Tuesday, January 10, 2023

MISA is a SECT according to its own criteria! - ch. 3: II. DOCTRINE, METHODS 8 - 11

(continued from chapter 2)


8. Purpose

The authors believe that the illusory purpose of the sects' approach is a supposed "salvation" that however will not be achieved.
Any sect insists that it is the only way that leads to "salvation".
The devotional aspect is present in excess, but genuine, deep knowledge is missing.
The sects did not provide humanity with great geniuses, sages, saints or achievers who discovered GOD.

The authors conclude that the so-called "salvation" that sects often talk about in reality denotes an infantile vision,
without real ideological coverage and without practical support.

It was shown in the previous post (chap. 1, criterion 7) that MISA fully arrogates its position as the "sole holder of the Absolute Truth"
and "the only way to God".
The very name of the organization (Integration in Absoluteshows it, first of all.

MISA and her Spirit Guide have arrogated to themselves "revelations in planetary premiere", which they have turned into "trademarks",
meaning both SOLE authors and holders!

MISA states that its aim is
"to embrace the essence of all authentic spiritual teachings, in a spirit of mutual understanding and acceptance,
to express them in a contemporary form for all spiritual seekers on this planet.

The spiritual line
The courses offered by MISA follow the Gupta Maha Siddha Yoga line – the esoteric tradition of high spiritual perfection and deep,
ineffable communion with God.
The methodology specific to this doctrine, largely kept secret.

Beyond belonging to this traditional lineage, the teachings of the MISA School of Esoteric Yoga pursued
to synthesize all that is divinely inspired and fundamental in known authentic spiritual traditionsto thus offer to all 
new or ancient direct ways of spiritual realization which are as accessible as possible.”

Therefore, the MISA doctrine is claimed to be "a synthesis, an essence of all spiritual paths" (a mixture, a kind of hotchpotch).
but, at the same time, it claims a distinct traditional spiritual lineage(!?).

So, MISA's specific lineage doctrine is ”secret” (as are its spiritual lineage masters), but it is claimed that MISA
it synthesizes all known paths - both old and new - so that it is as accessible as possible to all.

Beyond the blatant contradiction between the "secret character of the old tradition" and the "new synthesis accessible to all",
the new doctrinal mixture is created with the intention of attracting as many people from as many social categories as possible,
which allows to recruit as many followers as possible.
A certain doctrine, specific to a certain spiritual lineage, would only appeal to a certain category.

But a certain old spiritual lineage, as well as the "synthesis of all paths that already exists” are not enough for the "Master of Masters".
He needs a whole new doctrine, one that is absolute - the Mother of all Doctrines - that has the last word,
which can no longer be overcome and to eliminate or make useless the other doctrines.

In February 2006, Bivolaru declared that
”this spiritual school will be the most important school on this planet, and with the direct guidance of GOD and of the angels will prepare
a new, fast, easy and efficient path to discover GOD and to become one with Him, each of us will no longer need any intermediary 

All this is absolutely certain and beyond any doubt.
This yoga school will be and will remain for a quite some time, the nucleus of a fundamental spiritual transformation,
which will manifest with the immense and mysterious help of GOD first in this country, and then it will be able to start
a true spiritual revolution which will take place on the planetary level.”

And in the article ”Thoughts at the beginning of new Eve” we find out that religion will be one and only one,
this will add all both what is best and truest of all religious currents that have ever existed on planet Earth,
and genuine knowledge of other extraterrestrial civilizations.
This religion will be called “Godness”.

In conclusion, the MISA doctrine is a synthesis of all traditions - Godness a new religion without intermediaries,
what will make the other religions disappear, what has never been given to people before and is given for the first time on planet only at MISA,
religion based on the revelation of the divine Attributes, especially Pure Eros.
But this mother of Doctrines will remain secret if you are not at MISA, locked with heavy vows.

As for the "promise of salvation", it must be remembered that Bivolaru - the "Master-Without-Masters" - ”found on his own
very effective "practical yogic (therefore old and traditional!) that lead to the discovery of the Ultimate Truth.
"From childhood he experienced overwhelming spiritual experiences, states of Cosmic Consciousness, and intuited that
he would have an exceptional spiritual destiny."

”Ever since childhood, he spontaneously discovered that he knew and even mastered a lot of yoga techniques..."

”While he was a child he often had recurring dreams about himself being a Tibetan Yogi of high spiritual attainment.
As a result of these dreams, he had many recollections of various yogic techniques that he started to practice with amazing results.
All these experiments culminated at the age of 19, when he had a decisive breakthrough and attained the state of spiritual awakening.

(Note: The Romanian version (link) of the previously indicated page says:
"All these experiences culminated at the age of 19, when he achieved the FINAL RESULT and reached the state of SUPREME CONSCIOUSNESS."
It is therefore a much stronger statement than "decisive breakthrough - spiritual awakening" in the English version.
The manipulators from MISA believe that Romanians swallow such gibberish more easily!)

