Thursday, July 6, 2023


”But whoever is a cause of trouble to one of these little ones who have faith in me, it would be better for him to have a great stone
fixed to his neck, and to come to his end in the deep sea.
A curse is on the earth because of trouble! for it is necessary for trouble to come; but unhappy is that man through whom the trouble comes.”
(Matthew 18:6-7)

One of the fundamental manifestations of the "divine avatar" Bivolaru  is MANIPULATION.
Over the years, many maneuvers of the Great Puppetteer have come to light, through which he sought to create an aura of accomplished sage
and to attract followers who would glorify and follow him blindly and from whom he can profit physically and mentally.
This blog is full of such examples.

Some of these maneuvers are absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt because the puppeteer contradicted himself
and for this reason he will never be able to dispute them, and indeed will never bring them up, because they are devastating and would, moreover,
shake the blind confidence of the most fanatical of his followers (unless, of course, would come to their knowledge).

There were situations in which, faced with the undeniable reality and crushing arguments, the Guru had no choice and had to admit publicly
that he was wrong, but apologized on the grounds that he did not have the necessary information or was misled by others,
he - the great omniscient clairvoyant, who first revealed to the world the Attributes of Ultimate Truth, of Knowledge, Accuracy, Infallibility,
Wisdom, Responsibility, Prophecy, etc., attributes which he claimed to master to perfection, for through him they were revealed for the first time
and therefore he is best able to do this, being chosen by God the Father Himself (Jesus being only half capable, according to Bivolaru's Golden Mouth
full of Golden Elixir).

So, in a few situations he admitted, and his followers, by virtue of the principle that an acknowledged error is half forgiven,
overlooked his blunders totally, on the grounds that he showed humility!
Some even blamed ”the secret agents and reptilians” in the school management!

But after more than three decades of "missionary work" under the MISA emblem, a situation emerged in which not even God can excuse him.

It is known that Bivolaru criticized and fought on several occasions the ideas that Jesus is the first and only Son of God or that
Jesus is the first and only Savior.
Thus, in a 1993 conference at MISA's summer yoga camp, the First, Only and True Son of his mother gritted his teeth and answered
a question from the audience, filled with demonic doubt:

"Jesus is regarded by Christianity as the only savior. In the Bible, this is supported.
Yoga sees Liberation ultimately achieved through self-effort and possibly aided by cosmic forces different from Jesus.
Is there an inconsistency here?”

Gregorian Bivolaru's answer:
"Know that there is no inconsistency.
In no case should we consider that Jesus was the one and only Savior because, I told you and I repeat, if it were so, this would mean
that God the Father would have mocked everyone who was before Jesus.
The sleep of reason, in which fanatics and superstitious indulge, continues to penetrate consciences; so it appears very clearly that
therefore Jesus is a divine model, but not the only one, not unique.
This dogmatic vision in which Jesus appears as the only savior, as the only way of access to the God, know that is the work of priests."

In an article posted at the end of 2005, entitled "YOGA: a path to Infinity" (link and archive), Bivolaru stated:

The mistake made by the vulgar, profane Christians was [...] by presenting Jesus Christ as a cult object most often, maintaining the illusion
that there was only one man, through all of time, who was way above everyone else, and He was the One and Only Son of God.”

So, according to Bivolaru, the idea that Jesus was the Only Son of God and the only Savior is "an unacceptable claim"!
But a year ago, a presentation film of MISA (link) made in the early 90s on VHS tape was posted on the YouTube channel
in which, at 39min:25sec, Bivolaru himself declared:

Those who practice yoga remain good Christians and integrate into their yogic practice the traditional holidays that Christians have,
and I could remind that all yoga practitioners celebrate in a very specific but much deeper way certain Christian holidays
such as Easter, Christmas or other traditional holidays, performing meditations of communion with God, with Jesus Christ
and look at Jesus as the Only Son of God and approach with dedication the way and the teachings that Jesus made available to Christians
and in this direction they consider yoga and Christianity complementary and often some people even come to tell us after a period of time
that by practicing yoga and developing spiritually and morally, they come to understand the teachings of Jesus much better,
they come to assimilate the biblical teachings and become better Christians, more loving, warmer, more full of wisdom, more open to God,
able to pray to God, to fast and truly be models for other people."

The fragment "all those who practice yoga [...] regard Jesus as the Only Son of God" is truly epochal!
Analyzing this fragment with the rational mind (which is not recommended and used at MISA, because it is "inferior and hardens the heart"),
taking into account Bivolaru's previously mentioned statements, the following conclusions result:

➤ Bivolaru does not practice yoga because, unlike all those who practice yoga, he does not consider Jesus as the Only Son of God

➤ although Bivolaru does not consider Jesus as the Only Son of God, his mouth says so in the MISA presentation film,
to remove from the minds of those who watch the message the idea that yoga at MISA is in contradiction with Christianity.
He thus manipulates those who view the message. In reality, this message sounds like this:

"Those of you who would like to do yoga with Me, but are afraid that you might betray Jesus Christ, don't worry so much because
at MISA everyone sees Jesus as the Only Son of God.
Of course, I'll get this nonsense out of your head later, because God couldn't make fun of those who lived before Jesus,
God mocked all those who lived before Me, because they did not know My revelations in an absolute planetary premiere!”

