Tuesday, April 11, 2023



The question of the relationship between yoga and religion (in particular, with the Christian religion) is addressed at MISA
since the opening conferences of yoga classes (archive).
This is done to eliminate the appearance among students of reluctance induced by the idea of a possible deviation from the path
represented by one's own religion, produced by yoga.

Thus, yoga is presented as a spiritual science that can be approached by any person, regardless of religion, being compared
- analogically speaking - to a source of light that can be used by anyone, without affecting his religion.

"I'm a Christian, can I practice yoga without giving up my religion?
"The electric light bulb was invented by Edison and today the whole planet uses it: Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
Yoga, even if it was invented by Indians, also brings light into the life of those who practice it. Nothing prevents us all from enjoying it."

It is also used to compare the yoga system with martial arts, which can be practiced by any person,
regardless of his religion.

"The millennial YOGA system is a traditional spiritual path and not a religion; it is a complex science of the transformation of the human being,
a vast treasure of knowledge and practical methods for the perfection of the human being, which belongs to all mankind,
and his methods are universally valid, in all times and in all cultures." (archive)

Furthermore, "MISA's aim is to embrace the essence of all authentic spiritual teachings, in a spirit of mutual understanding and acceptance,
to express them in a contemporary form and thus create a connection between the hearts of all spiritual seekers on this planet.
The teachings of the MISA School of Esoteric Yoga sought to synthesize all that is divinely inspired and fundamental in the known
authentic spiritual traditions, thereby providing all who are able new or ancient direct ways of transformation and spiritual realization
that are as accessible as possible to their current level." (link)

During the 1993 summer camp, MISA students were surprised to hear that they had to consecrate all the fruits of their actions to God
or other divinities (Shiva, the Great Cosmic Powers), in order not to accumulate karma generated by the respective actions,
even if the actions are eminently beneficial.
The students then wondered why their Guide had not made this known to them sooner.

The reason is obvious: the tactic of small steps in indoctrinating students, to whom it is hidden from the beginning that,
when they sign up for MISA's yoga classes, they don't start a Western-style class with exercises learned at the gym and practiced at home,
but enter - unknowingly - on "a spiritual path that leads to God" which, if they leave later, they will be "doomed".

According to Bivolaru, an action whose fruits are thus consecrated must be carried out only if an affirmative answer is received
from the divinity to which the consecration is made, in the form of a flow of refined energy that descends from the top of the head
and impregnates the entire being.
Consecrating the fruits of actions to the Divine is a spiritual practice revealed by the god Krishna in the Bhagavat Gita.
Appreciation of the answer, however, is at the discretion of the practitioners and this is how this bizarreness appeared at MISA
in which the discrimination - that should be absolute - between divinely integrated or non-integrated actions, is determined by subjective perceptions.
Thus, the gate has been opened wide to immoral actions that have a claimed divine support and justification, such as the activity
of some students on porno-erotic video chats, in which clients are sexually excited possibly to the point of ejaculation,
although the "MISA school" claims to promote sexual continence, which it has registered as its own trademark (link).

In May 1996, with the introduction of the "yogic innovation" of "spirals inducing the state of liberation by divine miracle" (link and video),
which began with the modified "Lord's prayer” (aka ”Our Father” prayer), as well as with the exposition of the Art of Blessing (link),
MISA showed its religious side on its face.
The leader of the organization Gregorian Bivolaru continues to claim that yoga is religious but it is not a religion, and at the same time
states that MISA promotes the new religion of humanity - Godness or God-ism.

Bivolaru spoke for the first time about Godness or God-ism in the presentation on the Art of Blessing (archive):

”an understanding of the ultimate mysteries of existence, of the living essence, of the highest of all religions: God-ism.
The Blessing is a manifestation of dialogue with God and of our need for God: our frantic necessity for God is very pleasant to Him
and represents our first step towards a complete religion, without intermediaries.”

In his comments on a student's experience in Shambala (link), the New Prophet said:
"Of course, all this will lead to the emergence of a new religion, within which the human being will be able to relate directly to God
without needing intermediaries. We have provisionally called this divine religion - whose dawn has appeared - Godism."

MISA's step-by-step indoctrination tactic is obvious:

➤ first it is claimed that the yoga system taught at MISA is not a religion, but a spiritual system accessible to anyone, regardless of religion,
to avoid the religious sensitivities of the learners.
But in this effort to deceive, MISA expose itself, contradicting its own statements:

In the article "YOGA and religion - at the confluence of spirituality, philosophy and religion” 2007 (archive) it is stated on the one hand:

"Some dogmatic voices claim the incompatibility of YOGA practice with Christianity, but they start from the erroneous premise
that YOGA would itself be a religion or would be based on religious beliefs. YOGA, however, is not a religion.
YOGA offers human beings a spiritual alternative and this can be perceived as "competition" by official churches or cults.
Religion, philosophy or spiritual path?
The word religion, etymologically, means to reunite (re-link) the human being with the Divinity. "

On the other hand, it says:

"Through YOGA we discover God
YOGA is a spiritual path [...], it provides a method and a philosophical system that allow the human being to become perfect.
In the view of yogic wisdom, our existence has a precise purpose: the attainment of spiritual liberation or perfection.
Spiritual liberation, as it is called in the East, translated into simple terms means that the purpose of our existence is that
to get closer to God, to know Him [...], to become one with Him."

If the purpose of yoga is to make possible the discovery, knowledge and union with God, this means that it reunites the being with God
and therefore meets the definition of religion accepted by MISA itself!

Since it is obvious that, instead of clarifying the issue, it has just created confusion, the "clarification" effort continues:

”Yoga is not a religious cult. YOGA is not a religion. It has no places of worship, dogmas, sacred books, rituals or priests.
YOGA doesn't even require the beginner practicioner to believe in God."

