Thursday, July 20, 2023


”You are the children of your father the Evil One and it is your pleasure to do his desires.
From the first he was a taker of life; and he did not go in the true way because there is no true thing in him.
When he says what is false, it is natural to him, for he is false and the father of what is false. (John, 8:44)

Lying is the main means by which Bivolaru created both his aura as a spiritually realized master and his so-called yoga school.
He has launched and spread a lot of lies and fakes over time, both privately and publicly, but this article presents only a few of those that are obvious, beyond any doubt, for which there is evidence that are accessible to all.

The arsenal of lies of the MISA "Spiritual Guide" is vast and takes many forms, which often overlap:

- the "spontaneous" (occasional) lie
- the premeditated lie, calculated in advance
- the lie taken from others and spread in order to achieve goals
- own lies disguised as "truths stated by others"
- lying by suggestion (insinuation)

Through occasional ("spontaneous") lies, Bivolaru sought to momentarily escape of uncomfortable situations.
His problem is that he has been caught this way several times and, therefore, he wants to receive the questionnaires in advance
and reads the prepared answers from the sheet.

Through the premeditated lie, the MISA's Guru prepared the ground for the manipulation of followers especially, but also of public opinion.
This kind of lie merged with the lies created by others, which the Guru took over, adapting them in a "creative" way to achieve his own goals.

As the cuckoo slips its eggs into the nests of other birds who then raise them as their own cubs, Bivolaru sneaked his lies
in books attributed to others.
By resorting to lying by suggestion, he made those around him believe certain versions of reality that suited his purposes,
manipulating them in the desired direction.

Over time, Gregorian Bivolaru has told countless lies.
Many of them were issued privately and reached the public from mouth to ear, so that the information is not entirely reliable in these cases.
But even in the case of those issued in public, many were not recorded or were played in the press, which does not always show objectivity.
Only the lies printed on physical or electronic media remained, those spoken with his voice or under an assumed signature,
especially after the advent of the widely accessible Internet.

Without ever being able to depict its magnitude, here is a short anthology of the obvious lie displayed by Gregorian Bivolaru:


Naturally, these lies were told by the MISA mentor mostly in live statements, without thinking, forced by circumstances,
out of the momentary need to avoid uncomfortable questions or divert attention from uncomfortable aspects.
The first notable public appearances (live TV) of Bivolaru took place only during the events of 2004.


statements of NATHA leaders video (1min:38sec - 2min:09sec)

Natha's leader: When we talk about sex and group, we already associate things that are not compatible with a moral and spiritual life.
The leader's wife: It seems to me something out of the ordinary and something unnatural. No, we weren't interested in that.
Rep: There is no group sex in MISA, that would be the idea.
The leader's wife: Yes, by no means, and personally I have never heard of such at MISA.”

At MISA courses, integral yoga is practiced. Right to reply (archive):

"The MISA Press Office specifies that there are no "sex groups" in the MISA yoga classes, there is no group sex or urine drinking.
There is no initiation regarding "the master urinating in the female student's mouth". These are just aberrations of a sick mind."

Bivolaru himself declared on March 25, 2004 (source) at Tuca TV show 1 (12min:25sec):

Editor: The allegations are that you are having group sex, that would be the main charge.
It is found in all the newspapers and magazines, and the editions began with this accusation.
G. Bivolaru: This claim is false and unfounded; although such statements have been made for almost 14 years, I consider it to be a lie
which, through repetition, has become a "truth".
Because when the police entered, they could undoubtedly have discovered possible situations of this kind, it is a common sense argument
that proves once again that this is a false statement and it is and remains false and never will be proven, because it does not exist in reality!
EditorThose who are part of the MISA organization - you state here in front of public opinion - do not practice group sex.
G. Bivolaru: Yes, I am declaring here in front of the whole nation that those who belong to MISA do not practice group sex.

At the time 44min:45sec, comes back with the question:

Editor (reading a question of a TV viewer ): You should be asking Mr. Bivolaru about group love, not group sex.
G. Bivolaru: "Group love" is an equally biased statement.
I said: it is neither group love nor group sex, it is only love between couples who love each other and do it in the privacy of the home.

"It's only love BETWEEN couples, er... IN couples who love each other" - said his mouth without control.
But, years after Bivolaru declared in front of public opinion that there is no group sex at MISA and that it will never be proven
because such a thing does not exist, the same mouth, unwittingly exposed his lies and those of his servants::

G. Bivolaru, conference no. 6 "Fundamental esoteric revelations about tickling":

"In the case of love fusions in threes or fours with excellent erotic amorous continence, states of overwhelming erotic effervescence
are experienced and they nourish certain divine spiritual ideals and thus become a formidable invincible occult force."

 G. Bivolaru, conference "Answer to a question about homosexuality" – 2015

"The tantric treatises mention that... two or even more women can unite intimately, amorously, sexually, erotically with another man
they can even make love to each other in different postures which are classical, but those who know the secret Principle of Multiplication,
they know very well why this is done, what it means and what huge, rapid mysterious effects it triggers."

