follow Grieg" and who, according to Stoian, "are the worst at following him", are actually the vast
majority of MISA students, as its websites, the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Achievements and even the "guide" say!
I quote from the official MISA website:
This exceptional spiritual capacity through which Bodhaka spiritual guides mediate direct spiritual knowledge for sincere
and open aspirants is called the “direct transfer of Divine Power” (shaktipata) and is described as a “secret and holy
communion” from the spiritual heart of the Spiritual Guide, which is united in the Heart of God, to the spiritual heart of
the prepared and sincere aspirant. The fact that the spiritual mentor of our yoga school is a spiritual guide of this category
has been confirmed over the years by the testimonies of thousands of participants in this type of spiritual exemplification.
"Thousands of students have authenticated through their testimonies that Bivolaru is an accomplished master and that MISA
is an authentic spiritual school."
"In their turn," both Bivolaru and MISA authenticate their students! They authenticate each other. "One hand washes the other"
and even more, "one hand supports the other"! In short, a handling!
So the thousands of students who follow the "Guide" with great devotion because they "felt it through direct experience" are
actually "the worst, they are autistic fanatics," according to Stoian Advaita, who accidentally hit the mark here, because only
fanatics disconnected from reality would follow such an impostor.
There are thousands of exceptional proofs that will be enclosed in the ”GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIA of the SPIRITUAL OUTCOME”
which is going to be printed soon. (archived)
The thousands of testimonies of those who practice yoga correctly and perseveringly according to this methodology prove beyond
doubt its authenticity and effectiveness, and also explain why people have continued to practice yoga at MISA for over 30 years.
Bivolaru and MISA say that the thousands of practitioners are ”full of” spiritual achievements, Stoian says that they are "lack of",
which is again true, because hallucinations and overflowing imagination are not spiritual achievements!
from the audience: Like it's more easy to have the spiritual guide that tells you in order to be spiritual you should do this and this.
And people like these kind of things because then it's more easy than to think for yourself.
Stoian: It's more easy but it's not in our school. Here we're talking between the teachers. This doesn't belong to our school.
This is a deviation. And we should label it as such. But we should clearly stamp it as it is. It's a deviation, this attitude
of asking for the things that we are supposed to know.
One of the things that I hear Grieg saying most often is this:
”Look, people are asking questions they should answer themselves. If it was correct that these people are asking all these
questions, he would say ”See, they're asking questions. Why don't you ask questions? Why do you never ask questions?
You think you are smart? You think you know everything? You should ask questions! Look, all these people are asking everything.”
I never heard him saying that. But I heard him complaining all the time about this: ”Look, they are asking all the questions
for which they should read the course. The answers are in the course. Why are they asking me all these things? They shouldn't!”
Isn't it? So, I mean, how do we follow? Are we listening to this person, or are we listening to some fanatic thoughts that
we have in our head? Because realistically speaking, this is his message: ”Don't ask me. If you have a fundamental question, fine.
And if it's not written in any courses, and if you haven't reached to the level to understand that, you can ask. But otherwise, don't ask.
Go and do your practice. Reach to the level you are supposed to be!” This is his message. Do we follow that?
Because I see people starting to ask more and more questions, more and more silly questions, even asking stupid things.
”Not to be wrong, not to be mistaken!” That's fanaticism. Obviously. No matter what you are saying. It's fanaticism doesn't
have anything to do with the following of the spiritual guide. Nothing. Zero. It doesn't exist in that book.
So, I wanted to make it very clear because I was speaking with him. I asked him, do you want, for instance:
”The Costinești Yoga Camp, is it meant to be a one-man show?” And he said ”No, no! Of course not!”
”But it is a one-man show! It's only you! Everywhere Grieg, Grieg, Grieg! And if you dare to say anything, then watch out!
This is for Grieg! Do you want the website of the Movement to be your website? Let's call it GriegorianBivolaru.com,
not YogaEsoteric, because it's only articles from you!” And he said: ”I don't want that. But nobody is writing anything!”
So, yeah. And I saw it on the Congress now. He sent the lecture and nobody else sent the lecture, at least from Romania.