Yoga taught at MISA has Fundamental Principles which, although invoked in practice, are not understood from the beginning,
so they are - at least at the beginning of the practice - dogmas, just like in the case of religion!
Yoga at MISA has no sacred books (they say), but "traditional fundamental texts" which, if you do not accept them
as absolute truths from the start, you are labeled as "demonic", meaning you reject something that is sacred!
Yoga at MISA has many rituals - some dedicated to deities that are subjects of worship in some religions!
The practice must be started with consecration to God, with the invocation of God and the stages must be followed "with holiness"!
Teaching lessons, conducting courses and all activities are only done by instructors appointed and authorized by MISA,
who received the "divine" investiture directly from the "divine" Master, and they must strictly comply with a certain established method,
that is, exactly like some priests who officiate rituals!
If you don't need to believe in God, then how does yoga reunite you to Him? Is it an automatic process, without free will and awareness?
Do you practice mechanically, then go to bed as a free-thinker and wake up as a believer, simply?

But MISA still maintains its version that yoga is not a religion, but like karate:

”The fact that YOGA talks about God, the fact that people come to believe in God if they practice YOGA, makes some people think
that YOGA is a religious cult. But things are much simpler.
The direct knowledge to which the yogi practitioner has access makes him intuit certain secret realities or essential truths of this world.
YOGA helps people to open their eyes, mind and heart and convince themselves through an ineffable inner experience that God exists,
without recourse to dogmas, theories, philosophies, speculations, rituals or indoctrination."

It is insinuated that religions do not lead to direct knowledge but to a speculative, intellectual-philosophical one, only in form!
But if yoga does not resort to dogmas, philosophies and speculations in acquiring the direct knowledge of God, then how does it come about?
Just by practicing the procedures?
But this practice also starts from ideas that are purely intellectual at the beginning, just like formal belief in God
of an ordinary practicing believer or a novice monk.
If the spiritual aspirant had direct knowledge from the start - without any other means - he would not need any practice.

Practice alone cannot lead to God, just as a car does not reach its destination without being steered by a driver.
The practitioner must aim to reach God and, for that, he must believe in His existence and, in the beginning,
in the absence of direct knowledge, this belief can only be intellectual or philosophical (dogmatic).

"If someone wants to practice YOGA only to cure his health problems with the help of HATHA-YOGA exercises, he is perfectly free to do so.
And if another wants to amplify his power of concentration and will through specific yogic exercises, he is again perfectly free to do so
and has great chances of success, if he shows perseverance.
But effective yogic methods, with very few exceptions, do not involve taking over popular or traditional religious beliefs.

Westerners tend to think that YOGA, because it talks about God and spirituality, is a religion; worse than that,
the idea that YOGA schools are religious sects was launched. However, this is not true.
YOGA offers practical exercises (so a method) supported by a broad and coherent philosophical system, and can be practiced
either independently, either as an additional method in the religious training of the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mohammedan, Taoist, etc."

When it is stated that "YOGA can be practiced on its own for health, concentration or personal development”,
in the style of Western yoga classes, at the gym, then it is not a religion, because it does not aim to reach God.
If the aspirant aims to reach God, then YOGA becomes an additional method of religion because that is what it means
religion by definition: re-connection with God.

The confusion that MISA wants to create comes from defining a particular religion as a system of beliefs, precepts and practices
SPECIFIC only to that religion, while yoga would be a universal system that fit itself to any religion, without affecting it.
But even if the practice of YOGA is not limited to a particular deity but seeks communion with God the Creator, it becomes
- according to the definition - a religion of knowing the Creator without intermediaries, i.e. exactly the God-ism that MISA speaks about.
YOGA at MISA is a RELIGION, however much MISA avoids admitting it.

At this point, in order to inoculate gradually, unconsciously, the God-ism, MISA acts simultaneously on several levels, creating and maintaining a state of confusion:

- in order not to drive away possible followers, MISA claims that the YOGA taught within the Movement is not a religion
- to attract as many followers as possible, take over and promote methods and elements from several religions (celebrations, rituals, deities)
- concrete religions and their leaders are criticized and blamed

➤ thus, MISA claims to take all that is best in all the spiritual traditions of the world, creating a new and refreshing system,
which it calls "integral esoteric yoga", which is actually an esoteric-religious syncretism, but without using the term "religion"

During the first year, no religious language was used in MISA classes and activities.
There was talk of schools, practices and techniques instead of churches and rituals, of liberation instead of salvation,
of meditation instead of adoration or worship, about chakras, energy meridians, energies, Kundalini instead of the Holy Spirit.
Instead of God, they spoke of the Divine.

But starting from the second year, knowledge and techniques are taught at MISA, along with initiations into deities belonging to different spiritual systems:
Hinduism (accomplished teachers and masters, Great Cosmic Powers, gods (Shiva, Indra, Krishna, Ganesha and his spiritual brides, Skanda),
Kashmirian Shaivism, Tibetan Buddhism (Kalachakra - Dhyani Buddha, Vajra Sattva, dakini deities), Judeo-Christianity's angelic hierarchies
(link 1, link 2), communion meditations with the great Christian saints on the occasion of religious holidays), Taoism, alchemy, astrology,
parapsychology, modern science (resonance, quantum physics), but also invoking the help of beneficial extraterrestrial civilizations (archive),
all these combined with tantric sexual techniques and rituals using mutual consumption of urine, as well as group love and polyamory.

➤ having obtained a homogeneous mixture of esoteric-spiritual systems, in which their limits dissolve,
the New Religion of the future is proclaimed:
Godism, the path that leads directly to God, without intermediaries.
In fact, Godism is a pretext to minimize, marginalize and then remove from attention the teachers of religions,
to leave room for HIM and only HIM, the First in everything, the one who reveals the Word of God for the first time in history.


Since in its area of action - Europe and America - the predominant religion is Christianity, the similarity between yoga and Christianity is emphasized:

- ”The testimony of a Christian yogi - Father Dechanet" (article)
- ”The Meditation according to the Hesychast Teaching” (article)
- ”Aphorisms, Thoughts and Reflections on the Mysterious Reality of Maha Shakti” (article):
”you can discover HER in an ineffable and grand way everywhere around you, She is the one who in Christianity is the Holy Spirit and
– at the same time for those initiated – the Great Mother (MAHASHAKTI) whose super gigantic Maha Yoni gave birth to the Macrocosm.”

