Thursday, July 21, 2022

ATMAN Cult Alert - a new "nest of vipers"

We welcome with great interest the launch of the new "nest of vipers" that joins us with fresh forces in the work of exposing and combating the MISA sect, its international affiliates and the "Great stutterer" that oversees them. 

Congratulations and good luck to the "demoniacs" who set up ATMAN Cult Alert!

Salutăm cu mare interes lansarea noului  "cuib de vipere" care ni se alătură cu forțe proaspete în munca de demascare și combatere a sectei  MISA, filialelor ei internaționale și "Marelui Gângav", ce le păstorește.

Felicitări și mult succes "demoniacilor" care au pus pe picioare ATMAN Cult Alert!


  1. Very well laid out website. I started reading some of the stories about Paris, I was not aware things were that bad! I feel even worse for the girls that are stuck in this vicious loop. In one article it is claimed the think they are saving men’s souls by doing sex cam work, yet they are encouraging them to ejaculate which goes completely against their principles. Not that I expect any logic from such a crazy sect but still they are at the limit of illogical idiocy, unbelievable.

  2. Hi!
    I find out that I'm being called Marcica and crude jokes are pulled on me such as that of my pubic hair being said to be locked up in Scumpi's suitcase.
    I had no idea that I was being pulled in these directions, i.e. be a cover girl for all these specimens. To their amazement, I'm not frolicking to meet others as my interest was purely in having the means to subsist while in Romania. The "nest of vipers" indulged in their parties while I never visited Paris and never met with other yoga cult members except in Bucharest.
    Endowed with small, smallest, big, biggest, they all went to MISA classes for one purpose, and one only: sex. There is no excuse that "parents send me there" and that "I wanted to be a god/dess".
    In all languages of the earth, there is the word "stranger". If the parents had no interest or intent in teaching them on danger that strangers present, why should I be the one blamed for my lack of compassion? If I don't have it, I don't have it and that is that! I'm born in Romania and not in Tibet.
    Then I don't know the reason why they have to grasp at my person and use me and my body as their shield.
    It's not ok to do since they don't know me and have not my permission. My rights are my rights and I don't intend to pay for others' debauchery.
    Watch me exit their plans!
    "Marcica" 👿


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