Therefore, MISA's leader reached "spontaneously, by himself" - without a master, without a spiritual line - to the "supreme consciousness"!
Would you leave yourself in the hands of a surgeon who ended up operating "spontaneously", as he dreamed of as a child?

To such integration, such results: after more than 3 decades, MISA's yoga classes continue with new and new methods
without giving a sign that it will ever come to an end!

The article
shows that MISA's activity has been going on continuously for over a quarter of a century (actually, over 3 decades have passed already),
asking rhetorically what has attracted people over time to this school, what brings them to the classrooms
and what makes them continue, year after year, the practice?

What brings them and, above all, what keeps them at MISA? The promise of salvation, which no longer comes. "Very effective practices".
This is what "the practice of this millennial system" means: it lasts for thousands of years!

Although the MISA doctrine is a synthesis ("the mother of all doctrines"), the MISA school is... unique!

First, it is unique due to the esoteric mixture it promotes.
Along with the great saints of Christianity (mentioned sporadically), the Hindu and Tibetan deities are present much more frequently:
the goddess with many hands and rows of skulls, the elephant-headed god, etc.

But there is another element of uniqueness that MISA claims:

What makes the MISA yoga school unique?
”Through the unifying synthesis of spiritual traditions, going to their essence.”
MISA yogis receive initiatory "keys", which bring them much greater efficiency compared to the same techniques in the absence of keys.

"Through this approach we clearly distinguish ourselves from other yoga schools, be they even in India, where students receive
a minimum of information and then mechanically repeats certain techniques, which they don't even understand.
In the case of our school, having the right esoteric keys to understand the various techniques and subtle mechanisms,
the yogi can advance gradually, from step to step, opening one by one the "gates" he encounters,
to the ineffable revelation of the reality of God the Father."

So, this is the uniqueness: only at MISA are the "keys" given!
But how would the "keys" have arrived at MISA and only at MISA, if MISA comes on a traditional millennial line
and, besides, makes the synthesis of all paths?
Through the Realized Master, who received the keys as a small child and walked with them around his neck!
He comes from the Maha Siddha Yoga lineage in India where the keys were lost but, somehow, ended up on HIS neck.

"Sects have not given humanity great geniuses, great saints."
If MISA is not a sect, then - with the exception of the Great and Holy Genius who made himself - who are the "geniuses" and "saints" that it gave?

They would be the main disciples (some of whom left the school and are now blamed):

- ”The MISA Yoga School protests against the association of the name of the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
in the context of the scandal surrounding a yoga school in Thailand”
”The person at the center of the scandal in Thailand, Narcis Tarcău, was a student and instructor at the MISA Yoga School until 1998.
After this moment, deviating from the millennial yogic principles, he founded another yoga school abroad
which was eminently focused on gaining fame and money.
At the same time, Narcis Tarcău renounced his ties with MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru.

From the moment he left this school, 20 years ago, Narcis Tarcău's behavior has shown a deep contempt for the ethical and moral principles
that are the foundation of any authentic yoga practice and that are the basis of the teachings within MISA.”

It is about this scandal:

- ”the Secret Police collaborator and his wife”:
”In 1989, following an action by the Militia troops, I, Grieg, Claudiu Trandafir and 10-15 other people who were practicing yoga
with Grieg at the time were arrested. We were imprisoned for three days.
From the moment I got out of jail, I went as fast as I could to the only person I knew available to help us at the time, that is, to Simona Trandafir,
who had not been arrested, to tell her what had happened and I ask for help. 

Simona started laughing because Claudiu was actually already free! 
I heard from other sources that Claudiu was released by Simona's uncle who was only a colonel in the Secret Police at the time.
It is suggestive to realize now who Claudiu was and what status he had in relation to the repression authorities.
And it seems that this uncle has been constantly watching over him over the years, and it's no wonder that even now
Claudiu is free again in the country, and everyone else is where they are.

This elucidated many meanings for me that years ago I could not believe, but it seems that here Grieg was right again as always in this regard too!"

All are saints while they are in MISA and suddenly become demons the moment they leave it.
As long as they were active in MISA as instructors, they were competent; as soon as they left it, they became
incompatible with ethical principles.

As for "the devotional aspect present even in excess, yet missing true knowledge", see all the testimonies of students
who claim to have had special spiritual experiences, most often in connection with the "Spiritual Guide":
or this five article series

9. The idea of ”GOD”

The authors state that the sects have their own "GOD", a dogmatic conception of "their" GOD.
They conclude the sects believe that only they have the monopoly on GOD, which is in antithesis with "the GOD of others".

When you say "only they have", there is no point in saying "monopoly". When one has a monopoly, others can no longer have a monopoly.