Those at MISA thus also use certain aspects of the Christian religion to attract new followers among Christians.
Another edifying example is the promotion of activities within the so-called "Week of Angels and Archangels"
at the beginning of November every year, around Halloween.
The pretext of the annual organization of this event is to counteract the harmful evil influences of the satanic Halloween holiday (link).

In an article from November 2005 (archive), MISA acknowledged the organization of this event on a national scale and even abroad:

”MISA Yoga School has been trying for several years to counterbalance the malefic impact of the Halloween.
That’s why it is supporting in the very period the Angels’ Week, which is a spiritual manifestation that unfolds in different towns
in Romania and abroad. By this initiative unique in the whole world, thousands of people call together the grace and support of the angels’ world.”

On the MISA site map, there was in 2005 the section titled "The world of angels: awakening the heart chakra - seminar" (archive),
where the organization of the event by MISA was acknowledged:
"The MISA Yoga School organizes every year in several cities in Romania and abroad the "Week of Angels",
an unprecedented manifestation during which artistic performances, exhibitions, conferences and numerous meditations take place."

At the beginning of November 2006, an invitation to this event appeared on the MISA website (link):
"This week, the MISA Yoga School invites you to live together with the angels, to open your souls to the mysterious reality
of these mysterious beings of light, make room for them to enter your life. It is the Week of Angels.
Conferences, theater and music performances, seminars and unison meditations are organized in every city in the country,
but also in many cities abroad."

MISA students paraded through cities dressed as angels, offering "free hugs" (video).
But the media began to reveal the involvement of MISA:
- "During the day - MISA angel, at night - porn demon" (link)
- "MISA's porn angels and demons" (link)

MISA responded in turn: "Upside down! Who flees from angels like the devil from incense?" (link)

In a press article "MISA launches the operation "Week of the Archangels" (link) it was said:

”This cultural-humanitarian event, which until last year was called "Week of Angels", has been organized for years
by the controversial MISA sect, which has Gregorian Bivolaru as its leader.
Initially, in 2005, MISA assumed "paternity" for this event, in the following years, however, due to the problems it has with justice,
press and public opinion, rented the necessary spaces for this event through various foundations and associations
which it controls from the shadows.”

As a result of the exposure of MISA's involvement by the press, references to its involvement disappear from the organization's websites.
As can be seen by comparing the section "The World of Angels: Awakening the Heart Chakra - Seminar" from 2005 (archive link)
with the same section from June 2010 (archive link), the following passage was removed:

"The MISA Yoga School organizes every year in several cities in Romania and abroad the "Week of Angels",
an unprecedented manifestation during which artistic performances, exhibitions, conferences and numerous meditations take place."

But, while promoting Christianity in its own sense ("esoteric Christianity"), the official "dogmatic" Christianity is attacked at MISA.
In a 1993 summer camp live conference, the following dialogue took place:

Question from the audience:
"I would like you to say why you chose yoga and not faith in God, although Christianity is more specific to us...?"

Gregorian Bivolaru's answer:
"...due to the dogmatism that still persists in Christianity.
There are certain techniques even in the so-called "Christian esotericism", but they are diffuse.
Between the clarity and precision of the yogic teachings and the vague way of presentation that these Christian methods contain,
so the yogic teaching is much clearer and more precise.
It is undefiled by a whole series of censorships and evasions as happened to certain Christian testimonies."

Question from the audience:
"Jesus is regarded by Christianity as the only savior. In the Bible, this is stated.
Yoga sees Liberation ultimately achieved through self-effort and possibly aided by cosmic forces different from Jesus.
Is there an inconsistency here?”

Gregorian Bivolaru's answer:
"Know that there is no inconsistency.
In no case should we consider that Jesus was the only savior because, I told you and I repeat, if it were so, this would mean that
God the Father would have moked everyone who was before Jesus.
The sleep of reason, in which fanatics and superstitious indulge, continues to encroach on consciences; so it appears very clearly
that therefore Jesus is a divine model, but not alone, not unique.
This dogmatic vision in which Jesus appears as the only savior, as the only way of access to the Godhead, know that it is the work of priests."

Over the years, Bivolaru would claim more and more often and more vehemently the "revelations in the planetary premiere",
which means implicitly stating that "God has mocked of those who were before that him (Bivolaru) made these revelations".

In the article "YOGA and religion - at the confluence of spirituality, philosophy and religion” (archive) mentioned before, it is said:

”The different religions known to humanity have, one by one, proclaimed their superiority over the other religions.
Religious intolerance is one of the scourges with the most devastating consequences in the history of humanity.

In Europe, for almost two millennia, the Christian Church has forcibly imposed the idea that spirituality is exclusively
the domain of religion, and moreover, only of the Christian religion.
In other words, dogmatic Christianity put a monopoly on God and tried for two millennia to convince people that the Church
is the only who is allowed to speak about God and lead people to God.

The dogmatic attitude of the Christian Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) had a disastrous effect on European spirituality.
The Church has totally failed to provide all people with teachings, a system of beliefs and methods to fulfill their fundamental spiritual aspirations."

The statements about Jesus mentioned before do not represent an isolated opinion, released in a moment of exaltation.
In an article entitled "YOGA: a path to Infinity" (archive), Bivolaru declares:

The mistake made by the vulgar, profane Christians was that of covering this sublime truth of the “Unique Self” or “I am” for 20 centuries,
by presenting Jesus Christ as a cult object most often, maintaining the illusion that there was only one man, through all of time,
who was way above everyone else, and he was the One and Only Son of God.
This false humility is considered by the great Christian sage SAINT SILOUAN the ATHONITE to be “sheer” stupidity.
He also stated that true humility is to acknowledge that Jesus Christ or the Son of God is also the expression of our Divine Spirit,
which truly exists in each and every one of us.”

In reality, one cannot find anywhere such a statement that Bivolaru puts in the mouth of the saint Siluan, but on the contrary!
St. Siluan could not have affirmed that Jesus is not the Only Son of God but only a son like us, because he would have contradicted
the words of the Apostles' Creed (link):

”I believe in God the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.”

In the "spirit" of Bivolaru's ideas, one could declare the Creed to be a prayer forcibly introduced by priests at the Ecumenical Councils,
but this idea is nullified by the quotations from the Holy Gospel according to John (link), where it is repeatedly said:

1:18 No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, He has made clear what God is.