Within the same Tuca TV show 1 (15min:50sec), when asked about URINOTHERAPY, Bivolaru admitted that he had translated
and published a brochure on the subject, but stated that MISA followers do not practice it:

EditorLet me ask you: MISA members, MISA followers practice uninotherapy?
G. Bivolaru: No, they don't practice urine therapy!
EditorBut what is it, a preoccupation of yours with a subject that is being discussed in the world?
G. Bivolaru: I have only allowed myself to write a preface to an ancient treatise which I have translated, and then present this brochure.
This and nothing more! So the rest is nonsense, and from that moment on, everyone who heard about this brochure falsely concluded
that urine therapy is a mandatory yoga school practice!

"I wrote a preface because I had nothing else to do, and my followers don't practice what I tell them anyway." What a great master...

Regarding the RECIPROCAL CONSUMPTION OF URINE, the technique is presented here, in an extract from the counterfeit book
"The Mystic Lady", given free of charge to students and warmly recommended by the "sick mind" of G. Bivolaru, within the chapters
The secret initiation in the fascinating mysteries of urinary orgasm”, ”Erotic games with the golden elixir of life” and
The overwhelming states of urinary orgasm have awakened miraculous effects in my being”:

Bivolaru, Message about Anemic Love from MISA, 2013:

"The lack of ritual engagements like Maithuna, the rejection of amorous games with the golden elixir that are performed within a couple [...],
it keeps such couples in this state of mediocrity."

Also, these "games with golden elixir" are featured in movies produced by MISA (link):
Also in those films, self-stimulation is also presented:

Tuca TV show 1 (55min:48sec):

EditorTell me, is masturbation part of the initiation ritual in yoga?
G. Bivolaru: No, so masturbation is not part of any initiatory ritual in yoga, it is a degrading practice that leads the being to collapse
and in our school of yoga it is aimed that the man to come to practice continence, so to come to control the sexual potential,
to transmutes it biologically and then uses the resulting energy to reach even affective, mental, intellectual, spiritual performances.

"No, in the MISA school we don't masturbate, because it's degrading and collapses the beings; only those idiots masturbate
who watch videochats of school's female students, they don't have to reach mental and intellectual achievements,
they have to stay suckers to remain customers!
The girls you see in movies as human artesian fountains self-stimulate, yes, but they don't masturbate; they don't discharge
their sexual potential like those suckers but they just make jets, because they're having urinary orgasm!"


At the Tuca TV show 1, (18min:05sec), Bivolaru declared: 

EditorBut speaking of the concerns of your organization, I am asking you: one of the concerns is viewing of pornographic magazines,
does these cases have anything to do with yoga, does your yoga school or the yoga that you practice, that you teach,
does it have anything to do with pornography?
G. Bivolaru: No, it has absolutely nothing to do with it!
EditorAnd then why so many pornographic magazines?
G. Bivolaru: So the magazines in question were simply in a collection that included many other magazines which, in a biased way,
were then all presented as pornographic magazines, which is untrue!

And at time 33min:25sec, the following dialogue took place:

EditorAre erotic videos made?
G. Bivolaru: Where?
Editor: Within your organization!
G. Bivolaru: No, we do not make erotic videos within our organization.

No, they are not erotic, they are even pornographic, as even a MISA article points out (link)!

"The word pornography was always spoken. During the debate on the sanction given to a TV station for the show Big Brother,
The Supervisory Commission has clearly specified that TV pornography means films in which sexual acts are presented."

Despite overwhelming evidence (see this article on this blog) which finally forced MISA to admit they produced porn films (video),
Bivolaru continued to deny that pornographic films were made at MISA.

"Urgent message from Grieg” - February 26, 2011 (see here the text only in Romanian, which was removed from the English version here)

"Can we hope that the journalist from that TV show, who writes about erotic films (which in reality were never made within MISA),
will objectively write about our Planetary Emergency Action Program NOT THE APOCALYPSE?"


Tuca TV show 1, (51min:55sec):

EditorViewers ask, I ask you too: all those images of naked women are part of a ritual, of a show,
without either reaching sex or love?
G. Bivolaru: So some of the images that were, yes, are part of certain shows that were made and which are shows with an erotic touch.
But that is something else entirely and has nothing to do with orgies or group sex demonstrations. So there were artistic performances.
EditorSo artistic performances. Who directs them, you?
G. Bivolaru: Not. So they were often even directed by some students from branches abroad, for example the students from Denmark,
the students from Italy, the students from France who, participating in certain artistic events, thought of realizing such moments,
and the media speculated when they found a video tape, using that footage and often presenting them in a biased way.

This is an obvious lie, concocted at that very moment to manipulate the public in Romania, blaming "foreigners":
"No, I did not direct them together with the manager from Sophrozin! Not!
It was the debauchery of Westerners; those from Italy led by one who calls herself Bella Maestrina, were those from Denmark,
the team of Paul and Claire Diamond from Kubera (details here). It was just them, not me!"