On the Charismatic Movement's website
it is stated that
”within this Movement, well-documented theoretical expositions about the existence of God are presented,
based on ineffable revelations and spiritual experiences that Gregorian Bivolaru had and has”.

dictionary: ineffable = incapable of being expressed in words : INDESCRIBABLE

The mystery revealed FIRST of the Divine Attributes
"An important revelation made within our school of esoteric yoga is that concerning the Divine Attributes,
[...] which helps us feel and understand better the mysterious nature of God.
Although these Attributes are mentioned in both philosophy and mysticism, no work clearly explains
what exactly is a Divine Attribute.
The spiritual guide of our yoga school, however, clarified each of these Divine Attributes."

The "Guide" had ineffable experiences (that cannot be described), after which he clearly describe the indescribable...

In the conference "General question about the mysterious manifestation of God in Creation" - ”The Ineffable” stated that
only God could reveal here, in this country, the divine mystery of the Divine Attributes, the most important revelation
that God has given in this country, for the entire planet.

Because there were some skeptics who doubted about the message transmitted by the ”Guide”, "God" sent him(self) a new message:
"An important and impressive excellent news that was sent to us recently by the God..." - G. Bivolaru
"Recently, unexpectedly, God sent US a message and inspired US to make it known to all of you.
I READ the message, I quote:

"He who in eternity Am and always Will be, announce that the great mystery - which you call the divine Attributes,
miracle that I have given you in these trying times for all of you, it is exactly as it was announced and revealed to you...
I have revealed them to you and I continue to reveal them to you for the first time.”

As I have already mentioned, WE ARE overwhelmed by the multitude of divine Attributes that God has revealed to US one by one
and which He continues, in a playful manner, to reveal to US.
From time to time, new divine Attributes are revealed to US by God.”

"I felt the ineffable (the indescribable) and now I READ the message, I QUOTE...
I've revealed them to you PLAYFULLY another time, but now it's the first time, I'm revealing new and new ones..."

So, for MISA, God is both indescribable and clearly described, now and forever and for the first time... Amen!

"God revealed himself to US for the first time" = "only WE know what God is really like” =
"only OUR INEFFABLE God expressed by US is authentic" = SECT (according to the very criteria of the MISA)!

10. Ideology and dogma

The authors state that the sects have a rudimentary, partial and superficial ideology, which they defend with fanaticism,
insisting on stubborn denials of the religious doctrine they have left.
The sect has only one "holy book" and vehemently rejects all others, highlighting fanaticism and vanity.
The motto of the dogmatic, fanatical, sectarian approach is "believe and do not doubt".
The sectarian ideology is not presented publicly, openly, precisely because of its hidden and often twisted character.
They conclude that sectarian doctrines are valued (especially in the eyes of their followers) by all that they differ
compared to other dogmas or sacred texts...

In the previous sub-chapter, it was just shown how the MISA Guide announced that God had made "ineffable revelations" to him in the premiere,
only to him and his followers.
Since the followers cannot verify the "ineffable revelations", they can only blindly believe.

In the conference "General question about the mysterious manifestation of God in Creation", Bivolaru states that
one of the revolutions that these divine revelations make possible is the new erotic revolutionthe first and last truly divine revolution,
which will make possible the replacement of sexuality with pure eros and which will cause pornography to be thrown into the trash can.

After prophesying the new religion - Godness now MISA announces the new erotic revolution, the first and last divine revolution
(love comes after pleasure; if you please me first, I love you; if not, maybe another time).
But in order not to say that it is only an orgiastic sect, it must also say something about God, but still with an erotic touch:
"Pure divine Eros" becomes a new MISA brand, after decades in a row of promoting sexual continence without mentioning Pure Eros.

Although it has arrogated to itself a mission of spiritual awakening of humanity, MISA only publicly expounds general principles,
nicely packaged but as they say, the devil hides in the details, details that are exposed only in small circles,
only after oaths have been taken of keeping the secret.

11. Techniques and practical methods

The authors state that what the sects consider to be some ways of salvation are actually some aberrant, absurd precepts
that must be respected rigidly in a dogmatic and fanatical way.
Those who lead the sects are obtuse people, therefore the so-called methods made available to followers are rudimentary,
with slow and superficial effects.

The YOGA system is structured in steps, which constitute as many sui-generis classes of evolutionary methods
that are arranged in a systematic gradation, including Moral Aspects (YAMA) and Ethical Aspects (NIYAMA).

They conclude that the procedures that sects make available to their members are rudimentary, anemic, alienating,
representing ineffective "innovations", some obviously ridiculous tricks, actually aberrant mutilations of some traditional YOGA procedures.