3:16 For God had such love for the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever has faith in Him may not come to destruction
but have eternal life.
3:18 The man who has faith in Him does not come up to be judged; but he who has no faith in Him has been judged even now,
because he has no faith in the name of the only Son of God.

Bivolaru himself once declared, in the early years of the course, that, of all creatures, only in the case of Jesus Christ, His Individual Atman Self
is actually the Self of God the Father, i.e. Jesus is God the Father directly manifested.
So, either he forgot that he said this, or he said so to manipulate, and later he changed the version because his interests demanded it.

All kinds of theories about Jesus' journey to India and Tibet have been promoted at MISA.
First, works of fiction were promoted, such as "Great Initiates" by Édouard Schuré and "The Life and Teachings of the Masters"
of Baird T. Spalding.
Then there were also articles based on the accounts of other authors (archive).
Thus, followers were led to believe that Jesus learned and practiced Hindu yoga and Tibetan doctrines, therefore they need not fear
that they would deviate from the Christian path.
In these articles, among other things, it was said about Jesus (Buddha Issa) that "he secretly left his father's house, left Jerusalem
and traveled eastward with a caravan of merchants to perfect himself in the 'Divine Word' and to study the laws of the great Buddha."

This "esoteric mixture" is well illustrated by the invocations made sometime at MISA, which began in December 2012
on the occasion of the transition of the Earth into the New Era (The Great Translation of December 21)
and were made several years in a row
on the occasion of the New Year (after which it was abandoned, with the deflation of the Mayan myth of the Great Leap):

- the first part of the invocations was addressed to God the Father, the Virgin Mary, Jesus, the angelic hierarchies,
the King of the world in Shambala, to Krishna (archive)
- the second part of the invocations was addressed to the Great Cosmic Powers, to the beneficial extraterrestrial civilizations etc.

MISA's attack on Christianity continued by planting the seeds of doubt about the authenticity of Scripture.
Bivolaru stated many times that the New Testament and early Christian doctrines were altered by priests,
instead presenting as "authentic sources" all kinds of theories or interpretations received through "revelation".

In the first years, he had started the presentation and commentary of the "Gospel of Thomas" (link), a project that he abandoned, however,
after commenting (for over 9 hours) on only 40 utterances, out of the 114.
After a break of a decade, Bivolaru returns with the collection in 12 volumes of the "Great Gospel of John",
"revealed by divine dictation by Jesus Christ to Jakob Lorber", on the cover of which he appears as translator.
Volume 7 of the series "inspires" Bivolaru "the formidable secret of the Divine Attributes, in a planetary premiere",
for the revelation of which he establishes a personal Church, the "Theophanic Charismatic Movement", which includes students
selected from MISA.

During his conferences on the oath, Bivolaru launched a new "revelation": a newly published book entitled "Primordial Gospel" contains,
for the first time in the world, the teachings of Jesus from a secret manuscript, called "The Source" or "Manuscript Q",
which would have belonged to the apostle Peter.
Bivolaru claims that the secret manuscript entitled "The Source" contains "the teachings of Jesus without additions"
and that "obviously we have to do with some additions which were afterwards made by the apostles".

In reality, as can be seen from a simple check (link), ”the Q source (also called Q document(s), Q Gospel, or Q; from German: Quelle,
meaning "source") is a hypothetical written collection of primarily Jesus' sayings.
Q is part of the common material found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke but not in the Gospel of Mark.
According to this hypothesis, this material was drawn from the early Church's oral gospel traditions.

The relationship among the three synoptic gospels goes beyond mere similarity in viewpoint.
The gospels often recount the same stories, usually in the same order, sometimes using the same words.
Scholars note that the similarities between Mark, Matthew, and Luke are too great to be coincidental.

If the two-source hypothesis is correct, then Q would probably have been a written document.
If Q was a shared oral tradition, it is unlikely that it could account for the nearly identical word-for-word similarities
between Matthew and Luke when quoting Q material.
Similarly, it is possible to deduce that Q was written in Greek.
If the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were referring to a document that had been written in some other language (such as Aramaic),
it is highly unlikely that two independent translations would have exactly the same wording.

If Q existed, physical copies of it have since been lost. Some scholars, however, believe it can be partially reconstructed
by examining elements common to Matthew and Luke (but absent from Mark).”

So, no physical manuscript has been discovered that was the source of the Gospels, it is only assumed to have existed.
Also, there is no evidence that it belonged to the apostle Peter.
Bivolaru denies the authenticity of the known Gospels which are based on concrete documents (because they do not correspond to his opinions),
instead he presents as "authentic" some hypothetical writings which suit his own interests.
And his interest is weakening the authority of the Scriptures, in order to be able to insinuate his own ideas much more easily:

”It should not surprise you that later additions or elaborations crept in, and it is not Jesus' fault that some human beings
inserted whole dissonant phrases, which were obviously not spoken by Jesus.
On the subject of certain embarrassing details, I would point out in passing that, at the present time, there is definite and irrefutable evidence
– which are based on verified historical facts – and which shows that Jesus undoubtedly had a brother!
Exactly what you hear: Jesus had a brother!

Obviously, this does not exclude that, when Jesus was born, the Virgin Mary was a Virgin but, after the birth of Jesus,
Mary - the mother of Jesus - gave birth to another child who was and remained the brother of Jesus.
About this embarrassing episode for Christian dogma, it was well known in the Vatican for a long time
and one of those who knew
this secret was Leonardo da Vinci."

... and probably Dan Brown, too...
”Verifiable historical facts that cannot be dispelled" are as solid as the Q Manuscript, which exists with certainty, only nobody has it.
"When she conceived and gave birth to Jesus, Mary remained a Virgin but, after that, it didn't work for her anymore!"

Bivolaru-All-Knowing continues apotheotically:

"Regarding the gospels that appear in the New Testament, you must know that in each of them, here and there,
additions and elaborations were made later.
Perhaps what I am telling you will surprise you, but the only Gospels that do not have further additions and elaborations are the Gospel of Thomas
which is unfortunately apocryphal, and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which is very little known and unfortunately incomplete,
several pages are missing from it."

