Tuesday, January 3, 2023

MISA is a SECT according to its own criteria! - ch. 2: I. GENERAL criteria 5 - 7

(continued from chapter 1)

5. Duration

Authors G.B. and M.D. states that, just like a sect has been based on a schism, in the same way it is subject to internal conflicts and frictions
which can lead to its disintegration.
So a sect, in general, has a relatively short "lifespan", in proportion to the ephemerality of the principles on which it is built.
The authors conclude that a sect is ephemeral by its very nature, reaching - sometimes quickly - a stage of decline.

Splitting "movements" appeared within MISA Movement, immediately after MISA's leader took refuge in Sweden.
A number of his old disciples and founding members broke away from it. Some founded their own schools,
sometimes following the same course of action as MISA and accompanied by similar scandals.

The spiritual leader alias "The Guide" ”congratulates” some leaders of the Movement as "Jesuitists and Machiavellians" (archive link).
As a result of such behavior, the "Jesuitist" president of MISA in office in 2021 (M.D., see the previous link) left the organization.

"... we will simultaneously beg for them the mysterious help of Heavenly Father to exorcise the insidious demonic influences they face
and to realize and annihilate some of their Machiavellian or Jesuitical attitudes."

As for the decline, MISA has always claimed that it is the biggest yoga school in Europe, that thousands of people
have enrolled in yoga in the first months and that, after only two years, the number of yoga students was estimated at over 10,000.
The official website of MISA states that "the number of sympathizers and those who practiced or practice yoga in the framework offered by MISA
it was valued at around 35,000.”

In a 2015 conference on homosexuality, MISA leader G. Bivolaru stated about the MISA school that it has over 40,000 learners or sympathizers,
not including learners and sympathizers in the other countries where it has branches.

But recently, in a recent conference this year, the same leader announced that, at the most important and anticipated annual event
- the hiatus spiral of August - "a number of 1717 people participated on site to which were added another 1914 connected online,
from all over the world, for a total of 3631 participants!”
That is, the tenth part from the alleged numbers! 

And recently, the MISA leader complains about the poor participation in the "school" activities and threatens sanctions
if a minimum participation is not met (see article 1article 2article 3article 4article 5).
The decline of the group is obvious.

In terms of duration, there is one thing that seems endless at MISA: the duration of the yoga class (”yoga for the rest of your life”).
Where else has there been mentioned a "school" whose courses have already lasted for 33 years, without announcing
that it is coming to an end?
Where else has a "school" been mentioned whose students do not know when they will "graduate"?
Where else has a "school" been mentioned in which the most advanced participants do not know what information will receive in the future?
(information that changes as leaders "discover" more and more works in the field).

In conclusion: schismdecline - point 5: checked!

6. Classification

The authors classify the sects according to the degree in which they manifest the tendency to isolation, from those separated from religions and cults
through small doctrinal variations, to those that require total isolation from society and total control of followers.
They believe that the worst is the case of evil sects that use occult techniques to achieve their programmatic goals,
as is the case with the satanic sect of world Freemasonry.

Regarding isolation from society, the MISA leader stated in a ”Message at the end of the 2021 summer camp” that
"...it is not appropriate for us to address the foolish, skeptical human beings who, when they are told of these invisible dangers,
shrug their shoulders lazily and say these are nonsense!
The overall situation shows a state of collective hysteria, even greater stupidity, rampant among naive, gullible, stupid human beings.”

Followers are encouraged to maintain social ties only with those who share the group's views ("supporters"):

Introduction to conferences about Isotopic Marking:
"Given the fact that we live in terrible apocalyptic times, we advise you to urgently broadcast and publicize all conferences on this topic
to all friends and acquaintances.
We would like to point out that, in fact, the content of these conferences is not addressed to skeptical, obtuse, ignorant, stupid human beings
who will hasten to think, or even to assert, with an unshakable stupid conviction, that all this is impossible."