Shortly after the Tuca TV Show, invited to another television, the president of MISA denied the veracity of the porn shows
held in the presence of G. Bivolaru (”the Godfather”, B1TV, video):

Editor: So here is Gregorian Bivolaru. Were you at this event, Mr. President?
MISA's President (N. Catrina): So I have been to several events like MISS or Mr. Bivolaru's day, but I don't recognize these images...
Guest: You mean they didn't happen?
Editor: So you weren't at this show, you say. That's what I understand.
MISA's Pres: No.
EditorBut Mr. Bivolaru was celebrating an important age.
Guest: No, but are the images real?
MISA's Pres: As far as I know, no. Besides, if it had been...
Guest: So the images are not real.
MISA's Pres: Well, if it was...
Guest: Do you mean it's a fake, aren't the images real, or what? It's very important!
MISA's Pres: So I don't know this, because I haven't...
Guest: Did you notice Mr. Bivolaru, was he there earlier?
MISA's Pres: Well then, in the first picture, I know he was, I recognized him, but I don't know if this is a collage or is it.

So, the first impulse was to deny the veracity of the images, even though he claims he was not present at the event!
But when confronted with the evidence, the president of MISA began to accept the reality and admit that he recognized Bivolaru in the images, who previously had just admitted that at MISA there are "shows with an erotic tint".

Editor: I ask you then: this kind of images, have you seen them?
MISA's President: What does ”this kind of images” mean, what does it mean?
Editor: I mean, this show, as Mr. Bivolaru called it, have you watched such shows at MISA events?
MISA's Pres: No.
Guest: From '95 until now?
MISA's PresNo. So at the MISA events from '95 until now there were many shows, some of them had a slightly erotic tint, i.e. dances or...
Editor: Yes, that's exactly what the tint is here, slightly erotic, or...
MISA's Pres: That's kind of... So it's not slightly erotic. And that image was the image of a lingam (penis), I think it is.
Editor: So these are pornography, right? We can say?
MISA's PresI see it's simulations there, because I see these men have...
Editor: I put some blurs, because it was more than...
MISA's PresDo you think that's their sex, do you? It's a simulation!
Guest: Look, how old do you think this little girl is...
Editor: Yes, it's a shocking image, but I don't know, I can't tell if it's minor or...
MISA's PresIf you say it was on Mr. Gregorian's birthday, when he turned 50...
Well then it means that we are already almost two years away from that time!
Guest: But the televisions gave this, sir, the televisions gave...
MISA's Pres: They gave and, if they were real and what you said was being done, sex or orgy...

The President of MISA wanted to say that if there was sex or orgy in reality, the Prosecutor's Office would have launched investigations.
And so it was, the Prosecutor's Office carried out research and found that it was not a real sexual orgy, but a show with nudity,
that the "little girl" was an adult with reduced body development, and they decided to end the case.
But the pornographic show was thus confirmed, despite the denials of the president of MISA.

DENIAL OF OWN STATEMENTS given before the court

At Tuca TV show 1, (19min:05sec), the following dialogue took place:

Editor: Have you had sex with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So I never have sex with anyone, because having sex is something degrading.
Editor: Have you made love with any of the MISA female sympathizers?
G. Bivolaru: So, if I made love? I made love because when I love, I make love with beings I love.
Editor: No, in the idea of teaching a course, in the idea of initiation, in this idea.
G. Bivolaru: No, in this idea, no...
Editor: Okay, so it was about a love story...
G. Bivolaru: Exactly.
Editor: The statement of sympathizers who say this appeared in the media: the fact that you had sex, love, this happened
and that minors are queuing up at your place for a sex round. It's true?
G. Bivolaru: It is a blatant lie, along with many other lies that have been stated about me and will be stated, because the sensational is often used.
Editor: So none of these accusations are true.
G. BivolaruYes, none of these accusations are true.

"Ooh, I don't have sex because it's degrading, only you troglodytes have sex, you bastards!"
"I didn't sexually initiate anyone, that girl from Australia misunderstood, that she was a foreigner!" (details here and here).

At the 54min:55sec, the following dialogue took place:

Editor: Were your girlfriends over 18?
G. Bivolaru: Yes, of course!
Editor: You didn't have any girlfriend who was less than 18 years old?
G. Bivolaru: No, I didn't!
Editor: So only over 18 years. And there have been a lot, that you talk about your girlfriends over the years?
G. Bivolaru: This is an intimate aspect, which I do not want to detail.
Editor: I asked you if there were dozens or hundreds.
G. Bivolaru: So I explained to you, it is an intimate aspect.

"They all looked like you could swear they were over 18, and how many there were is an intimate aspect that only the guests' hotel
(Lotus hotel) knows."