"Several pages are missing from it, but I know that there was no intervention in those either!”

In the conference on oaths, Bivolaru the Humble emphasized:

"Please consider that everything I have told you now is not intended to reduce the value or denigrate Jesus, because he is a divine being,
a true divine model to whom we must constantly refer."

This is how he reported, full of humility, in the conference "Adventures in Shambala - part 1":

”Thus, the priceless revelations of Jesus Christ that He exposed as clearly as possible in his divine Word on the mountain,
anticipated about 50% the mystery of the divine attributes, then designated by Christians as the Beatitudes.
Later, within this esoteric spiritual school, the good God revealed to us the formidable fundamental secret of the divine Attributes."

In fact, it was Jesus Christ who "revealed" to him the rest up to 100%, through "divine dictation" to the "intermediary" Jakob Lober (link),
but the New Messiah pretends to have forgotten that.

The indefatigable Bivolaurolsson continues:

"There is, we could say, a very little-known esoteric Christianity, which we will aim - with God's help - to make accessible to everyone
within the Theophanic Charismatic Movement that was structured with God's help in our country."


Here is THE "esoteric Christianity" made accessible - not to everyone - but only to the "chosen" ones:

Amazing revelations about the sublime subtle energy of pure Divine Eros, which exists in the esoteric teachings of Jesus
and which then persisted into early Christianity - conference by Gregorian Bivolaru

"It becomes possible to understand in a wise manner, the practice - which was indeed very widespread in early Christianity -
what it meant for some male Christians to live intimately, lovingly, ecstatically with their "virgins" (agapetae).
The Greek term "agapetae" could be translated by "adored virgins" or even by "virgins who have reached a full state of holiness".
At present very little is known about the spiritual erotic practices, but which these Christian men (agapets) performed it in secret
together with "their adored virgins who were holy" (agapetae).
It is necessary to clarify the term "virgin".

Of course, clarification is necessary, just don't imagine that the words have the same meaning for Bivolaru as for others!
Words always have to mean something else, they have a new, much deeper, clearly superior meaning, which escapes the profane...

"In biblical times, a 'virgin' was simply a young woman harmonious in body, healthy, affectionate, balanced within, unmarried,
who was neither a widow nor a prostitute.
Bodily virginity or, in other words, the existence of an intact hymen was not the central aspect, but such virginity – which implied an intact hymen – could exist."

You got it: "an intact hymen was not the central aspect"!
We don't have to get complicated with insignificant details like an intact hymen, because devil is hidden right in the details!
You can be holy even if you don't have an intact hymen, because the Virgin Mary was a virgin, even though she gave birth to Jesus' brother...
And more precisely, you can be holy without an intact hymen, just like you can practice on porn videochats without being a prostitute...

Gregorian the New Translator continues:

"Such erotic practices, which included an eminently spiritual direction, were even very widespread for several centuries,
until they were outlawed following the Synod of Elvira in 305, but also following the Council of Nicaea in 325.

Agapeti/agapetae were the monks and nuns of the early Middle Ages who, although they embraced and followed a life of celibacy,
still lived together, sharing what was called "pure erotic love that was divine".
This practice was eliminated following the Second Council from Lateran in 1139."

It is worth remembering that Saint John Chrysostom says:
"Our ancestors knew only two forms of love engagement which were the mystical erotic wedding and adultery or fornication.
Now, however, a third form has appeared, which is amazing: it is men who bring some young beautiful girls into their home
which they keeps there permanently, respecting their virginity."

In another of his writings, Saint John Chrysostom states:
"The virgin is free from the various duties of a married woman. She even retains her erotic amorous vigor and youth
even at the age of 40 being able, in this way, to resemble a beautiful young teenager."

And yet something is missing, a (demonic) confusion still lingers: how can a woman be a virgin (without an intact hymen!).
but still retain her amorous erotic vigor and youth as if she were a teenager at 40?
You guessed it, it's the state of shakti, achieved through amorous erotic continence® acquired through assiduous practice,
but only after a proper "initiation" to Paris!

But just when the cosmic orgasm is about to start, disaster strikes:

Saint Jerome, an ascetic from the desert, wrote:
"I blush when I talk about all this. It's so shocking but yet, although it's sad, it's true.
How did this plague called agapetae get into the Church?
Whence came these beautiful unmarried wives, these strange unusual concubines, these prostitutes — for that is what I choose to call them —
even if they associate with a single lover who adores and spoils them, even being naked, but never penetrates them?
The two live intimately in the same house and meet in the same room. They often share the same bed and even cuddle.”

Has the Supreme Tantric Initiate heard or is he pretending to be deaf? "They never penetrates them!"
What about "virginity without an intact hymen"?
Why "they associate with one lover", when the Messenger of God Himself - Bivolaru - urges polyamory?

But the Great Tantric Guru comes with clarifications, so that there is no suspense with ejaculation:

"The Apostle Paul states in a clear way that this erotic practice was accepted, being considered something natural for a Christian
to live in erotic amorous intimacy with a young and beautiful virgin.
If that virgin grew older and came to desire a conventional family, or if she eventually became pregnant,
this was not considered to be in sin and it was okay for the two to marry.
However, the two usually preferred not to marry, as they chose to live together as "an erotic amorous couple that was holy."

Make up your mind, Master! They penetrated them or not?
How can a woman - be she a worshiped saint - possibly get pregnant without penetration?
How is it possible that a saint who lived for decades in a "holy erotic couple" suddenly, at around 40 years old, wants
a conventional family through marriage, within which they are very likely to have children, because that means ”a conventional family”?

In fact, clarification is not even desired because the doubt is in favor of the accused.
Sanctity with penetration, equal tantric amor at MISA. Those who don't believe, take that:

"For us, it is obvious that there was a very well-founded reason why the phenomenon of agapetae or, in other words,
the phenomenon of adored virgins, to have erupted so suddenly, and then spread over such a wide area in the first century of our era.
It seems to be very certain that this reason was the teaching of Jesus concerning the sacrament of the wedding chamber
and His relationship amorous intimacy with Mary Magdalene.
According to the content of the Gnostic Gospels, the beautiful Mary Magdalene was in reality the consort of Jesus and,
in the beginning, she was the first of the agapetae, or, in other words, the adored virgins.