The MISA leader also intervenes in the love relationships of the followers, who must obey the - often aberrant - recommendations
of the "Spiritual Guide":

conference ”Global response about vaccination” part 1 - 21 May 2021:
"What happens if, however, I have amorously fused, or even kissed intimately, with a human being who has already been vaccinated?"
in such cases[...]as we have already mentioned, it will be necessary to interrupt that intimate relationship.
It is not out of the question that skeptical human beings to fail this test, thinking in a lazy way:
"What do you mean, should I give up my wife?" the man will say.
And the woman will say: "What do you mean, should I give up my husband?"

The force-idea that we suggest you to promote in a clear, firm way is and remains this:
"The vaccinated should then stay with the vaccinated, and the unvaccinated should stay with the unvaccinated!",
we are referring here to intimate relationships between human beings of the opposite sex, but also to intimate relationships between women."

Members of the group are discouraged from having romantic relationships with people outside the organization:
Quotes from the conference ”Morals and bad Habits - the case of I.B.”:
"We were informed by some students that a student - I.B. - she chose to make pornographic films with a person who is her boyfriend
and who is not in yoga class.
The insidious slip in this abyss was also apparently determined by the fatal influence of this current partner, which thus makes her to sink
into an obviously demonic state.

The former lover (student at MISA) of I.B. reported that he said to her afterward:
"You, woman, don't you really realize three things?
This man with whom you have entered into this relationship, you will see that he is going to take you out of the spiritual settlement,
he is going to take you away from the spiritual guide and you will end up giving up this yoga course forever.

The specifics of sexuality within MISA - tantric sexuality - which is not found in people outside the group, is a fact
that contributes to the isolation of their students. 

In the conference "Morals and bad Habits - the case of I.B.", Bivolaru stated that all the school's coordinators condemned
the degrading manifestations of animal-like ordinary sexuality, promoting sexual fusions that are permanently based
on erotic amorous continence.

This exclusive approach to tantric sexuality (which has become a trademark of MISA!) contributes to the isolation and control of followers,
who are forced to stay in the group, because only within it can they find partners with whom to practice this type of relationship,
the only one recommended by the spiritual leader (polyamory, sexual continence with mutual consumption of urine).

One of the most vile forms of control to which MISA followers are subjected to by their spiritual leader is the inoculation in their minds
of the fear of accepting, maintaining and amplifying "demonic doubts" towards him and his teaching.

In a message entitled "The 17 unsuspected dangers of demonic doubts", Bivolaru declared that within school
are participating together students, aspirants and opponents.
He warned that the Devil is present in any action to divide a spiritual group and that those persons deviants, demoniacs who slander, defame
or induce various DEMONIC DOUBTS, become the "tools" of the devils.

He exhorts followers that when faced with an attempt of recruitment or deviation from the spiritual path,
to make them expose themselves publicly, after which their identity and "abjections" will be publicly revealed.
Followers are urged to contribute to cleaning this schools of such poisonous "dryness" which, paradoxically,
continue to attend classes and constitute a sinister satanic group within the school or outside it.

It is observed that the MISA leader does not encourage a prior debate of different opinions, but qualifies them from the start
as "poisonous abjections", and those who issue opinions different from the leader's are automatically "tools of the devil."
MISA holds the truth, and those who have a different opinion, are not only "wrong from the start", but are "demonic or satanic".

Also, Bivolaru inoculcates in his students the idea that those who do not participate in the spiritual activities initiated by him,
are in danger of falling prey to demons and thus losing their chance for spiritual liberation (salvation).

In a ”Message after the end of the 2022 summer camp”, Bivolaru urges them to be aware of the treacherous game of the devils,
who succeeded in causing them not to attend those conferences, being manipulated by devils to lose the chance offered,
and the non-participation in those special conferences shows a work of the devils who puppeteered them.

Another form of isolation and control is through the oaths of keeping secrecy that followers who participate in certain actions must take.

Among other things, meditations were for the release of Gregorian Bivolaru from prison (March-April 2004),
meditations for the annihilation of the actions of the prosecutors involved in the criminal case against MISA
(meditation against the criminal case 6D in June 2007),
collective prayers with psalms around important deadlines in the criminal files of MISA leaders, but especially
series of actions consisting of fasting for 49 consecutive Sundays, for the annihilation of persecutions against MISA,
series running almost non-stop since 2004!

