Sunday, October 31, 2021

Ashleigh Freckleton șterge pe jos cu secta MISA - o adevărată Shakti în acțiune!

MISA pare sa aibă mari probleme în ultima vreme nu doar pe plan intern

Pe lângă exemplele problematice oferite de însuși gurul Gregorian Bivolaru/ Magnus Aurolsson în nenumăratele mesaje transmise regulat pe MISA TV se aud zvonuri cã e o mică răzmeriță în Suedia la curs. De vreo doi ani, de când o cursantă s-a întors de la “inițiere” de la Paris și a părăsit secta, cam scârțâie pe acolo, iar acum o serie de cursanți și foști cursanți pun întrebari indiscrete.

De asemenea secta e criticatã online de un expert în texte tantrice. Mai mult decât atât, în urmă cu un an într-o carte dedicată femeilor, autoarea se ia puternic - printre altele - de MISA, Tara și federatia ATMAN în general. Acestui subiect îi va fi dedicat însa un articol special

Pe 20 octombrie 2021 pe site-ul oficial al Tara Yoga Centre, filiala MISA din UK, a fost publicată o scrisoare deschisă, un fel de drept la replică.

Nu se spune clar cine i-a supărat, nu se spune clar care au fost acuzațiile, dar se bate apa-n piuă în stilul caracteristic și în finalul scrisorii au postat mărturii pro Tara de la cursanții “inteligenți și de bun simț” (cum altfel?) 

Scrisoarea deschisã:


" An Open Letter in response to allegations made against Tara

We are currently confronted with a series of allegations made against Tara that has left both teachers and students indignant and in disbelief.

These accusations range from us being a cult whose purpose is to groom women as sex slaves for senior male teachers, to our yoga practices being forms of torture that slowly break down our members, who are then subsequently brainwashed by an environment that is friendly and loving – to mention a few.

Considering that we seek to empower women and support them to discover their own innate power in a friendly and warm environment, and we teach different, traditional techniques that can be found practised also in other traditions and schools of yoga, these allegations seem completely outrageous.

The allegations made against us at Tara are greatly misleading, false and unsubstantiated. Unfortunately, however, such rumours are often all that is needed to create serious doubt and apprehension for many who come across them, without searching for further evidence or resorting to personal experience. No significant evidence is provided by the perpetrators, but the resulting damage is nevertheless substantial.

It is unfortunately the case that things seen or heard on the internet are often enough for many to form an opinion, regardless of the reality. This is especially the case when the news is scandalous and offensive, and even if the allegations are coming from a limited number of individuals, they are quickly circulated without discrimination.

We are intent on pursuing legal proceedings against individuals making these damaging allegations to hold them accountable for their actions.

Many of you have already shown common sense in not judging without evidence and trusting your own experiences over the sensational claims of others – and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and love in this challenging moment of our yoga centre’s existence.

We include here some testimonies from some of our students in the hope that such honest sharing from people with direct experience will be considered more valuable than the defamatory claims of people who in many cases never visited our centre or even had a conversation with any of the teachers at Tara."

Ashleigh Freckleton, fosta cursanta MISA din Australia, a cãrei mãrturie legatã de "vizita" ei la guru Bivolaru la Paris a fost publicata într-un articol în luna august 2021, a luat prompt atitudine. 

A postat pe Instagram un clip cu comentarii usturãtoare pe marginea acestei scrisori deschise. Enjoy it!

Jos pãlãria!

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account Instagram (pagina  cultawareness_   )  gestionat de  Ashleigh

1 comment:

  1. Reamintim ca în sectiunea VIDEO gasiti multe alte marturii care sprijina cele afirmate de Ashleigh


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