Wednesday, October 16, 2024

MORAL and ETHICAL PLAN at MISA: 7. SANTOSHA - contentment

(previous theme: SAUCHA cleanliness, purity)

MISA webpage : NIYAMA - The rules of inner discipline


Santosha involves cultivating a state of serenity and peace of mind, of constant contentment, regardless of external circumstances.
In other words, it is the ability to maintain a state of equality, of contentment, both for better and for worse. The wise know that
any circumstance, even an apparently unfavorable one, is essentially only an opportunity to become better, to learn a life lesson.
Santosha's practice frees the being from external conditioning. The aspirant no longer wastes his time and energy with reproaches
and regrets related to a past that he cannot change, nor unrealistic wishes or projections related to an uncertain future.

MISA course first year - SANTOSHA

Contentment does not simply mean an inert and passive acceptance of the circumstances in which you find yourself, but a wise,
active and systematic approval of the circumstances, in order to use them more always and to the maximum, even if at first glance
they appear to be unfavorable.
As a practical way of training, it involves being ever more determined to transform our inner universe for the better any aspect we face,
always being satisfied with both people and events. Through the practice of SANTOSHA, the yogi gets to live almost permanently in a state
of fullness and joy for what he has and what he is. He must never somehow condition his happiness on the desire to obtain something.

MISA students always show a state of contentment, they have serene, smiling, relaxed and relaxing faces.
From the promo pages of the Movement (link) smile the instructors who can't wait for their students; don't you see a sad face!
And how could they not be pleased, when many of them don't have to go to work, their "job" being to combine the useful with the pleasant...

CONTENTMENT manifested on the OUTSIDE

Aside, this is the expression of a state of inner euphoria produced by yoga practices.
Amorous fulfillment plays an important role in acquiring this state.
According to MISA, in the case of ordinary people, who do not practice sexual continence and love making over long periods of time,
sexual unfulfillment leads to to frustration and dissatisfaction. Repeated seminal discharge in the case of the male, followed by
amorous unfulfillment in the case of the female (to which menstruation is added) lead to laziness, frustration and dissatisfaction
(latin saying: post coitum, omne animal triste est).

On the contrary, the conservation of vital and sexual energy (increasingly aware in contemporary society, being also practiced
before sports competitions and even during long sports tournaments), followed by transmutation and sublimation, lead to a state
of vitality and to the elimination of blockages, fact which manifests itself through a euphoric state of relief, of long-lasting release.

But what is ignored at MISA is that clearing inner blockages and tensions does not automatically mean high spirituality.
The situation is similar to that of a person who has carried a great burden for a long time, which at some point he throws it away.
A euphoric state of liberation comes instantly, but that doesn't mean that the person in question is better, just that they're in a better mood!
The inner good mood then manifests as both goodwill and a relaxed outer attitude.


On the other hand, it is about a sense of self-contentment, induced by the Supreme Guide himself, who always tells the students
what a wonderful school they attend, what spiritual achievements represent the orgasmic chills (which they inflict on themselves,
through particular methods chosen), what signs God gives them by rainbows, rays of light and mushrooms with phallic shapes,
what Divine Attributes are manifested when they are tickled - in a word - what luck and grace on their heads that they have such a Guide,
with whom they have their spiritual liberation secured, without doing anything other than ticking the mandatory courses, the conferences,
yoga camps and lists of polyamorous partners from all zodiac signs.

Of course, there is some trouble in paradise in this case too.
MISA aspirants should not indulge in a state of complacency and self-sufficiency, since the Guide also tells them, from time to time,
that they are amateurs because they do not fully sublimate.
The MISA aspirants do not show a state of complete contentment, since they refuse to swallow the Master's offer of free pornography 🔗
and reproach the management with the camp fees, unreasonably high even for online camps.

Even the Master does not always show a state of contentment and frequently expresses his displeasure on followers, society
and the ”criminal Occult”:

The Guide's message at the end of the 2021 summer camp:

"We also point out a strange aspect: although we suggested you to use the herbal mixture for Strong Trance, even if they were made
real efforts by those at Divine Star to meet your potential requests, the end result was and there was a huge mess."

Message from the Spirit Guide regarding the camp bonus day - September 25, 2022:

"Because it was found that only a third of those who were registered online for the Summer Camp participated in the special program
from the year 2022, we decided to cancel the special program that had been established for September 25.
Therefore, it can be said that everything that had been scheduled that day is suspended, due to the fact that the interest in participating
in the extended program of the Camp was mediocre. Because of this, we decided that the program that was planned to take place, is cancelled."

Message from yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru regarding viewings from the special (erotic) program - 28 Aug 2022 (link):

"Although the efforts that were made to ensure the special program for adults, which involved the making of selections
from at least 1000 films that in specialty stores cost between 45 and 60 euros each, we noticed huge fluctuations in terms of your participation.
The vast majority of lethargic, selfish human beings are incapable of appreciating what is freely given to them.
That is precisely why we are announcing that, starting next year, the conditions for participation in this program intended for adults will change.
Participation will only be possible for a fee even for people who benefit from free of charge, and if the number of interested people decreases,
we inform you that this program will be removed forever. I quote, "every human being has only what he deserves, no more, no less."
That is precisely why in folklore they say "Reward according to deed”.

The Biblical Code foresees the spiritual actions initiated at the planetary level by MISA (article):

"... within the MISA yoga school and under the guidance of its spiritual mentor, the collective prayers that were addressed to God the Father
and that were followed by certain extraordinary events [...], when they were destroyed by a divine miracle, by means of underground explosions,
two secret bases of the satanic group of the so-called "Enlightened". On that occasion, more than 60,000 people who worked
in those secret bases received the divine punishment they deserved."

CONTENTMENT manifested in relation to others

* Santosha is the ability to maintain a state of equality, of contentment, both for good and for bad.

Bivolaru, conf. "Morals and Bad Habits":

"We present to you a sui-generis autopsy - fresh, we can say - of a critic which, at the same time, turned out to be a human dog.
However, recently, this former student bursts out of spite and pours out his hatred and malice that lurks in his perverted inner universe,
contesting, with obvious anger, the participation of our students in the recent hiatus spiral, which took place in August of the year current.
This is what former students full of hatred and malice choose to do, who ride the Internet relentlessly hunting, to feed their hatred, malice
over and over again. The pathetic, demented posturing in which such former students indulge shows that these hateful imbeciles
are then manipulated by demons. But this hateful brute does not notice the mountain of malice, hatred and lies that already exists
in his inner universe." (link).

It can be seen that even the Master of Contentment does not notice the frustrations that exist in his inner universe.
This is how he understands what it means to be equally satisfied both for better and for worse, this is how the exemplification of a state
of deep satisfaction looks, in contrast to the ”state of hatred and malice of the big human dog" on which this ”satisfaction” is poured.

”The aspirant no longer wastes his time and energy with reproaches and regrets related to a past that he cannot change”.
MISA is self-victimizing by always referring to the events of 2004, trying to make a connection with the actions of the French authorities today.

(to be continued)

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