Another manipulation made in the early years of MISA was that of the years Jesus spent in Tibet and India. The idea is obvious:
Jesus was initiated into the Eastern doctrines and did yoga, so those who come to yoga are actually following Jesus:

Research: Jesus Spent 16+ Years in India and Tibet (archive)

These are in addition to other numerous manipulations that Bivolaru has carried out on his followers over time, which have been analyzed
in detail in the post about the violation of the Ethical and Moral Principle of Truth at MISA (link):

- the presentation of MISA courses during the opening conferences as integral yoga courses carried out in the gym, with benefits for physical
and mental health, without any religious connotations, in order to attract followers from all social categories, hiding the fact that
at MISA religious rituals belonging to different religions are realized

- those who want to start the course at MISA are not told what the real duration of the course is (already over three decades and counting!),
they are suggested that the duration of the course could be two years (see here "What a class looks like") or they are told that
"they can decide how many months or years want to follow", (see here) so that later, once they are drawn to the courses,
they are told by the Guide himself that "those who will abandon the spiritual path they have engaged in the beginning, will lose the chance of deliverance and end up in hell.” (link)

- deliberate falsification of Sundar Singh's so-called PROPHECIES (see here), to proclaim MISA's planetary spiritual mission 

- the modification of some passages from the Bible and the promotion of a so-called original Gospel ("Manuscript Q")
to determine the followers to accept vows of secrecy and promote so-called "esoteric Christianity" based on Pure Eros

- obliging the followers - under the pretext of "preserving the initiatory secret" - to take oaths of secrecy not only about the information
received during the courses or camps, but also about the events in which they participate or assist as eyewitnesses

- bluffing by announcing apocalyptic catastrophes, interpreted either as a fulfillment of prophecies in the event of their occurrence,
either by canceling the danger due to MISA's actions, if they do not occur

- the promotion of urinotherapy (healing by consuming one's own urine) and the creation of a fake book ("The Mystic Lady"),
with the aim of causing followers to practice "urinary orgasm" - love games with the consumption of partners' urine

- the promotion of polyamory ("free love" or multiple love relationships at the same time, in order to transcend limitations"),
after initially promoting tantric couple love based primarily on love

- the promotion - under the pretext of MISA belonging to the tantric tradition - of sexual practices that don't exist outside the Movement
or which, in some cases, are invented by the spiritual leader himself and which do not even exist in the tantric tradition,
with the obvious aim of keeping the followers within the Movement, because they do not find partners for their practices outside of MISA

- taking over, during numerous conferences, all kinds of conspiracy theories or fake news, with the aim of creating a specific MISA ideology
to keep followers under mind control and isolate them from the rest of society

- the proclamation of all kinds of miraculous events that would take place within the MISA activities, as well as all kinds of
"authentic divine revelations" that followers would have while participating in these activities, etc. 

PS 1:
The "unacceptable idea" that Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God is stated in the Gospel of John:

The Gospel of John, ch. 1 (link):
1:18 No man has seen God at any time; the only Son, who is on the breast of the Father, he has made clear what God is.

The Gospel of John, ch. 3 (link):
3:16 For God had such love for the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever has faith in him may not come to destruction
but have eternal life.
3:18 The man who has faith in him does not come up to be judged; but he who has no faith in him has been judged even now,
because he has no faith in the name of the only Son of God.

PS 2:
Bivolaru also contradicted himself regarding the oaths.
Also in the 90s, he commented on the Gospel according to Thomas (link) in which, among other things, he spoke laudatory of James the Righteous
or James the Just (link), mentioned in verse 12:

(12) ”The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?"
Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being." 
(Luke 9:46. Luke 22:24-26. Marc. 9:33-35) 

But James the Just (James the Brother of the Lord) completely stopped the oaths!

Epistle of James (link):
5:12 But most of all, my brothers, do not take oaths, not by the heaven, or by the earth, or by any other thing: but let your Yes be Yes,
and your No be No: so that you may not be judged.

This verse authenticates the passage - declared false by Bivolaru - from the Gospel of Matthew:

Gospel of Matthew (link):
5:33 Again, you have knowledge that it was said in old times, Do not take false oaths, but give effect to your oaths to the Lord:
5:34 But I say to you, Take no oaths at all: not by the heaven, because it is the seat of God;
5:37 But let your words be simply, Yes or No: and whatever is more than these is of the Evil One.

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