On April 1, 2004, at Marius Tucă's second show, in the presence of the Movement's lawyers, the following dialogue took place:

Tuca TV show 2 (8min:00sec):

Editor: Do you know Mădălina?
G. Bivolaru: Yes, I know Mădălina, but from her and what was circulated in the press and on television is a chasm.
In reality, so I had the opportunity to see Mădălina, even to have friendly relations with her, so to speak, but there were never intimate relations,
boyfriend-girlfriend relationships or perverted relationships as suggested in the press and even at television.
So these relationships were limited to an affectionate friendship, that's all and nothing more, no sexual relations, no perverted relations,
nothing of that kind.
Editor: What were the questions you were asked, what did the investigation cover?
G. Bivolaru: Exactly on these aspects, and on this occasion I showed without any doubt that there were no such sexual or perverse connections.

After pleading for years that he was not guilty of the sexual act with minors for which he was charged and then convicted,
when he was released on parole he declared before the court that he assumes for the crime and he regrets it,
and then shamelessly denied it again at the prison gate.
That is the value of Bivolaru's ”word of honour”.


Tuca TV show 2 (38min:50sec):

Editor: Please tell me, Mr. Bivolaru, in the coming days, in the next period, will you accept collaboration with the investigators?
G. Bivolaru: Sure, sure, like I said...
M. Tucă: Do you intend to leave the country in the next period?
G. Bivolaru: No, no, no...
M. Tucă: So no...
G. Bivolaru: I will remain at the disposal of those who request me...

"I'm at the disposal of the investigators, I'm sure, I'm not going anywhere, I swear!" And he was gone... (video).


Tuca TV show 1 (27min:10sec):

Editor: Mr. Bivolaru, if you have faith in God, why do you accept idolatry?
Do you consider yourself a divine character or a normal human?
G. Bivolaru: I consider myself a normal character, not divine, I am a man like any other, I have never accepted idolatry, I reject it,
I really have a horror of idolatry.

Mr. "normal character" showed no horror at all when:

- his servant called him "the messenger of God prophesied in the Bible" 
”The Bible code designates here an exceptional being - a "messenger of God on Earth".
What was written in the secret code of the Bible is being fulfilled now and here, right before our eyes."  (link)

- a female student called him "the greatest teacher after Jesus" (link)
- a student refers to him with a capital letter (HE) and calls him "HE, DIVINE being, who can do no wrong" (archive)
- followers relate all kinds of miraculous visions that have him as their subject (dedicated page)
- followers dedicated tribute films to him (The Guide, For You, Memories from Absolute).

On the contrary:

- his photo is present at student meetings (video, 47min:35sec)
- supports "subtly", from a distance, the groups for deepening the Guide-aspirant relationship
- whoever doubts him, means that he is demonic and is condemned to hell (article)
- talk about him using the "Majesty plural" or ”Royal plural”: we, us
- he never misses an opportunity to tell everyone how modest he is (he called himself "God's Pipe"):

"Given the modesty and humility that characterize us, we do not consider it necessary to go into details regarding our interventions which we,
in the pose of the beggar, achieve only with the immense help that comes from the good God who, however, has a pipe of great caliber
in and through which the good God manifests in our pose of the channel, so that even very great results appear."

- recounted their lives as an accomplished master (biography)
Note: In this biography in English, it is said that "he attained the state of spiritual awakening", while, in the Romanian version,
it is said that "he attained the state of supreme consciousness".

- He is the MESSIAH of the new religion: Godism, the religion without other intermediaries (than HIM)
- he claimed to personally receive revelations from God for the first time on the planet, which were not known
"not even by the apostles of Jesus, not even by the great saints, not even by the great sages" (conference about Shambala, part 2).

- claimed that his manifestation is "something similar to the 'moment before Jesus' and the 'moment after the coming of Jesus',
completing to an end the work of Jesus, which left the work half-finished (conference about  Shambala, part 1).

Tuca TV show 2 (28min:31sec):

Editor: Mr. Bivolaru, in the last TV show you said that you are against idolatry.
G. Bivolaru: Yes, and now I am still against idolatry.
Editor: During the days when you were in police custody, the televisions showed some images, you probably know them (video), in which
you are on a podium, sitting on a chair, dressed, and in front of you young men and women more or less undressed, laying flowers at your feet.
G. Bivolaru: No, so those images...
Editor: No, what? That I saw their images!
G. Bivolaru: No, those images refer to a certain show that took place at a certain time in the past, it was a show, so to speak, private,
through which a certain kind of Shivaic ritual was imitated, this and nothing more.
However, I never followed the media coverage of this event; this was done by stealing the tape and then showing it on the TV.
Of course it appears as such, but it was a private manifestation, for which we never sought to achieve this mediatization, and there it was a ritual
and the respective people manifested in a certain way and then showed how they act symbolically, in certain phases of that ritual, 
hat and nothing more. But that ritual was not about worshiping me. So this is a biased presentation.