”Fasting for 49 consecutive Sundays, which is consecrated to God the Father for:
- the definitive stopping of all persecutions and abuses directed against Grieg (Bivolaru) and our yoga school;
- to be helped in these difficult moments that our yoga school is going through.”

Other examples of "occult" support actions in certain directions of political interest:

- meditations in support of president Emil Constantinescu (December 1, 1996 in Alba Iulia);

- meditations for the adoption of the Russian Constitution (unlimited mandates for Putin, disguised as the adoption of the family definition);

”Meditations in support of the eminently beneficial amendment of the Russian Constitution, which in this way will for the first time
make a clear reference to God, and the family will be defined as the freely consented union based on mutual love between a man and a woman.”

Obviously, a law or a Constitution cannot stipulate "that the freely-consented union between a man and a woman is based on mutual love"!
Who determines whether it is really mutual love and not interest?
This is an example of psychological manipulation by deception.

- the meditations supporting Donald Trump in what he undertakes to be eminently beneficial

the manifestation, through collective engagement, carried out in unison, of an intense state of justified beneficial revolt
which will act through an occult phenomenon and lead to the triggering of an inner process of strong awareness
which will encompass the masses of human beings on this planet, thus impelling them to move as is intelligent,
to annihilate the satanic evil that has recently appeared in the environment of this planet

Of course, MISA believes that all his intentions are good, but this is only subjective considerations.

7. Spiritual authority, alleged or real

The authors from MISA highlight that the members of the sects believe to be the only holders of the Truth and arrogate to themselves
a supreme spiritual authority which, in fact, has no foundation.
The yogic spirit does not admit any kind of absolutism, warning against "false prophets" and alleged spiritual guides.

The authors conclude that an infallible criterion to prove a sect is whether the group claims to be the "sole owner of the Truth.
The sect consider all other religions, spiritual paths or authentic groups as being in error.
The millennial YOGA system does not claim to be a unique spiritual path.

First of all, let's highlight the name of the organization: The Movement of Spiritual Integration in the Absolute!
That is, in Absolute Reality or Absolute Truth, what else?
The MISA and its spiritual Guide always claim to be supported by God Himself in all their actions, ascribing to themselves a messianic mission
through the Theophanic Charismatic Movement®,
which is declared as a spiritual community inspired by God, founded and  based on ineffable revelations and spiritual experiences
of  G. Bivolaru. The MCT motto is "With God, for God, in God, through God".

MISA and her Spiritual Guide turned these "revelations" into "trademarks", i.e. SOLE authors and holders!

In what can be called the "MISA MANIFESTO",
Bivolaru declared in February 2006 that he was inspired by God with a message that will be called the GOOD NEWS,
that according to the "prophecies of Sundar Singh" (proved false here!), MISA will be the most important spiritual school on the planet
where, under the direct guidance of God and the angels, it will prepare a new, quick and easy way for everyone to become
one with the Heavenly Father, without needing any intermediary.
The MISA Yoga School will be the nucleus of fundamental spiritual transformations for a long time to come which,
with the immense and mysterious help of God, they will first occur in Romania and then they will determine a planetary spiritual revolution.

So, Bivolaru claims that his supreme authority comes directly from God but, to ensure himself on Earth,
proclaimed to be of the highest spiritual lineage:
The spiritual line
"From the point of view of the yoga tradition, the integral esoteric yoga courses offered by MISA comes from the Gupta Maha Siddha Yoga line -
the esoteric tradition of high spiritual perfection and deep, ineffable communion with God.

Beyond belonging to this traditional lineage, we can state that the teachings of the MISA School of Esoteric Yoga pursued
to synthesize all that is divinely inspired and fundamental in known authentic spiritual traditionsto thus offer to all those sufficiently receptive
and prepared new or ancient direct ways of spiritual transformation and realization which are as accessible as possible to their current level."