So, it was one-man show because nobody else wanted! And I checked with him:
”Is following means that I give you everything? That I write on my door: ”Grieg”! Grieg 's apartment, Grieg 's school,
Grieg 's everything. No, no, it's not mine, it's Grieg 's!” And he said: ”No, it's a mistake, it's fanaticism. It's wrong, even!”
So, this is something important, because otherwise we go in that kind of direction and we do it terribly wrong.
Bivolaru tells everyone what they want and especially "what they need" to hear! This is how he bewitches and fools everyone,
it is the only classic method to penetrate the souls of the naive. "It doesn't have to be just about me, put your mind to work too!",
says Bivolaru. But may God have mercy on you from doing anything without his prior consent! Stoian himself received a blow
from the "Guide"!
Two years ago, in February 2022, MisaTV broadcast a review by a student of a conference by Stoian from 2013, entitled
"The essential role that the spiritual guide plays in the process of evolution and improvement" (video).
The student, who stated right from the beginning of the review that it would only be made public with the consent of the
"spiritual guide", expressed some confused ideas, using quite harsh language, with incitements to violence in places.
Of course Stoian is trying to gain greater freedom of movement, Bivolaru pretends to agree, but secretly works exactly the opposite.
This was seen with the first series of “disciples”: after they practically built his school and erected his statue, he expelled or
marginalized them, so that only those from the third “decision level” remained, totally devoid of achievements, without any value
or talent, servile, Machiavellian and intellectually reduced.
One more observation should be made: in the Press Office’s Response to the producer of the BBC Radio podcast “The Bad Guru”,
those from MISA were very outraged by the use of the expression “the spiritual guide of the camp”. However, over a decade ago,
“the second level of command in ATMAN”, M. Stoian, says quite outragedly “Camp Costinești is about one man. It’s just you!
Everywhere Grieg, Grieg, Grieg!” No surprise that MISA lies all the time and always exposes itself!
M.Stoian finds the cause of the fanaticism and yesman attitude at MISA/ATMAN:
So, one element that came out also very clear is the absence of adequate practice, both from quality and from quantity.
I was talking with him [Bivolaru] about this aspect, that some of the people who coordinate don't have an overview upon
what they are doing there. They do all kind of errors. Authority for instance, they have a wrong authority coming from ego.
Some, they don't have compassion enough. And the conclusion was: lack of practice corresponding to the task of a coordinator.
As a coordinator of the class, suddenly you need to have a completely different quantity and quality of the practice, to maintain
yourself on a completely different level of consciousness. Because this is what creates those levels. A coordinator teacher should
have a higher level of consciousness. And when I talk about level, I'm not talking about having some certificates of some states
that once you have level, predominant level, from where you never fall. But basically, that we need to have simply results,
spiritual results, that are qualifying us for the job that we are supposed to cover. It seems many people in our school who have
coordinating tasks don't understand, they have a task which is very big, obviously they are not qualified. Qualification means,
for instance, to have the consciousness expanded enough so you can include all the activities
So, after considering that many regular MISA students have no spiritual achievements, Stoian now states that the coordinators
of the yoga courses have no such achievements and are not suitable for their position. But even so, why should they be qualified:
to spread Bivolaru's teachings? To hand the invitation to "chosen" women to be sexually initiated in Paris by the guru?
No matter how hard they try to be qualified, the primary problem is not the lack of yoga practice, but the failure to respect
the Moral Code! Even on the official MISA website it says, and I quote:
These ten principles of conduct must be learned and respected by all aspiring yogis, whether beginners or advanced.
They represent the very foundation of our spiritual evolution. Just as a durable house needs a solid foundation,
so our spiritual aspirations must be based above all on respect for the ethical and behavioral norms, known in the
yogic tradition as Yama and Niyama. Negligence, indulgence in their application, or repeated violation of any of them
exposes us to the risk of seeing our spiritual efforts thwarted, just as a house risks collapsing if one of its pillars of
Well said, but only formally! The practice of moral rules is missing in the first place; without them, the realization of other types
of practices only fuels negative attitudes (the “spiritual ego”). The practice of physical or mental exercises cannot make up for
the lack of qualities: you do not become better and certainly do not become smarter by practicing exercises, but by improving
the soul and mind! Body postures, breathing or herbal powders cannot make a fool become smart!