"It was a show, a Shivaic ritual was imitated!" So MISA is performing, just imitating spirituality like monkeys! This is a revelation!
Bivolaru was not worshiped, Shiva was worshiped who manifested through Bivolaru (as a fiery lingam... see here)

More recently, a book is being prepared (see announcement) with "honest testimonies" about the MISA Guide.

"We are announcing that a book is being prepared that will include various honest testimonies about the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru,
which is likely to include several volumes.
However, your confession must be totally sincere, spontaneous and you can express yourself freely about what you felt or experienced
on the occasion including some paranormal spiritual interventions that appeared as a result of some mysterious, divinely integrated actions
of the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru."

How will one know which are the "honest testimonies"? You guessed it, they are the ones that talk about "divinely integrated actions"!
Down with idolatry, up with the Guide!


Tuca TV show 1, (45min:29sec):

Editor: Why are you called Guru?
G. Bivolaru: I am only called Guru by the press and by those who seek to discredit me.
I don't have this degree, which, by the way, is often misunderstood in the West.

Although the leaders of MISA protest against the use in the press of the appellative "guru" (considered tendentious for its leader,
they consider him in reality "guru, a divine manifestation of God on Earth, whose splendor shines like a thousand suns" (video, 1min:08sec),
"an enlightened being who is alive" (video, at time 41min:50sec).
Also out of disgust for the title of Guru, Bivolaru wrote the book Guru-ology...


Tuca TV show 1 (28min:23sec):
Editor: At which church do Gregorian Bivolaru's disciples worship?
G. Bivolaru: To all Orthodox churches, Christian Orthodox, that exist both in the country and abroad. Moreover, countless times,
those people who were not baptized, coming to the yoga classes even ended up getting baptized.

Do the Catholics at the yoga class worship at the Orthodox churches too?
What about worshiping all sorts of Tibetan and Hindu deities, through all sorts of religious rituals?
Were the students who received bizarre, "initiative" baptismal names (see here) baptized in the Orthodox Church with such names?


Tuca TV show 1 (32min:52sec):

Editor: Why do you send girls and boys to Japan to become prostitutes and then force them to give you money?
G. Bivolaru: Not true! So I never sent girls and boys to Japan, that's another aberrant defamation.

Obviously no students were sent to Japan like the packages, they left because they were convinced they were burning their karma,
no one goes crazy like that, all the way to Japan.
And the departure was brokered with contracts signed with a company managed by MISA students (Sc EXTAZ SRL,
as shown in the subsection "The Extaz Case", page 165 of G. Andreescu's book).

The problem is that Bivolaru did not take a stand, as he did not take a stand in the case of porn videochats, although the vice president C.T.
had informed him of the situation and asked him to demarcate MISA from these activities.

Bivolaru showed double standards towards some activities at MISA.
He denounced sexual display as prostitution, denounced the case of a student prostitute at MISA, but did not take a position regarding
the video chats on that some MISA students had been acting for years, only when where they exceeded the limits.

➤ "The MISA YOGA COURSE is like ANY OTHER" ("like karate")

Tuca TV show 2 (18min:31 sec)

Editor: Oh, but there are many who come to your classes or what you do without being MISA members.
G. Bivolaru: Exactly!
MISA president: Like a karate class...
Editor: But those who come to the classes or the meetings or what you do and are not 18 and practice, have sex with other members,
what can we call this?
G. Bivolaru: So this is their problem. So we cannot interfere in a man's life and impose on him what he must do.
Editor: Yes, but it is not done under... [guidance, n.a.]?
G. Bivolaru: No, no. So each person comes and practices yoga for only two, three hours at the gym, and then after that he is free
to do whatever he wants, just like someone who trains at a karate gym, and after that nobody controls him or ask him to do certain things.
So everyone is free in this yoga school, for two or three hours he attends some classes, the rest he does what he wants, what he wishes.
This aspect is very important for everyone who is currently watching this show to remember.

"For two, three hours they go to the gym..."
But the problem with MISA courses is not in the gym, but what is taught outside the gym hours, through camps, through secret groups,
under oath of keeping secrecy!
Officially, in the MISA courses you only find the theoretical exposition of sexual continence©.
The actual techniques are found in the books published at MISA, where everyone practices as they think.

"This is their problem. So we cannot interfere in a man's life and impose on him what he must do."
By the way, in Mădălina's case, is it still her problem?
Obviously, it is not imposed on them, but it is proposed to them. They wouldn't have done it if they didn't know.
What about the permanent pushing of followers to make, as often as possible, only love with continence?
How not be involved in the life of the followers, when the Guru criticizes the followers who make too little love, who avoid realizing
sexual rituals and postures ("anemic sex"), which avoids to make love "on favorable days from an astral point of view"
or who does not perform "love fusions with golden elixir" (urine)?
How does one pretend to be uninvolved in the life of the followers, when the Guru criticized them for not watching
the rubbish of pornographic films broadcast through the camps (see here), once free but, more recently, for a fee (see here)?