In the Gospel of the Apostle Philip it is said:
"One such woman who was very beautiful was Mary Magdalene, a companion of the Son.
The Lord loved her much more than all the other disciples, and He often kissed her on the mouth."
In chapter 9 from the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Levi says to the apostle Peter, I quote:
"But if the Savior made her thus worthy, who are you to reject her? Surely the Savior knows her best."

Also in the same Gospel of Mary Magdalene it is mentioned:
"That's why He - here Jesus is referred to - loved her much more than He loved us."

And that's why ”holy love” is made at MISA, and whoever doesn't believe this is a demonic rat.
However, the amazing fact remains that, at MISA, "holy love" was first and only then, after three decades,
the "edifying revelations" appeared.
Prophetic grace, no doubt... Also doubled by a flawless reasoning:

"Some scholars believe that if Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, it is unlikely that His disciples would have been at least a little angry
because of the erotic affection He was showing her.
But it is - according to the opinion of many researchers - much more likely that this was a spiritual erotic relationship,
which was full of love and which was "atypical" for the mentality of that time."

If even Jesus was part of a spiritual erotic couple with Magdalena, then it is something holy that Guru to form a couple with Mădălina!
Of course, Guru formed many couples, and only for a few days...
Then there is the ”demonic doubt” regarding love in a group of three-four or polyamory at MISA, because nothing is said about these
in what is presented.
But there is still good news and consolation: The Master clarified the issue of holy love between women:

Conf.erence G.Bivolaru: "What perspective did the good God reveal in the Bible, regarding homosexuality"

"For this reason, God allowed them to choose and commit certain passions that make them disgraceful, so that men changed the natural order
with a habit that goes against nature.
Such men, leaving the natural order of their mating with the female part, were inflamed in their vile lust, one for another,
men with men, committing shameful things and, in this way, they shall afterwards receive their reward due to their error."

It says nothing about women and, as they say, what is not forbidden is allowed. The problem is that the actual biblical text says otherwise:

King James Bible (🔗):
26. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men
working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

In addition to removing the reference to female homosexuality from the original text and replacing it with male homosexuality ,
it is found that Bivolaru replaced the original expression "likewise also the men" (i.e. "men as well as women", which proves once more
that there is also a clear reference to female homosexuality) with the expresssion "such men", i.e. a reference to MEN ONLY.
The manipulation is obvious and clearly intentional.

Bivolaru modified the canonical text of the "Our Father" prayer (Lord's Prayer).
Thus, the verse from the Gospel of Matthew in chapter 6:11
"Give us this day bread for our needs" (link)
became at Bivolaru
"Give us this day bread for our needs and unbroken.” (link).

Everything is allowed to the New Messiah, for he can complete and even correct Jesus Christ, what others are not allowed:
"Pope Francis the bizarre wants to change the "Our Father" prayer" (link).
But while the Bizarre Pope wants to change the wording and meaning of a line that exists in the prayer, the Natural Shepherd added
the word "unbroken", in total contradiction with the initiatory gesture of the Breaking of the Bread from the Lord's Supper!

the Gospel of Matthew 26:26
And when they were taking food, Jesus took bread and, after blessing it, he gave the broken bread to the disciples and said:
”Take it; this is my body”.


On November 28, 2007, an article appeared in a newspaper on this topic, entitled
"MISA vs the Church. Our Father who art in Sweden" (archive).
MISA caught fire and demanded a right of reply (archive):

MISA Press Office:
"The wording "bread unbroken" used by teacher Gregorian Bivolaru in an audio recording over 10 years old, is taken by journalists
as so-called proof that MISA is a sect."

As if a foolishness uttered ten years ago and repeated has lost its character of foolishness and has in the meantime become something good,
like old wine!
And the action is a sectarian one, because it represents a deviation, a departure from tradition.

MISA Press Office:
"The journalists instead present us with a quote from the Bible: "Take, eat, this is my Body that is broken for you for the forgiveness of sins".
The connection between the "unbroken" bread and the "breaking" body of Christ is forced."

How is it forced? That's exactly what the Bible says:
"Jesus took bread and, after blessing it, he gave the broken bread to the disciples and said:
”Take it; this is my body”.

MISA Press Office:
"We are surprised by the fact that "unbroken, undivided" did not lead the priest in question to the consecrated liturgical formula
"The Trinity of one being and inseparable".
The arguments are not presented that show that the "unbroken" bread is a heresy."

But how can they not be surprised that Jesus Christ Himself still broke the bread, although He did not just think, but actually IS
one of the Persons of the Undivided Trinity?
If there was a problem with the "breaking", wouldn't Jesus have avoided breaking the bread?
That priest's mind did not take him to the biblical plains (like those at MISA), but exactly to the (con)text, as is natural.
After all, this is the gesture performed by Christ, why would the priest think of other meanings, especially those contrary to the gesture itself?
"Unbroken bread" is a heresy from a Christian point of view, because it contradicts the biblical text.

MISA Press Office:
However, the journalist's logic in the continuation of the article is amazing:
"But the most important thing is that we realized that Gregorian Bivolaru, who considers himself a new Messiah, uses the word "unbroken"
to show that he is the chosen one who - attention! - he does not break himself, he does not sacrifice himself for the forgiveness of sins".
We wonder how this journalist managed to reach the gross stupidity stated above?
Gregorian Bivolaru did not state absolutely any situation about him being the Messiah.
On the contrary, those who orchestrated the 2004 action against him and MISA called it "Operation Christ!"

It is true that the bad prosecutors called the action "Operation Christ!", but let's say that the followers also liked the association:

Revealing the meaning of the events that chained together in a providential way in the context of the actions against our YOGA school
on 18.03.2004 - N.C. MISA president, Cl.Tr. vice-president of MISA, 2005 (archive):

”As you all know, especially those who participated in the meeting on the night of MARCH 12, 2004, which took place
on the occasion of the celebration GRIEG's birthday, in that context the film "PASSIONS OF CHRIST" was projected for the guests.
Later we were able to convince ourselves that the screening of that film then proved to be DEEPLY SIGNIFICANT
and at the same time not accidental.