If his own spiritual line is so high and leads directly to God, why did MISA not continue the tradition of his line
and betrayed it by taking "the path of the synthesis of all paths"?
Because, in reality, a particular spiritual lineage involves a succession of spiritual masters, but precisely Bivolaru
- the spiritual master of MISA - had no master, because
"since childhood he experienced overwhelming spiritual experiences, states of Cosmic Consciousness, and intuited that he would have an exceptional spiritual destiny.
God Himself revealed to him as a living reality, and the awareness of His mysterious presence awakened in him the aspiration for perfection
and the intense desire to help others to discover HIM.
He immediately understood that yoga offers very effective practical methods leading to the discovery of the Ultimate Truth.
He obtained remarkable results and profound inner transformations in a short time, which brought him to the position of being able to share with others
the mysteries of the millennial yogic tradition.
... he did not stop guiding them on the path to perfection, with great modesty and a permanent state of divine relay."

Especially with modesty!
Even passages from the Bible talk about him:
since a passage identified by the secret code of the Bible designates an exceptional being a "sent of God on Earth";
that what was written over 3000 years ago in the secret code of the Bible is being fulfilled here and now"without false modesty",
through the MISA yoga school, under the brilliant guidance of yoga teacher Bivolaru.

Gregorian Bivolaru (Grieg) - Biography
”While he was a child he often had recurring dreams about himself being a Tibetan Yogi of high spiritual attainment.
As a result of these dreams, he had many recollections of various yogic techniques that he started to practice with amazing results.
Because of this, he was able to attain in a very short time, by practising on his own, a whole series of psycho-mental accomplishment
that are generally considered paranormal.
All these experiments culminated at the age of 19, when he had a decisive breakthrough and attained the state of spiritual awakening.
His building of a western yoga school was founded on his own practical experience of the ancient methods for self-realisation.” 

The doctrine of MISA's specific lineage is secret (as are its spiritual lineage masters), but it is said that
accomplishes the synthesis of all paths.
Therefore, the traditional millennial ways have been transmitted in secret to this day, directly to MISA who,
from her own special traditional line, comes and make a refreshing synthesis!!!

Feeling that even in this way he would not be able to convince the most "skeptics", he shows some papers.
On Bivolaru's blog, his diplomas and certificates are posted, at an extremely low resolution (so that nothing can be seen,
analyzed and verified and so that anything can be claimed):
A certificate of participation in a Yoga course for a month in India(!) (between April and May 1990, in the Ved Niketan ashram in Rishikesh),
a certificate of registration as a member of AUPAC (France), as a yoga teacher and a certificate from... the Romanian Ministry of Culture!

A month in India (if Bivolaru was really in India then or ever) and... behold membership in the spiritual lineage
"of a high perfection"!
This is the "spiritual authority" of the New Messiah, the savior of humanity!
It is true that the diploma does not make the man, but neither do the claims shouted out loud!

Through the "intermediary" of MISA and its spiritual Guide, a new religion is revealed "without intermediaries" 😃,
superior to all other religions, which will thus be eliminated.
Clean tolerance, mr. Guru!

MISA and her Spirit Guide always claim to be the sole holders of the Supreme Truth.
In a conference on September 14, 2022, Bivolaru announced a new excellent news, a new revelation sent by God,
but which will be ignored by the foolish.

In the conference "Important esoteric arguments that we urgently need to think about - part 2", Bivolaru made the statement that
only within MISA is the secret of the Attributes revealed in an accessible form
(dismantled here, in the chapter "REVELATION" of the GODLY ATTRIBUTES),
a fact that would attest the definite inestimable value of these spiritual schools.

In addition to circulating false prophecies, the MISA leader has himself issued several warnings and prophecies over the years,
which, however, did not come true, although some were given as "99% certain".
On January 20, 2021, he announced in a conference that Donald Trump would remain president of the USA, even while the televisions
were broadcasting inauguration ceremony of the new president Biden!
As great a prophet as a great spiritual master...

The induced feeling of belonging to a group with a messianic attitude amplifies the arrogance of the followers and their isolation
from the "profane" society.
Since it does not consider itself a sect, MISA automatically claims that its Spiritual Guide is an authentic guide, a perfect sage.

For details, read the "Declared MISSION" subchapter in this article
as well as this article

criteria 6 - 7: checked!

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