I quote:
"You almost have a love life similar to that of monks and nuns!"

By the way, speaking about the love life of the MISA teenagers, about which the editor of the Tuca TV show asked:

Bivolaru, message about anemic love at MISA (broadcast outside the 2-3 hours of class at the gym):

"Unfortunately, many men are not attentive to the subtle energetic processes that occur in their bodies and, precisely because of this,
they tend to relate to the states of wild, acute orgasm that they have experienced up to that point in their love lives.
Precisely for this reason, it is necessary to know and it would even be good to invite here a teenager who started his love life
directly with continence, because such human beings present a certain availability that makes them discover orgasm without ejaculation,
even very easily, because they do not have this habit - classic, we might say - of all men who have had short orgasms."
Tuca TV show 2 (33min:22sec):

Editor: Okay, so you're saying that your organization is a kind of organization, how should I say...
MISA president: It's just like, for example, an aerobics or karate class, as I said before, where a person comes...

Here's Bivolaru and the president of MISA shamelessly lying to the public that MISA yoga sessions are like aerobics and karate,
while telling students that MISA yoga is esoteric, not like the degraded sports yoga of the West, but it is a spiritual path
that those who do not faithfully follow or abandon it, end up in hell (see here): (vezi aici).:

With this opportunity, inspired by our Master Grieg, was decided to propose not organizing sports and artistic yoga contest,
but to go on a spiritual line much closer to authentic yogic tradition.
A sports yoga contest is not a spiritual event and that Grieg was right when he stated that a spiritual system has nothing to do with sport. 


Tuca TV show 2 (36min:55sec):

Editor: Tell me about the drug allegations: Are there any MISA members who use drugs?
President of MISA: There are no MISA members who use drugs.
Editor: How do you know?
President of MISA: Because there are only twenty or so MISA members. That's why I know very clearly, that I know them all.
Editor: Are there any sympathizers? There is talk of 20-30,000 people who are part or sympathizers.
President of MISA: Yes it is. From all we know, it's not even... in fact, we actually combat and have even criticized many times
- both in classes and holiday camps - the use of drugs; more than that, yogis don't use either at least coffee, they doesn't smoke.
They doesn't even drink coffee or tobacco and why would they use drugs?
If it had been so, the police would have found drugs in the raids that were made, for sure.
G. Bivolaru: That is precisely why it should be noted that in all these raids, not even a gram of drugs was found, although at the beginning
it was said that these raids were done precisely to discover drugs and to discover the networks of drug traffickers within this yoga school
and nothing has been discovered and nothing will be discovered because, in reality, these people are very pure and I strongly state it
and it will be confirmed no matter how long this investigation takes, they will never be find people who do antisocial acts.

But Bivolaru denounced the use of drugs among the students with his mouth, giving names and surnames during conferences
from the 2014 and 2021 "Morals and Bad Habits" series.
The MISA press office tried to sidestep these in a statement, just like in the current show.

PHOTOS in a bathing suit

On April 1, 2004, during the Tucă TV Show, Bivolaru stated in relation to this topic:

Tuca TV show 1 (12min:25sec):

Editor: About the photos of the undressed, naked members...
G. Bivolaru: So there are photos in which some members send us photos - both in bathing suits and some, in excess of zeal,
even take pictures of themselves naked - to highlight the transformations that occur at the body level through the practice of yoga.
Editor: And who do they send them to, you?
G. Bivolaru: So I am sending them to us, because we decided to make an album in which we illustrate how the body is transformed
through postural practices. This is the explanation why these photos were found to have been taken abusively by the police.

So as the yogis at MISA were meditating, they suddenly had the idea to take pictures of themselves in bathing suits or even nude
and send them to the Master so that he could see what wonderful results they achieved through the practice of yoga!
This is a blatant lie, because followers do not send these pictures because they feel like it, but because this is the condition imposed
for their participation in MISA activities outside the core course (extracurricular...).
Thus, photos are required when registering in yoga camps, called coded "camp type photos":
"two photos 10/15 cm format, front + half side profile, in a bathing suit, two pieces for women, clear, in which the body appears in its entirety,
the date on which the photos were taken must be visible, they must be recent”, when registering for selections in the Charismatic Movement,
for spiral IDs, photos are required in a bathing suit even to the camps of communion with aliens (here)!

In an article from the MISA website archive (link), it's said:

Personal vacation photos are not pornography
Many of the photos seized in the search show yoga practitioners in full bathing suits or just briefs.
The yogis say that some are personal, vacation photos taken on the beach, at sea, and others are photos that will illustrate a book
about the benefits of yoga practice on the body and psychic.

"Personal vacation photos", front and semi-profile, taken inside the house, in which you can see A4 sheets printed with the date of the photo...