M. Stoian:
I was talking with Grieg about some decisions that were taken, especially we were talking about the school in Romania,
and the way it's coordinated. And I have a list of very clear examples and in all of them, he was saying:
”But this is a deviation, I didn't intend it like that. I didn't meant it like this. Obviously, they didn't understand what I meant.
Obviously, they didn't have the level!” Of course, the ego, the same ego reaction, manifest in two ways.
We saw it, for instance, in our international community of schools, we usually saw the opposite direction. Mostly, we saw
the rebellion, the anarchic type of ego. In Romania, it's the obedient type of ego, the fanatic type of ego, mostly manifested,
because Grieg was more present there. But in here, we see the anarchic one. The anarchic one is exactly as the fanatic,
but he is fanatic towards himself: ”Either we do it my way, or the highway!” People are not respecting guidelines.
If you try to give them a guideline, the typical reaction is ”I don't understand!” It is nothing to understand, it's a guideline!
You just have to apply it! ”No, I don't understand!” And that's it, it dies there. They don't understand, and they will do as a
consequence, what they want. And this is what we see, many coordinators, many teachers, tend to do in the ATMAN schools.
This is the classic thing. Some of them, who reach to a level of complexity of their spiritual ego, they are even hypocritical and say:
”I'm doing exactly as Grieg is saying!”, and in reality, they are doing exactly as they want. And if you try to put these two things
near, what they do and what Grieg was giving the guideline, sometimes there's even contradictions.
Some people teaching, apparently, what Grieg was wanting them to teach, and then, fundamentally, contradicting Grieg's teachings.
And you end up in the strange situation that you claim to follow the master, and in reality, you go against the master.
Now, this is what happened with people who were falling off the path. One day, they met the guide himself, who was saying
”go the other way around!” And suddenly, the guide was crazy: ”He was strange. Why would he suddenly change his mind?
I was just following him until today, and suddenly, he showed me the other direction. He's strange!”
"In Romania they are fanatics, in the West they are anarchists!" This is really visible and natural: those in Romania, with the attitude
of unquestioning obedience, servile out of fear of making mistakes, which comes from communism (MISA Press Office);
those in the West show initiative, are not used to receiving orders, they rebel if the instructions come against what they consider
(the "dissidents" Narcis Tarcău, Virgil Cătălin Călin (article 1, article 2), even some flashes of independence from Stoian!)
As for the "Crazy, Twisting Guide", it is clear that he expressed or acted contradictory in many situations, depending on his
purposes, including through lying (article part 1, part 2) then he blamed these "apparent contradictions" on others!
The simplest examples are those in which Bivolaru violated the rules of the Moral Code (truth, non-theft, modesty, non-accumulation),
as well as the principles of tantric love (love, dedication, tenderness), which he also preaches loudly and which he claims to respect!
M. Stoian:
One of the thing that appears – and is very bad – is the fear that appears for the spiritual guide because, of course, we tend
to deviate to enter this conflictual situation and, in subconscious, we don't realize that we are in a conflict and, as a result,
we are afraid of the feedback or guidelines that are coming from the spiritual guide. The guidelines, of course, will tend to conflict
our way of seeing the things and so on. There are two reactions we have noticed predominantly here:
- Some become fanatics. Simply they give up artificially, totally, but not unconditionally. They give up any personal opinion.
They don't dare to have a personal opinion and because of that, they just sit there asking every detail, the spiritual guide.
Thus, he's carrying all the responsibility. He cannot say ”well, why did you do that?”, because the answer comes immediately:
”You told me to do that, so it's your problem. Don't ask me why did I do that!” This is one typical reaction, which is an ego
reaction, obviously, and it turns into fanaticism.
- The other kind of fanaticism is those who simply do not do anything, do not have any initiative. They practically do nothing.