This huge action by the ROMANIAN POLICE and the PROSECUTORS had the name CODE: "ACTION CHRIST 2004".
Only GOD knows (and also the initiated) why this action was actually called "CHRIST 2004" and not otherwise.
But it is obvious that through this name ("CHRIST") which was not accidental at all and which reflects a MYSTERIOUS NECESSITY,
GOD sought to offer us some deeply symbolic landmarks.
It appears to us as clearly as possible that the said action of the Police was not a PRO CHRIST action, but in reality it was and remains
an ANTI CHRIST action.
In the case of the ACTION "CHRIST 2004" it is as clear as possible for all of us that THE ONE who was and is thus targeted
in an analogous way is the MENTOR of this YOGA School, GREGORIAN BIVOLARU."

If the action was ANTI CHRIST and at the same time it was ANTI BIVOLARU, it follows that CHRIST would be BIVOLARU!
The two servants realize that they have pressed the pedals of the organ a little too hard, so they try to dampen the noise:

We want it to be clear to everyone that by this we do not state, as some evil or ignorant people might understand,
that GREGORIAN BIVOLARU is CHRIST, far from our intention such blasphemy!

Therefore, we want it to be clear for everyone to properly understand the analysis that we will do on the analogy "CRIST 2004" - GRIEG 2004
that it is obvious to each of us that GRIEG IS NOT CHRIST, and this analogy "CHRIST 2004" - GRIEG 2004 does not belong to us
and even more than that it astonished many of us when we found out about it."

"Not we, but those evil guys commited this blasphemy, we only noticed it!"
But only few words after, they said:

"Because GOD made this mysterious analogy (CHRIST 2004-GRIEG 2004) appear, I reflected on it afterwards and we considered it necessary
to point out some conclusions and some similarities on which it is worth orienting our intuition
and spiritual discernment.
We emphasize once again that all these aspects that will be presented are only some SIMILARITIES that aim to provide some meanings
to this ANALOGY and they absolutely do not aim at the idea of equality between JESUS CHRIST and GRIEG."

"The evil ones made the analogy”, "God still made this mysterious analogy", ”are only SIMILARITIES”,
who can understand the two fools anymore?

Of course there is no EQUALITY between JESUS CHRIST and "GRIEG " because, as previously shown in a comment
at the conference about the visit to Shambala of one of his followers, GRIEG declared that "the priceless revelations of Jesus Christ
anticipated about 50% the mystery of the Divine Attributes and later, within this esoteric spiritual school, the good God revealed to us
the formidable fundamental secret of the divine Attributes.”

Jesus started the job and left it halfway, and GRIEG completed the other half, so the the score is tight at halftime.
But as GRIEG later made "planetary premiere revelations" (which even Jesus did not), it follows that it is not actually equality
and that GRIEG is even GREATER than Jesus!
GRIEG is not CHRIST (MESSIAH), he is the UPGRADED MESSIAH (3.0), GREATER than the first!

Towards the end of the article that wants to reveal the meaning of the events of March 2004, the two even identify the new Judas,
the one who betrayed CHRIST the New. It's not an analogy, look the analogy!
Moreover, years later, other "evil guys" - even among those with important status in the "MISA school" - would reaffirm this analogy:

Interesting and revealing aspects of Operation “Christ1st Part (link)

”The following events – the hunt of Gregorian Bivolaru, being taken into custody, being set in chains and with an impressive escort
from one court to another, are all terribly similar to what happened 2000 years ago during the “trial” of Jesus.

“Operation Christ” cannot be just a banal “coincidence”!
We can even say that this is in fact like a circle closing, because the actions taken against Gregorian Bivolaru, and against the MISA yoga school
started in the week before Easter, in 2004.
Initially this action against the MISA yoga school was called “Operation Christ”, and the name Christ obviously referred to the mentor
of the school, Gregorian Bivolaru.

It not at all a coincidence, for those who are able to see beyond the appearances, that the verdict will be given around the time of the Easter,
and thus the “Operation Christ” will tend to end in the way we all know.
Long ago, Christ was convicted although he was innocent, and now in the same way they want to give this unfair verdict during the week of Easter.
We should take into serious consideration these facts, even if to the naïve they seem banal coincidences, since those who look beyond the appearances
should be able to intuitively see the meaning of all these elements.”

Isn't the meaning is easy to intuit? If the intuition has not yet occurred to you, it may appear in the following:

"New and revealing aspects about Operation Christ" - part 2 (archive, Romanian only):

”Then, on March 12, Mel Gibson's movie - ”The Passion of the Christ” - was watched for the absolute premiere in Romania.
With an translation improvised on the spot, in a giant hall, almost frozen, thousands of yogis watched this film, many of them perhaps, wondering:
why do we have to see this film on a day of celebration, a day in which we were used to enjoying, laughing, being happy in previous years?

Many of us probably wondered then: if Grieg knew about this event beforehand, why didn't he do something
so that it can be avoided, so that he can save himself and save us from all this?
The movie "The Passion of the Christ" can help us glimpse many answers.
Viewing the movie itself was a warning and showed, for those with eyes to see, a certain divine integration of Grieg
which caused God to indicate, by various signs, what was about to take place."

Returning to the statement of the MISA Press Office, as "Gregorian Bivolaru did not state absolutely any situation about him being the Messiah",
here is a similitude statement right from the golden mouth of the New Messiah:

Gregorian Bivolaru, at the Alba Iulia Court of Appeal (link):
"I am in a situation similar to that of Jesus who was unjustly condemned and crucified".

So Bivolaru is not the Messiah, he is SIMILAR to Messiah...
Here is a brief history of messianism from MISA (whose name itself shows the claim to possess the Absolute Truth):

About the spiritual mentor of the Absolute Spiritual Integration Movement (link):
"Ever since childhood he experienced overwhelming spiritual experiences, states of Cosmic Consciousness, and he intuited
that he would have an exceptional spiritual destiny.
God Himself revealed to him as a living reality, and the awareness of His mysterious presence awakened in him
an unbridled aspiration for perfection and the intense desire to help others to discover Him."