In connection with these "camp photos", another lie has come to light:
for decades in a row, these photos were requested - it is said - for "visualizing the aura of the applicants for the purpose of selection",
as well as for "creating a database regarding their spiritual evolution, which is perceptible from energetical point of view".
For this reason, these photographs had to be taken exclusively by the classical method, on silver-based photographic paper or film.
But in recent years, due to the complete disappearance of this old technology, digital electronic photos taken with a mobile phone
are accepted without reservation, not only for online participation, but also for more special camps, such as this one
(click on See fee and registration details).
So the initial justification of the realization by the old technology method was just a false pretext.


Tuca TV show 1 (24min:15sec):

Editor: What can you tell us about the young people in MISA who ended up leaving their family or their school studies?
There are many statements, there are many shocking testimonies of parents who talk about the fact that those who were their children
- because they no longer consider them their children - ran away from home, they no longer come to the family, they deny their family.
G. Bivolaru: So these claims in the vast majority are induced by the media which, when certain campaigns occur,
simply generate a psychosis, especially on the level of parents, but I want to tell you that these children are in reality adults who, at times,
entered in conflict with their parents who sought to pressure them to drop out of yoga school, and certainly there were some disagreements.
But beyond that, there are tens of thousands of other parents who accept the fact that their children are in yoga school, and in some cases,
there are even parents and children who come to these classes together.
Editor: And why the statements of parents, I said that there are cases - but not few - where parents come and say:
"They ruined my child, Bivolaru with his yoga, they took my child from the family, I don't recognize him anymore.
G. Bivolaru he answers by relating the case of a yoga student forcibly admitted by her parents to a mental hospital, although she is not sick.

Note Bivolaru's manipulative tactic, which puts the carriage before the horses: "the press is guilty of creating the myth of leaving the family".
But the press did not create the scandal out of nothing, but started from concrete cases, and then the impression was amplified.

Tuca TV show 2 (33min:35sec):

Editor: Why did so many MISA sympathizers or members leave their families? It is a question that comes up very often.
President of MISA (sitting on the right side of Bivolaru): I am convinced that it is not true.
Percentage-wise, out of the large number of people who are at MISA, if we compare it to the number of people who leave their families globally,
for the entire country, we could say, I think this number is even lower.
How many people do not leave home, how many people do not have conflict with their parents?
Editor: How many people leave their home for MISA, that is the question?
Or how many people leave their home after entering MISA and leave their families?
I'm interested - and the public is interested - in the cases I was referring to, namely how many people who started attending MISA classes,
attending yoga sessions and so on left their families?
President of MISA: Well I tell you that a very small number, if any. So it's a very small number, and I told you before that compared
to the very large number of people who leave their homes and families anyway, it's insignificant. If you want, we can also do a statistic.

The fact that there were numerous cases where those who started attending MISA courses had problems with their families is without a doubt,
as it is shown in a book about the repression of MISA, where it even talks about actions to mobilize parents whose children had started
attending yoga classes: "Parents Movement for the Recovery of Children", "Committee for the rescue of the young victims of Gregorian Bivolaru"
(see the book, Mobilization of parents, page 61).
In fact, at the very end of a MISA article that can only be found in the archive (link), it says:

"In the disputed news broadcasts, it is also suggested that MISA is responsible for the alienation of some "children" from their families.
However, it has been proven, following the investigations carried out by the Police, that in all cases where parents claim the departure
of their "children" practicing yoga, they were exclusively adults, some even at the adult age of 25-30 years old."

Of course, part of the responsibility lies with the families, but this is understandable if the children were minors under the care of their parents
or in the case of those who still lived with the families. After all, families have to worry not only about the safety of their children,
but also about their education, therefore the social environment they frequent.
Besides, the course costs money, and parents have a right to know what their children are spending their money on.

Of course, the media coverage (which tends to exaggerate in order to increase the audience) has contributed to parents' concern,
but is there smoke without fire? How many articles have appeared about children leaving home "for aerobics or karate"?
How many children ran away from home to go to other yoga courses?
Yes, but these ”other courses” had no ashrams, because "they were not authentic"...

This is where the sensitive point of the MISA courses is reached: the ashrams! Aerobics, karate and other yoga courses didn't have ashrams!
For those kids to leave home for Bivolaru's yoga, they first had to have somewhere to go.
As the ashrams began to appear, the children left home!
And for the construction of other, larger ashrams, even the mature students started leaving home, some even to the Land of the Rising Sun!

Ashrams (like the Christian monasteries) were indispensable in ancient India, as they were the only way a disciple could be around the master.
But in our day's conditions, when the instructors come to the disciples, and in addition, there is the increasingly used variant
of online communication, the ashram appears as something obsolete.
It is clear that Bivolaru thought of the ashram as a way of separating the students from their families so that he could mold them as he wished.
And we must not forget that, within these ashrams, an important role is played by the "hotels of the invited women"...