It's better to do nothing and of course, apparently, you don't have reason to be criticized or you don't have reason to be punished
than to do something and have a lot of reasons. This kind of fear, of course, paralyzes the whole system and it is a defensive attitude
that shows the incapacity to follow. A spiritual guide is not followed by such people. A spiritual guide is followed by the people
who has initiative and the initiative is carefully following the guidelines that are offered. And these are harmonious like this.
But unfortunately, these two options are covering, in my opinion, 80% of all the options that we have today. I've seen very
little initiatives today that are harmoniously balancing guidelines and this life situations. We tend massively, let's say,
not so prominent, but we have signs. We tend towards one of the two options, anarchy or fanaticism.
And of course, this fear of the spiritual guide is making worse by the fight for power between the different teachers, different
fractions of the schools, different schools and so on. That fight for power is a result of such a defensive attitude. As at a certain
point, at this point, Grieg commented:
”This is the attitude of as one have in front of a Mafia boss that can shoot you in the head whenever he wants.” Or he also said
”that it is like in the Secret Service that you can be punished every time that things go wrong, even if it was not your job!”
So that everyone fears everyone. But of course, it shows that is not an integration in the spiritual school.
On August 1, 2013, a message allegedly from some yogis from ashrams appeared on the old blog of MISA's former lawyer Rapcea,
in which they denounced the abuses and the atmosphere of fear in these "yogi houses", reproduced in a post titled
"There is no spiritual evolution through fear! About the shocking drama of the yogis from the MISA ashrams" (archived).
A response from the MISA leadership to the press immediately appeared (archived), followed by a message to the students,
which was also read in front of the participants in the yoga classes, in the classrooms (archived). It should be noted that this
conference by Stoian which is analyzed in this post took place a few months before the appearance of this anonymous message
denouncing the fear inside MISA.
Later, after Bivolaru was arrested in Paris and extradited to Romania, an open letter appeared and reached the press,
denouncing the betrayal of the school's leadership, which allegedly took power and sold the "innocent guide" to the police
(Romaniam press article 🔗).
And then, the "angels" immediately jumped in with denial. There is trouble in paradise! In the spiritual school, where everything
is presented to the public as divine, the second level of decision-making which, according to the analogy, should have been
ike angels (see part 1), behaves like demons! That's what Stoian says, but the "Guide" has always vehemently denied this,
although he himself, on other occasions, has attacked them through public conferences like "Morals and Bad Habits"!
During the 2020 summer yoga camp, at the end of August, Stoian had been warned by Bivolaru that he had manifestations
of Jesuitism and Machiavellianism:
For Mihai Ian Stoian, sometimes also known as Advaitananda, we will also implore for him the mysterious help of God the Father
to become aware of and annihilate some of his Machiavellian attitudes or those that highlight Jesuitism. (archived)
In an audio message broadcast almost a month later, Stoian admitted this and sent to MisaTV a Mea Culpa-type confessional audio
message (audio). This shows an attitude of servility and flattery, although Stoian himself criticizes
the servility within MISA/ATMAN. It can be seen that Stoian criticizes the servility of the school leadership in Romania, then
takes it from the guru. The message is that ATMAN teachers must listen and execute orders with servility. Personal initiative
is not accepted, although Bivolaru claims to encourage it.
When a year later, during the yoga summer camp in 2021, Bivolaru was sent a message claiming that the "freemasons"
in the school's leadership were undermining him, he firmly rejected this claim, defending the MISA leadership (see part 1).
With this statement, he exposed himself as being in complete control of the organization, as he stated that he would expel from
the school anyone who dared to interfere with the transmission of instructions.
Although MISA/ATMAN swears that Bivolaru no longer has a decision-making role in the federation 🔗 and that he is only the author
of the yoga course that was "developed" long ago, here Stoian contradicts this lie sold to the media and the judiciary and exposes
the one who is actually the Mafia Godfather of the organization and who believes himself to be "God the Father".
In private discussions, Bivolaru tells everyone a different version, pretending to agree with each one, but when the versions
are confronted, they appear to be contradictory. Divide et impera, this is the Machiavellian Bivolaru's mode of action.
(to be continued)
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