MISA has no way of being "initiatory integrated" because it does not have a traditional spiritual lineage, but only claiming one, recently,
of which the old students from MISA had not heard from the beginning;
in reality, the "Spiritual Guide" of the organization does not have a master of the claimed line, naming himself ”master” with his own power.
MISA's "Synthesis" is actually a compilation from many sources, a donut filled with neo-Tantra, glazed with Attributes
and given with the perfume of incense, that the smell may not be felt.

The doctrinal deviation is narrated by the leader himself in an "interview without prejudice":
”I followed the usual traditional path, which was indicated by the great sages of the East, which also includes renunciation of sexuality.
I understood the need to control it or even suppress it in the case of abstinence, in order to sublimate it.
For a certain period of time I thought this was the Way.
I then got to know a completely unusual female character, although very little known in France, a true female Tantric Spiritual Guide.
She acquainted me with certain esoteric aspects of TANTRA YOGA as they had been accessible to her in an initiation center in India.
This female Spirit Guide gave me certain secret keys and pointed me to the sources of Tantric thought.”

So the spiritual leader of MISA renounced the traditional Path indicated by the great sages of the East, to follow
a completely unusual female character, very little known in France, who had been initiated in India in a doctrine
that the great sages mentioned before did not promote it!

As for the Moral and Ethical Code in yoga, at MISA there is an emphasis on Brahmacharya (which MISA interprets exclusively
as sexual continence with a claimed love, including group love, polyamory (so no higher morality), then Purification (Saucha) and Austerity (Tapas),
completely disregarding other essential attitudes such as Truthfulness (Satya), Non-accumulation and Modesty (Aparigraha),
Non-stealing (Asteya) - see registration as exclusive trademarks.
Hatha yoga techniques become the basis for tantric techniques.

Emphasis is therefore placed on the aspects related to the body, disregarding and even violating those related to the Heart and Spirit.
Although it makes great use of the tantric doctrine of direct, unmediated inner experience ("in Spirit and in Truth"),
MISA emphasizes external means:

sexual continence - in which the practitioner depends on the other and is conditioned by the existence, within the course in the locality,
of some acceptable or available partners practicing the same procedures

- carrying out bizarre rituals, involving sexual stimulation and consumption of urine from other people of the opposite sex,
then rituals dedicated to foreign deities adopted at the Guide's recommendation, which in addition often involve external means:
sacred spaces, altars, diagrams, objects of worship, offerings, plants and perfumes, etc

consuming herbal powders - promoted as a cure for everything, including soul, mental and spiritual limitations

Even Tantric sexual methods are based on warped techniques taken from questionable Western translations
or on "innovations and ridiculous gibberish" - such as the gross fake "The Mystic Lady".
Details can be found in the post "SUMMARY about MISA® - ch. 6. PLAGIARISES "enriched" with FAKES",

In the article "When we make love with continence and transfiguration, the sacred is revealed in the profane", it is asserted that
only the implementation of the sacred vision of eros can lead each time to the great fusion with the Divine,
only the vision of the millennial TANTRA YOGA tradition leads to the ultimate achievements, and for the others who are not initiated,
spontaneous attainment of this state is almost impossible.

The official website of MISA® states:
"Amorous sexual continence is the most intelligent and advanced way to make love.
It represents the true love-sexual revolution, and it is to the credit of the MISA yoga school that it revived the secret tradition in the West."

conf. Bivolaru - "Answer to a question about homosexuality" - 2015
"The tantric treatises mention that two or even more women can unite intimately, amorously, sexually erotically with another man,
women can even make love to each other in different positions that are classic, and those who know about the Principle of Multiplication,
know why this is done, what it means, and what immense, rapid effects it triggers within certain practices of the Tantra system."

Conferences and workshops from the program of the international women's camp "Shakti in ecstasy":
"The extraordinary grace of Maha Shakti (The Supreme Feminine Power), manifested through two women united in mutual love
and the powerfully transformative occult effect of multiplicity in a three-way polyamorous tantric relationship – N. and B. Newton”

For details, read this post: "SUMMARY about MISA® - ch. 3 "THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION".

About the practices of urine consumption (including mutual consumption), it is shown in the sub-chapter "THE GOLDEN ELIXIR" of this post
"Synthesis about MISA® - ch. 4 VIDEOCHEATS and "GOLD ELIXIR".

The fact that these are MISA's innovations is shown in the decision to exclude the organization from the International Yoga Federations
(see ch. 1 of this series), as well as in the scandals in India (video) and Uruguay (video 1 and video 2).

"MISA yoga school" is the ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD, where contact with advanced extraterrestrial civilizations is promoted!
The subject of ET is of recent date, so it has no way to be related to "ancient millennial traditions".
Invocations to extraterrestrials, sometimes made in the YANG SPIRAL - another innovation - are part of the specifics of MISA.

Sect Criteria 8 - 11: Checked!

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