It will be said that there were no problems when the children came to the yoga class with their families, so the problems only arose
in cases where the families did not know what was going on in yoga or learned about it from the lying media. 1-0 for MISA!
But - as MISA has always boasted - most of its students were at the same time students at universities, many of whom lived far from home anyway,
on university campuses, hundreds of kilometers from their families.
That's the question, that problems also appeared with the students who had ALREADY LEFT their home, so LEAVING HOME

And here the fault lies primarily with the MISA, which warned that families and society are a danger to the spiritual seeker,
because  they oppose the adoption of a spiritual path and are an obstacle to spiritual practice.
There are cases in which Bivolaru reproached some people that, instead of coming to the yoga camps, they stayed at home
with their sick parents, some of whom were even paralyzed!
But with whom to leave sick parents, with strangers? Paying others to stay with your own parents?
Then where is the money for yoga camp left?
In the cases I know of, they chose to stay with their parents, in fact it was the only option possible, as I have just shown.

But Bivolaru maintained his opinion and was so abject that he reminded them of Jesus' saying:
"he who does not leave his parents and brothers to follow Me, is not worthy of Me"!
First, Bivolaru is not Jesus, then Jesus also said "help those in need" and gave the example of the good Samaritan!

Here is a teaching of Jesus that Bivolaru never mentioned:

Come, you who have the blessing of my Father, into the kingdom made ready for you before the world was:
For I was in need of food, and you gave it to me: I was in need of drink, and you gave it to me: 
I had no clothing, and you gave it to me: when I was ill, you came to me.
Then will the upright make answer to him, saying, Lord, when did we see you in need of food, and give it to you? or in need of drink, and give it to you?
And when did we see you or without clothing, and give it to you?
And when did we see you ill and come to you?
And the King will make answer and say to them, Truly I say to you, Because you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.
Then will he say to those on the left, Go from me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which is ready for the Evil One and his angels:
For I was in need of food, and you gave it not to me; I was in need of drink, and you gave it not to me:
I was without clothing, and you gave me no clothing; ill, and you came not to me.
Then will they make answer, saying, Lord, when did we see you in need of food or drink, or without clothing, or ill,  and did not take care of you?
Then will he make answer to them, saying, Truly I say to you, Because you did it not to the least of these, you did it not to me.
And these will go away into eternal punishment; but the upright into eternal life. (Matthew 25:34-46)

From those first years, there are no traces of Bivolaru's teachings, because there was no internet then, but in recent years, he unmasked himself:

Bivolaru about "Anemic love from MISA":

"It is well known that when a human being has access to certain esoteric methods - some of them even secret, that very few human beings
on this planet know - soon after that, demonic influences promptly appear and the demons will act so that block him, to cut his momentum.

Let's give you an example: just when a person decides to put into practice that esoteric method, he finds that his mother calls him in desperation
and says "come to me immediately!" and, instead of he being firm and telling her "I'll come to you tomorrow!",
he forgets that decided to put that method into practice, he postpones it and then, when he decides again, something again appears which,
if he will postpone 30 times, at some point such a human being almost forgets and loses sight of the fact that he decided a year and a half ago
to realize that important technique he received."

"If your demonic mother calls you that she's dying, f..k her and come to your Daddy!", because the erection is not waiting...
Your mother suffered for years because she gave birth to you and raised you and now, because she got sick (because she gave birth to you
and raised you!), f...k her...

This is the compassionate teaching of Bivolaru Sugar Da(n)ddy, the New Messiah, once "second to Jesus", now - greater than HIM!
Technique above all! At the Last Judgment, they will ask you how many techniques you did, not how many people you helped...

Even in Tuca TV show, there was another moment related to this topic:

Lawyer: All viewers watching your show now should be asking themselves:
Why is the Prosecutor's Office keeping a minor girl without her mother and without her lawyer by her side?
Where is this minor girl now, whom they consider to be an injured party?
I am really worried about her fate at the moment! She left home, we don't know where she is!
Editor: But all these years, you weren't worried? You are worried that you don't know where it is.
Lawyer: How did you feel knowing that your daughter is currently being taken by the police and you are not being contacted?
Editor: Wait a second! The minor girl has been away from home for a long time, as I understand that she lives alone in Bucharest with her boyfriend.
Well, the worry could be every night!

Exactly! The editor notices correctly, he has the overall vision, he sees both sides of the situation.
In fact, the people at MISA are not worried about the fate of the girl, but that she might be asked to write incriminating statements
against them, that is, they are worried about their fate!
They cared little for the girl, whom they played as they pleased when she was with them.
The girl is in the middle, she is a victim in a war between two camps with interests.

"The girl has been away from home for a long time", what about her situation before the raids, when she was at MISA,
was there no cause for concern then? What about family concerns?

"How would you feel knowing that your daughter is currently being taken by the police?"
The other half of the question - at least as justified - which the editor of the show only hinted at, is:
"How would you feel knowing that your daughter could currently be in the MISA ashrams, maybe even on some sort of 'initiation'?"
Those at MISA always see the situation only from their point of view, but they always claim to be  both impartial
and the sole holders of the Absolute Truth.

(will follow)

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