Biography (link):
”While he was a child he often had recurring dreams about himself being a Tibetan Yogi of high spiritual attainment.
As a result of these dreams, he had many recollections of various yogic techniques that he started to practice with amazing results.
All these experiments culminated at the age of 19, when he had a decisive breakthrough and attained the state of spiritual awakening.”

The 24-hour prayer - Message from God (link and archive):
”I want to tell you things that he would never have told, nor would he have allowed to be understood.
Grieg is one of the greatest masters of this planet, of this universe and of others worlds.
He is the greatest spiritual Master that has manifested on this planet since Jesus until now.
He is one of my dearest children whom I have sent to help you and to help this planet overcome the impasse in which it is found.
Only such an exceptional spirit can do something, can bring light to this world of darkness.

You should know that he was subjected to particularly difficult spiritual tests, but to My great joy he passed them, he remembered
and now... he shines in its true splendor.
More precisely, he lets Me manifest Myself fully through his being, because he is always merged with Me.
Through his sacrifice, through his effort, through his love, through his compassion and through all of his physical manifestation,
My Word became flesh and it was able to reach you.
He is the spiritual Model, the Example to which each of you must relate and identify with.

Become aware that you are benefiting from a great grace, just because you are so close to this great Master of all time.
Be aware that you have before your eyes a Model of Divine Perfection, an exceptional spirit who came to this Earth out of great love
and immense compassion. A Master in all spiritual sciences heard of on your planet, an ocean of grace through which I manifest Myself fully,
but this would not have been possible without his immense sacrifice."

”He would never have told you these things” but he never denied them, nor did he do anything to temper such statements or those that follow,
but, on the contrary, fueled them.

A happy perspective on a certain victory message from Gregorian Bivolaru (link):

”this spiritual school will be the most important school on this planet, and with the direct guidance of GOD and of the angels
will prepare a new, fast, easy and efficient path to discover GOD and to become one with Him, each of us will no longer need any intermediary.
This spiritual school will become the highest and most powerful divine flame on this planet. 
And in light of the revelations of Jesus and in light of the renowned prophecies of Sundar Singh, it is as evident as can be that at this time,
this people and the territory of this country (that was not accidentally called the GARDEN OF THE MOTHER OF GOD) will be
and will remain from now on a people truly beloved by GOD and truly a sacred land.”

The chosen people, the new way, under the direct guidance of God...

The Biblical Code predicts the spiritual actions initiated at the planetary level by MISA (link):

”a passage identified by the secret Code of the Bible designates an exceptional being - a "messenger of God on Earth" -
which will effectively carry out the process of transformation of destiny, thanks to the New Covenant...
... what was written over 3000 years ago in the secret Code of the Bible is being fulfilled here and now,
"without false modesty",
through the MISA yoga school, under the brilliant guidance of yoga teacher Bivolaru."

And Bivolaru reinforced the earlier idea that the Bible speaks of MISA, in a recent specially dedicated conference entitled
"What the famous encrypted Code of the Bible reveals about MISA”.

"The Bible, the Messenger of God, the New Covenant, the Savior, the Redeemer", plus all the "revelations in the planetary premiere"...
If even after all this, there are still some who would argue that "Bivolaru did not say that he was the Messiah”here is the icing on the cake:
"You can appreciate this colossal divine revelation, which WE consider to be something SIMILAR
with what historians call
"the moment before Jesus" and "the moment after the manifestation of Jesus".

SIMILAR, mreaning alike, analogous, the same as the Messiah!
In this direction all the manipulative efforts of the Master, the First One, the Peerless One, the Long Awaited One, are directed!

”BEHOLD THY BRIDEGROOM COMES” (riding on trees!)

From the seeds of the New Religion planted at MISA, sprouts of hope have arisen:

”Conferences about the exemplary state of PANTHEISM of a female student from the MISA courses”

”Suddenly, I began to feel a state of effervescent erotic excitement throughout my body, and I felt how all the elements of nature
excited me erotically, amorously, even very strongly.
The way the wind blew excited my clit right through my clothes and tickled it from one side and the other.
Given that my bladder was already full, I felt a strong – insane, I might say – desire to throw off all my clothes, to prepare to expel
my golden elixir (urine) through my urethra, to cause it to spread the energy of my golden elixir on all the surrounding elements of nature.

I chose to go to those trees, I then put myself between them and thus I supported my body against them, but also between them
and I pressed my buttocks sensually against the other tree behind me, so that tree simply penetrated right between my buttocks.
Then, as if by magic, I had the clear perception that these trees, along with all the other trees in that forest, were huge phalluses in perfect erection.

Immediately after that I started to spontaneously make hips movements, just like in an erotic dance.
I was feeling a euphoric – yet energetic – form of vaginal and anal penetration.
I even started to moan, being drunk with an intense pleasure and frenzy, enjoying this surprising, overwhelming erotic love game
with the whole surrounding nature, and I strongly felt that amazing game as being also loaded with an immense passion and divine mystery.
Some of those trees I climbed, touching them indirectly in this way, both with my erotically excited vagina and my anus.
I also met some trees whose thickness might represent to me the natural thickness of some vigorous men's penises
that I felt to be exceedingly virile and strong, so that I felt an frenzied aspiration to embrace each one of them, to hug them, 
to caress them with my palms and fingers.
I then climbed into the middle of such a grouping of trees and leisurely enjoyed their indescribable energetic penetration.

In this way, I came to feel and fully experience a whole new state of erotic abandon, full of amorous erotic shamelessness,
in the arms of nature, which responded to me in a flash by triggering states of intimate, deep, unprecedented erotic fusion which, however,
was shrouded in a gigantic divine mystery which, for me, revealed itself as overwhelming and unfathomable."

One should not be surprised by such reports from a "spiritual school" that promotes sexuality as the ultimate practice
and whose "Spiritual Guide" declares that "the Divine Attributes trigger in the inner universe of the practitioner a state of "elevated pleasure".

This is the true religion that the New Prophet, the Great Macrocosmic Satyr, proclaims: total abandonment in the arms of orgasmic delirium,
presented as the ultimate spiritual achievement.

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